Joe Stout's Civil War Project
  Confederate Soldiers of Weakley County, Tennessee

F & G

Falwell, Elisha F., b. 8/12/1842: Co. A, 4th Tennessee Cavalry Enlisted as a Private on 15 October 1861 at Camp Cheatham at he age of 22. His horse was valued at $145. He was furloughed home sick on 2 Dec.1861 and remained unfit for duty and "probably will so remain".; (Parents; Moses and Sarah Alford Falwell)

Farabaugh, Frank, b.   ; 1910 Weakley Co., TN, District 17 lists him as a Confederate Veteran. Possible spelling of name and unit: Farbraugh, F.M. MO Arty.Regt.St.Guard Co.A  Artif.; (Parents; Unknown)

Farmer, Joel L., b. 1838; TN 20th (Russell's) Cav. Co.H; In the 1909 photo of Confederate Veterans of Sharon, TN; 1910 Weakley Co, TN, District 19 lists him as a Confederate Veteran. (Parents; John D. and Mary Unknown Farmer)

Farmer, John B. b. 8/31/1828; Private, Co. H, 7th TN Cavalry Reg.(Parents; John Flavil and Elizabeth Martin Farmer)

Farmer, Thomas, b. 9/22/1833; Confederate Soldiers of Kentucky - Thomas Farmer -which one of the following ?
  1. Jessee's Btn. Mtd. Riflemen, Co.C
  2. Rowen's Co. Partisan Rangers
  3. Co.K, 10th (Diamond's) Cavalry, Corporal (Kentucky - Virginia Mounted Rifles) 14th Kentucky Cav. (Parents; Burton and Rachel Unknown Farmer)
Farmer, William �Will� Henry b. 1842; Private, Co. H, 7th TN Cavalry Reg. (Parents; John Flavil and Elizabeth Martin Farmer)

Faulk, Joel Benjamin, b. 8/8/1826; TN 47th Inf. Co.A  1st Sgt.; In 1861 he joined Capt. White's volunteers, Forty-seventh Tennessee Infantry, Co A., and during the latter part of the war, was promoted to the rank of captain of the commissary department, and was not wounded or captured during his entire service.; (Parents; Jacob C. and Rebecca Schor Faulk)
Featherston, William J., b. 1818; TN 47th Inf. Co.C; (Parents; William J. and Sarah M. "Sally" Vaughn Featherston)
Ferrell, Calvin Henderson, b. 12/25/1837; 20th TN Cav. (CSA) Co. G. Enlisted December 1, 1863 in Dyer Co., T N, by Col. Bell for 3 years or the war. Sorrel mule valued at $1500. Present on roll for Mar/April 1864 as 1st Sergeant. On roll for May/June 1864 , "Sent to his command at Dalton, May 23, 64". Oath of Allegiance, May 20 , 1865; described as resident of Dyer Co., dark complexion, dark hair, hazel eyes, 6 ft.; In 1861 he enlisted in the Newbern "Blues" Twelfth Regiment, Tennessee Confederate Infantry. He was at Belmont and Shiloh, and was wounded and captured at the latter engagement. He was confined to Alton, Ill., for several months and was exchanged by accident in answering to another's name, the comrade being sick at the time. He rejoined his regiment, which had been changed from infantry to cavalry, and served until the close, participating in many fierce encounters.: (Parents; Dent and Charity Shaw Ferrell)
These were brothers who fought on opposite sides;
Finch, Jarrett, b. 3/6/1827; KY 7th Mtd.Inf. Co.B  1st Sgt.;  Jarrett's family had moved to Hickman Co., KY after his marriage in 1851,  so he enlisted with a KY regiment.  He did RETURN from the war but died in 1872 in Fulton Co., KY.  His wife was Martha Washington Robinson.  His brother, Adam Finch served in the Union Army in the 7th TN Cavalry, Co. L.  was captured at Union City, TN, March 24, 1864, and sent to Andersonville Prison where he died 6 months later. The following records are from the National Archives in Washington, D. C.; On 26 Sept. 1861 Jarrett Finch enlisted for 12 months as a Private in C o. B, 7th KY Mounted Infantry, Confederate States of America, at Camp Burnett, KY. From 1 Nov. 1861 to 1 Dec. 1861 he was a Wagon Master @ 25 cents/day. From 31 Dec. 1861 to March 1862 he was sick at Oxford Hospital in Mississippi. Jan. and Feb. 1862 he was listed as Present. From 29 March 1862 to 4 Apl. 1862 he was in the 1st Mississippi CSA Hospital in Jackson, Mississippi. On 13 July 1862 he appears on a list eligible for discharge (those under 18 or over 35). Jarrett was 35 on 6 March 1862. From 28 Feb. 1862 to 30 June 1863 the records show him Present--a Wagoneer. For the 240 days of duty from 1 Nov. 1862 thru 1 June 1863 he was pa id (@ 25 cents/day) $60 as a Teamster. From 1 Jan. to 1 June 1863 he was employed on extra duty. The records show him Present July and Aug. 1863, Sept. and Oct. 1863, and Nov. and De c. 1863. March and April 1864 show him promoted to 1st Sgt. on 1 April 1864. May and June 1864 he is shown as Present. Had a brother who was in the Union Army and died at Andersonville; (Parents; Jarrett and Elizabeth P. Hill Finch)
Finch, Adam, b.  abt. 1829; He served with the 7th TN Cavalry, Co. L, (Union).  Most of his regiment was captured at Union City, TN, March 24, 1864,  by a detachment of Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest,  commanded by Col. Wm. Duckworth.  Adam and his fellow soldiers were sent to Andersonville Prison where he remained until his death almost 6 months later (caused by scurvy (scorbutus) Sept. 12, 1864.  His grave number is 8555; Had a brother who served in the Confederate Army; (Parents; Jarrett and Elizabeth P. Hill Finch)
Fiser, Leander, b. 5/28/1843; Jackman's Regiment, Company H, Confederate Army Military Induction Aug 1862 Tennessee; (Parents; Willis Andrew and Offa Ridgeway Fiser)
Fiser, Robert H., b. 4/24/1841; KY Helm's 1st Cav. Co.B; Entered the Confederate Army in 1862, serving in Company C, of the Knox City Guards, his first engagement being a skirmish at Cheat Mountain. Helm was his regimental commander.; (Parents; Jo H. and Sarah B. "Sally" Pence Fiser)
Fitzgerald, Obediah Gardner, b. 7/29/1847; Fitzgerald, O.G. TN 12th (Green's) Cav. Co.G; TN 3rd (Forrest's) Cav. Co.I; Enlisted in 1863 and served until the close of the war.; (Parents; Obediah and Martha Patsy Mays Fitzgerald)
Fleming, B. White, b. 10/1/1846; TN 1st Cav. Co.A,H; He entered the army at the early age of sixteen, joining the First Tennessee Regiment, with Gen. Forrest, in 1863. He served through the remainder of the war and was neither wounded not captured.; (Parents; Andrew Jackson and Mary Elizabeth Jameson Fleming)
Flowers, Alexander B., b. 10/15/1840; In 1861 he enlisted in the Confederate Army as a private in the Thirteenth Tennessee Regiment, and after serving one year returned home.; (Parents; Henry and Mary Tyrena Rose Halliburton Flowers)
Flowers, Henry TN 12th (Cons.) Inf. Co.B; In July, 1861, he enlisted, and was so severely wounded at the battle of Shiloh that he was unfitted for further service and was sent home.; (Parents; Blake and Mahala Deer Flowers)
Fly, James Calvin, b. 4/28/1843; Served in the Civil War, he enlisted in the Confederate Army at Jackson, Tenn. in Nov., 1861. The company was known as Jeff Davis Guard, which joined the main Armv at Knoxville. later known as 38th TN Co. E, under Co!. Lung of Memphis. His first scout was on Nattachusky River. At this place, they captured 16 men after they had burned the bridge across the river. Threats were made to burn Morristown also. His first battle was at Shiloh, April 6 and 7, Sunday and Monday, 1862. The regiment of which he was a member led the charge which captured General Prentice's Brigade of three thousand men late Sunday afternoon, but Monday they were defeated, and had to retreat from the field. The Battle of Harrisburg, Ky. lasted one afternoon, was a bloody one. They lost manv men, but came out victorious. General Bull was defeated. After this battle, they left Ky. and came to Tenn. Thev were on this raid six weeks. During this time, food was scarce. Their only food was fat pickled pork and apples. They traveled many miles without no food and no water, except what came from goose ponds. After reaching Tenn., they had a battle at Murfreesboro during Christmas week of 1862, when Gen. Bull was defeated the second time. His next battle was Chicamauga, which took place Sept. 19, 1863. He was wounded in this battle before he fired a shot. (Parents; Micajah  and Loretta Lou Low Fly)

