Located across the road from 139 Jearoldstown Rd., Fall Branch, Washington County,Tennessee. It is near Exit 50, Interstate 81. Many of the older stones were broken and have been reset in concrete.
Surveyed, transcribed and donated to the Washington County TNGen Web August 2002 by Donna Cox Briggs and Betty Jane Hylton members of the Cemetery Survey Team of Northeast Tennessee.
Copyrighted 2013 by the Cemetery Survey Team of Northeast Tennessee. No part of this work may be copied without written permission from the Cemetery Survey Team.
The following stones were found in the 1970’s, but were not found in 2002.
Arnold, J.K., Co. B, 8th Tenn Cav
Cubine, Patrick P., March 1, 1811-Sept. 11, 1890, aged 79y 6m 6d
Cubine, Susannah J., Feb. 25, 1815-May 21, 1883
Denton, Susan, April 11, 1798-June 14, 1843, age 55y 2m 3d
Elizabeth, consort of John En______, Nov. 17, ___ – Feb. __, 1857
Keen, Highly Jane, consort of Eld. William Keen, Aug. 27, 1826-Dec. 2, 1855