Joe Stout's Civil War Project

Weakley County Confederates in the Civil War

  Joe passed away in 2013, we will miss him greatly.

oe spent a number of years compiling data on Civil War Veterans who "joined-up" from Weakley County or who lived in Weakley County after the War. Mostly his work is on the Confederate Soldiers. It has been thought that there were about 1100 Confederate Soldiers and 400 Union Soldiers who enlisted from Weakley County. Although Weakley voted both times NOT to succeed from the Union, once the majority of Tennessee voted TO SUCCEED, most of the men in Weakley "joined up" for the CSA.

These lists include known Soldiers - many sent in by their descendants. 
 Confederate Soldiers
Index A - Z - Comprehensive list of Soldiers with misc info about each one included. A few are not Weakley County but bordering counties or very interesting stories. Joe has spent years hunting and gathering information on these Soldiers - Thank you, Joe!

A   B   C   D-E   F-G   H-I-J   K-L-M   N-O-P-Q   R-S-T   U-V-W-X-Y-Z
*CSA - Burial List by cemetery - flags are placed on CSA Veterans tombstones each year or words spoken in their memory if no tombstone.
* 1910 Civil War Veterans Living in Weakley County by District per U.S. Census - both Confederate and Union.
Jeffrey Forrest Camp 323, Sons of Confederate Veterans

The SCV (Sons of Confederate Veterans) is committed to the preservation of the Confederate soldier's good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles he loved, and to see that the true history of the South is presented to future generations.

The Motto of the SCV is "Heritage not Hate."

We welcome anyone of any ethnic background to consider membership. Full Membership is open to all male descendants of any veteran who served honorably in the Confederate armed forces. This includes related ancestors to your direct line. We can also help you with your research to find these ancestors. Associate membership is available to those that can find no ancestors that were veterans.

Our camp meets the third Tuesday of each month at the Greenfield Community Center on the corner of Broad and S. Second St. in Greenfield, TN. at 7 p.m.


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