Cousin Martha's Abstracts
Weakley County, Tennessee

Dresden Enterprise Newspaper

Transcribed from Microfilm by Martha Smith

May 20th & 27th 1904
Friday  May 20, 1904

Last Friday Ben PARKER and Ed BOWLIN complained to Marshal TAYLOR
        that they had been robbed of $10 in money and two rings
        valued at $10, one belonging to each, and accused a young 
        man named Campbell WATSON, who had been with them, of the
        theft. They charged that WATSON went into PARKER�s place
        to get a drink of whiskey, which he had stored away there, 
        and it was then that he got the money and rings out of a
        drawer. Marshal TAYLOR set about with a determination to
        capture him, telephoning to Martin, Fulton and Paducah. 
        The Police Chief at Paducah telephoned here Friday that
        he had WATSON under arrest. Mr. TAYLOR left immediately
        for Paducah. The prisoner agreed to come back with him,
        they arrived here Sunday and he was landed in jail.

Jonesboro Jots Column
George LANGLEY is reported to be improving from pneumonia, his
        fever having left him on Saturday.
I am told that John GUFFIE is no better of pneumonia.

A Noble Woman 
The oldest woman now living in Weakley county who furnished her
sons to the �Lost Cause� is Mrs. Axy BUNTIN, of near Gleason. Her
husband, John BUNTIN, has been dead several years. Her oldest 
son, Ben BUNTIN, was captured at Missionary Ridge and died in
prison at Rock Island and the other son was promoted as 
Lieutenant of Calvary and was killed at Jack�s Creek, in 
Henderson County. His name was Wes BUNTIN.
She being perhaps the oldest woman in Tennessee, over ninety 
years old, that thus aided the Confederacy  with her most
precious jewels. I think the legislature should bestow on her a
�Cross of Honor.� The writer was with these two noble soldiers 
and can testify as to their bravery and loyal support of what
they thought to be right.               W. A. THOMPSON

County Line News Column
Mr. Jack HEDGE lost a cow last week. It was unfortunate, for
        they all thought a great deal of �Old Lill.�
Mr. Reece CALL sold his horse to Dr. BIGGS, of Palmersville, 
        and received $135. for him.
Miss Debray  KENNEDY has taken a setback with the measles. 
Mr. Johnnie WYATT lost a fine black horse last Saturday morning
        and Jim LAMB preached his funeral.
Mr. Luther NICHOLLS and Miss Maggie LAWRENCE were quietly married
        last Sunday evening. 
Mr. J. B. MOORE is putting up a new paling fence.

Ralston Report Column
W. S. WILLIAMS had a fine cow killed on the railroad.
George ARNN,  who has for the last year been in Virginia, made
        his appearance in Ralston last Saturday night, and we 
        learn he will remain with us this year.
Mr. J. C. RAY is in Paris, Tennessee this week prospecting, or 
        rather, seeking a location.
Dr. RAWLS, a young graduate of Gibson county, has located in 
        Ralston to practice medicine. We have for several months
        been minus a physician, and we are very proud to have 
        him with us and sincerely wish him great success. 

>From No. 6 Column
Dotie PEELER lost a good young mule, Ed STACK�s mare died a few
        days past, George DAVIS lost an especially fine cow, and
        Sam DAVIS lost a fine calf.
Mattie MOORE has the measles, Edd is some better.
John GREER returned to his home in Lake county last week, after
        spending several days with his father, who is in feeble
Mrs. Lillie ETHERIDGE returned to her house at Latham Saturday,
        after spending a week with her brother, Milton BEVILL,
        who continues in feeble health.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert CALHOON, a boy.
Mr. D. F. TERRELL�s little daughter is some better.
Jim BEVIL hauled off two loads of tobacco last week.
John SHUFF is mingling with old friends and relatives again,
        after an absence of three or four years. John joined the
        army and helped fight the fillipinos until his healt
        failed him. He has been in the soldiers� hospital in
        Mexico for some months, and will return there again
        in a short time. John can tell you a lot of war yarns
        and it is interesting to listen to him.
We were very sorry to hear of the death of Uncle Jack OLIVER.
        Oh, how sadly he will be missed over the entire community,
        for it was always �Uncle Jack� everywhere and every time
        you met him. He was always willing and ready to lend a
        helping hand to the needy. 
Mr. John POWERS and wife attended the big singing at Mack�s
        Grove Sunday afternoon. They report a nice time and say
        the singers out there are hard to beat.
Nath DAVIS went to Gleason Saturday and came driving home with
        a bran new surrey. He says he is going to ride some this
        summer. He took his family Sunday and attended church at
        New Hope. Jesse BUNTING says  it looked as if somebody 
        had come over there when there was a surrey in the yard. 
Charles DAVIS and his niece, Mary, spent Saturday night and
        Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Pomp BREEDING, near Sharon. 
Bergie DAVIS is book agent, so if anyone wants to buy a book
        cheap, buy from him. He has a nice lot of books, from 
        the bible on down to Peck�s Bad Boy.
Bob KING is back at his old stand at F. P. SIMMON�s again. 
Jim COX has got the only Irish potato bed I ever saw. 