Ford, Andrew Jackson, b. 1837; Film # M231: Pvt. Co. B, 3rd TN (Forrest's) Cavalry. His brother Josiah Henry �Si� Ford serve in the Union Army; Pvt. Co. L 8th TN Cavalry 6th TN Cavalry, also called 1st West Tenn Cavalry. (Parents; James and Nancy Unknown Ford)

Ford, Martin G., b. abt. 1840; 1910 Weakley Co. TN, District 10 Census lists him as Confederate Veteran. (Parents Unknown)

Forrest, Aaron, b. 1828; Lt. Col. MS Cav. on an expedition in the 1964 hard winter campaign into West TN and West KY, Aaron became sick and died of pneumonia in Dresden, TN.; Parents; (William and Mariam Beck Forrest)

Forrest, Elisha King, b. 1831; Served in Calvary under N.B. Forrest; (Parents; Elisha and Sarah Vincent Forrest)

Forrest, Jeffery E., b. 1836; AL Cav. Forrest's Regt. Col.; TN 10th (DeMoss') Cav. Col.; TN 13th (Gore's) Cav. Col.; Killed in action in the Battle of Okolona, MS on Feb. 22, 1864; At Ivey's Hill, some six miles beyond Okolona, the Federals came to a stand. Dismounting, they occupied a timber-covered ridge and threw up a fence rail barricade across the road. Col. Jeffery Forrest, the general's youngest and favorite brother, led the attack on the Yankee roadblock. In the ensuing desperate fighting, Jeffery was shot through the neck and fell mortally wounded, within 300 yards of the enemy strong point His men faltered as they saw their leader fall, and, dismounting, they prepared to hold the ground they had gained. General Forrest, informed that his brother had been shot, galloped to the site and dismounted. Jeffrey died as Nathan Bedford cradled him in his arms and called out "Jeffery, Jeffery" in a voice choked with emotion. Satisfied that Jeffery was dead, Forrest kissed him on the forehead, laid him down, and called for Maj. John P . Strange, and, with tears in his eyes, asked him to take care of his brother's body. Parents; (William and Mariam Beck Forrest)

Forrest, Jesse N., b. 1829; Lt. Col. 21st. TN (Wilson�s) Cav.; On Monday, August 22 General Forrest made a daring raid into Memphis, TN. The expedition was commanded by Forrest in person and consisted of portions of eight or nine cavalry regiments, mostly from Tennessee and numbering from 1500 to 2000 strong. Arriving at Beal St., the rebels divided off in several squads and struck for the Gayoso House, Hospitals, Irving Block, and General Washburne�s headquarters on Union St. The latter was first visited by a force of about two hundred, under Lt. Col. Jesse Forrest, who entered and found it deserted, the General and his staff having but a moment before escaped. Jesse captured the General�s overcoat and started for the Gayoso House with his valiant horsemen, who rode right into the office of the hotel in search of General Hurlburt, who had also escaped. Parents; (William and Mariam Beck Forrest)

Forrest, Nathan Bedford, b. 7/13/1821; Lt. General in the Army of the Confederate States of America where he became a ledgend. Forrest City, AR was named after him. Many good books written about his life primarily during the war. One of the organizer's of the KKK who later resigned and called for its abandonment when the Klan started its atrocious acts rather than fignting for fairness and equality from the hands of the Republicans in Congress and the carpetbaggers and scalawags in the South. Commonly called the "Wizard of the Saddle." Never lost a battle and did not attend West Point but his tactics are taught to this day. Commanded the only Cavalry unit to ever win a Naval Battle at Johnsonville on the Tennessee River.; Parents; (William and Mariam Beck Forrest)

Forrest, Oren Perry, b. 6/13/1827; 1st LT, Co H {Texas Invincibles) 7th Regt, Tx Inf, Grandbury Brigade. Took over for Capt Hill when he was killed at Ft Donalson where Capt Orren was taken prisoner, later exchanged and wounded at battle of Raymond, MS. (Parents; Elisha and Sarah Vincent Forrest)

Forrest, William Hezekiah, b. 1825; Maj. Co. C 3rd TN (Forrest's) Cav.; Parents; (William and Mariam Beck Forrest)

