Friday, February 13, 1903
Dresden, Tennessee
Mt. Pelia Pickups Column
Mrs. Minnie AVERY spent several days with
Nat COLLIER last week.
Miss Amanda HALEY, Gleason, is the guest of
Mrs. J. E. FUTRELL and children are visiting
relatives at West
Mrs. C. P. ALLEN and son, of Sharon, visited
Misses Ada PATTERSON and Lela KEMP, two of
fairest daughters, spent several days with friends and
relatives near town.
The young people enjoyed an entertainment
last Monday night at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. GOLDSBY in honor of their guest
Miss KEMP of Greenfield.
Last Sunday evening Mr. Ben BROCK and Miss
Greenfield were married by Esq. STOVALL of
Obion county at his
residence. There were some parental objections
to the match. The
young people came here obstensibly to visit
but with the
intention to marry. Mr. BROCK is a model young
man of his
community and the bride is the accomplished
daughter of Mark
PATTERSON of near Greenfield. Both are of
the best families and
receive the congratulatons and best wishes
of their many
Palmersville Pointers Column
George BIGGS is visiting in Martin.
Mrs. Bud McWHERTER is on the sick list.
Miss Rosie HEDGES, of Poynes is visiting here.
Harvey HENDERSON visited Gleason last week.
Miss Carrie DONOHO, of Fulton, entered school
Monday and entered
the teacher�s class.
The new residence of Charlie BROOKS is nearing
Miss Nellie Belle BOSTIC left today for Nashville
where she will
attend the Orphan�s school.
Bun COPELAND, now that he has shed a tooth,
says he will shed no
more tears.
Mr. Luther BROWN, who is teaching school at
Bower�s school near
Dresden, visited Saturday.
Mrs. Mormie KIRKLAND has charge of the primary
dept. since the
free school closed, Miss Hessie McWHERTER being her
Meda Matters Column
Mrs. Ruth STEVENS is on the sick list.
W. F. ELLIS was in this vicinity last Sunday.
Ellie HEMPHILL visited Bessie V. ELLIS last
D. S. SKSAGGS went to Martin Thursday of business.
Dr. H. B. STEPHENS and wife went to Dresden
John RHOADS and Guy CRUTCHFIELD went to Sharon
Mrs. Nannie and Willey CRUTCHFIELD visited
Fannie and Maud RHOADS went to singing at
Walnut Ridge Sunday.
Miss Susie FIELDS of near Public Wells is
teaching school in
Walnut Ridge.
Mrs. Julia ELLIS and two granddaughters Imo
and Dulie are
visiting her son, Robt. at Martin.
A. J. FINNEY breathed his last at his home
near here Sunday
night, leaving a wife, several children, a mother,
several brothers and sisters to mourn his death Mr.
FINNEY was a good, honest farmer and the community
joins in sympathy with his bereaved ones.
Pleasant Hills Happenings Column
Walter MORGAN has a severe case of mumps.
Colvin and Clareton DUKE have returned from
St. Louis and will
visit C. C. SMITH and wife, Friday.
Miss Willie HALL missed school due to a toothache.
Mr. O�Daniel gave a singing Sunday night.
Hyndsver Hits Column
L. D. ELLIOTT, of Martin, was here Monday.
Ernest RAWLS and Harry SWIFT of McConnell
were here Saturday.
Mrs Martha, wife of Mr. J. A. SHANKLIN is
reported seriously
Esq. HARNEY says his horse gets sick every
time he goes to
Matt HYNDS went to Wingo, Ky. last Saturday
on very important
W. A. GIBBS and wife of near Collins visited
Mr. GIBBS� parents
R. H. HYNDS of near Martin visited his brother
Couse H. HYNDS
J. G. BAKER one of our prosperous young
farmers, lost 3
yearlings with black leg recently.
Born. February 9 to Will CHAPPELL and wife,
a girl. Will says he
wouldn�t take a million dollars for her.
Herbert VAUGHAN and Miss Rater HEARN, prominent
young people of
No. 20, and Cecil ALEXANDER and Miss Mamie FULLER of No.
18 were married by Esq. CARNEY last Sunday while seated
in their buggies near Oak Hill Church.
The infant son of Boon BYNUM and wife died
February 8, 1903, and
was buried at Oak Hill Church.
Grove Hill Doings Column
Hallie WHITE visited the community last week.
Miss Tonie DOWD who has been on an extended
visit to her sister,
Mrs. J. J. WHITE left last week for Paducah.
Considerable improvement is going on. Mr.
L. J. WRIGHT and J. J. WHITE are all building or
remodeling their homes.
Meridian Musings Columns
Mrs. Jordan JETER is on the sick list.
Miss Ruby SPEARS is on the sick list.
W. H. BOBBITT went to Dresden Monday.
Zera SIMS made a business trip to Gleason
S. W. OLIVER killed hogs last Thursday.
Lee BRASFIELD and E. E. JOHNSTON carried their
hogs to
Miss Bera JOHNSTON was the guest of Miss Mattie
last Saturday night.
Oscar BOBBITT and Willie YOUNG made a business
trip to
Cull BARLOW and Bernard SPEAR�s made a business
trip to
On last Friday night, Tobe SPEARS stock barn
was destroyed. The
loss was about $350.
Mrs. Bob HIGGS of Murfreesboro, is visiting
her parents, G. W.
EDMUNSTON and wife.
Miss Pennie LIMA and Vera OLIVER attended
the speaking at
Terrill School House last Friday afternoon.
Town and Country Column
Born to Mr and Mrs Moran IRVINE, last week,
a boy.
Miss Mary Gray LITTLE has returned from a
delightful visit to
Union City.
Joe WRIGHT, son of J. T. WRIGHT, of the Gleason
vicinity is
improving after a spell of pneumonia.
Uncle Dick ESTERIDGE has been confined
to his bed with
Mr. Eli GRIFFITH, of near Latham, died last
Monday nght and was
buried at the Winstead burying ground in No. 24. Mr.
Griffith was about 38 years of age, a good, honest,
hardworking man and leaves a score of friends to deplore
his death.
Mr. Jas. W. THOMPSON who had recently moved
to Greenfield from
this vicinity and who will engage in business there,
was here last week on business.