Gardner Gems Column
Mr. and Mrs. Lum ELMORE, of Jackson, are here on a visit to the
        latter�s sister, Mrs. Tom ELDER.
Messrs. J. H. WESTMORELAND and Em MONTGOMERY went to Mt. Pelia,
        to attend the bedside of Bud COOK, who is very low with  consumption.
Mr. Harry ANDERSON gathered ten bushels of English peas off one
        half acre of ground last Saturday and shipped them to 
Prof. Oscar FEATHERSON, of Cairo, Ill., is here on business.
Miss Lilly O�DANIEL,  of Naxhville. gave us her lecture on 
        temperance Sunday night.
Mrs. Mary CLARK, of Paducah, Ky., who has been here on a visit to
        her sister, left Tuesday  for Camden.

Ruthville Rumors Column
The little child of W. M. DANIEL is very sick.
The new corn mill in our neighboring town of Uba is doing a land
        office business on Saturdays.
The mill is owned by Messrs. Tom BAKER, Tom LOWERY, and Arthur
        HESTER, all prominent citizens of this community.
S. P. SAWYER spent Sunday in Alexander, Ky., visiting.
Mr. Dudley JONES, of Fulton, spent Sunday with Bud TURNER.
Bill WINSETT went over to Dresden Saturday and the presumption
        is his visit was of a business nature.

Hall�s Branch Budget Column
Mrs. Chas. SMITH has been right sick, but is improving.
Suddoth Bros. are buying agents for Bennett BYNUM,  the hustling 
        Gleason stave man. There is some good white oak in this
        section yet.
Mr. W. H. LAMB is on the puny list.
John NOVEL, the Greek peddler was in our midst again this week. 
J. M. LOCKHART sold some white oak timber last week. It�s 
        selling for $10 per cord at present.

Town and County
The three month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. BROGDON, Gleason,
        died Wednesday of pneumonia and was interred at Hopewell  Thursday.
The bereaved parents have the sympathy of many
        friends in the loss of their precious jewel.
Fully 3,000 people attended the Old Southern Harmony singing at
        Public Wells, near Ralston, last Sunday. The singing was
        led by Jno. O. VINCENT. Mr. Bob VAUGHN tells us that this
        singing school was originally organized in 1865, just
        after the close of the war. In those days it was the
        custom to meet regularly for rehearsal, and they had 
        torch light processions at night, consisting of from 
        fifty to one hundred persons marching up the road to the
        old church, keeping perfect time with a lighted candle in
        one hand and a flag in the other. This is said to have 
        been the prettiest sight ever witnessed and that people
        came from far and near to witness these marches.  
Mr. J. A. IRVINE is erecting a couple of cottages in the rear of
        his premises for rental purposes.  
On Monday evening, May 9, George C. DROMGOLE, brother of Mrs. Sue
        F. MOONEY, of Dresden, died in Watt, Texas, after a short  illness. He
was born in Rutherford county, near 
Mrs. S. H. DARNELL requests us to announce that all old soldiers
        are urged to attend a meeting of the camp here Saturday,
        June 4, as it is desired by the camp to ascertain how 
        many will need assistance to attend the Nashville
Mrs Ethel BRANNOCK entertained all her pupils at her home on
        Depot street last Saturday afternoon. 
One day last week, the Drs. FINCH removed a piece of brick as
        large as the thumb from the nostril of Mr. A. L.
        CHRISTIAN�s little grandson, who is about four or five
        years old.
The obstruction had been in the nose for a month or more and
        had gradually worked upwards until it could hardly be

