1910 US Census for Mountain Home VA

Mountain Branch National Home D.V.S.


The 1910 Census indicates the following information about the Mountain Home residents: name (status/black), age, whether single, married, widowed or divorced, place of birth, place of birth of father and place of birth of mother. Marriage information was copied exactly as it was given in the census. Transcribed by Betsy Lacy, Johnson City,TN

Name (status/black)  Age   Marital status (S, M, Wd, D)   Place of Birth     POB – Father      POB – Mother


Adams, Frederick 62 Wd CT CT CT
Adams, James E. 29 S VA un un
Adams, Samuel G. 65 M1 NY NY NY
Adamson, John 66 Wd Pa. Ireland Ireland
Adkins, John H. 66 M1 VA un un
Agresby, Angelo P. 74 Wd Italy Italy Italy
Akins, Robert 59 S PA Ireland Ireland
Alber, Joseph 63 M IN NY IN
Albert, V. French 70 M1 Maine un un
Alexander, Albert D. 60 S Germany Germany PA
Alger, Milo M. 71 Wd NY NH NH
Allen, Lewis S. 70 M1 MA MA MA
Allen, Patrick 78 M Ireland un un
Allen, Sidney A. 64 S ME un un
Allen, Thomas W. 72 M NY un un
Allingham, John 61 Wd NY un un
Almany, Robt (Head) 40 M TN TN VA
Alsina, Antonio 74 M1 Spain Spain Spain
Ambrose, John 70 S MA Ireland Ireland
Amsbyry, Edgar 72 M CT CT CT
Anderson, Henry C. 30 S VA un un
Anderson, John A. 70 M1 PA un un
Anderson, John A. 70 M1 PA un un
Anderson, John M.R. 68 M OH un un
Anderson, Larkin 70 Wd AL VA VA
Anderson, Robert A. 75 S KY VA VA
Andrews, Frank C. 36 M1 — England England
Anshutz, Henry F. 69 Wd WV PA PA
Antriun, Samuel R. 67 Wd NJ un un
Applebee, Charles 72 Wd CT CT CT
Archbold, George 53 S NY un un
Aristide, Louis J. 67 S France France France
Armstrong, John J. 63 S NY un un
Armstrong, Lewis 62 M1 PA un un
Arny, Edward 63 M1 PA un un
Artemas, James(B) 66 M SC SC SC
Auch, Andrew 72 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Auch, Jacob Jr. 65 S Germany Germany Germany
Auckey, Henry 72 S PA un un
August, Frank 63 M Sweden un un
Auld, Andrew 66 Wd PA PA PA
Austin, Jonus N. 62 Wd RI ME MA
Austin, Joseph K. 63 Wd NY Ireland Ireland
Ayer, Joseph C. 69 S MA ME MA


