This is our collection of items relating to the history of Perry Co. TN. Thanks to all who have given permission to share various historical items through this web site. There are many items in this collection.
The records & data page contains records and other data of interest to Decatur County researchers. Be sure to check both indexes for the information you seek. Please use the search engine to search all the pages of this web site.
Please contact me if you have historical items that you would like to share on this web site.
General Histories
- 1819 Petition to Establish Perry County
- Introduction to the Resources of Tennessee
- Perry County History
- Perry County Timeline
- Perry County, Tennessee History
- The History of My Home

Survey and Settlement
- Excerpt from Mathew Rhea Map of Tennessee – 1832
- Introduction to the Resources of Tennessee
- Old Rockhouse Bridge
- Perry County Boundaries
- Plat of Perry County – 1845
- Plat of Perry County Civil Districts – 1836

- Map of Tennessee (1818) – TSLA map collection. Shows Perry County area prior to creation of the county in 1819.
- Map of Perry County Cemeteries
- Highway Map of Perry County, TDOT
- The Maps Our Ancestors Followed
- Tennessee Highway Map – Order on line
- Library of Congress American Memory Map Collection
- Ab Grinder Gristmill Site
- Billy Tucker Farm (on Short Creek)
- Cedar Creek
- Cypress Creek
- Flatwoods
- Flatwoods home of Dr. William Earl Boyce and Virgie Bromley Boyce
- Marvin Farm (Cypress Creek)
- Moore Farm (Swindle Creek)
- 1959 – Movie made in Flatwoods
- Cedar Creek
- Cedar Creek Soup Kitchen 50 Years Later
- Downtown Linden in the 1940’s
- Elijah “Tom” Graves House in Flatwoods, Tennessee
- Flatwoods
- Flatwoods 1921 View of store, blacksmith shop, Hamm’s grocery
- Flatwoods home of Dr. William Earl Boyce and Virgie Bromley Boyce
- Flatwoods, Home of Mr. and Mrs. Fount Armstrong
- Flatwoods, Perry Co. & Hickman Co.
- From Bullfrog to Sockwad
- James Dickson’s home, site of Perry County’s first court
- Linden Lion’s Club 1965
- Old Rockhouse Bridge
- Sherriff Elmer Garner
- Towns and Communities
- AME Churches Perry Co
- Cedar Creek Primitive Baptist Church
- Cedar Creek Primitive Baptist Church
- Cedar Grove (A.M.E.) Church
- Cedar Grove Church Perry Co
- Churches/Ministers
- Coon Creek Primitive Baptist Church
- Denson’s Landing
- Dixon (A.M.E.) Church
- E. A. Land Biography
- Flatwoods Church – July 1982
- Flatwoods Church of Christ – 1900
- Lick Creek Baptist Church
- Marsh Creek – Buckford Methodist Church
- Whitwell Chapel (Marsh Creek)
- Whitwell Chapel UMC
- 1927-1928 Girl’s Basketball Team at Cedar Creek
- 1928 Class PCHS
- 1938 Cedar Creek Dodge Schoolbus
- Cedar Creek Elementary School
- Cedar Creek School 1925-1953
- Cedar Creek School 1953-1987
- Flatwoods Basketball Team, 1923-1924
- Flatwoods new elementary school building
- Flatwoods School – 8th Grade 1958-59
- Flatwoods School 1st Grade 1958-59
- Flatwoods School 2nd Grade 1958-59
- Flatwoods School 3rd & 4th Grade 1958-59
- Flatwoods School 5th-6th Grade 1958-59
- Flatwoods School abt 1906
- Flatwoods School Faculty 1958-59
- Flatwoods School Yearbook – 1958-59
- Lick Creek School
- Linden Elementary, Boys 60’S Basketball
- Linden High School BB-1955
- Linden High School, Class of 1917
- Little Linden
- Miss Maurine Allen’s 2nd Grade
- Mrs. Mary Bell
- Ms. Vera’s Kindergarten
- Old Linden Colored School, January 1928
- Old Lobelville Grade School
- P. C. H. S. Class of 1982 Linden, TN.
- Parnell School, Coon Creek, 1940
- Parnell School, Coon Creek, 1940
- PCHS Cheerleaders
- PCHS Class of 1967
- PCHS Girls Basketball – 1964-1965
- Perry County High 1931
- Perry County High 1964-65 Boys Basketball Team
- Perry County High School – Class of 1936
- Simmons School 1900
- Simmons School 1911
- Simmons School 1924
- Sophomore class officers, The Torch yearbook, Linden, 1958
- Unknown School
- Unknown School – larger image
- Willie Hudson
The Black Experience
- Campbell Family Photographs
- Miller Family Photographs
- Miscellaneous Photographs
- Nathaniel Parham, Jr. and Patty Lee (Miller) Parham
- Old Linden Colored School, January 1928
- Thomas Family of Perry County, Tennessee
- Wesley Dabbs and Viola Kathryn Pitts