Foster, Lucian Alben, b. abt. 1843; 2nd Co. F, 5th TN, Answered Questionaire. (Parents Unknown)

Fowler, Hardeman Dunn, b. 1832; Capt. Co. I, 1st NC, Inf. At the beginning of the Civil War he entered the Confederate service as Second Lieutenant of the First NC Regiment, and was made Captain of the same company. At the close of the war he married and emigrated to Cal, Duarte, Los Angeles Co.; ; -Attended Wake Forest 1853-1857, graduating an orator from his society and with a A.B. degree. (Parents; Joseph and Mary Smith Fowler)

Fowler, James A., b. 12/1/1843; Unit Unknown; died Marshall Co. AL. (Parents; Godrey and Mary Marphree Carnes Fowler)

Fowler, James Elisha, b. 5/2/1820; TN 5th Inf. 2nd Co.I Capt.; (Parents; William "Billie" and Mourning C. Crudup Fowler)

Fowler, Jasper, b. 1838; Unit Unknown, (Twin); (Parents; John and Elizabeth Kelley Fowler)

Fowler, John, b. Unknown; Killed Civil War - Battle Murfreesboro Tn; (Parents; Godrey and Mary Marphree Carnes Fowler)

Fowler, John Littleton, b. 12/19/1844; Unit Unknown; Died in Confederate Army; (Parents; David Washington and Elizabeth Dockery Fowler)

Fowler, John Littleton, b. 9/9/1840; Attended ordinary Tx schools until he entered McKenzie College, Clarksville, Red River Co, an eminent Methodist institution before the war. He had not finished his education there before the outbreak of hostilities took him, with many other young men of Tx, from the college ranks to the ranks of the Confederate Army. I have been unable to learn his war record but there is a military report before me dated Aug 28-29, 1862, signed J.C.Bates, Capt Co K, Sturnum's Reg. S.S. J.L. Fowler, Orderly Sergeant". The name of the military station is illegible. Another document "Office of Provost Marshal, Paducah, Ky, April 20, 1865 - Permission is granted to J.L. Fowler to pass beyond the guards and outposts of this command to the country. Light hair, gray eyes, light complexion, 6'0" high, Peculiarities 0. By command of J.J. Gupey, Colonel Commanding Post; Wm Gogan, Capt and Provost Marshal. Issued by M.C. Milledge. Good for 30 days.
He served thru the conflict and when peace ensured he went to Paducah, Ky, where he remained a year with his Fowler relatives there in the wharfboat business. He then returned to Texas where his father had rich landed interests. Five daughters and 2 sons were born to them, 4 daughters living to maturity: Susan Adella, Johnetta, Nora Estelle and Dorothy. He lived at Roxton the 1st yr of his marriage, then moved to Brookston, where he took charge of his large cotton plantation. His daughters were placed under the instruction of a governess. Mrs. Andrew Calhoun, until his removal to Paris, Tx, in 1880, when they were placed in the private school of Ms. Vesey. (Parents; John Hopkins and Elizabeth Alexander Fowler)

Fowler, Joseph Henry, b. 4/26/1833; During the Civil War his commercial interests were all confiscated by the Union government because he was suspected of strong Southern sympathies on account of having 3 brothers in the Southern army. But with pluck and energy he soon got another wharfboat and boat store and resumed business. At the end of that awful war two of his three brothers, Capt Dick and Major Gus - poor White gave his life for his country, came back to begin life anew and in Joe they found a true brother, indeed, who enabled them to resume the river business. Capt Fowler has been identified with river interests and steamboating for more than 40 years and has owned an interest in about 30 streamers, commanding several of them. ......etc, etc. At present he is the senior member of the firm of Fowler, Crumbaugh & Co a very extensive boat supply business, at the corner of First St and Broadway, Paducah. (Parents; Judge William "Wiley" Paul and Esther Araminta Given Fowler)

(Note: The following 3 Fowler brothers served the Confederacy as Captains of riverboats)
Fowler, Dixon Given �Dick�, b. 2/8/1830; When the South seceded Capt Dick, with his brothers, White and Gus, gave allegiance to his native land. He was made Captain in the Confederate ordinance department. Meanwhile Capt Joe Fowler, another brother, kept his interest in the river business and when Capt Dick returned at the end of the war, his brother Joe gave him the command of the Jim Fisk, then running between Paducah and Cairo. Subsequently he commanded the Idlewild until she was transferred by charter. Capt Dick then took charge of the elegant sidewheel steamer, Pat Cleburne, which took the Idlewild's place in the Paducah trade. (Parents: Judge William "Wiley" Paul and Esther Araminta Given Fowler)

Fowler, James White b. 1833; Soon civil war was declared and he allied himself to the Southern cause, serving bravely through the four years conflict. At the calamitous end, when preparing to RETURN home, broken in health and crushed in spirits, he died suddenly in Augusta Ga, March 23, 1865 and was buried in that city. He died unmarried.

Fowler, Littleton Augustus �Gus�, b. 2/25/1838; When the Civil War began he was in command of the fast and beautiful steamer Dunbar, running in the Evansville and Cairo trade. As his sympathies were decidedly with the South, he made several trips carrying contraband goods on board. Finally he was forced to run the Dunbar up the Tenn River, when he scuttled her near Florence, Ala., to prevent her falling a prize into the hands of the Federals. He then joined the Confederate Army under General John Morgan and was with that intrepid leader in all his raids until 1862, when young Fowler was captured at Lebanon, Tenn and sent to prison at Camp Chase, Ohio, where he was confined with other Southern patriots for 6 months. Upon his release he was exchanged, when he immediately accepted the position of Major on the staff of General Loring, where he remained to the termination of hostilities, always taking active part in all the battles Loring's command participated in. After the surrender General Loring went to Egypt to take command of the khedive's army when he offered Major Fowler a place of prominence if he would accompany him to that distant field; but the young man felt constrained to decline the flattering inducement, deeming it his duty to RETURN home and endeavor to retrieve family fortunes lost by war.

