Shelby, John, Jr.  (--?--   - 1817-18)

SENATE, 8th, 10th, and 11th General Assemblies, 1809, 1813-17; representing Montgomery, Dickson, Hickman, Robertson, and Stewart Counties in the 8th; and the counties of Montgomery, Humphreys, and Stewart in the 10th and 11th. The son of John and Louisa (Looney) Shelby, John Jr was born, probably in Green County, PA or Washington County, VA, sometime after 1750, in which year his parents were married, according to the best sources. Nothing has been found on the extent of the younger Shelby’s schooling. He was married, at an undetermined date and place, to Elizabeth Brigham, daughter of James Brigham; children – Alfred Moore, Louisa L., and Clark Molton. Senator Shelby came to Montgomery County from Sullivan County after 1792; he lived on Cumberland River, seven miles below Clarksville and four miles above Palmyra. Named, 1811, a trustee of Mount Pleasant Academy, Clarksville. He died in Montgomery County between the making of his will, Nov 15, 1817, and the date it was probated Apr 23, 1818. Place of burial not indicated. Cousin of Dr. John Shelby, sometime member TN General Assembly.

Sources:  Shelby, “A Report of the First Three Generations of the Shelby Family,” pp 6, 7, in Shelby file, TN State Library; Armstrong, Notable Southern Families, II, 311-13; Montgomery County Court Minutes, VIII (1817-18), p 154; Montgomery County Wills and Inventories, Vol B, 1811-18, p 384; TN Acts, 1812, ch. 57; Beach, Along the Warioto, 158.

Biographies submitted by Jill Hastings-Johnson, Montgomery County Archivist

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