- Perry County African/American Research, Jan Monnin
- 1940’s Friends
- Arnold Stotts Biography
- Biographical Sketch of G. T. Thomas’s Life
- George Thomas House
- James Kelly Biography
- John Talley Family
- John Thomas House
- Jorden Dowdy Estate
- Little Linden
- Minor League Baseball
- Mosella Hunt Crowell Autograph Album
- Richard Hilburn Biography
- Thomas Family of Perry County, Tennessee

- Goodspeed Biographical Appendix
- Perry County Biographies, Jan Monnin
- Perry County Signatures, Jan Monnin
Doctors and Medicine
- 1976 First Place winners in the Bicentennial Float
- Dr. And Mrs. Gordon H. Turner, Jr.
- Dr. W. Earl Boyce
- Flatwoods home of Dr. William Earl Boyce and Virgie Bromley Boyce
- Obe Atha Kirk, M.D
Business and Industry
- 2 Oct 1914 Perry County News……
- Arthur and Connie Mae Webster
- Broadway Store
- Cedar Grove Iron Works
- Flatwoods Brack King’s Blacksmith Shop
- Flatwoods, Perry Co. & Hickman Co.
- Lobelville 1920
- Lobelville, TN 1922, Perry County Auto Company
- McNabb Grocery
- Old Westbrooks Hotel in Linden
- Patterson’s Store, Lick Creek
- Purina Feed Mill of C. W. Averetts
- Ross and Audrey Hamm’s Store – Flatwoods
- The first Dollar Store
- Tiller’s
- Turnbow”s Cash Store 1950’s
- Westbrooks Cafe
- Westbrooks Cafe
- Western Auto – 1952

- Tennessee Iron Furnace Trail, MTSU research on iron production in TN
Government and Politics
- 1819 Petition to Establish Perry County
- 1822 August Petition to move County Seat
- 1822-1823 Petition – Clear Hatchee River
- 1822-1823 Petition – Humphrey County Boundary
- 1845 Petition to Divide at the River
- Elected Officials – 1893
- Undated Petition – Road Construction
- 1890 Veteran’s Schedule
- 48th Tennessee Infantry
- Captain William Henry Harder
- Civil War in Perry County
- Corp David C. Westbrooks
- Craig Brothers
- James (Sammy) Tate and Billy Westbrooks
- James (Sammy) Tate, 1952
- John W. Westbrooks

- Confederate Pension Applications
- 2011 Reenactment of Battle of Linden
- 2010 Reenactment of Battle of Linden
- Perry County American Revolution, Jan Monnin
- Perry County War of 1812, Jan Monnin
- Perry County Mexican War, Jan Monnin
- Perry County Spanish American War, Jan Monnin
- Perry County WWI, Jan Monnin
- Perry County WWII, Jan Monnin
Hi, Did there use to be a Kirk’s service station in Linden, Tn? If so, what year and where was it located? I found an old reciept/ticket from Kirk’s service station in an old PC basketball jacket I purchased from a yard sale, and it’s definitely peaked my interest. Tried searching myself and came up with nothing. Any help or info about it would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks so much!
My father Don Kirk owned Kirk’s. We lived in the apartment above it until around 1966. He continued to pump gas, work on cars, have a wrecker service for years. I don’t have the exact date but into late 80’s/ early 90’s.
The building is now Red Line automotive I think. It’s across from the City Park
203 West Main Street Linden
My fourth great grandfather and his wife both died in 1840. I’ve searched the history of the county and have not learned why they passed the same year and they had several children. The youngest being just 2 ;years old. Their names:
William Russell James 1795-1840
Tabitha James (Horner) 1798 -1840
The youngest child was Andrew Jackson James 1838-1920
I’d appreciate you assistance.
Melvin james
My fourth great grandfather and his wife both died in 1840. I’ve searched the history of the county and have not learned why they passed the same year and they had several children. The youngest being just 2 ;years old. Their names:
William Russell James 1795-1840
Tabitha James (Horner) 1798 -1840
The youngest child was Andrew Jackson James 1838-1920
Andrew’s 23 year old sister also died in 1840.
I’d appreciate you assistance.
Melvin James
I thought that bridge was called Short Creeks Bridge,