“Everyone has a leaf to add on their Family Tree”….M.C.
Weakley County, Tennessee – Genealogy & History
This FREE website is big, filled with lots of old photos. Click on one of the above – Records/Data – Resources – Families – Towns/Places or Soldiers/Wars to find the many sections you can search through. OR – if all you see in the teal blue bar above are 3 horizontal white lines, click to open up the subjects. Lots to see.
My goal is to provide you with real online research tools, along with a sprinkling of history and a little Down Home Country to feed your Southern Roots Soul. MaryCarol, your Weakley County Coordinator.
This is truly a Tennessee Volunteer website, started in 1998. Many Weakley County Cousins have volunteered materials and time over the years to make it what it is today. Sadly, most of them have passed on, but their work continues for our benefit.
Weakley County History

Weakley County was established October 21, 1823 from lands ceded by the Chickasaw Indians. Weakley County was named for Colonel Robert Weakley who was at the time Speaker of the Tennessee State Senate. Weakley County is located on the Plateau Slope of West Tennessee, one of the three “Grand Divisions”. Weakley County is bordered on the north by the State of Kentucky, on the east by Henry County, on the South by Carroll and Gibson Counties, and on the west by Obion County. Dresden is the County Seat of Weakley County.
- See PHOTOS of Colonel Robert Weakley & his wife.
- First Settlers of Weakley County.
- 1823 Legislative Petitions with names.
- Colonel John A. Gardner’s 4th of July 1876 Speech at Dresden.
Submissions -Submit your old photos and materials
Send your Submissions for any section to Weakley County Coordinator, MaryCarol
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