Attorney C. R. MCLEAN, who has represdented the Enterprise in
        Martin for the past two years as special correspondent,
        has resigned on account of his time being absorbed by
        the practice of law. Mr. McLEAN is the son of Uncle
        Billy McLEAN.
A new fence is to be put around the graveyard at West Union,
        east of Dresden, and those who desire to make donations
        for the same are hereby asked to either send or take the
        money to Mr. I. B. STAFFORD.
Isham STAFFORD tells us that Mr. Jip PEERY, a boss farmer of No.
        24, is stepping around mighty proud over the arrival of
        a girl at his home one day last week. Jip is partial to
        girls but his other children have all been boys. 
Mr. R. E. GARDNER and family arrived from St. Louis last week 
        and are here for the summer.
Mr. GARDNER also brought with him a couple of automobiles, 
        which have created a great deal of interest, as they 
        are the first seen by many of our citizens.
Uncle Jim HEATHCOTT, residing in No. 24 is sixty five years
        old, his wife sixty two, has been married but once and
        has eighteen children living, thirty nine grand children
        and six great grand children. Uncle Jim says it is no
        trouble to raise children if you only know how; he is
        contemplating a family reunion and hopes to have his 
        entire flock present. We are indebted to our good
        friend Mr. Ed GILLIAM, for this information.
Tuesday being Will TUCK�s forty first birth anniversary, he had
        some fifteen or twenty  of his friends there for dinner
        that day, bidding them to eat, drink and be merry.
Henry WATTERS, of near Gleason, is said to be the proudest man
        in the whole county over the arrival of a new comer at
        his home last week.
Professor SHARP who left Greenfield three years ago, going to 
        the Philippine islands to engage in educational work,
        returned to Greenfield Tuesday, much to the delight 
        of his  numerous friends.
The rites of matrimony were solmenized between Mr. J. S. GARNER,
        of Sharon, and Miss J. D. BIZZELL, of Nashville, in 
        the office of the Smith Hotel here last Monday, Esq.
        R. N.IRVINE officiating. 
Acting on the advice of a physician, Brother RUSSELL will leave
        next week for Dawson to recuperate. The protracted 
        illness in Mr. RUSSELL�s family this winter and his
        constant nursing of the sick, has weakened his physical
        being to a degree that rest and recreation are absolutely  necessary.
The church agreed to pay his expenses on the
        trip to Dawson, and a snug sum was raised for this
Dr. Carl FINCH will leave Monday for a two months� sojourn in
T. K. REYNOLDS, Bump IRVINE, and A. E. GARDNER, the committee
        appointed to let the contract for painting, papering,
        etc., the courthouse, last week awarded the contract to
        Mr. R. B. QUIMBY, a first class painter from Martin, who
        is to paper four rooms, paint all wood work, paint the 
        roof and also the fence around the yard. Now wouldn�t 
        it be a good idea to give the county clerk and county 
        register decent furniture in their offices?

Social and Personal
Mrs. Mary GARRETT and children, of  Cowan, are here with
Mr. and Mrs.  D. C. BOWERS, of Memphis, are the guests of their
        father, Mr. Dad GIBBS.
Mrs. J. E. JONES has returned from Murray.
Mrs. W. W. FULLER is quite sick this week.
Mrs. Jno. OVERTON, of Bradford, has been the guest of W. L. 
        BARTON this week.
Mrs. Roger GROOMS, of Greenfield  spent several days in Dresden
        this week.
Miss Bessie HOLBROOK, of Union City, is here visiting family
        and friends.
Mrs. R. N. IRVINE is  in Union City this week, the guest of her 
daughter, Mrs. TAYLOR.
Miss Mary Gray LITTLE is visiting in Union City.
Mrs. R. E. GARDENER is spending a few days with her mother in
        Union City.

Palmersville Pointers Column
Mrs. Sam PENTECOST, who has been sick for several days, is
Mrs. L. D. BRITE is very sick.
We are having a lively singing here, led by Prof. J. M. 
Prof. T. A. HUGHES had just closed a very successful writing
        school here. We recommend him to anyone that wants to
        learn how to write.

