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Thornton, Samuel  (  --?--  - c. 1811)

SENATE, 7th General Assembly, 2nd Session; representing counties of Montgomery, Dickson, Hickman, Robertson, and Stewart; elected to fill vacancy created by resignation of Parry W. Humphreys; served from
Apr 3, 1809 to Sep 17, 1809. Date and place of birth, names of parents, and extent of schooling not determined. Was taxed for land on Yellow Creek, Montgomery County, 1798; did jury duty and other work for county. Was married, but date and place of marriage and name of wife not determined; inventory of estate lists heirs Elizabeth Thornton, Rebecca Thornton, Phobe Allen, Mary D. Allen, Evilena Thornton, Harvey, and Orville Thornton. Died in Montgomery County between Oct 21, 1811 and Oct 1812; place of burial not determined.

Sources: Following Montgomery County records; Tax List, 1798; Wills and Inventories, Vol B, 130, 139; County Court Minutes, No 4, 1811-13, p 21; TN Senate Journal, 7th General Assembly, 2nd Session, 2, 99.

Biographies submitted by Jill Hastings-Johnson, Montgomery County Archivist

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