Fowler, William Broadus, b. 6/10/1825; Co. I, 1st NC Regiment When hostilities between the states began, he enlisted in Company I, First NC Regiment, serving in the seven days' battle around Richmond, at Mechanicsville, Malvern Hill and Fraunce's Tavern. He was a Lieutenant in the home guard stationed near Greensboro and Kingston, part of the time of the war. (Parents; Joseph and Mary Smith Fowler

Foy, James, b. abt. 1836; 7th Ky. CSA Co. A; Died in the Civil War in the Battle of Baker's Creek Mississippi. Richard and James Foy were brothers from Dukedom. Both joined the 7th Ky CSA. Co. A. Their first battle was at Shiloh. At the battle of Baker's Creek in Mississippi, James was killed and Richard buried him on the battlefield. Richard was taken prisoner and spent most of him time at Camp Lookout, Md. (Parents; William and Nancy Murrell Foy)

Fowlkes, Henry Lafayette, b. 11/26/1827; TN 20th (Russell's) Cav. Co.G; Fowlkes, H.L. TN 4th Inf. Co.K  Capt.; In May, 1861, Mr. Fowlkes enlisted in Company K, of the Fourth Tennessee Confederate Regiment, and was elected first lieutenant, but when the company was finally organized he was elected captain, succeeding Strall. After the reorganization at Corinth, he joined Forrest's command. he was in the battles of Brice's Cross Roads, Oklahoma, Athens, Sulphur, Fussell and in numerous skirmishes. He remained in the service until the close of the war. Enlisted December 1, 1863 in Dyer Co., T N, by Col. Bell for 3 years or the war. Absent on roll for Mar/April 1864 , "On detached service since Dec 8, 63". Present on roll for May/June 1864, "On extra duty since Dec 8, 63 Forage Master for the Division." On roll of prisoners surrendered at Citronelle, AL, May 4, 1865. Residence Newbern, TN. Source: Compiled Service Records [R,C ]; (Parents; Henry and Nancy Green Fowlkes)
Fowlkes, William P., b. 10/2/1842; TN 4th Inf. Co.K; In May, 1861, he joined Company K, Fourth Regiment Tennessee Infantry, and after the reorganization of the army, was transferred to Forrest's cavalry. Soon after his marriage Mr. Fowlkes returned to his command and served until the fall of 1864, when he returned home, owing to the failure of his eyesight, losing the sight of one entirely. (Parents; William P. and Mary Ann Fowlkes)
Foy, James, b. abt. 1836;  Co A 7th Kentucky Infantry; Died in the Civil War in the Battle of Baker's Creek Mississippi; Richard and James Foy were brothers from Dukedom. Both joined the 7th Ky CSA Co. A. Their first battle was at Shiloh. At the battle of Baker's Creek in Mississippi, James was killed and Richard buried him on the battlefield. Richard was taken prisoner and spent most of him time at Camp Lookout, Md.; (Parents; William and Nancy Murrell Foy)
Foy, John B. �Bart�, b. 9/10/1845: Ky Reg Company E 3 VCV Forest Calvary CSA 1861-65; (Parents; James S. and Sarah Unknown Foy)

Foy, Richard, b. 11/24/1839 ; 7th Ky. CSA Co. A, prisoner Camp Lookout in MD; (Parents; William and Nancy Murrell Foy)

Frazier, William Boling G., b. 7/6/1841; TN 20th Inf. Co.A; Davidson Co., Fought in Battle of Shiloh; Widow Pension #w7404; (Parents Boling G. and Jane Carr Frazier)
Frields, Benjamin F., b. abt. 1842; TN 5th Inf. 2nd Co.E; (Parents; David and Catherine Unknown Frields)
Freeman, Anderson A., b. 5/15/1844; Co. B, King's Kentucky Battalion; Enlisted: 1861, Graves Co., Kentucky He surrendered in the spring of 1865 at Selma, Alabama; (Parents; Richard and Aplona Morris Freeman)

Freeman, James Monroe, b. 3/6/1833; Sgt. Co. B, King's Kentucky Battalion; Co.B, 1st Confederate Cavalry; War Department - The Adjutant General's Office - 9 Sept.1925. The records show that J. M. Freeman, 2nd Co.B, 1st Confederate Cavalry, was enlisted 16 Sept.1861 at Fulton Station, Ky. Muster roll 30 Oct.1863 to 30 June 1864 (latest on file) show him present, a 2nd Sergeant. No later record as of this organization found. The 1st Confederate Cavalry, was formerly a part of the 1st (King's) Battalion Kentucky Cavalry, CSA. He was captured at Selma, Alabama in April and paroled in May at Columbus, Miss. in 1865. His brother Anderson A. Freeman also fought in King's Kentucky Battalion.; (Parents; Richard and Aplona Morris Freeman)
Frost, Wade H. TN 33rd Inf. Co.D  Capt.; enlisted at Union City in Otho French Strahl�s unit.; (Parents; Unknown)
Fullerton, Henry T., b. 4/16/1840; TN 13th Inf. Co.D; 1861 enlisted in the Confederate Army. He was wounded at the battle of Belmont in 1861, and severely wounded at Shiloh in 1862. He was discharged in 1863, came home the same year and began the study of medicine at Yorkville, Tenn.; (Parents; John Sharp and Rachel Thomas Fullerton)
Gaines, Bernard Moore, abt. 1828; Gaines, B.M. TN 12th (Cons.) Inf. Co.G  2nd Lt. 20th TN Cavalry Company B. Wounded at Harrisburg. On Prisoner rolls: captured at Athens, AL, November 28, 1864; admitted to USA Post Hospital, Huntsville, AL; held at Nashville, TN; received at Military Prison, Louisville, KY, January 2, 1865; discharged to Ft. Delaware, January 9, 1865; Oath of Allegiance at Fort Delaware, DE, June 17, 1865; described as resident of Carroll Co., TN, light complexion, light hir, grey eyes, 5 ft 11 in. Appears to have served in the 12th Consolidated Tennessee Infantry before joining Russell's Regiment. Source: Compiled Service Records [R] Bernard served in Company B of Russells Tennessee Cavalry as a 2nd Lieutenant � Confederate; (Parents; Henry Pendleton and Lucy Simms Randle Gaines)
Gaines, Henry Pendleton, b. 1/31/1839; TN Inf. 2nd Cons.Regt. Co.B; (Parents; Henry Pendleton and Lucy Simms Randle Gaines)

Gallimore, John R., Jr., b. 3/1835; Henry Co.; Co. C., 46th Regiment TN Inf. CSA The August 22, 1958 edition of The Weakley County Press says that in 1861 William M. Gallimore enlisted in Henry County, along with brothers John R. Gallimore, Jr., and Samuel Joshua Gallimore, Sr.; (Parents; John R. and Roseanna Andrews Gallimore, Sr.)

Gallimore, Samuel Joshua, b. 6/5/1844; 46th Regiment, TN Infanctry, CSA.; Buried in Travis Chapel (United Methodist Church) Cemetery, west of Dresden toward Sharon. His grave is located in the northeastern part about half-way back. (Parents; John R. and Roseanna Andrews Gallimore, Sr.)

