Allen, Nathaniel Hockett (1793 – 1871)

SENATE, 25th General Assembly, 1843-445 representing Montgomery and Robertson counties; Whig. Born in Rockingham County, NC., Jan. 8, 1793. Names of parents not determined. Attended "common schools"; studied law. Married, date not found, to Lucy A. Neblett, native of Virginia; children – Daniel D. and Agnes Ann. Date of removal to Montgomery County not determined; one of the first lawyers to practice in Montgomery and Robertson Counties; known as a criminal lawyer. Unsuccessful candidate for Congress on Whig ticket, 1841. Died at Clarksville, Montgomery County, Jan. 2, 1871; place of burial not indicated.

Sources:  Clarksville Jeffersonian, Nov. 7, 1846; Titus, Picturesque Clarksville, 21; Goodspeed, History of Montgomery County,
1001; Beach, Along the Warioto, 75, 88, 138.

Biographies submitted by Jill Hastings-Johnson, Montgomery County Archivist

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