Mr and Mrs. Sam ELWRATH were the honorees
of a surprise party
Friday evening of last week. Progressive Flinch was
enjoyed. The prizes were won by Misses Lula JETER and
Shelah PASCHALL and Mr. Walter OVERALL.
Mr. Haroll MORAN has been quite sick the pst
two weeks, but is
Green STOKER says Uncle Bob McCLAIN knows
where to take those
rabbits to get rid of them.
W. V. GOOLSBY of near Gleason, is recovering
from a severe spell
of pneumonia.
Miss Jennie PARSLEY who has been making her
home with Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. MALOAN left Monday for Sharon where she will
reside with her brother.
Mrs J. B. FINCH is sojourning in Hillsboro
Texas for benefit of
her health.
We met Uncle Billie TIKER of near Ralston
last Manday. He
informed us that Aunt Susa CRUTCHFIELD, a very respected
lady of his vicinity, is sick nigh unto death.
The two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Horace WILIAMS was
burned to death in an accidental manner. The parents
left the child alone in their room and in a short while
screams were heard. They hurried to the little girl�s
rescue but reached it too late to save it�s life. It was
sitting on the hearth and in some way it�s clothes were
ignited and almost burned off when the parents reached
it. Huntingdon.
Mr. W. B. MAYO accidently dropped his gun
while on the way home
from a hunt but near the residence of Mr. J. A. GIBBS
and the charge entered the ball of Mr MAYO�s foot,
tearing away the flesh to the bone. Dr. FINCH dressed
the wound and does not apprehend any serious trouble.
It will be several weeks before Mr. MAYO can walk.
Mr. Robert KEMP, son of Mr. KEMP of the Kimery
vicinity was
married at Memphis last week to a beautiful young lady
of the Indian Territory where he met the young lady. The
young couple eloped and were persued through the
territory, Arkansas, and Texas and upon eluding their
persuers were married in Memphis. They are now making
their home with the father of the groom, Mr. J. M. KEMP
of near Kimery.
Ralston Reports Column
Miss Mamie BROOKS is quite ill.
Rev. LEE�s wife is in Kentucky visiting her
Buster FIELDS and wife spent Saturday and
Sunday in Martin.
Mrs Kate FREEMAN who has been very sick is
Webster ADAMS and wife visited the latter�s
parents this week.
Mrs MILNER is spending a month with Rensey
TAYLOR�s family.
Jodie SMITH has purchased and moved to the
Underwood place.
Miss Ruth HOUSE is visiting Paducah.
Mrs. Mattie ROBERTS of Greenfield is visiting
Miss Donnie McCLAIN spent a few days last
week with Mamie
Miss Deedy VAUGHN has been very sick after
having a tooth
C. C. TEMPLETON has purchased Jodie SMITH�s
residence and will
move there in a few days.
Wash LAWLER left Tuesday to visit his brother
who is very low
with typhoid fever at Paducah.
Martin Column
Mr. J. W. LORANCE is ill.
W. I. DAVIS of Terrell was here Monday.
J. M. COLEMAN, went to Bradford on business
J. L. COLEMAN, editor of the Enterprise, was
here Monday.
Kennett MARTIN is visiting his parents in
Esq. BRUDINE, one of No.17�s most successful
farmers, was here
Esq. COLLIER, one of No. 13�s successful farmers,
was here
James DUKE and wife, of Dresden, visited relatives
Miss Fannie SMITH of near Dresden, is visiting
her sister, Mrs.
Miss Hortense BROWN, of Jackson, is visiting
and family.
Mrs. Ester STOKER and son are visiting her
father-in-law G.
STOKER of Dresden.
Uncle Ike STONE is quite sick at his home
in East Martin.
W. E. TAYLOR and his bride arrived here and
are boarding at
the Wharton house.
Misses Agnes and Nora DUKE visited Mr. Press
DUKE and family.
J. S. SIMMONS has opened a meat market on
the east side of town.
W. B. GILLS� wheat garner at his mill fell
down Saturday morning
and killed eight hogs. Loss $300.
T. C. WOOD and wife will leave next Monday
to visit their sister
in Panama, California.
Dr. C. M. SEBASTIAN, was called to McConnell
about eight years
ago to amputate the leg of Ed HARRIS. A few nights ago
he was called to amputate the leg of Polk HARRIS, his
brother. The two brothers got hurt in the same place in
the same way. The right leg of each was amputated.
Charley WILLIS departed life last Thursday
night at 7 o�clock
at the home of his sister, Mrs. BAILEY who lives 3 miles
north of here. Deceased was 30 years old, unmarried and
died of consumption. He was buried near Harris Station
last Wednesday morning.
Fancy Facts Column
Joe GRUBB is visiting his brother, B. A. GRUBB.
Ely GRIFFITH passed away Tuesday after a long
spell of
The people of Fancy are still marrying. John
SMITH was married
to Miss Emma JACKSON. The bride is 59 years old and the
groom is 69 years old. We wish them much happiness.
Henderson Academy Column
Mr. Newt VOWEL is on the sick list.
Mrs Ann VAUGHAN is on the sick list.
Hattie McCLAIN spent Friday with Mabel RITCHIE.
Dovis McCLAIN spent Sunday with Farra KILLGORE.
W. A. McCLAIN has begun improving his place.
Miss Lona TURNER spent Sunday with Miss Della
Mr. Willis JOHNSON made a business trip to
Arkansas this week.
Mrs Edna WRIGHT was the guest of her sister
Mrs COX last week.
Davis and Pearl McCLAIN spent Thursday night
with Mamie Ritchie.
Miss Lucy Turner of Martin, is visiting the
family of Robert
Mr. Tom SNIDER and wife spent Monday with
Mrs. Lovinia TAYLOR spent last week with her
daughter, Mrs
Mrs Emma KILLGORE and children of Martin visited
her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. VAUGHAN last week.
Misses Minnie and Lela FRENCH have returned
to their home after
several months visit to relatives and friends near
RUTHVILLE News Column - Almus COLLINS is right
sick this week.
Ben PHILLIPS moved to Kentucky Friday.