Gallimore, William M., b. 11/1836 ; Henry Co., 46th Regiment TN Inf. CSA; (Parents; John R. and Roseanna Andrews Gallimore, Sr.)

Gant, Jr., Absolom Bobo, b. 10/30/1832; Captain/Major, Co. K, 9th TX Cavalry, C.S.A.,; Gant, Absalom B. TX 9th Cav. Co.A  Capt.; (Parents; Absolom Bobo and Mary Boone Gant, Sr.)

Gardner, Algernon Colgate, b. 1841; Co. H - Private Russells 20th; Goodspeed: In 1861 he enlisted in Company G, Ninth TN Infantry and after the Battle of Shiloh was promoted to the office of Captain and held that position until the close of the war. He was in 23 engagements.; (Parents; John Almus (Col) and Ritty Maria Terrell Gardner)

Gardner, James R., b. abt. 1829; TN 20th (Russell's) Cav. Co.H  Capt.; Died 1864 in Civil War; (Parents; John Almus and Patience Whitehead Gardner)

Gardner, Joseph Orlando, b. abt. 1847; Possible Unit; Gardner, J.O. TN 20th (Russell's) Cav. Co.H,G. Brother of Algernon Colgate Gardner. He was killed at the battle of Guntown, Miss. (Parents; John Almus (Col) and Ritty Maria Terrell Gardner)

Gardner, Washington D. C., b. 3/11/1831; TN 9th Inf. Co.G 1st Lt. Joined Company G ("The Hickory Blues",) the first company to be organized in Weakley County before the start of the war. He was mustered into The Ninth Tennessee Infantry at Gardner. He was killed in the battle at Shiloh and is buried in Joshua Gardner's Cemetery west of Gardner, Tennessee. He was the son of Joshua and Sarah Caroline (Donelson) Gardner. Born March 11, 1831 in Henry County and died April 19 at Shiloh. (As a sidelight, the women of Gardner made the flag for Company G.) (Parents; Joshua and Sarah Caroline Donelson Gardner)

Gardner, William H. b ; TN 9th Inf. Co.G; (Parents; Alfred and Mary Ann Stovall Gardner)

Garner, William Thomas, b. 9/1838; TN 52nd Inf. Co.B; (Parents; William and Elizabeth Unknown Garner)
Garrett, Flewellyn, b. 7/1843; TN 19th & 20th (Cons.) Cav. Co.D  Sgt.; Garrett, F.E. TN 20th (Russell's) Cav. Co.K  Sgt.; F. Euel Garrett; Company K. Enlisted September 1, 1863 at Cottage Grove, TN, by Capt. Bowman for the war. Absent on roll for Mar/April 1864 as 4th Sergeant, "Elected 4th Sergt Sept 22, 1863, left sick April 28". Absent on roll for May/June 1864, "Sick in Tenn. Left by permition [sic] from Col. Greer April 1, 1864". On roll (as 4 Sgt.) of prisoners surrendered at Citronelle, AL, May 4, 1865. Residence Weakley Co. TN. The Index to Tennessee Confederate Pension Applications shows that Tennessee pension application #16264 was filed by F.E. Garrett of Weakley County for service with the 19th & 20th (Consolidated) Cavalry. An E. Garrett, b. ca. 1842, attended a 1928 Veteran's Reunion in Dresden, Weakley Co., TN.
Source: Compiled Service Records [R,C]; Index to Tennessee Confederate Pension Applications.; 1910 Weakley Co, TN, District 6 lists him as a Confederate Veteran..; (Parents; Noah and Elizabeth Unknown Garrett)

Garrett, Noah Jackson, b. abt. 1841; TN 20th (Russell's) Cav. Co.K
Enlisted September 1, 1863 at Cottage Grove, TN, by Capt. Bowman for the war. Absent on roll for Mar/April 1864, "Absent without leave from April 20, 1864". Present on roll for May/June 1864. Appears to have belonged to the 33rd Tennessee Infantry before joining Russell's Regiment. On roll of prisoners surrendered at Citronelle, AL, May 4, 1865. Residence Weakley Co. TN. (Parents; Noah and Elizabeth Unknown Garrett)
Garrett, T. President "Pres", b. abt. 1838; TN 20th (Russell's) Cav. Co.K; Enlisted September 1, 1863 at Cottage Grove, TN, by Capt. Bowman for the war. Gray mare valued at $600. Present on roll for Mar/April 1864. Present on roll for May/June 1864. On roll (as 3 Sgt.) of prisoners surrendered at Citronelle, AL, May 4, 1865. Residence Weakley Co. TN. Source: Compiled Service Records [R,C] (Parents; Noah and Elizabeth Unknown Garrett)
Gaskins, Thomas Green, b. abt. 1839; TN 15th Inf. Co.A,G
1910 Weakley Co., TN, District 11 lists him as a Confederate Veteran.
NAME:  Gaskins,  Thomas Green
PENSION #:  S11889
COUNTY:  Weakley
UNIT:  15th Inf.
(Parents; Unknown)
Gauldin, Doney W., b. 2/7/1828;  TN 20th (Russell's) Cav. Co.G; November, 1863, he enlisted in Company G, Fifteenth Tennessee Calvary, under Gen. Bell, and was in a number of sharp skirmishes. At the time of the surrender he was at home obtaining supplies for the artillery. Most of the time he served in the quartermaster's department.; (Parents; Michael O. B. and Margaret Frances Gaulding Gauldin)
Gauldin, John W., b. 9/7/1831; 20th TN Cavalry (CSA) Company G. Enlisted December 1, 1863 in Dyer Co., T N, by Col. Bell for 3 years or the war. Roan horse valued at $1500. Prese nt on roll for Mar/April 1864. Absent on roll for May/June 1864, "Absen t without leave since May 24, 1864". Source: Compiled Service Records [R ]; When the war commenced he enlisted in Company F, Twenty-second Tennessee Infantry. He was captured near Gallatin, and taken to Louisville where he was held five weeks, then removed to Nashville, and in two weeks was paroled; he then returned home and in two months joined the cavalry, under Gen. Bell, in which he served as provost until the spring of 1864, when he was transferred to the Bull brigade, and until the close of the war was engaged in receiving provisions for the army.; (Parents;
Gay, Archer Thomas "Tom", b.3/16/1831;  Paroled (as Capt. Co. E 19/20th Regiment) 11 May 1865 at Gainesville, AL. Born in Tennessee. Enlisted as private in the 31st TN infantry in April 1861. Served with the 31st until after the battle of Chattanooga. Later joined the 20th. Served as Captain, "E" Company until the surrender at Gainesville. Died ca. 1901 in Young County, TX. Source: Compiled Service Records [C]; Confederate Veteran 9(3): 132, March 1901. He resided in Gibson Co, TN in 1860 (with John Hill family, page 248A, family 705) and 1870 (page 324B, family 183).  He was a Captain in Co E of the 19th and 20th Consolidated TN Cavalry.  In 1878 he moved his famiy to Dallas Co TX and then boutht land west of Graham, TX.  He died in the capitol, Austin, TX, a representative of the 104th legislative district.; (Parents; John and Maria Anderson Clay Gay)
Gay, John Henry, b. 1/7/1845; Killed in action during the Civil War, at Water Valley, Yalobusha County, Mississippi.
Gay, Jordan, b. 3/19/1832; 20th TN Cavalry Company G. Enlisted April 1, 1864 in Gibson Co., TN, by Capt. Gay for 3 years or the war. Roan horse valued at $800. Present on roll for Mar/April 1864. Source: Compiled Service Records [R]; (Parents; John and Maria Anderson Clay Gay)
Gay, James Newton, b. 2/18/1838; 20th TN Cavalry  Company A. Enlisted August 24, 1863. Bay mare valued at $1500. "Not stated" on roll for Mar/April 1864. Elected 2nd Lieutenant August 24, 1863, reelected February 5, 1864. Source: Compiled Service Records [R]; (Parents; John and Maria Anderson Clay Gay)
Gay, William, b. 1/22/1827; 20th TN Cavalry Company A. Enlisted August 24, 1863. Sorrell valued at $600, brown at $900. "Not stated" on roll for Mar/April 1864. Elected Captain August 24, 1863, reelected February 5, 1864. Paroled as Major 19/20 Consolidated Regiment, Gainesville AL, May 11, 1865. Born 1827. In 1861, entered service as Captain in the 47th TN Infantry. After the army reorganization at Corinth in 1863, returned home and organized Company "A" of the 20th. In last year of the war, promoted to Major of the regiment. After war, farmed, raised livestock. Trustee of Gibson County, TN in 1886. Died 22 Mar 1901 near Trenton, Gibson Co., TN. Survived by 3 sons and 2 daughters. Active in the UCV ca. 1891. Source: Compiled Service Records [R,C], Confederate Veteran 9(4): 176, April 1901; Culp & Ross (1961), p. 44.; (Parents; John and Maria Anderson Clay Gay)
Gay, Zachariah Taylor, b. 2/21/1847; 20th TN Cavalry Company G. Filed as "Z.T. Guy" in compiled service records, but contents indicate "Gay" is correct. Enlisted July 1, 1864. Killed in action at Athens, September 24, 1864. Effects turned over to brother, Lt. J.N. Gay. Source: Compiled Service Records [R]; (Parents; John and Maria Anderson Clay Gay)