>From Martin Column
On last Thursday night, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. MARTIN gave a
        reception in honor of Misses Alice RHODES, Bessie BARR
        and Mary WEBB, of Nashville. It was a very pleasant 
Messrs. Harold MORAN, Harry JONES, Eugene BOYD and Dr. Carl 
        FINCH, of Dresden, were here Saturday night.
Mr. J. T. PERKINS and family, Mr. T. G. McMILLAN and family,
        Miss Niecie SCOTT and Miss Pollie GRAHAM went up to 
        Nashville Tuesday morning on a fishing trip, to be gone
        several days.

12th District Doings Column
Rev. ARGO preached at Fairview last Sunday.
Hon. John J BERRYHILL�S wife died last Thursday night and was
        buried at New Hope. She has been sick for some time. The  neighborhood
sustains the loss of a good woman in the
        death of Mrs. BERRYHILL.
The neighbors turned out well at the working at Mr. A. J. 
        WEAVER�s. One day there were thirty three men and forty
        horses with plows, harrows and planters to plant his
        crop, which they did in good order.
Our last week�s report was considerably abridged; the marriage
        of Mr. Clifford CLARK to Miss Claud TURNER was left out entirely. Why
this was we do not know. The reference to
        the time of our own marriage would not have been made 
        had it not been for the fact that Mr. CLARK was married
        in the month of May, which brought it so vividly to our

Hyndsver Hits Column
Mrs. Geo. FULLER is on the sick list.
Mr. Wm. MITCHELL made a business trip to Fulton, Ky. last week.
Mr. H. H. F. COBB and family of Mayfield, Ky., visited Mrs. 
        ELLIOTT here. 
Mr. L. D. ELLIOTT, Mr. H. J. HENBY and Miss Lee HIGHFILL, of 
        Martin, spent Sunday here with relatives.
The only women�s man in Hyndsver, Tom CARNEY, made a business
        trip to Greenfield last Sunday.
When Mr. L. H. WELDON and family returned home from Public Wells
        Sunday they found one of their beds on fire and the room
        full of smoke. The fire was soon put out. The fire was
        put out without any damage.

Fancy Facts Column
Esq. N. M. TUCKER�s children have whooping cough.
Miss Martha ROBERTS is sick.
Mr. B. A. GRUBB is stepping high, he has two new colts.
Mrs. Sarah THOMPSON is on the sick list.
Mesdames Mary Ella BRAM, Kate TUCKER, Carry WRIGHT and Lucie
        WRIGHT left Sunday to pick strawberries.

Brock�s Chapel Column
Miss Rosa MILLER and Mr. Egbert CREWS, Miss Wadie LOVELACE and
        Mr.Jim EZELL attended the singing at Public Wells last
        Sunday and report a nice time.
Mr. Thomas CAPPS returned to his home near Dresden yesterday.
Mr. Aron CAMPBELL and Winnie WALTERS went to Public Wells last 
Mr. Lambert OVERBEY has a new buggy.
Miss Mossie MILLER is on the sick list.
Mr. Robert BAKER is up again, after a short illness of 
Mr. W. A. MILLER went fishing last week and cought a fish on
        a set hook weighing sixteen pounds.
Miss Vera Hatcher, who has been sick for several days, is

Mary Hays Happenings Column
Mr. Major PARISH, constable in Obion, came and summoned some
        of the people to appear at Union City on the 6th.
Prof. STEM was with us at New Home the second Sunday evening.
Mrs. Lizzie SHELLEY is still on the sick list.
Miss Mollie BOYTE is worse at this writing.
Mr. Almus CRUTCHFIELD and Miss Emma BREWER were united in the
        holy bonds of matrimony Sunday. Esq. KENNEDY officiating.