Babb, Charles H. 76 Wd PA un un
Bachman, Samuel B. 25 S TN TN TN
Bailey, Albert M. 72 Wd PA un un
Bailey, Alvin L. 72 M NY un un
Bailey, Amelia (Servant). 22 S TN TN VA
Bailey, George 62 S PA un un
Bailey, Robert H. 34 M NC NC NC
Bain, John A. 70 Wd PA PA PA
Baker, David 62 M1 Ohio un un
Baker, Francis 64 M1 PA PA PA
Baker, James W. 55 S NC un un
Bakewell, Charles E. 62 M WVA un un
Ball, Cyrus W. 68 M1 NY un un
Ball, Robert 67 WD IN un IN
Ballard, Devillo P. 76 Wd NY un un
Ballard, Richard T. 62 S Indiana Indiana N.C.
Ballyet, Lewis 65 S Ohio un un
Balz, Phillip 66 M2 Germany Germany Germany
Balzer, Anton 32 S IL un un
Bang, Emulie sister-in-law 25 — Germany Germany Germany
Bannister, Anthony 69 S AR un un
Barber, William T. 64 S NY VT NY
Barber, Edith (boarder) 31 S NC NC NC
Bargy, Aiben 65 S France France France
Barkley, James 71 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Barnes, Harrison (lodger) 21 S TN TN TN
Barnes, Summer E. 62 Wd OH un un
Barr, A.M. 72 M1 PA un un
Barr, Robert 71 — Ireland Ireland Ireland
Barr, William 62 S Ireland Un Un
Barringer, John R. 75 M MI NY NY
Barry, Eugene F. (Head) 22 S TN TN TN
Barry, Wm. 79 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Bartini, Joseph F. 37 S DC Italy NY
Bartlett, Edward G. 65 S OH un un
Bartlett, Frederick 65 S ME MA MA
Bartlett, Jencher 70 Wd RI un un
Bartlett,Cicero 66 Wd IN un un
Bartolet, Henry F. 68 M1 PA PA PA
Bass, William 29 M1 TN un un
Batcheler, Wm. G. 60 M1 PA PA PA
Bateman, John T. 73 Wd PA PA PA
Batt, Samuel 64 S PA un un
Bauer, Victor 72 S Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland
Bayless, Wm. 70 S OH OH NY
Beale, George E. 65 M1 Maine un un
Beam, George E. 68 Wd PA un un
Bean, James M. 71 Wd Illinois un un
Beck, Wm. D. 67 S PA PA PA
Beckhom, Frederich 66 Wd NY NY NY
Beckley, Daniel 62 M2 OH PA NY
Bedel, Enoch 63 Wd PA PA PA
Beer, Samuel 67 S IN MD NC
Beers, Lyman 69 S PA un un
Bell, Benjamin H. 25 S WV WV WV
Bell, William 61 S PA un un
Bellnap, John S. 69 M NY un un
Bellzhoover, John 68 S PA PA PA
Bemiss, Charles 62 M1 Indiana un un
Bennett, Edgar H. 65 Wd CT un un
Benson, William 68 M1 Germany un un
Benson, Wm. S. 66 S IN un un
Benton, Frank L. 65 M2 NY NY NY
Berger, David 66 M1 PA un un
Bergman, Albert 75 S Germany Germany Germany
Bernhardt, Max 63 Wd Germany un un
Berry, Wm. J. 70 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Bessler, Frank B. 55 M1 Germany Germany Germany
Biggerstaff, Marcus A. 69 M1 KY un un
Biggs, Herbert E. 30 S RI un un
Bigler, Henry 77 M2 Germany Germany Germany
Billing, Alfred 74 Wd England Eng. Eng.
Bingham, John 69 S NY NY NY
Bingham, Samuel R. 62 Wd PA un un
Binnix, George W. 64 Wd MD un un
Binnix, Wm. F. 64 S MD un un
Bisbing, Albert H. 67 M PA un un
Blackenbukler, Robt, J. 39 S VA VA VA
Blair, Robert 73 Wd Ohio un un
Blankinship, Carter 66 Wd KY un un
Bleger, Peter 67 Wd Holland Holland Holland
Bloomer, Wm. B. 81 S NY NY NY
Blystone, Wm. N. 69 M PA un un
Boak, Robert 67 WD PA PA PA
Bobo, Arvi J. 63 M1 Ohio un un
Bockheine, John 43 S Michigan un un
Boethner, Herman 73 S Germany Germany Germany
Bolt, John W. 30 M GA GA AL
Bolton, James A. 75 S IN OH IN
Bolton, John H.C. 82 Wd PA PA PA
Bont, George W. 68 M1 NY France NJ
Booker, Jas. N. 77 S KY un un
Boonstein, Albert 81 M1 Germany Germany Germany
Booth, Albert 36 S Oregon un un
Borchart, Henry J. 71 M1 PA PA PA
Bourdman, James 71 Wd England England England
Bowe, Charles L. 40 S VA un un
Bowen, Ezekiel S.J. 40 S WV VAVA VA
Bowers, Edward C. 68 M MA un un
Bowles, Alexander 58 M1 VA un un
Bowles, Henry F. 51 S Louisiana un un
Boyd, Johnson E. 31 S VA un un
Brace, Julius R. 64 M1 Ohio un un
Bradford, Dezell R. 70 Wd MI CT CT
Bradley, Rufus C. 64 M1 GA un un
Brado, Charles 79 M NJ un un
Brady, Charles 71 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Brady, James 65 Wd DEI Ireland Ireland
Brady, Patrick 71 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Brady, Patrick 87 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Brainard, Albert 69 Wd PA un un
Brandon, Henry 67 S IN IN IN
Brane, Elijah 63 M1 MA un un
Brannan, Anthony 71 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Branner, Dedrick (B) 73 M1 NC un NC
Bratcher, Benjamin 64 Wd TN TN TN
Breck, Joseph 61 M1 Canada un un
Brewer, Maggie (Servant) 24 S VA NC NC
Brock, Charles 30 S OH un un
Brooks, Alva O. 58 Wd Wisconsin un un
Brooks, Crowell (Head) 20 S TN TN TN
Brooks, Edward (B) 72 Wd New Jersey un un
Brooks, Joseph 70 Wd Pa un un
Brown, Adam (B) 68 M2 VA VA VA
Brown, Alfred G.B. 65 M1 PA PA PA
Brown, Amos 68 Wd Vermont Un Vermont
Brown, Chaincay 69 Wd NY un un
Brown, Charles 65 S PA PA PA
Brown, Chauncy 68 Wd New York New York New York
Brown, Francis M. 61 S PA Ireland Ireland
Brown, Frank Lodger 36 S TN TN TN
Brown, George F. 53 S WI un un
Brown, James P. 73 S LA OH OH
Brown, John 73 Wd NC NC NC
Brown, John 64 Wd OH un un
Broyles, Adam 66 M TN un un
Brunner, Frank 67 Wd Ohio un un
Brush, Jacob 32 S NY un un
Brush, John S. 70 Wd NY NY NY
Bryant, Robert 64 S CT un un
Bryon, Thomas A. 67 S Mass. un un
Buck, Oelo W. 68 M1 NY NY CT
Buckley, Patrick 62 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Buckley, Samuel T. 71 M NJ un un
Bucknany, Samuel E. 78 M1 ME ME ME
Bullock, George K. 67 M TN VA TN
Bullock, John F. 66 Wd New York New York New York
Bults, Robert B. 65 M1 NY NY NY
Burch, Edwin E. 51 S MD MD MD
Burchfield, Samuel S. 62 S Ohio Pa. Md.
Burchill, Wm. 73 S KY KY KY
Burg, Washington 71 M PA un un
Burgin, Jones E. 48 Wd N.C. un un
Burgin, Mollie (Servant). 48 Wd TN TN TN
Burk, Cyrus 73 M PA Ireland PA
Burkhart, John 72 M1 Ohio Germany Germany
Burlingame, James E. 68 M1 RI Ireland Ireland
Burns, Dennis A. 33 S MA un un
Burns, Michael 67 S Ireland un un
Burrell, George E. 66 S NY LA MD
Burroughs, Andrew 66 M1 MO KY KY
Burrow, Frank 41 S N.C. N.C. N.C.
Burton, Richard CM 66 M VA un un
Busch, Nicholas 58 M Germany un un
Butler, Bonnie (dau) 13 S TN TN TN
Butler, Clyde (son) 7 S TN TN TN
Butler, Florence (dau) 11 S TN TN TN
Butler, James C (Head) 38 M2 TN TN NC
Butler, Kittie (dau) 9 S TN TN TN
Butler, Ruth (dau) 4 S TN TN TN
Butler, Sophia (wife) 32 M TN VA TN
Butley, James W. 65 S NJ un un
Butley, John T. 71 S NJ NJ NJ