Gaylord, Francis Marion, b. 3/14/1847; Unit unknown; In the 1909 photo of Confederate Veterans of Sharon; 1910 Weakley Co., TN District 19 Census lists him as a Confederate Veteran. (Parents; William and Sarah Unknown Gaylord)
Gaylard, John L., b. 3/31/1839; TN 12th (Cons.) Inf. Co.E; Gaylard, J.L. TN 12th Inf. Co.G; Civil War veteran wounded at Battle of Shiloh. 1910 Weakley Co., TN District 8 Census lists him as a Confederate Veteran.
NAME:  Gaylord,  John L.
PENSION #:  S12317
COUNTY:  Weakley
UNIT:  12th Inf.
(Parents; William and Sarah Unknown Gaylord)
George, Peter Everett, b. 10/14/1845; Co. A 12th Regiment, Kentucky Cavalry; 12th Cavalry Regiment [also called 1st Kentucky and Tennessee Regiment] was organized and mustered into Confederate service at Verona, Mississippi, in September 1863. The unit was assigned to General Lyon's Brigade and sustained 55 casualties in the expedition from Memphis into Mississippi and 94 in the fight at Harrisburg. Later it saw action in Alabama and during March 1865, merged into the 8th Kentucky Infantry (Mounted) Regiment. It was commanded by Colonel W.W. Faulkner, Lieutenant Colonel W.D. Lannom, and Majors John M. Malone and Thomas S. Tate, Jr.  Peter was member of United Confederate Veterans Camp, J.B. Ward Camp in Hickman; (Parents; Goodwin and Emily Unknown George)
Gibbs, Jesse Allen, b. abt. 1835;
Possible Unit:
Gibbs, J.A. TN 31st Inf. Co.I  Bvt.2nd Lt.;
Gibbs, J. TN 3rd (Forrest's) Cav. Co.B;
NAME:  Gibbs,  Jesse Allen.
WIDOW:  Gibbs,  Ella Virginia
PENSION #:  W5848
COUNTY:  Weakley
(Parents; Jesse Ange and Sarah M. Hartsfield Gibbs)
Gibbs, John C., b. 2/4/1824; Co. G, 12th TN Inf.; Enlisted in 1861 and after a year's faithful service was discharged on account of disability. Previous to the war he had been engaged in merchandising at Lynn Point; but the war swept away nearly all his property.: (Parents; Turner R. and Harriet E. Smith Gibbs)
Gibbs, Wesley B., b. 5/18/1848; 1910 Weakley Co., TN District 2 Martin lists him as a Confederate Veteran
Gibbs, W.B. NC Gibbs' Co. (Loc.Def.)
Gibbs, W.B. VA 14th Cav. Co.K
(Parents; William D. and Emily Unknown Gibbs)
Gibson, Benjamin Franklin b. 10/3/1843; Gibson, B. F.; Confederate Infantry; 5th Regiment 2nd Co. F, Tennessee Infantry. 1910 Weakley Co, TN, District 23 lists him as a Confederate Veteran. In 1903 he applied for a Confederate Soldier's pension stating, he was injured at the battle of "Shilo" by being thrown from a horse resulting in a complete fracture of his left collar bone causing the drooping of his left shoulder it causing partial loss of use of his left arm which has gradually grown worse. He was shot at Harrisburg, Mississippi in left side just above the hip, the ball going toward the spinal column and fracturing one of the dorsal vertebrae. He was paroled out of the army at Paducah, Kentucky and did not take the oath of allegiance to the United States Government.
NAME:  Gibson,  B.F.
PENSION #:  S4611
COUNTY:  Weakley
UNIT:  5th Inf.
NAME:  Gibson,  Benjamin Franklin.
WIDOW:  Gibson,  Martha L.
PENSION #:  W5488
COUNTY:  Weakley;
(Parents; William �Buck� and Rebecca Unknown Gibson)

