The following obituaries are either from Warren County newspapers, or are for individuals associated with the county.
Many have come from the Southern Standard newspaper of McMinnville, TN. We thank them for their courtesy in allowing us to reprint these old obituaries. Additionally, contributions may be made for obituaries that have appeared in other, now defunct, newspapers such as the WARREN COUNTY TIMES, McMINNVILLE LEADER or the NEW ERA. Most of the archival copies of the SOUTHERN STANDARD are available on microfilm from the Tennessee State Library and Archives in Nashville.
If you have an old obituary that you would like to submit for this project, please contact us. We are thankful to all those who have offered submissions.
Note: These are not all the obituaries we have; they will be posted here on an ongoing basis.
- ADAIR, Victor P. (d. 1953)
- ADAMS, Edna Turner (d. 1990)
- ADAMS, Rose Askew (d. 1953)
- ADCOCK, Lula Edna (d. 1954)
- ADCOCK, I.D. (d. 2000)
- ADCOCK, Lakyn Michele (d. 1996)
- ADCOCK, Virgle Mai Watson (d. 1987)
- ADKINS, Columbus W. (d. 1953)
- AKEMAN, John Walton (d. 1952)
- AKEMAN, Mary Elizabeth Jaco (d. 1953)
- AKERS, Lucy Ann Prudence (d. 1952)
- ALEXANDER, Samuel Joseph (d. 1951)
- ALLEN, Lydia Mayfield (d. 1947)
- ALLEN, Susie Geneva (d. 1952)
- ALLISON, James Finis (d. 1949)
- ANDERSON, Homer (d. 1963)
- ANDERSON, Jo Alma Lusk (d. 1970)
- ANDERSON, Joe E. (d. 1941)
- ANDERSON, John Henry Tillman (d. 1947)
- ANDERSON, Luther (d. 1945)
- Anderson, William B. (Family Bible)
- ANDERSON, William Henry (d. 1952)
- ARGO, Fred (d. 1953)
- ARGO, Murray Bedford (d. 1949)
- ARNOLD, Alda Hobbs (d. 1998)
- ASHFORD, Irving R. (d. 1953)
- AUSTIN, Mattie M. (d. 1999)
- AUSTIN, Thulia Shockley Grissom (d. 1953)
- AUSTIN, William Edward (d. 1952)
- BAGLEY, Sam (d. 1902)
- BAILEY, Sarah Elizabeth (d.1952)
- BAIN, Benton Wayne Davis (d. 1952)
- BAIRD, A.J. (d. 1889)
- BAKER, Inas Lee (d. 1952)
- BAKER, Joe Harding (d. 1941)
- BAKER, William A. (d. 1953)
- BALES, William Anderson (d. 1950)
- BANKER, Chris C. (d. 1949)
- BANKS, Alice Clarice (d. 1998)
- BARBEE, Ellen (d. 1956)
- BARNES, Abbie E. (d. 1883)
- BARNES, Addie Marie (d. 1949)
- BARNES, B.W. (d. 1976)
- BARNES, Bobby Deering (d. 1953)
- BARNES, Cecil I. (d. 1953)
- BARNES, Charles Edward (d.1953)
- BARNES, E. Bruce (d. 1953)
- BARNES, Elzie A.J. (d. 1951)
- BARNES, H.L. (d. 1952)
- BARNES, Joel M. (d. 1926)
- BARNES, Lucy Nunley (d. 1950)
- BARNES, Martha Driver (d. 1953)
- BARNES, Mary Jane (d. 1926)
- BARNES, William Horace (d. 1953)
- BARNETT, Eugene Earl (d. 1952)
- BARRETT, James T. (d. 1995)
- BARRETT, Johnny Aubry (d. 1948)
- BARRETT, William Howard (d. 1956)
- BATES, Bridgett Gracelynn (d. 1998)
- BEAR, Teddy Samuel – (d. 1999)
- BEARD, Joe Emmett – (d. 1953)
- BEARD, Silas (Mrs.) – (d. 1952)
- BEASLEY, Joe D. – (d. 1952)
- BELL, Fred C. – (d. 1999)
- BELL, Isaac – (d. 1884)
- BELL, May Mullican – (d. 1939)
- BELL, Welthan May – (d. 1999)
- Ben Lomond School, Warren County, Tennessee 1923
- BENEFIELD, Bell Woodlee – (d. 1953)
- BENNETT, Brenda Nell – (d. 1953)
- BENNETT, James William – (d. 1953)
- BESS, Bobbie Kelley – (d. 1998)
- BESS, Byron – (d. 1952)
- BESS, Ida – (d. 1950)
- BESS, Robert Freeman – (d. 1990)
- BESS, Tom – (d. 1986)
- BESS, William M. – (d. 1935)
- BETCHEL, Emanuel C. – (d. 1926)
- Biography: BILES, J.C.
- Biography: BLACK, Thomas (Dr.)
- Biography: BURROUGHS, Thomas F.
- Biography: CARDWELL, H.J.
- Biography: COULSON, B.M.
- Biography: CUNNINGHAM, George W.
- Biography: ETTER, G.H.
- Biography: ETTER, W. (Capt.)
- Biography: FAIRBANK, David
- Biography: FAULKNER, Clay
- Biography: FAULKNER, Thomas H.
- Biography: FUSTON, W.J.
- Biography: GARTNER, John P.
- Biography: GRIBBLE, A.J.
- Biography: GROVE, Joseph R.
- Confederate Army – Company B formerly Company C – Warren, Tennessee
- Cunningham Family Bible
- Fletcher Family Bible
- Gannaway Family Bible
- George Michie
- Goodspeed’s History of Warren County
- Heirs of Moses Davis
- Henegar, Thomas Jefferson (Family Bible)
- Jordan, David Miller (Family Bible)
- July 2000 Queries
- July 2000 Queries
- Miscellaneous Research Aids
- Morford Family Bible
- Mullican Family Bible
- Obituary Contributors
- Queries
- Records & Resources
- Reggio, Edith Maxine – (d. 2002)
- Rust, Benedict (Family Bible)
- Smoot, John C. B. (Family Bible)
- Smoot, William (Family Bible)
- Surname List from 1820 Census Of Warren County
- Surname List from 1840 Census Of Warren County
- Tate House in 1880 (Group Photo)
- Thomas Brown Land record – 9/2/1812
- Thomas Vaughan Tennessee Land Records
- Thomas Vaughn Tennessee Land Record
- Topography of Warren County
- Walker Family Bibles
- Wanda Muncey Gant Records
- Warren County Districts, ca. 1950
- Warren County Poor Farm, Poor House, Almshouse Census Records
- Warren County TN Jail Petition ca. 1820
- Warren County TN Petition ca. 1830
- William Brown Land Records