Located next to 3769 Hwy. 11-E, Limestone, TN. Part of this cemetery is mowed but the area around the tombstones is covered with ivy and briars. Only two readable stones were found.
Surveyed, transcribed and donated to the Washington County TNGen Web March 2003 by Donna Cox Briggs and Betty Jane Hylton members of the Cemetery Survey Team of Northeast Tennessee.
Copyrighted 2013 by the Cemetery Survey Team of Northeast Tennessee. No part of this work may be copied without written permission from the Cemetery Survey Team.
Additional information:
Deed Book 40, Page 173 executed Oct 31, 1861 and recorded April 2, 1866.
“I, Jacob Whister for the respect I have for the persons buried on my farm with some of my grandchildren, I hereby convey by deed of gift to James Biddle, James Guinn, William Guinn, John Good, and Henry Waggoner a certain lot of land for a graveyard and to be used for no other purpose………. …………to have and to hold the same perpetually for a place of interment……….”
No specific metes and bounds were called, but the size was four poles by four poles.
Using this deed as a beginning point, searches were conducted backward and forward to assure that subject deed was referring to the graveyard currently known as Whistler-Propst.
Succession to the subject deed – Deed Book 16, Page 205 (1818) James Gray to Jacob Whistler.
Succession forward – Deed Book 43, Page 17 (1871) Estate of Jacob Whistler to James K. Guinn. Deed Book 43, Page 114 (1871) James K. Guinn to Jacob Propst. Jacob Propst was married to Malinda Whistler, daughter of Jacob Whistler. A deed was not found for conveyance to Jacob Propst’s son, Adam – no search of wills was made. Metes & bounds plotting did, however confirm the same property. Deed Book 255, Page 203 (1950) Children of Adam M. Propst to William Jay Propst. The siblings all signed off their interest to the one brother, W. J. Propst. Deed Book 402, Page 194 (1967) William Jay Propst to Carl & R.N. McInturff. Plat Book 5, Page 173 (1967) McInturff’s had a survey completed and within this plat, DB43/114 is displayed. In 1978, McInturffs subdivided and a plat was created showing the graveyard (Plat Book 9, Page 85). This is the first mention of the graveyard since DB40/173. The graveyard is shown as a piece of Block A, lot 7 (current tax parcel 073GA005.00). The parcel has changed hands a few times since the McInturffs, the current owner being the Quint-C Pallet Company. The current owner has been maintaining this small burial ground.
Taken from Washington County Tennessee Tombstone Inscriptions by Charles M. Bennett and the Watauga Association of Genealogists, V. III, p. 313 with permission from Loraine Bennett Rae.
There are about 10 graves with fieldstone markers and possibly a few without markers. All stones which were legible were copied by Charles M. Bennett, March 8, 1958.
(Also buried here, but not found in 2003)
Malinda Whisler Propst, Aug. 27, 1822 – July 16, 1899
Jacob L. Propst, April 4, 1822 – July 27, 1875
Mary Whisler, 1784 – May 17, ____
B.W. (Info from Sandra Houston. This is probably Barbara Wagner, wife of Lewis; she was listed as 70 in 1850 census; he d. before 1850; she d. ca 1858; she was a Whisler. Their son, Henry, is buried in Price Cem. In Greene Co; their son Adam lived in the homeplace; McChesney Wagner, bur. at Luther Zion Lutheran Church Cemetery.
Samuel J. Wagner, April 8, 1848 – June 13, 1855 (grandson Barbara & Lewis. SH)
NOTE: A Carper family is buried here, as well as, several Civil War Soldiers. SH.
From Washington County, Tennessee Marriages, 1780-1870 by Goldene Burgner, p.82:
February 27, 1849 Jacob L. Propst — Malinda Whisler–Henry Waggoner md. 28 February 1849 by W. Read.