D. C. REAMS of Fulton was here Monday.
Morgan FRENCH, of Dukedom, was here Tuesday.
C. M. ROSS and W. T. SAWYER went to Sharon
on business Friday.
Maywoon WILLIAMS, of near Water Valley, was
Horace SWIFT and Earnest RAWLS, of McConnell,
made a flying
trip to a Saturday.
Jewell Jotings Column
Joe FOSTER had a stable raising Tuesday.
Sam SIMMONS visited Miss Ida GATEWOOD last
Misses Emma and Ela GLASGOW have a bad case
of mumps.
Mr. Ed RAWLS has been very busy hauling tobacco
this week.
Claud RAFFERTY who has been very sick with
erysiplas is
Mr. Ellis PARKER kept to his room last Saturday
on account of
a toothache.
Misses Annie RAFFERTY and Bessie ROGERS visited
Mrs Mattie
BOLDEN Sunday.
The young people were given a singing at William
CAPP�s house.
Anderson BONDURANT, a hustling young man of
this place spent
Friday in Gleason.
Prof. Jim MOORE has quit his school at Wesley�s
Chapel on
account of mumps.
Mr HAMPTON and wife of Paris have been visiting
their uncle,
The hustling hog buyer Gus ATKINS, of Gleason,
has purchased a
nice lot of hogs in this part of the county.
Non Resident Notices
John DONNER, S. A. LaFON, Oscar DUMAS,
Ale HATLER et al,
Calvin MAXWELL, Ella MAXWELL, and Minnie BYNUM as
next of kin to E. A. Wilson, dec�d
Insolvent Notice Estate of J. P. HIGHFIELD
End of February 13, 1903
Friday, February 20, 1903 THE
Marriage Licenses:
Herbert VAUGHN to Radah HEARN
James SPENCE to Nellie WHEELIS
O. T. BROWN to Mrs. M. E. WASH
E. H. Rawls to N. J. _______
C. O. RAWLS to Bettie WHITE
RALSTON Reports Column
Wash LAWLER returned from Paducah Monday.
John MOORE and wife are visiting the latter�s parents.
Tom ARNN is with his brother Ernest WRIGHT this week.
Earnest HARDEMAN and family have moved in with Mrs. MILLER for
the year.
Miss Mamie BROOKS is spending this week with Miss Bessie JONES
near Dresden.
Mrs. W. R. VAUGHAN left Saturday for Paducah to visit her
daughter Mrs. LAWLER.
Clarence DENT and wife will soon leave for Arkansas where he
expects to make his future
Misses Annie and Ollie RAMSEY and Clyde BOYD of Trenton visited
Desdy VAUGHN this week.
Dave BROOKS came home sick Saturday from Cairo where he has been
employed some time with a telephone company.
ADAMS Academy Column
Mrs. Almus ADAMS is on the sick list.
W. M. BRIZENDINE is on the sick list.
Mrs T. S. FLIPPO visited his sister Mrs W. M. BRIZENDINE
Thursday evening.
Isham MATHIS visited his sister, Mrs. R. W. LAWLER, Sunday
Miss Beulah ADAMS spent Sunday night with her cousin Mrs.
Fielden TRAVIS.
Mr. BOAZ and son of Christmasville visited relatives in this
neighborhood this week.
Mrs. Ola McCLAIN and little daughter Mavis, visited Mrs. Katie
McCLAIN Thursday night.
R. B. BRIZENDINE, of the Public Wells neighborhood was here on
business last week.
T. S. FLIPPO, wife and daughter were guests of W. H. MATHIS and
family Saturday night.
Misses Ethel THOMPSON, Lilla MOORE and Clara TAYLOR were the
guests of Mrs. Beulah
Mrs Bettie GLOVER departed this life February 14. She leaves a
husband, five children,
a father, three sisters and one
brother to mourn their
loss. Deceased was 37 years of
age, a member of the
Missionary Baptist Church and died
a triumphant death. Mrs
GLOVER had not been living in
this neighborhood very
long, but we will miss her. Her
remains were tenderly
laid to rest Monday at Bible Union.
TERRELL Schoolhouse Column
Mr. Harrison GALLIMORE who has been quite sick is improving.
John MOSELEY , who was hurt by the horse kicking him, is up and
Bud LUCKETT who has been confined to his bed for quite a while
and was thought to have
consumption, is up and around
most of the time.
Uncle Billy GALLIMORE returned from a week�s visit to his
grandchilden and other
relatives in Ark.
Town and Country Column
Mrs. J. L. HOLBROOK and child are visiting in Union City.
Mr. T. C. SADLER has moved from the Vincent School House
vicinity to near Ralston.
He is a splendid man and we
commend him to the people
of Ralston.
Mr. Alex MITCHELL of No. 15, was united in marriage last
Wednesday to Mrs Sarah
HOLT, also of that community. We
join their many friends
in offering congratulations.
Esq. A. E. GARDNER returned from Hickman Saturday, where he had
been to meet Mr. R. E.
GARDNER, who was on his way down
the Mississippi in his
Yatch to attend Madi Gras at New
Mr. C. O. RAWLS and Miss Bettie WHITE of Dukedom vicinity were
married the early part
of the week at the home of the
bride�s parents in No.
13. The Enterprise extends
Judge MAIDEN is in Ripley holding court. He completed the Dyer
Count docket last Saturday.
Mrs. Susan DORAN, wife of Tom DORAN, died at the family
residence in the 24th
last Saturday after a lingering
illness. The remains
were laid to rest at Palmersville.
She was about 60 years
old and leaves a husband and
several children to mourn
her death.
Brother G. T. MAYO came down from Nashville to fill his regular
appointment at Palmersville and also to visit his
brother, W. B. MAYO who
accidently shot himself in the
foot last week. Billy
is getting along as well as could
be expected considering
the nature of the wound.
Mr. H. B. JONES made his son, Roger, a small double barrelled
shotgun. Wednesday, Master
Roger telephoned us he had
that day killed his first
hare with his gun. We
endeavored to persuade
our little friend to give us the
rabbit but he could not
part with his treasure.