Friday  May 27, 1904

Suicide Near Sharon
Herbert C. BAKER, son in law of Andy MALOAN, took a large
quantity of laudanum Tuesday morning with suicidal intent, dying
that evening at 7 o�clock.
Mr. BAKER, who resided on the Brock farm, west of Sharon, left 
the house early Tuesday morning to feed his stock. While there 
he emptied the contents of a vial of laudanum into his stomach.
He was found sometime later in an unconcious state and physicians
were immediately summoned. Work was begun to save the young man�s
life, but to no avail. At one time he rallied sufficiently to 
call for more of the deadly poison. We understand the physicians
walked him the entire day and did everything known to medical
science to restore him.
Mr. BAKER left a note to his wife saying that he was in debt; 
could see no way clear; that every time he went out, some 
creditor would demand pay, etc.; he also advised her to rear
the children (three) and pay off his debts and to do the best
she could.
The deceased was married about six years ago to Miss Maggie,
the oldest daughter of Mr. Andy MALOAN. of Dresden, and to
this union were born three children. Herbert was known as an
honest, upright, hardworking boy, and no thought was ever
entertained of such a deed. In fact, it is said that he could
not have been deeply involved, as he possessed neither land nor
stock and had been share cropping for parties in the Sharon
community. His wife is one of the best women we ever knew and 
has the sympathy of a host of friends.
The body was laid to rest Wednesday at the Freeman graveyard,
between Sharon and Martin.

Mt. Hermon Items Column
Mr. Oscar ROBISON has been very low with that dreaded disease, 
consumption, but is better at this writing.
Mrs. John HATCHIE had a severe chill Saturday.
Some of our people are having bad luck with their milch cows;
        Mr. Buck OLDHAM lost his cow with the �black leg�; Mr.
        Henry HARRINGTON lost a cow with the hollowhorn, hollow
        tail and hollow belly or hollow stomach.
Mr. C. M. YEARGAIN told me last week how he chanced to capture
        13 oppossums at one time one night last week. A �possum
        went into his smokehouse and crawled in a soap grease
        barrel and couldn�t get out. The next day he found it
        in there, took it out and killed it, and after it had
        been dead a while there were 12 young �possums crawled
        out of her sack; so there were 13 in all.
There was a singing at Mr. N. J. HESTER�s Sunday night, which
         was enjoyed by all.

Gleason Gleanings Column
Mr. Gus ATKINS, our new city marshal, is having the streets
        fixed up this week.
Mr. Harry ATKINS, one of our most esteemed young men, traveling
        for C. H. Reikerson of Paducah, spent several days with
        home folks this week.
S. C. GOODIN has returned to his old position at the West
        Tennessee rolling mill at Gleason.
Last Tuesday at noon Mr. L. W. CARTER drove up front of his store
        and left his horse hitched to the buggy, and the horse
        became frightened and ran away. It ran one mile from town
        and did not break the buggy or harness.

From No. 6 Column
Mr. Bascum MADDOX is very sick.
Miss Emma BOX, from Middle Tennessee, is visiting her sister,
        Mrs. Jennie MOORE.
Jim COX hauled off part of his tobacco last week.
Mrs. Mollie HARRIS and children left Saturday to visit relatives
        and friends near Clarksville.
Sam DAVIS has two fine mule colts.

Oak Grove Column
Mr. Eddie LAMKINS has bought a new buggy.
Mr. Luther NIBLETT and Miss Lizzie CRAIG drove to the residence 
        of Brother FREEMAN last Sunday and were married. 
Mr. Fate BELL lost a horse last week.

Mary Hays Happenings Column
Mrs. Mollie BOYTE, who has long been suffering with consumption,
        passed away from her sufferings last Thursday night at
        eleven o�clock, and was buried at Cane Creek graveyard
        on the nineteenth, Bro. BELL held funeral services at 
        that place. Mrs. BOYTE professed a hope in Christ at 
        the age of twelve, and joined Oak Grove church and then
        was lettered to New Hope church and was one of those 
        that organized New Home church, and there she lived a
        godly life up to her death. She leaves a father, step
        mother, three brothers , one sister, husband and several  children to
mourn her death.
Mr. Andrew BELL has bad luck with his horses; some time ago, he 
        had one to die, now he has one cut on the plow and one
        that is sick. 
Mr. S. D. COLLIER has sold eighteen cultivators this spring.

The following members were present at the Medical Society meeting
        held here on Monday: Doctors: BANDY, J. B., A.. D. and 
        after the noon hour. 

Ruthville Rumors Column
The child of Mrs. Lena COLLINS was buried at New Hope Friday.

