Overton, William (c. 1807 - ? )
HOUSE, 21st General Assembly, 1835-37; representing Montgomery County; Democrat. Information on Overton is scant. He was born in Virginia; son of Richard Overton. US Census of 1840 shows him to be between thirty and forty years of age and unmarried; in 1860 was living alone in Palmyra. Extent of schooling not determined; studied law; member of bar, Clarksville, Montgomery County, 1834. Described as a journalist, of great knowledge of political history, who retired early in life. In 1828, the Clarksville Chronicle was edited by Judge W. W. Overton; apparently there was a lapse in publication, for in 1833 another Chronicle was started with Overton as publisher and editor; by 1836 Ewing Pike McGinty was owner and editor of the Chronicle. It was during this period (1835-37) that Overton was a member of the legislature. No further information found.
Sources: Prepared Roster, House, 21st General Assembly; Titus, Picturesque
Clarksville, 24; Hyatt, The Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle, a History, 10;
Minutes, Montgomery County Court, Vol 13, 1824-25, p 123; files of Clarksville
newspapers, TN State Library; Beach, Along the Warioto, 75, 138; US Census,
1860, Montgomery County.'
Biographies submitted by Jill Hastings-Johnson, Montgomery County Archivist