Washington College Station Cemetery 2013

Washington College Station Cemetery

Located in the Washington College Station Community beside the road between the Southern Railroad tracks and Hwy. 11-E, Washington College Station Road, Limestone, Tennessee. The cemetery is also known as the Washington College Methodist Church Cemetery. Local residents state that the church set in the field behind the cemetery. The cemetery is mowed occasionally.

GPS location: 36° 16.04N 082° 35.14W


Surveyed, transcribed and donated to the Washington County TNGen Web November 2002 by Robert D. and Betty Jane Hylton members of the Cemetery Survey Team of Northeast Tennessee.

Copyrighted 2013 by the Cemetery Survey Team of Northeast Tennessee. No part of this work may be copied without written permission from the Cemetery Survey Team.


The following were listed in Washington County Tennessee Tombstone Inscriptions by Charles M. Bennett and the Watauga Association of Genealogists, © 1978 but not found November 2002, Used with permission of Loraine B. Rae.

Lutz, Sara Andes, 15 Feb 1830 – 7 Oct 1865, Wife of H.R. Lutz. Born in Rockingham Co, VA.

Baldwin, J.W., 1871 – 1939

Davis, Asa Cleveland, 21 Nov 1885 – 12 Jun 1887, Son of C.M. & N.M.M. Davis.

There are many unmarked graves and graves marked with fieldstones.

Additional information:

Washington County, Tennessee Death Record Abstracts 1908-1916 by Eddie M. Nikazy.

p. 222 Mrs. Leptitia Humphreys, born: 11 Jul 1837 in Sullivan County, minister’s wife, parents: William Hensley (Sullivan Co.) and Barbie Wolf (Sullivan Co.), death cause: “lobar pneumonia,” informant: G.W. Humphreys (Telford), buried: Liberty Cemetery, died: 2 Mar 1916, record (1916): 152.

p. 66 William Calvin Keezel, age: not stated, born in Rockingham County, VA, married, death cause: “consumption” died at Limestone on 5 Nov 1907, record (1908-12): 92952.

p.15 Daniel Wagner, age: 79 years, born in Johnson County, married, death cause: “Kidney trouble,” died: 3rd District on 22 Apr 1910, record (1908-12: 92245.


1880 Census Washington County, TN

p.496 Miller, David T. 31, Lucretia E. 36, William N. 12, Corintha J. 9, Annie 7, John H. 5, George T.2.

p.560 Cooper, Rebecca C. 42, Virginia A. 10, William A. 10, Lewis P. 7, Ida B. 5

p.463 Garrison, L.M. 47 (m), Adda 42, Viola 20, Mary 18, M.A. 14 (f), Florence 12, John 9, Wm. 6, unnamed male 8/12.

p.446 Salts, Tom 32, S.J. 27 (f), Alex 10, Rose 3.

1880 Census, Franklin County, KS

Keezel, Enos 71 b. VA, Margaret 46 b. VA, Joseph 19 b. TN, Bettie 14 b. TN, Edward 9 b. TN.

1880 Census, Washington County, TN

Miller, David T. 31, Lucretia E. 36, William N. 12, Corintha J. 9, Annie 7, John H. 5, George T. 2


1870 Census Washington County, TN

Dist. 17 #35 Cooper, Isham 64, Cyntha 66, Adam 30, Rebeca 27, Virginia A. 2, William A. 1.

Dist. 5 #19 Orebaugh, E.W. 45, Margaret 41, Martha C. 20, John W. 19, Mary F. 17, Martin D. 14, Amantha 11, Elbert 7, P.O. 4

Dist 3 #161 Keezle, Enos 54 b. VA Farmer & Minister, Margaret 34 b. VA, James 13 b. TN, Joseph 9, b. TN, Allie 7 b. TN, Elizabeth 3.


1860 Census Washington County, TN

#366 Orebough, Ephraim 36, Margaret 34, Sarah 12, John 10, Mary F. 8, Dolen 6 (f), Nancy J. 2.

#277 Keasling, Enos 45, b. VA, Margaret 27 b. VA, John21, Calvin 18, Phebe 17, Jacob 15, James 3 Coatney 1 (m)

1850 Census Rockingham, VA

Dist. 56 Keezle, Enos 43, b. VA, Eliza 33 b. VA, John 12, William 10, Phebe 8, George 6

Washington County, Tennessee Marriages, 1780-1870 by Goldene Burgner.

p. 143 Adam Cooper to Rebecca C. Trumps md. 20 May 1866 by Thomas C. McAdams, J.P.

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