Dukedoms Doings Column
Luke HOPKINS carried his best girl to church Sunday, Mr. Will
Mr. Sam BROWN�s baby is very sick at this writing, Dr. T. F.
        TAYLOR was called to attend it.
Mr. Tom YOUNG�s wife is very low with dropsy. Dr. TAYLOR thinks
        her recovery is doubtful.
Mr. B. A. WINSTON carried his best girl to church Sunday. Miss
        Effie is a sweet girl. Be faithful, Ben. 
Dr. TAYLOR�s wife and little girl are visiting relatives in
        Mayfield. The Dukedom Roller Mill has a new whistle,
        and every morning Jess BLACKLEY wakes up the town, or 
        the natives thereof.
Mrs. Ada ROSS, wife of our postmaster, is slowly improving. We
        are glad to see her out once more.
Will CAVENDER has a new buggy and Dube HOPKINS has a fine horse, 
        so they splice and go in cahoots.
Fount GIBSON says his horse is crippled  and can�t go far in
        a day.
Esq. J. H. COLLIER tells us he was seventy two years old last
        Sunday and his children who live here, all were there.
        Mr. COLLIER said he enjoyed the day fine. The �squire
        has four boys in the West.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank GATES, of Fulton, visited their sister, Mrs.
        Lou McCALL, last Monday.
Mrs. GATES has been very feeble for quite a while of cancer,
         but she says she is much better now.

Jewell Jotings Column
Mrs. H. P. FARRIS and children, from Murray Ky., are the guests
        of her sisiter in law, Mrs. W. F. OVERBY.

Latham Lispings Column
Mrs. Buck REED died on the 22nd. She has suffered for some time
        with consumption. She leaves a husband and two children
        to mourn their loss.
Mr. John CLEMENT�s fine mare got badly cut on a wire fence last

In Loving Rememberance of my dear uncle, J. P. ELLIOTT, who
died November 24, 1903. Your Loving Niece, Willie ELLIOTT COBB

Hall�a Banch Budget Column
Mrs. William LAMB, Jr. is on the sick list again.
The twin babies of Mr. and Mrs. Will TUCKER have been right
        sick since our last.
Mr. Edgar JOHNSON was in our midst to buy hickory timber last
        week. He is buying for the Gleason Hickory Mills and 
        is offering $3.00 per hundred on the stump or $5.00
        out ready for hauling.
Mr. Bergie DAVIS, of near Como, was in our midst last week,
        selling books.
There was an entertainment at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
        HAWKS, near Gleason, Saturday night.

Cypress Creek Column
Measles are getting to be a very common thing, There have been
        seven cases in Mr. ARNELL�s family, six in Mr. Ben 
        SMITH�s  and several more have been exposed.
Mr. Stephen KEITH is stepping mighty high these days. It�s a bran
        new boy born May 13, Mother and babe are doing fine.
The death angel visited the home of Mr. Ben SMITH last week
        and plucked another bright jewel. Little Martha, the 
        three year old daughter was called home. She was a 
        sweet little girl of sunny disposition. She left several
        brothers, a father and a sick mother who, on last
        Tuesday departed this life. She was a kind and 
        affectionate companion, a devoted mother and a good 
        neighbor. The grief stricken husband has the sympathy
        of the entire community in this sad form of trouble.
        Funeral services were conducted at the home, by Bro.
        STEWART, of Martin, after which the body was tenderly
        laid to rest in the Mt. Pelia cemetery. There are two
        more in the family very low.

