Located at the end of White Street off Borings Chapel Road, Gray, Tennessee. The grass had been cut but a lot of brush was grown up around the tombstones. There are approximately 37 unmarked graves.
GPS location: 36º24.42N 082º24.47W; Elevation: 1472 ft.
Surveyed, transcribed and donated to the Washington County TNGen Web 2004 by Donna Cox Briggs, Bob Shell, Chester Willis and Betty Jane Hylton members of the Cemetery Survey Team of Northeast Tennessee.
Copyrighted 2013 by the Cemetery Survey Team of Northeast Tennessee. No part of this work may be copied without written permission from the Cemetery Survey Team.
Found in 1976, but not at the 2004 survey:
Jennie F. Whaley, 1885 – 1955
Additional information:
Washington County, Tennessee 1850 Census
#523/546 Henry Curtis 26 b. TN, Rachel 23, Mary 11, Armstead 2, William 7/12
Washington County, Tennessee 1860 Census
#372 Curtes, Henry 37, Reachael 35, Mary 13, Armstead 11, William 9, Marenda 7, Caroline 4, Anderson 4, Martha 3, James M. 11/12, Andy M. 9/12.
Washington County, Tennessee 1870 Census
Dist. 11, #98 Curtis, Henry 47, Rachel 46, Miranda G. 18, Caroline 15, Martha A. 13, Andrew N. 10.
Washington County, Tennessee 1930 Census
11th Dist.
193/194 Cash, Bige 30, Susan 36, French W. 7, James B. 5, Nilor M. (f) 3, Anna M. 2.
Sullivan County, Tennessee 1860 Census
Dist. 18, #663/663 HILTON, William 43, Martha 43, James 24, F. S. (male) 22, John W. 20, George H. 19, Pernutia 17, Mary E. 15, William R. 16, Elbert S. 12, Dannel F. 10, Sarah E. 7, Francis M. 4, Charles 2, Susan 6/12
Sullivan County, Tennessee 1870 Census
Dist. 18, #60/60 HELTON, F. S. (male) 33, Sarah A. 29, John 7, Flora E. 4, Mary E. 2
Washington County Tennessee Marriages by Goldene Burgner, p.68:
November 11, 1844 Henry Curtis to Rachel Moris – Charles (X) Basket – md. 11 November 1844 by L. Bowers, J.P.