Located behind the barn at 1906 Lone Oak Road, Johnson City, Tennessee. It is fenced but very overgrown with weeds and several groundhog holes. The two story white house and barn are not longer on the property. A chain link fence has replaced the old fence (2015).
GPS location: 36°11.69N 082°22.63W; Elevation: 1905 ft.
Surveyed, transcribed and donated to the Washington County TNGen Web December 2004 by ELaine Cantrell, Donna Cox Briggs, Bob Shell, Chester Willis and Betty Jane Hylton members of the Cemetery Survey Team of Northeast Tennessee.
Copyrighted 2013 by the Cemetery Survey Team of Northeast Tennessee. No part of this work may be copied without written permission from the Cemetery Survey Team.
Additional information
There are approximately 7 or 8 fieldstones and unmarked graves.
From Washington County Tennessee Tombstone Inscriptions by Charles M. Bennett and the Watauga Association of Genealogistis, Vol. 1, p.157 with permission from Lorraine Rae: but not found in 2004:
Lyle, Samuel A. [Alexander]. 19 Mar 1845, aged 46 y 10 m 8 d [The grave was enclosed in a brick boxed tomb, covered by a three foot by six foot marble slab. The side has now caved in exposing the grave. Samuel Lyle married Cassandra Boren, dau. of Chaney Boren and Jane Drane, 23 Jan 1823, Washington Co. TN. She is buried in the Lyle Cemetery below Jonesboro in an unmarked grave.
Washington County Tennessee Wills, 1777-1872, by Goldene Burgner.
p.40-41 Chana Boren April 8, 1834
Wife Jane. Youngest daughter Loretta P. Boren to be educated. To wife, one secretary, 6 Windsor chairs, large falling leaf table. Daughter Cyrena C. Wilds, wife of John A. Wilds – ½ tract of land in Washington County on Brush Creek adjoining Elijah Boren. Daughter Casandra Lyle, wife of Samuel A. Lyle – land on Sinking Creek with Mill and water. Daughter Sabrina A. Young, wife of Thomas T. Young – land on Sinking Creek and another tract where Benjamin Drain lives on Brush Creek. Daughter Lucinda P. Lyle, wife of John Lyle. Daughter Lauretta P. Boren. $600 to John Dorsey Boren, grandson of Nicholas Boren. Executors: John A. Wilds, Abraham Hoss. Wit.: Nicholas Prescutt, Henry Hoss, Abraham Hoss, Benjamin Draine. Signed: Chance Boren.
Widows’ Dowers of Washington County, Tennessee 1803-1899 by Gary R. Toms and William R. Gann. p.286:
Rachel W. Young, widow of Dr. T.T. Young
Report of years Support
To the Honorable County Court of Washington County
We the undersigned commissioners: M.C. Hunter, David Waddill, & Wm. R. Bayless, appointed at the May term of this court, met at the late residence of Dr. T.T. Young Decd., on 25th May according to summons from clerk dated 8th May 1871, and after being duly sworn according to law, to lay off one years support for Rachel W. Young widow of Dr. T.T. Young, do make this our report & set aside the following vis.
50 Bushels White (of what is now on hands & out of the crops)
600 pounds Fat Port & Bacon & Lard now on hand
150 Bushels Corn (of what is now on hands & out of crops for the balance)
1 Small Beef, Soap & the Barel now on hands
Coffee & Sugar on hands, 1 Barrel with vinegar in it
50 (fifty) dollars cash for incidental expenses if she wishes & all doctors bills, if any for 12 months, to be paid out of the estate.
All the poultry on hands
This 25th day 1871
Wm. R. Bayless
M.C. Hunter
D.W. Waddell
1850 Census Washington Co. TN
4th Subdivision 7 Oct 1850
726/253 Young, Thomas T. 44 b. VA physician, Rachel 34 b. TN, Thomas T 8 b. TN William F. 4 b. TN
1860 Census Washington Co. TN
Brush Creek Dist. 5 Jun 1860
78 Young, Thomas T. 54 physician, Rachel M. 45, Thomas T. 19, William F. 14, Betty Ada 9; Young James 35 (B), Polly 21 (B), Wiley 18 (B) Sabra 13 (B), Alfred 10 (B) Sela 7 (B)
1870 Census Washington Co. TN
P.O. Freedom, Dist. 3, 9 July 1870
136/140 Young, T.T. 64, Rachel W. 54, Thos. T. 27, Wm. F. 24, Addie E. 18; Keywood, Sarah 24 (B), Richard 1 (B)
Washington County, Tennessee Death Record Abstracts 1908-1916by Eddie M. Nikazy
p.200 Margaret Emaline Strickland, born: 5 Nov 1915, parents: William Strickland and Julia Brockwell, death cause: not stated, informant: Joseph Fine (Johnson City), buried Slagle [Young-Strickland] Cemetery, died 28 Nov 1915, record (1915): 513
Washington County, Tennessee Tombstone Inscriptions by Charles M. Bennett and the Watauga Association of Genealogists. Information used with the permission of Lorraine Bennett Rae.
From volume 1, page 157 – entry 48
DEEDS – An abbreviated deed chronology. These transactions were for parcels more acreage than just the burial ground, however each did surround the burial ground.
Deed Book 33, Page 276 (1852) – John Lyle to Absolum Scott.
Deed Book 65, Page 46 (1892) – Absolum Scott estate heirs to Mary E. Scott Slagle (Mrs. David Slagle).
Deed Book 165, Page 168 (1924) – Mary E. Scott Slagle (widow of David Slagle) to Ernest A. Slagle (her son).
Deed Book 332, Page 635 (1960) – Harry T. Slagle (son of Ernest) to Charles David Slagle (son of Harry). This deed specifies conveyance by will from Ernest to Harry – a copy of the will was not retrieved. Also, in this conveyance, Harry retained a life estate.
Deed Book 585, Page 436 (1983) – Charles David Slagle relinquishes his interest back to his father, Harry. After Harry’s death, and through a series of estate settlement procedures, the entire Harry Thurman Slagle property was divided into several parcels during a 2009 survey. The parcel containing this burial ground was conveyed to the Lone Oak Christian Church and the deed recorded at Roll 684, Image 1881. The specific metes & bounds of the burial ground were called out for the first time within the deed trail in this last deed.
Updated and donated to the Washington County TNGen Web June 2015 by Gordon M. Edwards, member of the Cemetery Survey Team of Northeast Tennessee.
Copyrighted 2015 by the Cemetery Survey Team of Northeast Tennessee. No part of this work may be copied without written permission from the Cemetery Survey Team.