Town And County Column
Mrs. Ella GIBBS has been on the sick list. 
Mrs. W. H. PASCHALL was taken worse Sunday and remains very low.
Dr. T. W. FIELDS tells us he has dismissed Mr. Freeman GATEWOOD�s
        little three year old boy, who has pneumonia.
Mr. GOLDEN is this week receiving a part of the machinery 
        recently ordered for his mill here,
and is hard at work installing same.
J. W. COOK tells us that one day last week, just before dinner
        time, he heard a whippoorwill singing, the first time 
        he ever heard one in the daytime.
Dr. Jess AMMONS tells us that a Mr. HUME, of Ohio, has purchased
        a fine farm near Gleason and will take charge this fall.
        The price paid was $3,000. cash. Mr. HUME is an 
        excellent gentleman, a splendid farmer and comes to our 
        county will recommnded, and we gladly extend to him the
        right hand of fellowship.
We would very much like to see some concerted action taken in
        regard to the confederate monument fund, as there seems
        to be a good deal of interest in the matter. 
Though Dr. Ted LITTLE was defeated last week for the position
        of assistant superintendent of the Western hospital at
        Bolivar, the vote he received was very flattering, 
        indeed. There are five directors for the institution;
        three of them reside in Hardeman county. There were five
        applicants for the place, two from Hardeman , one from
        Shelby, one from Henry and Mr. LITTLE. Several ballots
        were taken, the last one standing three for one of the
        Hardeman county men, and two for Ted, which we think
        very complimentary.
Mrs. E. E. TANSIL is right sick and it is feared she will have
        the fever.
Jess DUNN is stepping mighty high, it�s a bran new girl,
        born Friday.
Caleb BRASFIELD, son of Mr. John BRASFIELD, has returned from
        Greenfield and is nursing a very sore hand which has
        required lancing several times.
Prof. Jas. A. BABER, formerly of Huntingdon, will be the
        principal the coming session of the Hall Moody Institute
        in Martin.
Professor  HILLIARD who will have charge of the school at 
        Terrell�s scholl house this fall is here.
Mr. Orin S. MAIDEN, brother of Judge MAIDEN, has located at
        Ridgespring, S. C., and orders the Enterprise sent
        to him.
Marshal Jim TAYLOR arrested two men here Tuesday for driving
        a stallion too fast on the public streets. Mayor
        PASCHELL taxed them $7.50 each and the trimmings. 
Young Carl MELTON, who is working here at Shannon�s stave
        factory has been suffering from appendicitis since
        last week and Sunday it was thought that an
        operation would be necessary, but Monday his 
        condition was improving.
Mr. Roy BRASFIELD, brother of Mr. Chas. BRASFIELD, who has 
        been afflicted for the past six months with a severe
        attack of rheumatism, is here taking x-ray treatment
        under Doctors FINCH. Roy was taken before the Medical
        Society, in session here Monday, and his case 
        thoroughly examined  and discussed at length  by the
        many able physicians in attendance, and it is the 
        concensus of opinion that the x-ray would prove 
        beneficial. The bone is affected and the knee has been
        lance several times.
A fishing party, composed of E. T. REAVIS and family and
        Professor BRANNOCK and family, went to Jane�s Mill
        Tuesday to spend the day and the night. Mr. BRANNOCK
        went out on the pond in a new canvass folding boat,
        which collapsed with him. Sam McELWRATH, being near
        in another boat, rescued him.
Fate ORRILL, of Sharon, got his foot badly mashed Wednesday.
        He was riding a through freight from Sharon to
        Greenfield getting off at Allen�s pond, about two miles
        north of Greenfield; he attempted to get on the train
        again, but his right foot was caught and mashed under 
        the wheels. Dr. J. E. GOLDSBY dressed the wound and
        thinks no bones are broken.
Dr. J. B. L. TERRELL last week performed a most remarkable
        operation on a horse belonging to the Parks brothers, of
        No. 10. The horse had been bothered with an abcess just
        over the ear and which had been opened eleven times. The 
        animal was brought to Mr. TERRELL last week, and he 
        removed a large molar tooth from just above the ear.
        There are few cases of this kind on record.
Dr. J. E. GOLDSBY, one of Greenfield�s very clever, 
        accommodating and gentlemanly physicians, tells us that
        a number of gentlemen from the north were in Greenfield  prospecting
last week. They expressed themselves as 
        being gratified at the fine county adjacent to Greenfield
        and will very likely return and locate in the fall. So 
        much for Esq. WRENN�s progressive real estate agency.
Old Uncle Roland GALEY, who resided in No. 15, about six miles
        east of Greenfield, died Wednesday night of old age. The
        deceased had been in declining health for many months.
He was about eighty years of age and has probably resided in the
        county as long as any one now living; he was quite 
        prominent and very well known. Several children survive
        him. The body was interred at Meridian Thursday 
        afternoon. We know of nothing that could have grieved
        this community more than the news of the death of Will
        TUGWELL which occurred at his home in Dallas, Texas, 
        last week. Will left here in 1900 for Texas for the 
        benefit of his health, which was fast failing him, but
        almost weekly letters from him brought the good news of
        his improvement and friends here had hoped and prayed 
        to see him return some day fully restored to health. 
        Only a few weeks ago it was rumored that Will would be
        here this summer on a visit, and many hearts were 
        gladdened at the proposed meeting. But alas, the creul
        disease, consumption, sapped his young life away. Truly,
        in the midst of life we are in death. Will TUGWELL was
        just in the prime of young manhood when the destroying
        disease gathered him home to his maker. No man ever 
        stood higher in the esteem or estimation of many people
        than he; a devout christian, a true friend, a perfect 
        gentleman with whom he came in contact, Too much could
        not be said in praise of this noble young man, whom to 
        know was to admire, he made friends of those with whom
        he made contact. Surely, the world is better because he inhabited it
and, surely heaven is made brighter because
        he is there.
A report was current here Thursday to the effect that Henry 
        COLLIER was cut in several places about the head and neck
        with a butcher knife in Fulton Tuesday, by a man named
        THOMAS. We understand COLLIER went to THOMAS to pay taxes
        and a difficulty arose. Mr. ROBUS, who lives near Mr.
        COLLINS, tells us he was informed that it required 
        twenty four stiches to sew up the cuts.
The little two year old baby of Constable Walter McWHERTER, of
        No. 5, had a rather narrow escape from drowning last
        Friday morning. The child got out of the yeard and made
        for the mill pond, near by; it was missed and the mother
        and little boy started in search. The latter made for the
        pond and found the child floating on the water face
        downward. He screamed for his mother, who came 
        immediately, and, dashing through the pond, which is
        six foot deep in places, rescued her babe from the water.
        Mrs. McWHERTER, our informant tells us, herself sank once
        in her endeavor to rescue her child.  It was certainly a
        marvelous escape for both, and Mrs. McWHERTER displayed   wonderful
nerve and presence of mind.

