Cousin Martha's Abstracts
Weakley County, Tennessee

Dresden Enterprise Newspaper

Transcribed from Microfilm by Martha Smith

Several years ago, Cousin Martha Smith took on the project of transcribing early Neswpapers of  The Weakley County area. She has shared her transcriptions with us, for which we are most grateful!! Transcribing a U.S. Census is work, but  transcribing the Newspapers -- abstracting all those articles, looking at various size print, is really hard work. Thank you, Cousin Martha, for this wonderful research tool you have provided us! Thank you for allowing us to put your work online.

Please use FIND feature of your browser to locate your SURNAMES on the pages. Martha has used CAPS on surnames to make it easier for you to find your Kinfolk......and yes, we are HARRAL cousins.....MaryCarol

Misc. Early Newspapers 1837 - 1897
Not all issues have survived
January - June

July - December
The Dresden Gossiper
Sat Oct 20, 1866 No. 15
Courtesy of Tommy Wright

The Dresden Enterprise 1903 
not all issues have survived
1903 February 
13th, 20th, 27th
1903 March
6th & 13th
1903 March
20th & 27th
1903 April
3rd & 10th
1903 April 
17th & 24th
1903 May
1st & 8th
1903 May
15th, 22nd & 29th
1903 June 
5th & 12th
1903 June
19th & 26th
1903 July
3rd, 10th & 17th
1903 July
24th & 31st
1903 August
7th & 14th
1903 August
21st & 28th
 1903 September
4th &11th
1903 September
18th & 25th
 1903 October
2nd & 9th
1903 October
16th, 23rd & 30th
 1903 November
6th & 13th
 1903 November
20th & 27th
 1903 December
4th & 11th
1903 December
18th & 25th

The Dresden Enterprise 1904
not all issues have survived
1904 January
8th & 15th
1904 January
22nd & 29th
1904 February
5th & 12th
1904 February
19th & 26th
1904 March
3rd & 11th
1904 March
18th & 25th
1904 April
1st & 8th
1904 April
15th & 22nd
1904 May
6th & 13th
1904 May
20th & 27th
1904 June
3rd & 10th
1904 June
17th & 24th
1904 July
1st, 8th & 15th
1904 July
22nd & 29th
1904 August
5th & 12th
1904 August
19th & 26th
1904 September
2nd & 9th
1904 September
16th, 23rd & 30th
1904 October
7th, 14th & 23rd
1904 November
4th & 11th
1904 November
18th & 25th
1904 December
2nd & 9th
 1904 December
16th & 23rd

The Dresden Enterprise 1905
not all issues have survived
1905 January
6th & 13th
1905 January
20th & 27th
1905 February
3rd & 10th
1905 February 
1905 March
3rd & 10th
1905 March
17th, 24th & 31st
 1905 April
7th & 14th
1905 April
21st & 28th
1905 May
5th & 12th 
1905 May
19th & 26th
1905 June
2nd & 9th
1905 June
16th, 23rd & 30th
1905 July
7th & 14th
1905 July
21st & 28th
1905 August
4th & 11th
1905 August
1905 September
1905 October
13rh & 20th
1905 November
3rd & 10th
1905 November
1905 December
1st & 8th
1905 December
22nd - last issue

The Dresden Enterprise 1906
not all issues have survived
1906 February
2nd & 9th
1906 February
16th & 23rd
1906 March
2nd, 9th & 16th
1906 March
23rd & 30th
1906 April 
6th & 13th
1906 April
20th & 25th
1906 May
4th & 11th
1906 May
18th & 25th
1906 June
1st & 8th
1906 June
15th, 22nd & 29th
1906 July
6th & 12th
1906 July
20th & 27th
1906 August
3rd & 10th
1906 August
17th, 24th & 31st
1906 September
7th & 14th
1906 September
21st & 28th
1906 October
5th & 12th
1906 October
19th & 26th
1906 November
2nd & 9th
1906 November
16th, 23rd & 30th
1906 December
7th, 14th & 21st - last issue

The Dresden Enterprise 1907
1907 January
4th & 11th
1907 Janurary
18th & 25th
1907 February
1st & 8th
1907 February
15th & 22nd
1907 March
1st & 15th
1907 March
22nd & 29th
1907 April
5th & 12th
1907 April
19th & 26th
1907 May
3rd, 10th & 17th
1907 May
24th & 31st
1907 June
7th, 14th & 21st
1907 July
5th & 12th
1907 July
19th & 26th
1907 August
2nd & 9th
1907 August
16th & 23rd
1907 Aug 30th - Oct 18th
Scattered pages
1907 October
1907 November
1st & 8th
1907 November
15th, 22nd & 29th
1907 December
13th & 20th

The Dresden Enterprise 1908
Not all issues have survived
1908 March
13th, 20th & 27th
1908 April

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