Mr. W. T. CAPPS has been appointed administrator of the estate
of his deceased father,
W. H. CAPPS, Esq., and will on
Tuesday sell the personal
property of the deceased.
There are horses, mules,
cattle, wheat, corn, a binder,
mower, and 1/3 interest
in a thresher, a saw mill and a
corn mill to be sold
at public auction.
The music at the C. P. Church was much improved last Sunday by
the addition of Master
Lester McCUAN and his violin.
Brother WAGGONER announced that he would preach at the C. P
Church in Dresden every
second Sunday.
Prof. LANCASTER has been compelled to discontinue his school at
West Union for a few
days on account of mumps.
J. L. GATES has moved from Dukedom to Fulton, Ky.
Uncle John BRUMMITT says the roads all over the county are
horrible and if something
is not done before next winter, farmers will
be compelled to stay home.
The surviving members in Weakley County of the Old 5th
Tennessee Regiment will
be sorry to learn of the death of
a comrade, T. C. PHILLIPS,
who died in Gibson County a
week or so ago. Uncle
was a former resident
of this county.
Mr. L. E. HOLLADAY returned Sunday from Columbus, Ohio, where he
has been employed as
state agent for a law book
publishing house.
Mr. Zeke RAWLS and Miss Annie GOLDEN, prominent and highly
respected citizens were
united in the bond of holy
matrimony Monday night
at the home of Esq. D. A. GOLDEN
of the 17th, father of
the bride. The county contains
no better, trurer, more
substantial citizen than Zeke
RAWLS, and we sincerely
congratulate him on winning the
heart and hand of
Miss GOLDEN, herself a most estimable
lady and a member of
one of the counties best families.
Drs. J. B., A. D. and Carl FINCH have received from Chicago and
installed in their offices over Bobbitt�s Drug Store, an
x-ray machine and electic
battery combined.
Circuit Court Clerk Billie KILLEBREW is hard at work day and
night writing a book
which shall be entitled Hypnotism:
The Science of the 20th
Century; It�s Wonderful Powers,
Walter RAWLS is reported on the sick list.
W. T. SAWYER went to Latham Saturday night.
Bob JOLLEY of Martin was over here Friday.
Sam REED and wife spent Sunday with J. P. BREEDEN.
Miss Ora PALMER visited her cousin Lula BURKS, Friday.
Barton RAWLS of McConnell was in Ruthville Saturday, trading.
Taylor SMITH, who lives near Fulton was here Friday on business.
Herman STRONG of Alexander, Ky. was here on business Wednesday.
Dr. SMITH has about completed his residence.
J. A. THOMAS, of Harrris, was visiting his sister Mrs. Daisy
MOSS here this week.
Ethel ROBERTS and Miss Vernice LAMB were married in Fulton last
Jess PARRISH, a well known citizen of Hyndsver was here on
business this week.
Misses Bessie and Docie LUTHER of this vicinity visited in Fulton
last week.
W, E, LUTHER will leave in a few days for the Indian Territory
and other Western parts.
James VAUGHN has bought a farm near Dukedom and will locate there
in a short while.
Miss Maud MOSS is spending the week with her grandmother, Mrs.
Julie MOSS, near Fulton.
Bud TURNER, who lived at Fulton, has bought and moved to the
Harris farm, one half
mile east of Ruthville.
W. T. SAWYER and C. W. ROSS, live stock dealers of this place,
left of St. Louis Saturday
with a carload of hogs.
Jim SPENCE and Miss Nellie WHEELIS were quietly married Thursday
night at the residence
of the bride near Ruthville.
Burnett REEVES, a promising young attorney who was reared in
this vicinity, but who
has recently lived in Fulton and
Hickman, departed Wednesday
for St. Louis where he will
reside in future.
SHARON Snap Shots Column
Miss Myrtle MAXWELL of Martin, is visiting Miss Olive PARRISH.
Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Grace SHANNON to
of Lebanon.
Prof. SWEARINGEN, a railway mail clerk, has moved his family to
Sharon in the residence
of R. L. Norman.
Miss Flora PARRISH has gone to St. Louis for a month�s
instruction in the Millinery
shop, and will then
RETURN and be in charge
of this department with Hollis
and Parish.
Miss Nell GAINER held her audience spellbound for an hour and a
half at the elocutionary
Miss Ferra MONTGOMERY has resigned her position at the Sharon
Training School and has
gone to prepare for her marriage
to Dr. BEARD. Miss Leila
McKINNEY was elected to replace
her for the remainder
of the year.
Last Monday at 4 o�clock in the afternoon at the home of the
bride�s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. M. V. ROBERTS, in Sharon,
a quiet but beautiful
wedding took lace, which united
the hearts and hands
of Mr. O. T. BROWN and Mrs Harrison Elizabeth
WASH, Rev. W. H. McLEAKEY offociating. The
groom is a high toned
christian gentleman, and one of
Obion counties foremost
citizens, while the bride is
one of Sharon�s most
lovable women. A large circle of
friends wish for them
a long and happy future.
MEDA Matters Column
Mrs EMMONS visited Mrs. J. H. ELLIS since our last.
Luther and Curtis CRUTCHFIELD went to Sharon Monday.
C. D. TATE and family visited W. A. GARDNER Wednesday.
Mr and Mrs. J. E. BROOKS visited J. A. MILES near Walnut Ridge
Mrs. Ruth STEVENS has been right sick, but is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom WOOD, of Martin, visited relatives here since
our last.
Will TATE and family visited Chester TATE this week.
GLEASON Gleanings Column
Mr. WALTERS and wife of McKenzie are here.
Mrs. George SWAIM is recovering after a short illness.
Mr. FARMER and wife, of Martin, visited T. A. LOVELACE and wife
Joe PARKER, floor-walker of W. H. PARKS visited his parents at
Meridian, Monday.
Dobie REAVIS, from Wartrace is here visiting his daughter, Mrs.
HADGER this week.
W. B. BYNUM, the mogul stave man of this place has returned from
Arkansas where he had been
to look out a location
for his stave mills.
Thomas COLLINS of J. C. Ammons Drug Store has accepted a position
with Lockhart and Company
of Nashville and left last
Gleason has proven to be a great mule market. One day last
week, Mr. ROGERS of Union
City was here and bought 20
mules, paying an average
price of $125 apiece.
