



The Tennessee State Library and Archives is collecting as much biographical information as possible on all persons who have been members of our General Assembly, from the beginning in 1796 to the present. Included also are persons who served in the Territorial Legislature and those who sat in the North Carolina Assembly from counties later included in Tennessee. The project, when completed, will likely include some 5,500 individuals.

Since the great majority of these persons have not gained national prominence, it has been necessary to look for information in a wide variety of sources, most of which are local in character. For this reason, it has been advantageous to conduct the search county by county. Although the State Library and Archives has a considerable body of sources on most counties, it is inevitable that information so collected is often incomplete and subject to error.

Therefore, preliminary sketches are being written as studies of the various counties are completed. These sketches not only include what information we have on the individual, but they also indicate what is lacking to make the sketches as complete as planned.

There have been, in all, ninety-six persons to go to the legislature from Montgomery County. Obviously, information on some is scant, on others is reasonably full, and on many not as full as could be desired. In the back of this pamphlet is included a list of questions to which we have sought answers.

Members of the State Library and Archives staff hope that the sketches will interest many people; they also hope that persons who can correct errors or furnish missing information will write to the Research and Publications Unit, Tennessee State Library and Archives, 7th Avenue North, Nashville, Tennessee, 37219. Such cooperation will help make final sketches more correct and complete, if and when they are published in book form.

To this end, permission is hereby granted to news media, to the county historians, and to teachers to use the sketches in way best likely to stimulate interest and desired cooperation.

The preliminary sketches of legislators from Montgomery County were prepared by the late Dan M. Robison, while he was State Librarian and Archivist Emeritus. The conception of this Biographical Directory of the Tennessee General Assembly was Dr. Robison's, and it is our hope to continue and complete it as he would have wished.

      Robert M. McBride
      Director, Research and Publications

Wilmon H. Droze
State Librarian and Archivist

9 November 1970


Information needed to make biographical sketches accurate and complete. If individuals cannot supply full information, it is hoped they will give as much as they can.

Information on legislator himself or herself.

Full name; exact date and place of birth, exact date and
place of death and place of burial, if deceased.

Extent of education, showing where possible: schools and
colleges attended, with their location and years of attendance; degrees awarded, whether academic or professional.

Occupations and/or profession, with approximate dates and places.

Civil offices held, whether city, county, state, or national,
with approximate dates where possible. Since details of legislative service are available in State Library and Archives, it is not necessary to furnish that information.

Political party membership, including major party
  activities and positions.

  Church connections, with official positions held.

  Membership in fraternal orders, business or professional
  organizations, with official positions held.

  Service clubs, with official positions held.

  Patriotic or veterans' organizations with official positions

  Books or articles written or edited, with dates and places
  of publication where possible.

  Military record, showing: war in which he served; branch
  of military service; rank; decorations.

  Names of close relatives who served in the Tennessee
  General Assembly.

 Information on legislator's family connections. Note: All family
 information indicated below will not be included in biographical
 sketches. However, it will be held in State Library and Archives for
 benefit of future generations.

  Names of legislator's father and mother; dates and places
  of their births and deaths; names of their parents.

  Name of legislator's wife or wives (husband in case of woman
  legislator); date and place of birth; date and place of marriage; date and place of death, if deceased; names of
  spouse's parents.

  Names of legislator's children, showing by which marriage,
  if more than one; birth dates of children and death dates,
  if deceased; to whom children were married.

  Names of legislator's grandchildren and great-grandchildren,
  etc.; with available information about them.

  If there be a genealogical record of any family connected with legislator, please refer to it; if a copy is not already placed
  With the State Library and Archives, one there would benefit
 People in years to come. For a long time the State Library and Archives has welcomed copies of family records in Bibles; photographic copies are preferred.

Listing from Biographical Directory for Montgomery County

Allen, Nathaniel Hockett
Anderson, Alfred Ewin
Baggett, John
Bailey, Charles Henry
Bailey, James Edmund
Bell, William
Blackford, Joseph Nathaniel
Blount, Willie
Boaz, Sam E.
Broadbent, Ambrose Byron
Broome, James Jesse
Brown, William Little
Buck, Peter C.
Burney, Robert Harris
Carbon, Burrell Joseph
Cross, James William
Cunningham, James C.
Cunningham, John Talley
Daniel, William Madison
Davie, Montgomery D.
Davis, Staton, Jr.
Dowlen, Cicero
Drew, John
Dudley, Nathan B.
Dunbar, Samuel Cuyler
Dunbar, William Barlow
Edmondson, William David
Ewing, Thomas Polk
Fentress, James
Ferguson, Robert French, Jr.
Ford, James
Fort, Dancy
Goodpasture, Albert Virgil
Goodpasture, Ridley Rose
Graham, Jesse M. H.
Hamil, Dan Thomas
Harrell, George A.
Harvill, Halbert
Henry, Gustavus Adolphus
Hornberger, Jacob G.
House, John Ford
Huling, Frederick W.
Humphreys, Parry Wayne
Hussey, Michael M.
Jackson, Lawrence M.
Johnson, Robertson Yeatman
Johnson, Willie Blount
Jones, John W.
Kennedy, David Newton
Kimble, Herbert S.
Leach, Albert Martin
Ledbetter, Richard
Lyle, Berry
McCutchen, James N.
McGinty, Ewing Pike
McReynolds, Robert Louis
Marable, John Hartwell
Milliken, W. A.
Munford, Arthur Hendrick
Munford, William B.
Nelson, Robert
Norris, Robert L., Jr.
Northington, Nicholas L.
Osborne, John Bryan
Overton, William
Pardue, George M.
Peart, B. R.
Peay, Austin, III
Peay, Austin IV
Peay, John Hurst
Peterson, Isaac Roland
Poston, John Hamil
Quarles, William Anderson
Reynolds, James B.
Reynolds, Thomas Mack
Richardson, John M.
Rhodes, Rufus Napoleon
Riggins, Warren Wesley
Robb, Alfred A.
Runyon, Frank J.
Savage, Howard Lane
Shelby, John, Jr.
Slaughter, Guilford H.
Smith, Charles Gholson
Smith, Howell Cauvin
Stewart, Charles
Swift, William T.
Thornton, Samuel
Traughber, John Thomas
Turner, William K.
Tyler, John Duke
Warfield, Charles Perry
Welker, Paul D.
Whitfield, Hervey
Wickham, John William
Wines, William Guy

Biographies submitted by Jill Hastings-Johnson, Montgomery County Archivist

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