Social and Personal Column
Miss Eva HEARN was the guest of Bernice TERRELL Sunday.
Miss Valda BOYD is in Franklin.
Miss Marion MARAN, who graduated Wednesday from Columbia Female
Institute, returned
home Thursday night.
Mrs. Lula WOODS entertained the Entre Nous club at her
        beautiful home Thursday night of last week. Besides
        the members, there was a large number of guests present.
Mrs. F. P. Hall in Fulton.
Mrs. M. T. SMITH of Louisville is the guest of Dr. Shobe SMITH
                and family.
J. B. EZZELL spent Friday and Saturday with home folks.
Geo. S. BOYD was in Fulton the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. LITTLE, of Paducah, are the guests of 
        T. I. LITTLE�s family.
Miss Ora KILLEBREW is the guest of W. T. KILLEBREW. 
Mr. and Mrs. K. K. BRADBERRY have returned from Medina.

Jonesboro Jots Column
Bus ATKIN�s neighbors say he is worse than a rat terrier after
        moles, having caught eleven in his cotton patch and is
        still hunting them.
John GUFFY is improving fast.
Dr. MOORE had a nice mare ruined on a barbed fence the other day.
S. A. SMITHSON, sold part of one of his farms recently, receiving
        a handsome price.   

Elm Tree TWIGS Column
Mrs. Hattie WILLIAMS is very sick.
Mrs. Willie CAYCE, wife of Mr. Dolphus CAYCE, happened to a sad
        accident on the 19th inst. Her clothing caught fire and,
        but for timely assistance, she would have been badly
        burned. Her clothes were in a bright flame and it burned
        her hands very badly.
I did think I would never get to report another baby, but there
        is one at John CARRINGTON�s sure enough. It�s a girl.

Vincent School House Column
Mrs. Celia TAYLOR is weaving and says she has 110 yards of cloth
        to weave and will weave more.
Farmers are wishing for rain so they can set tobacco.

Non Resident Notice
M. A. STEPHENSON  vs Joe MATHENY et els. 

>From Martin Column
Dr. L. E. TAYLOR and Mr. H. F. RAMER spent Sunday in Kenton.
Judge W. P. CALDWELL, of Trenton, passed through here Monday
        en route to Nashville.
Hon. G. E. BOWDEN and C. B. BOWDEN are attending the state
        democratic convention at Nashville.

Edgefield Etchings Column
Mr. Harvey HENDERSON has moved back to his old home, after being
        at Martin a year.
We are glad to say Mrs. Annie PENTECOST is able to be up again,
        after a severe case of pneumonia.

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