GREENFIELD Gatherings Column
Miss Nell GAINER of McKenzie gave an elocution recital at
College Hall Thursday
W. W. HOK, formerly of Water Valley, Mississippi who
recently moved to Greenfield,
will soon have in
operation a bottling
Charles A. OGAN of the law firm of Ogen and Featherston of
Greenfield, has closed
a contract with the trustees of
the G. R. C. Normal at
Henderson, to take charge of the
law dept. at that institution
and will begin in Sept.
Mr. OGAN is a successful
attorney, recently of Ohio.
It is with sorrow that we record the fact that the death angel
has visited one of our
homes and taken from us our
beloved Uncle Robert
BARTON. For some time he has been
living with his daughter
Mrs. W. T. ROBERSON, at whose
home he died. He met
death calmly and contentedly, and
leaves behind a noble
record and example of a good man
and citizen, He was nearly
85 years of age and early in
life united with the
church and later became a member of
Masonic Order. The funeral
services were conducted at the
C. P. Church by Bro.
CANNON, and the interment was in the
C. P. cemetery.
FANCY Facts Column
John STAFFORD killed his hogs Tuesday.
Joe MATHANY�s folks are all recovering from the small pox and
will be out soon.
Alice TUCK is very low with consumption. She is going down
every day but we hope
she will soon improve.
Bud MANSFIELD happened to a sad accident the other day; he was
feeding his mule through
a crack of the stable, and the
mule got hold of his
finger and tore all the flesh off
it. Mr. Mansfield is
getting along very will now but the
mule is in danger of
blood poison.
R. E. DODD is in Cinncinatti.
B. F. WELLS went to Sharon last Sunday.
S. FARNER of Greenfield was here last Friday.
Miss Zuline SHEELER is visiting in Memphis; the guest of her
brother B. F. WHEELER.
E. J. FREEMAN was taken worse Saturday night and his recovery
is somewhat doubtful.
R. W. DICKEY has moved his boarding place from the Perry House
to the Williams house
on Oxford Street.
Forrest DUKE left for Denver, Colorado last Friday; he has
accepted a position out
J. S. SIMMONS has rented part of R. E. DUKE�s house on Main
Street and will move
to the same one day this week.
Miss Callie Lou HARRIS of Murfreesboro who has been visiting
friends returned home
W. H. BELL of Sedalia, has accepted a position with M. D. DUKE,
succeeding R. M. JOHNSON.
W. L. DUNNAGAN was called to Greenfield Tuesday to see Mrs I.
JACKSON who got severly
burned last Tuesday.
Miss Annie SUTHERLAND, has returned to her home in St. Louis.
Lucian BOMER, the polite and accomodating clerk of J. H.
WILSON left last Sunday
for Mayfield where he has
accepted a position as
clerk of one of the leading drug
The young people enjoyed a tacky party at the home of Mr.and
Mrs. TURPIN in East Martin
last Friday night.
Phillip MILAN, who has been out West for a few months, returned
last Friday to stay with
us a while, having accepted a
position with J. H. WILSON,
the druggist.
Friday, February 27, 1903
HYNDSVER Hits Column
Jim FREEMAN is reported seriously ill.
Mrs Mary KIMBLE is on the sick list.
Dr. McRAE made a professional visit to No. 17 last week.
Alan GIBBS made a business trip to the 14th.
T. H BROOKS, a prominent farmer of the 21st was here Monday.
Mack KIMBLE, of near Como, visited his mother.
Mrs Ima BATTS, of near Uba, is reported very sick with
Prof. W. E. MORGAN closed a very successful school at Pisgah,
Jack BRIGHT of Water Valley, Ky visited friends here .
Mrs. Mattie HOUSE who has been very sick is reported better.
Mr. BOLTEN of Fulton, Ky visited his daughter Mrs Will CHAPPELL
since our last.
Tom WELDON of Latham is the new mail carrier on the route from
Latham to Martin.
Steven KEITH and wife and Wm FRREMAN and his sister, Miss
Lillian visited friends
in Obion County.
Miss Edna BARBER dismissed her school Tuesday until Monday due
to the bad weather.
Arthur HESTER is stepping mighty high these days. Its a brand
new baby girl at his
home, born February 15.
W. T. JENKINS formerly of this county but now of Piggott, Ark.
is visiting family and
Jack SHERON invited thirty of his friends to a barbeque last
Friday. He had barbequed
chickens and rabbits for all.
Mrs E. C. ELLIOTT was called to Mayfield, Ky last week to the
bedside of her daughter,
Mrs. Willie COLE who was
reported seriously ill.
Curtis, the infant son of Mr and Mrs T. R. CHAPPELL departed
this life February 20,
after an illness of several weeks
with slow fever and was
buried at Bible Union Saturday.
The bereaved parents
and relatives have the sympathy of
the entire community
in the loss of their precious babe.
FANCY Facts Column
Ben LOVARD visited home folks Saturday and Sunday.
Rufus REED and family visited John STAFFORD Saturday and Sunday.
Mount PENTECOST and wife and Miss Mamon McWHERTER are visiting
in Palmersville.
Edwin GRUBBS and family visited Mr. WILSON Sunday.
Mr. FIELDS has been visiting Mr. WILLIS� family. Mrs. Myrtil
WILLIS returned home
with him.
Tommy TUCKER, son of Esq. TUCKER, is suffering from mumps but
Freeman GATEWOOD is stepping awful high on account of that young
man who arrived at his
home to board with him awhile.
FREEEMAN says he will
soon have help.
MIDWAY Midgets Column
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RAE is seriously ill with
Miss Zelma WILLIAMS of Martin is visiting her sister Mrs. Elbert
Little Ida WESTBROOK, who has been suffering for several weeks
from a severe burn is
SHILOH Sayings Column (Too late for last week)
Ask Dock INSCO- what about that shiveree?
Louise THOMAS is visiting relatives in Middle Tennessee.
Our old esteemed friend, S. G. TAYLOR is on the sick list.
Uncle Sam DARNELL�s family are confined at home with small pox.
