The following Revolutionary War soldiers either enlisted in, lived in, died in or is buried in Washington County..
A | H | R |
Acre (Acor), Jacob; CT Continental Line | Hale, Amon; MD Militia | Range, Peter; 8th VA Regt. |
Adair, James; SC line | Hale, Nicholas, Jr.; enlisted in Washington Co. | Reagan, Jeremiah; VA |
Adams, John | Hale, Nicholas; State Troops, MD | Robertson, Charles; MAJ, NC |
Handley, Samuel; VA | Rock, John | |
B | Hannah, Andrew; NC | Ross, Edward; VA (Point Pleasant) |
Bacon, Isaac; PA | Harmon, Adam; VA Line | Ryland, John**; wagonmaster |
Banks, Edward; VA Line | Harris, Benjamin; MD or VA | |
Barron, Joseph; VA | Harris, Hugh; CPL, NC Militia | S |
Barton, Isaac; PA | Harris, J.C.; served under Gen. Washington | Salts, John |
Bayles, John; 10th Reg. Continental Troops | Henry, Robert; VA Line | Scott, John; SC Line |
Bean, John; in company of Dragoons to patrol | Hoss, Jacob** | Sevier, James; enlisted NC Troops |
Bean, William; CPT, Watauga Riflemen | Howell, Charles; VA Line | Sevier, John; COL, NC |
Beard, Robert; VA Line | Hunt, Esli**; NC | Sevier, Robert; died Kings Mountain |
Bell, Thomas; VA Line | Hunt, Moses**; NC | Shealds (Shields), William; NC |
Bell, Thomas; CPT, VA | Hunt, Thomas** | Sherrill, George Davidson; served under John Sevier |
Biddle, Thomas; CPT | Hunter, Jacob; NC | Sherrill, Samuel; NC |
Blackburn, Robert; VA Militia | Hyder, Michael; 1 SGT to defend Watauga Fort | Slaughter, William; NC |
Blair, John, Sr.; PA Militia | Hyder, William; NC | Sliger, Henry; Company of Rangers, Washington Co. |
Blair, John; Battle of Kings Mountain | Smith, Laton (Leighton); enlisted Washington Co. | |
Blair, John, Jr.; CT Line | I | Smith, William; PA Line |
Boyd, Henry; 4th VA Regt. | Ingle, Adam; PA Line | Smith, Zebulon**; NC |
Boydston, William; NC | Ingle, John; VA Line | Smithpeter, John Michael; Kings Mountain |
Brashears, Samuel; CPT, Kings Mtn | Ingle, Joseph; VA Line | Snapp, John; ENS, VA |
Brooks, Giles**; VA | Ingle, Michael; VA Line | Stinson (Stevenson), William, Sr. |
Brown, George; NC | Isbell, Godfrey; NC Militia | Strain, John; Pension Jonesborough agency |
Brown, Jacob Sr.; CPT, Kings Mountain | Isbell, Zachary**; NC Militia (Kings Mountain) | |
Brown, Jacob; NC | T | |
Brown, Jacob; SC Militia, (Kings Mountain) | J | Taylor, Andrew, Jr; NC under John Sevier |
Brown, Jacob; patriotic service (wagonmaking) | Jackson, Jonathan; VA Continental Line | Taylor Andrew, Sr; 9th VA Regt. |
Brown, Peter**; MD (Kings Mountain) | Jackson, Samuel Dorsey; LT, GA | Taylor, Christopher; CPT, VA |
Brown, Thomas**, SC | Jones, Darling; NC | Taylor, Isaac; LT, under John Sevier |
Broyles, Michael; VA Line | Taylor, Leeroy; NC | |
Buchanan, Andrew; Kings Mountain | K | Thacker, William; VA Line |
Burleson, Aaron; NC | Keebler, Jacob, Jr.; PA | Thomas, John; VA |
Byerly, Michael; VA Line | Kelsey, William; 8th VA Regt. | Tipton, John; VA |
Kennedy, Daniel; CPT, Kings Mountain | Tipton, Joseph; VA | |
C | King, Henry; NC | Tyler, William**; VA |
Campbell, David; MAJ, VA Militia | Kite, John | |
Campbell, Hugh; VA (?) | V | |
Campbell, John; VA | L | Vance, Samuel; Kings Mountain |