Gilliam, Willis Nelson b. 2/22/1842; 31st TN Inf. CSA. At the battle of Perryville, KY was wounded in the left arm with a minnie ball resulting in amputation. Paroled in 1863 but returned to CSA serving with a wagon train until the end of the war. Buried Meridian Cemetery. (Parents; William Matthew Gilliam)

Glass, John M., b. 12/27/1843; 20th (Russell's) Cav. Co.I; TN 19th & 20th (Cons.) Cav. Co.E; Company I. Enlisted April 1, 1864 at Eaton, TN, by Col. Bell or Col. Russell for 3 years. Grey mare valued at $1100. Present on roll for Mar/April 1864. Present on roll for May/June 1864. Wounded "slightly right hand" at Tishomingo Creek (mentioned in Hollis diary). Wounded at Harrisburg. On report of absentees and deserters, Verona MS, Feb. 28, 1865. Residence Weakley Co. TN; probable whereabouts Dresden. Born ca. 1844. Living Weakley Co. TN, 1928. The Hollis diary has an entry stating that Glass was sworn into service on April 2, 1864.
Source: Compiled Service Records [R,C]; Hollis diary (Chester (1985); Richard Miles pension application; Baker & Reynolds (1982), p. 147.; (Parents; Thomas and Malinda R. Martin Glass)

Glenn, Robert J., b. 1/3/1805; Possible Unit;
Glenn, Robert TN 16th (Logwood's) Cav. Co.D
Glenn, Robert TN Inf. 22nd Bn. Co.B
Tombstone reads; Robert J. GLENN b. July 3, 1805 d. April 10, 1861 - Confederate Soldier - husband of Mary H. JENKINS GLENN; (Parents; Unknown)

Goad, James Edward, b. 10/8/1842; TN Lt. Arty. Sparkman's Co; He was 17
years old and living at home in Maury County, Tennessee with his father and
mother, W. Lewis and Margaret Jane Moore Goad in 1860. He joined the
Confederacy after this, probably in 1861, in the Maury Light Artillary and
served until 1864. He was a POW at Canp Douglas, Illinois and was paroled at
Port Hudson, Louisanna.; (Parents; Lewis and Margaret "Peggy" Jane Moore

Goad, John C. b. 12/20/1840; TN Lt.Arty. Sparkman's Co.; John served in the
Maury Light Artillery and 9th Cavalry, during the Civil War. He drew pension
P-6649. He was POW at Camp Douglas, Illinois and wounded in action and
paroled with disability at Port Hudson, Louisianna. James Edward Goad was
also a POW at Camp Douglas, Illinois and was paroled at Port Hudson,
Louisianna. There were 135 members of the Maury Light Artillary not counting
replacements. The MLA was also known as Sparkman's Battery. John was wounded in the leg during the war. He was homesick and sent for father and mother. John served as constable near Theta. (Parents; Lewis and Margaret "Peggy" Jane Moore Goad)

Godwin, Samuel W., b. 2/19/1831; TN 48th (Voorhies') Inf. Co.K  Asst.Surg.; Godwin, Sam W. GS Gen. & Staff  Asst.Surg.; He became assistant surgeon of the Forty-eight Tennessee, serving throughout the war; (Parents; Seth R. and Nancy M. Vestal Godwin)

Goldsby, Elias Akin, b. 9/9/1823; Co K, 51st Reg't Tennessee Inf. CSA nurse in army hospital in Jackson, TN; Buried at Everett Chapel Cemetery; (almost directly behind church) ( Parents; Stephen and Deborah Akin Goldsby)

Goldsby, Robert Graham, b. 11/1828; 1st Sgt. Co. K, 51st Regiment, TN Inf. He enlisted on Nov. 28, 1861, at Oakwood for one year. .... This was the same day that his cousin Elias Akin Goldsby enlisted. .... Robert appears on the wounded list of the 1st Dividsion, Right Wing, Army of the Mississippi in the engagement near Perryville, KY on Oct. 8, 1862.; (Parents; Edward T. and Minerva Graham Goldsby)

Gooch, James Cozart, b. 5/26/1842; He joined the Confederate Army and went out as second lieutenant of Company I, Twenty-seventh Tennessee Infantry, under Col. Kit Williams. He was elected first lieutenant after the battle of Shiloh, but in the latter part of 1862 was discharged on account of disability, and was authorized to raise a company of cavalry. He became captain of the company, and joined Forrest's command in 1863. He participated in many hotly contested battles, and was surrendered at Gainesville, Ala., in 1865.

Goodwyn, Sr., John Hudson, b. 6/16/1838; Possible Units; Goodwyn, J. AL 9th Inf. Co.A; Goodwyn, J.H. SC 1st Inf. Co.A; Goodwin, John H. AL 22nd Inf. Co.B; (Parents; William Alfred and Sarah Witten Goodwyn)

Graham, James Douglas, b. 6/5/1844; TN 31st Inf. Co.C; September, 1861, when he enlisted in Company C. Thirty-first Tennessee Infantry, Confederate States Army, and served until the close of the war. He was wounded at Murfreesboro, and was captured at Missionary Ridge, and held a prisoner of war from 1863 until May, 1865, at Rock Island, Ill.; (Parents; J. L. H. and Eliza D. Hill Graham)

Granade, William Richard, b. 12/28/1838; 5th Infantry Regiment completed its organization at Paris, Henry County, Tennessee, in May, 1861. Its members were recruited in Henry and Benton counties. The unit fought at New Madrid/Island No. 10 , Shiloh, and Perryville before being assigned to Strahl's, Stewart's, and Palmer's Brigade, Army of Tennessee. During December, 1862, it was reduced to five companies, and consolidated with the 4th Tennessee Volunteers. It participated in the various campaigns of the army from Murfreesboro to Atlanta, returned to Tennessee with Hood, and was active in North Carolina. This regiment lost 8 killed, 68 wounded, and 12 missing at Perryville, and the 4th/5th reported 76 casualties at Murfreesborough, 33 at Chickamauga, and 63 at Missionary Ridge. In December, 1863, the 5th totalled 167 men and 106 arms, but only a remnant surrendered on April 26, 1865. (Parents; John A. and Mary S. Manly Granade)