M. D. MORRIS has built a new wagon shed.
Our esteemed friend, E. M. ALLEN is adding much to the comfort
and value of his farm
by putting up new dwellings and
tearing down the old
ones. E. M. is a hustling bachelor.
Wonder who will be the
lucky girl?
Asa HUTCHESON is adding greatly to the comfort and beauty of his
residence by way of repairs.
Wonder what that means?
Oscar DANEL now occupied the place recently vacated by Will
LIMES. We certainly regret
losing Will from our midst
for he is a hustler and
liked by all, however, we
welcome Mr. DANEL and
his interesting little wife and
wish them a prosperous
and happpy stay in our community.
James ESPREY and Miss Beulah TAYLOR were happily united in the
bonds of holy matrimony
last Sunday near Ralston, Esq.
N. F. CRUTCHFIELD officiating,
after which the bridal
party started for
Mr and Mrs. T. E. TAYLOR�s north of
Dresden where they met
a host of friends.
After supper we were entertained for a few hours with some good
music, both vocal and
instrumental led by Prof. BURROWS
and Mrs Esther TAYLOR,
organist. After this the crowd
was treated to cake and
The ex-Confederate soldiers and sons of veterans, of and near
Gleason are hereby notified
to meet at Gleason March 4,
1903 at one o�clock in
the afternoon for the purpose of organizing
and preparing for the trip to the confederate reunion,
to be held in
New Orleans in May 1903.
Col. E. E. TANSIL is invited to be with us on that day.
G. W.
GREENFIELD Gatherings Column
Mrs. John TOSH is on the sick list.
R. C. and J. E. BROCK are in St. Louis buying goods for Brock
Bros. and Company.
Miss Effie NORMAN has entered the Greenfield graded school
and is boarding with
her uncle D. E. BROCK.
Erie SMITH has just closed a successful term of school near
Brock�s Chapel and returned
to his home in Yorksville.
The company of Confederate Veterans of Greenfield had a meeting
here Saturday and re-elected
Captain Thomas CAMPBELL.
The sale of W. C. DEUBERRY�s property took place last Saturday
and Monday. The lot and
house where Mr. Deuberry now
lives sold to Thomas
CAMPBELL for $3605. His farm to
J. A. COATS for $6525.
The saw mill was purchased by
A. J. BARTON and several
small lots were sold to J. N.
RAY. The amount of sales
were almost equal to Mr.
DEUBERRY�s liabilities
and we hope he will be able to
satisfy his entire indebtedness.
MERIDIAN Musings Column
Esq. S. W. OLIVER and wife went to Greenfield Tuesday.
Mrs Maud CLARK was the guest of Bera JOHNSON Sunday.
Miss Pennie SIMS was the guest of Miss Bera GOOLSBY, Friday.
Miss Ruby SPEARS spent Sunday with Miss Maud CLARK.
Willie YOUNG and Clyde SIMS made a business trip to Dresden
Lee BRASFIELD and G. W. EDMUNSTON went to Gleason on business
Mrs. Bob GOOLSBY has been very sick with pneumonia.
Jordan JETER and wife spent Saturday with S.A. YOUNG and family.
Misses Mazella JOHNSTON and Pennie SIMS were the guests of Miss
Malcy PARKS Sunday.
Misses Vera OLIVER and Evangeline HIGGS were out horse back
riding Thursday afternoon.
RUTHVILLE Rumors Column
Bill THOMPSON was guest of D. R. MOSS Saturday night.
Jim PENCE of Cairo is staying with W. W. MOSE at present.
Miss Effie ROGERS visited her cousin, Miss Maud MOSS, Sunday.
M. F. LADD and family spent Sunday with D. L. LASWELL and
Miss Libbie SAWYER was guest of Miss Maud TEMPLE Thursday night.
Homer LEE made a special trip to Dresden.
Miss Sophia MOSS, who has been quite sick is convalescent.
Whitnell FELTS visited his grandparents, Mr and Mrs Green FELTS
in Fulton, Sunday.
E. M. MOSS and daughter Maud spent Saturday night with the W. U.
ROGERS family.
Henry VAUGHN, a resident of Uba, visited his daughter, Mrs Nora
REAMS, Friday night.
Thomason MATHAHY, of Hyndsver, spent Saturday night and Sunday
with your correspondent.
Tom BUTCHER, recently of Texas, and other western points, spent
Sunday night with Ruthie
GLEASON Gleanings Column
Dr. W. W. McBRIDE is in New Orleans.
Miss Mattie CLENDINIG is visiting in Paris.
Hon. J. T. PEELER of Huntingdon was here last week.
Col. C. D. WHITE, of Union City, was here last week.
W. B. BYNUM is out again after several days illness.
Miss Bessie RERIE left Sunday for McKenzie wher she will enter
Ed V. SIMS has returned from a business trip to Nashville.
L. G. LYLL, of Dickson, who has been an operator here for the
past three months left
for his home Friday.
Rufus JOHNSTON died at his home in the north side of town last
Saturday and was buried
at Hopewell Sunday.
Attorney FARMER has been here on business and returned last
week and will make Gleason
their future home.
Harry DEASON and wife who have been in Wichita, Kansas for 18
months returned last
week and will make Gleason their
future home.
Rev. W. J. TRAYWICH, pastor of the C. P. Church here died at
his home in West Gleason,
Wednesday morning at 8
o�clock after a short
illness. Bro, TRAYWICH moved to
Gleason from Huntingdon
last fall. Deceased was 36
years of age and leaves
a wife and six small children
to mourn his death. The
remains were taken to
Huntingdon and buried
Thursday morning.
Last Sunday evening, while seated in their buggy, Mr. Marvin
SHANKLE and Mis Belle
PHELPS were united in marriage
by Rev. J. W. JOYNER.
Mr. SHANKLE is connected with a
produce firm here. We
wish them a happy union.
JEWELL Jotings Column
Miss Ella OVERBY has mumps.
Mrs Emily FOSTER is on the sick list.
Mrs Ludena RAWLS and child have been sick but are improving.
Vida and Edna FOSTER have the mumps.
The infant child of Jim FOURDIZE was found dead in bed last
Thursday morning. The
remains were carried to the
Taylor grave yard and
laid to rest.