Cannon, William; SC | Lackey, Thomas; VA Line | Vaughn, Richard; NC |
Carr, John **; SC | Lane, Isaac**; LT, VA and NC | |
Clark, Barnes** | Lane, John Fuller; patriot, no military service | W |
Clark, George ** | Lane, Tidence**; NC | Waddell, John; NC |
Clark, John; LT, NC Militia | Little, Jonas**; VA | Walton, Jessee**; NC |
Clark, William II** | White, Isaac; Lt, NC Militia | |
Cloyd, William; PA Line | M | Williams, Edmond; non-military service |
Crouch, John; VA | Martin, Joseph M. | Wilson, Joseph; John Sevier's Regiment |
Crouch, Joseph; CPT, VA Milita | Mathes, Alexander; CPT, VA Line | Wood, Samuel; NC |
Matlock, Zachariah,**; VA | ||
D | May, Cassimore; PVT, Battle of Brandywine | Y |
Deaderick, David; Adjutant and Paymaster, VA | McAdoo, John, Sr.; Kings Mountain | York, William CPT, NC |
Dillard, Thomas**, VA | McCray, Daniel**; NC | Young, John; PA Line |
Doak, Samuel; chaplain and recruiter | McEwen, Alexander; defended Houston Station, Blount Co. | Young, Robert; NC, Kings Mountian |
Douglas, John ; NC Militia | McNabb, David; raised company of militia, Washington Co. | |
Duncan, Charles; PVT, VA | McNabb, John; CPT under John Sevier | |
Duncan, James; VA Militia | McNabb, William | |
Duncan Joseph; VA Line and Kings Mountain | Miller, Peter; VA | |
Mitchell, Adam | ||
E | Montgomery, Richard | |
Eldridge, Simon; NC Line | Moore, William | |
Epperson, Thomas; NC | Morton, Thomas; pension Jonesborough agency | |
Mulkey, Thomas; service against Cherokees | ||
F | ||
Fain, John; PVT, Kings Mountain | N | |
Fain, Nicholas; VA, Kings Mountain | Nelson, William, Sr.; SC | |
Fitzgerald, George; VA Line | Nelson, William; served in Tipton's Company | |
Fletcher, Richard; Washington Co. Soldier | ||
Floyd, Perry; VA Line | P | |
Fulkinson, John; VA Line | Painter, Adam; VA | |
Painter, Edom; VA Line | ||
G | Patton, Robert; PA | |
Gann, Nathan; NC | Pearce, James ** | |
Gibson, Billingsley; VA Line | Persinger, Jacob, Jr.** | |
Gilleland, John; NC | Pierce, Joshua; MD Line | |
Gillespie, Allan; NC | Porter, Charles; MD Line | |
Gillespie, Thomas; NC | ||
Gist, Benjamin; Kings Mountain | ||
Gist, Thomas; VA Line | ||
Green, Jesse; Kings Mountain | ||
Greene, Samuel; PA Line | ||
Greenway, William; VA | ||
Greer, Andrew, Sr.; Kings Mountain | ||
Greer, Joseph; NC | ||
Greer, Samuel; PA | ||
Gresham, Thomas; NC | ||
Abstracted with permission from History of Washington County Tennessee 1988 by The Watauga Association of Genealogists, PO Box 117, Johnson City, TN 37605-0117.
Excerpted from Roster of Soldiers and Patriots of the American Revolution buried in Tennessee, published in 1974 as the Bicentennial Project of the Tennessee DAR; State Regent, Mattie Wardlow Mettel.
[** – indicates name obtained from source other than the above named book.]
If you have proof that someone participated in the American Revolution and lived, died, or received their pension from an office in Washington County, please let us know. Send a photocopy of the document along with a brief note supporting your application. Betty Jane Hylton, 1610 Seward Drive, Johnson City, TN 37604-7144.