Grayson, John A. b. 10/23/1832; AR 1st Mtd.Rifles Co.E; Grayson, J.A. GS Gen. & Staff AQM; in 1861 joined Company E., First Arkansas Mounted Riflemen (Churchill), and after serving one year in that regiment, was transferred to the Thirteenth Arkansas Infantry, and was elected first lieutenant. After the consolidation of the Thirteenth and Fifteenth Regiments he was made quartermaster and filled the position until the cessation of hostilities; (Parents; Benjamin and Jane Lamb Grayson)
Green, William Allen, b. 3/24/1843; 3rd (Clack's) Inf. Co.K;  (No marker but dau. Nettie Curella Green 9/9/1881 - 12/1/1892) (NOT LISTED IN CEMETERY BOOKS) (DAU. IS LISTED. 1910 Weakley Co, TN, District 6 lists him as a Confederate Veteran.
NAME:  Green,  William Allen
PENSION #:  S917
COUNTY:  Weakley
UNIT:  3rd Inf.
(Parents; Frederick and Rutha Dial Green)
Gregory, George W., b. 7/4/1844; TN 20th (Russell's) Cav. Co.G; Enlisted December 1, 1863 in Dyer Co., TN, by Col. Bell for 3 years or war. Black mule valued at $550. Present on roll for Mar/April 1864. Present on roll for May/June 1864. Source: Compiled Service Records [R ] April, 1863, he entered the Confederate Army, under Capt. Daniel E. Parker, and was in the battle of Athens, Ala., Franklin, and a number of others. He returned home in April, 1865.; (Parents; William C. and Lucinda P. McKamie Gregory)

Green, William Allen, b. 1842; Possible Unit TN 22nd Inf. Co.E; (Parents; Frederick and Rutha Dial Green)

Griffin, James Pleasant, b. 10/10/1842; Co. D, 27th NC Inf CSA. Enlisted 16 Sep 1861. Wounded at Manassas, VA on Aug 29, 1862 and was reported absent wounded until about 5 Oct 1864, when he was retired to the Invalid Corps. He moved his family to Weakley Co. TN during the Winter of 1877, where they leased some land from Bob Scott adjacent to where Travis Chapel now stands which he farmed. He filed his Soldiers Application for Pension on 9 May 1893, which was approved. His wife Elizabeth Stacks. He remarried Mary "Polly" Ann Herren in Weakley County on 13 Jan 1898. He died on 1 Mar 1915 and is buried next to his first wife at Travis Chapel. (Parents; John and Nepsy Brigman Griffin)

Griffin, William S., b. 6/29/1831; Co. A, Ham's Regiment, Mississippi Calvary, 1st Battalion Mississippi State Calvary. (Parents; John and Nepsy Brigman Griffin)

Grooms, Charles Robert.; b. 1824 d. January 1904; Co. A 31st Regiment, Tennessee Infantry (A.H. Bradfords) Buried Meridian Cem. (Parents; Stephen H. and Winiford Winders Grooms)

Grooms, James Marshall, b. 6/2/1829; Co. A 31st Regiment, Tennessee
Infantry (A.H. Bradfords);Buried Meridian Cem. (Parents; Stephen H. and Winiford Winders Grooms)

Grooms, James Monroe. b.3/18/1841; There is a J. M. Grooms that served in Co. A 31st Regiment, Tennessee Infantry (A.H. Bradfords. This could be him but not proven. (Parents; Major G. and Mary Polly Pope Grooms, Sr.)

Grooms, Jordon Pope b. Dec 4, 1839 d. August 1890); (Mason); Cpl. Co. I 31st Regiment, Tennessee Infantry CSA; (Parents; Major G. and Mary Polly Pope Grooms, Sr.)

Grooms, Reason Edward, b. 8/28/1822; Private, Co G, 10th Texas Field
Battery(Confederate} at Jefferson, Texas March 1st, 1862 (Cpt. J.H. Pratt's
company, Artillery, Texas Volunteers). Removed from Weakley County between 1840-1850 to Texas;

Grooms, Right Marshall, b. 4/30/1830; Pvt 10th Texas Field Btry, formerly known as Capt Hynson's/Capt Pratt's Co, TX light artillery, CSA. Enlisted June 21, 1862, Mooresville, TX., died 21 Aug 1862, age 33. Died and buried in Little Rock, Ark".,from complications of wounds? and measles. Right Marshall enlisted in the Confederate Army in Tennessee and then served in an artillery group in Texas Possible place where Right Marshall Grooms was wounded: The Battle of Hill's Plantation a.k.a. Cache River was July 7, 1862. The Confederate forces are
listed as unknown. The Rebs were trying to keep the yanks out of Little Rock. There we 262 CS casualties. See (Parents; Bright Marshall and Catherine Winders Grooms)
Grubbs, Benjamin Alexander, b. abt. 1844; TN 33rd Inf. Co.H  Cpl.; GRUBB, B. A.  Confederate 33rd Reg. TN Infantry  (33rd organized at Union City, Obion Co., TN); Civil War Soldiers and Sailors  (National Park Service online); (Parents; Debiran and Nancy Unknown Grubbs)
Grubbs, William A., b. 11/1835; TN 30th Inf. Co.H  Cpl.
1910 Weakley Co., TN, District 14 lists him as a Confederate Veteran.
NAME:  Grubbs,  W.A.
PENSION #:  S431
COUNTY:  Robertson
UNIT:  30th Inf.
(Parents; Alford and Sarah Castleman Grubbs)
Gwin, John  Ellis, b. abt. 1834; 20th TN Cavalry Company B. Enlisted July 1, 1863 at McLemoresville, TN, by Col. Greer for 3 years. Absent on roll for Feb/April 1864, "Without leave Dec 20, 1863, Paroled". Absent on roll for May/June 1864, "Without leave". File checked 1916 by Tennessee Board of Pension Examiners. On report of absentees and deserters, Verona MS, Feb. 28, 1865. Residence Carroll Co. TN; probable whereabouts Carroll Co.; remarks "Deserted". Source: Compiled Service Records [R,C]; (Parents; Edward and Margaret Webb Bowden Gwin)
Gwin, Robert Donnell, b. 10/5/1829; GS Gen. & Staff  Surg.; Enlisted in the Twenty-second Tennessee Infantry, and at the organization was appointed assistant surgeon, remaining in this position until the disorganization at the battle of Shiloh, when he was detailed to hospital service for six months; he was then assigned the duties of surgeon in the Thirteenth Tennessee Infantry, and was afterward surgeon of Johnson's brigade, with which he remained until the close of the war, when he returned to his home; (Parents; Edward and Margaret Bowden Gwin)

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