PALMERSVILLE Pointers Column
Bob MERRIMAN has gone west.
Mrs VANCE is quite ill.
Rice Mc WHERTER, of Dresden visited home folks, Tuesday.
Dr. BOYD and family are moving to Oak Tree.
Sam MORGAN, from across the river has lately moved into
our town.
The son of Frank GLISSON died on last Monday afternoon.
Miss Pearl PARHAM of Gleason has been visiting friends
and relatives, has returned
Jim MULLEN and sister, Miss Ethel, who are teaching at
Christmasville paid a
flying visit to home folks
Saturday. They were accompanied
of that place.
Town and County Column
Mr. John BRAGG has been quite ill with catarrhal trouble.
Little Miss Irene OVERTON, who has been ill of pneumonia is
reported better.
Mrs. Rhea P. CAREY of Memphis has been the guest of her
mother, Mrs. Bettie C.
Mrs. Jos. L. DUKE left last Sunday for St. Louis where she
will spend several weeks
familiarizing herself with
the latest fashions and
designs in hat decorating.
Mrs J. G. PARKER has been dangerously ill this week suffering
from asthma.
Twins - a boy and a girl - were born to Mr. and Mrs. Ivy
FREEMAN last week.
Miss Vera CHANDLER opened school at the Freeman School house,
south of Dresden, on
last Monday with a flattering
Mr. C. A. MOORE of No. 6 was here Monday. Mr. MOORE tells us
that J. M. FOSTER of
No. 6 has been hard at work
constructing sheds for
his farm machinery.
Judge HILL has had a private office partitioned off in the
upper jury room at the
Presiding Elder HEFLEY held quarterly conference here Saturday
night and preached Sunday
morning and evening.
The two OVERSBY brothers of Jewell, brought to Dresden last
Saturday a wagon drawn
by four horses. In it there were
700 rabbits, 660 of which
were killed by those energetic
boys and the other 40
they purchased. The rabbits were
sold to J. W. PARKER
who shipped them.
Miss Florence POINTER, of Martin, was the guest of Miss Ida
BAXTER this week.
On Thursday, March 5, at the late residence of E. P. McCLAIN,
J. F. McCLLAIN, as administrator,
will sell at public
sale the personal effects
of E. P. McCLAIN, deceased.
There are horses, cattle,
hogs, vehicles, farm
machinery, etc. to be
We direct attention to the advertisement of Mr. W. H. WILLIMS,
the skilled photographer
of Gleason.
Last Sunday as Mrs. Sinda PRICE and little granddaughter were
driving to church in
the vicinity of Latham, the buggy
gave a sudden lunge into
a mud hole , throwing the
little girl out of the
wagon into about three feet of
mud. This occurred on
the Palmersville-Latham road
between the two places.
Bro. C. C. McDEARMON on last Sunday afternoon united in
marriage Prof. W. W.
at the residence of Tom
PANE in No. 4. Prof. JONES is
a rising young pedagogue
of this county, stands well in
his community and has
a score of friends who
congratulate him upon
winning the heart and hand of so
fair a young lady as
Miss Lizzie, who is a most amiable
young lady.
Messrs. Isaac and John FREEMAN of Paryear and Gleason,
respectively, were here
last week visiting relatives
and friends. They also
visited Uncle Jim FREEMAN, of
No. 20, who is in very
bad health and tells us that he
is no better. Uncle Jim
is one of this counties grandest
citizens and we are sorely
grieved to learn of his
continued illness. Later,
Since the last was put to type
we are in receipt of
the sad intelligence that Mr.
FREEMAN quietly breathed
his last Wednesday afternoon
at 2 o�clock. We will
publish an obituary of him next
Uncle Lou LANIER was in Martin last Friday and told of a
horrible mud hole north
of Martin. There was never
anything of more advantage
to a section than H.
VANDOLAH�s saw mills
have been to the Palmersville
community. Vandolah has
two mills in operation and is
perfecting arrangements
for a third.
E. B. TEACHOUT, freight adjustor of the N. C. and St. L.
railroad was here Tuesday
in interest of his road.
Sid HARRIS, living near Dresden, killed a porker one day lst
week that weighted 516
pounds. Sid killed one lst year
that beat this by several
Friday, March 6, will be observed as Arbor Day in Dresden.
Messrs. J. W. MORAN,
have been suggested to
superintend the setting out of
The Washington entertainment given by Miss Annie Lea HALBROOK,
at the home of Mr. and
Mrs.J. L. HOLBROOK, was attended
by about thirty guests.
Mrs. A. E. GARDNER and Mrs. Mary
GARRETT assisted in receiving.
Prizes were carried off
by Sterling McCUAN, Romie
HARRIS School House Column
Asa RICKMAN of Water Valley, Ky is visiting his uncle R. C.
Eld. C. C. McDEARMON will preach at Harris School House next
A. C. ALLEN has gone to Ky. where he will make his future home.
The small-pox patients in Mr. DARNELL�s home are getting along
George WILLIAMS has gone to Illinois where he expects to make
his future home.
Miss Susa INSCO is visiting this community.
Miss Pearl HARRISON, Gibson County is the guest of M. D. MORRIS
and family.
Aunt Nancy PLEASANT, who has been sick the past six weeks with
fever, is improving.
Miss Julia INSCO and little brother, Rufus were the guests of
their grandfather, J.
W. INSCO this week.
LATHAM Listings Column
Mrs I. L. MYRICK of near Ralston is visiting her parents Mr.
and Mrs. DAWSON.
The farm of Mr. Calvin LEE, deceased, has been purchased by Mr.
Mr. RYAN, a tobacco buyer of Martin, was in the neighborhood
recently buying some
tobacco and paying very good
On Monday, February 9, at the residence of Mr. T. J. MICHELS�,
Mr. J. B. STAFFORD was
happily united in marriage to
Miss Parlee Delaware
LEE, Esq. ATKINS officiating. We
congratulate them.
Jno. GLASS of Sharon, was here Monday.
James DENT left for St. Louis Tuesday to visit friends.
Everett HENDERSON went to Jackson Tuesday on a prospecting tour.
