
We have been working on surveying some cemeteries and getting them transcribed. Hopefully it won’t be long before they are added.

Joan Russell has shared a delightful picture of Chalybeate Springs School in the Sulphur Springs area of Washington County. Love the little boy making the dog smile.

A couple of search tips:

On the “Home” page, under the picture on the right is a blank cell, with a search button beside of it. Type in the surname you are searching, click “Search” and a list will appear with all of the places you can find that name on this site.

After you have chosen a cemetery to view and are looking at the page, you will find a cell with “10” in it immediately above the table on the left side. This is the number of entries that is showing in the table. You can increase the number by clicking on the “up” arrow beside of the number.   Next go across the top of the table to the blank cell on the right. Type in the surname you are researching. A list will appear for each person with that surname, even if it is a given name or the maiden name of a lady.

Betty Jane

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