Mrs. Porter McCombs PHELAN, of Trenton, visited friends here
since our last.
Dabney ROGERS, one of No. 8th�s most successful farmers was here
last Saturday.
Doke McWHERTER, our accomodating trustee, was here Saturday
collecting taxes.
B. C. FAIRCLOTH, of St. Louis, visited his brother, J. H.
FAIRCLOTH last Sunday
and Monday.
W. H. HOFFMAN who has been on the puny list for the past two
weeks has about recovered.
John R. WALKER and wife, of Union City, visited their niece,
last Tuesday.
Mrs. Jane COVINGTON is real sick at the home os her son near
Mt. Pelia, and her recovery
is doubtful. She is 93
years old.
A young man arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. DUKE
last Friday to stay with
them and make himself one of
the family.
Jno. T. WILLIAMS, owner of the Williams Hotel is Louisville,
Ky. last Sunday night.
Miss Florence POINTER went to Dresden to attend an entertainment
given by Miss Annie Lea
HOLBROOK. She was the guest of
Miss Ida BAXTER while
C. C. BELL and Family, of Croosland, Ky. moved here last week
and are now living at
T. C. WOODS place in East Martin.
Brother BELL formerly
lived here and we welcome him and
his family back.
Z. D. CHILDRESS of Ralston, Esq. Jim CHILDRESS and Will SMITH,
of Gardner, and John
PATTERSON of Mt. Pelia left Friday
for Old Mexico on a prospecting
tour. If they are
pleased they will buy
land and move there.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. HOLDEN died last Friday
and was buried Saturday
at Gardner Cemetery.
Mr. J. A. UNDERWOOD and Miss May WARMATH surprised their friends
last Sunday evening by
driving to the residence of Rev.
A. E. SCOT, where he
said the few words that made both
their hearts beat as
one. The groom is the constable of
the 2nd district and
is an honest, upright, hustling
young man. The bride
is the daughter of Mrs. Sarah
WARMATH and is a young
lady of sweet and sunny
disposition, scattering
happiness and sunshine wherever
she goes. We wish them
much success and hope as they
sail down the stream
of time they may encounter no
billows and that all
it takes to constitute happiness
and pleasure may fall
to their lot, and ever be theirs
to enjoy.
DUKEDOM Happenings
Miss Tiney CASHON has been visiting her aunt in Obion.
Uncle Joe BRUMMITT, of near Dresden, was in our town Friday.
Will BROWNER and wife, of Martin, are visiting John ACREE and
Jess CAVANDER and wife, of Wingo, visited S. P. CAVENDER and
family Saturday night.
Mr. MALOAN and sister, of near Latham visited John WHITES�s
family Friday night.
Miss Ima ACREE has come home from Martin, where she has been
attending school.
P. H. COLLIER has returned from St. Louis where he carried a
car load of hogs.
Henry PARRISH is talking of going to Roff, I. T.
(Indian Territory) We
regret very much to give Mr.
C. L.RIGGINS has accepted a position with the Mayfield woolen
mills and will move there
at once.
Miss Effa FOY who has been visiting Mrs Lou McCALL, of this
place returned to her
home near Fulton, Ky.
Emerson, Cavender and Co. are prizing six hogsheads of tobacco
a day.
Charlie McCLAIN, Tom JOHNSON, and Dick FARMER, of near Unity,
were in town Friday buying
saws, axes and other
materials to cut one
of the largest cypress trees in
Obion bottom for raccoons.
We haven�t heard how many
they caught.
VINCENT School House Column
Uncle Jimmy FREEMAN, of near Pisgah Church is very sick.
Calvin DUKE, of St. Louis, visited his sister, Mrs Ellen
FREEMAN last week.
Asa GREER was in our midst Saturday night and attended the
Oriental Society at Tom
The newly married couple, Herbert VAUGHAN and wife spent
Saturday with Oscar McCLAIN
and family.
Norris, the six year old son of J. R. McCLAIN and wife had
a severe attack of croup
last Sunday night.
Jack HARRIS and Earnest FARMER went to Martin last Saturday
and the train left them.
I wonder wonder if they got
their shoes mudddy coming
Uncle Bob McCLAIN says he is not in favor of that picnic
being held at his house
on Easter. Just have it
anywhere else and he
will be there with his part of
the nic.
We regret to give up one of our best citizens, T. C. SANDLER,
who will move to _____.
No, just wait until we see him
going down the road then
we will know that he has
R. A. McCLAIN went to feed one day last week, when he picked
up his feed basket, a
mouse ran out and several times
that morning, R. A. felt
something under his coat, but
thought little of it.
At dinner hour he shook his coat
and his mouseship ran
out of the sleeve and around the
room several times, followed
by R. A. and several others
who had brooms, fire
pokers and other instruments of
torture, endevouring
to kill the beast, which was
finally nabbed by an
old one eyed bob tail cat.
MEDA Matters Column
Mrs. Tom STEPHENS is on the sick list.
Robert L. ELLIS was in our midst Monday.
L. F. STALCUP went to Martin Tuesday.
W. J. UNDERWOOD was in this vicinity Sunday.
Mr. CRUTCHFIELD went to Sharon Wadnesday.
Dr. H. B. STEPHENS and family visited Mrs. Willie
S. S. SCAGGS and family visited J. T. BROOKS and family
Saturday night.
The sale of the late A. J. FENNY came off the 21st and things
went well.
Horald STEWART, of near Publis Wells was here visiting relatives
Saturday and Sunday.
PLEASANT HILL Happenings Column
Mrs J. C. TODD is still on the sick list.
Charley REA has a very sick baby at this writing.
Ed MORGAN is moving from Latham to this community.
G. S. Shelby TODD celebrated his 80th birthday on February 23 at
his daughter�s, Mrs.
G. F. GLASGOW�s where a large
crowd of relatives and
friends assembled to enjoy the
day and held the old
gentleman eat his 16 pound turkey,
which was enjoyed by
all. May he live long and have many
turkeys for us to eat,
is our sincere wish. Sammie TODD
of Henry County and Willie
ESTES of Sharon attended the celebration.
End of February 27, 1903