Cahoon, Washington 67 Wd Michigan un un
Cairo, John 75 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Calhoun, Joseph (B) 74 S SC SC SC
Calkins, Joseph S. 68 Wd Ohio un un
Callaghan, David 65 S Nova Scotia un un
Campbell, Abraham 71 S PA NY PA
Campbell, Robt F. 73 S NJ un un
Cannon, Jesse (B) 70 S TN un un
Cannon, Lee (B) 69 M TN un un
Caplick, Henry F. 37 S NY un un
Caraday, Thomas 66 M PA un un
Carey, Michael 65 M NY un un
Carlick, Chav M. 63 Wd NH NH NH
Carlile, Samuel 67 Wd PA NY PA
Carlin, Raphael 53 S MD MD MD
Carlin, Wm. F. 63 Wd Pa. un un
Carmody, Michael 71 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Carnes, Columbus C. 64 Wd Ohio un un
Carr, Charles W. 67 M1 CT un un
Carr, James 64 D NY un un
Carr, James H. 46 S TN un un
Carr, John 45 S PA un un
Carrell, Charles L. 66 S IL KY KY
Carroll, Charles 66 S MD MD MD
Carson, Robert 62 M NY Scotland England
Carter, Albert 64 S Canada England Canada
Carter, Albert A. 56 S KY England Ireland
Carter, John J. 66 S ME ME NH
Carter, Joseph 67 S PA un un
Carter, Theodore 65 M1 NY un un
Carver, Thos. L. 64 Wd IL un un
Carver, William A. 63 M1 Ohio un un
Case, Joseph 70 M2 NJ NY NY
Cash, John H. 71 M1 KY un un
Casteel, Willis 63 Wd TN un un
Castle, Nathan C. 39 M1 VA un un
Cates, Jefferson (B) 78 Wd VA un un
Cavanaugh, James 73 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Cecil, Dennis 64 M1 KY KY KY
Chaddell, John (B) 66 M VA un un
Chadwick, Obed B. 66 S IN KY KY
Chaffee, Horace 68 M NY un un
Chamberlain, Charles 66 S MA MA NH
Chambers, Isaac E. 82 M TN un un
Chambers, Isaac T. 51 M IL un un
Chambers, Jesse G. 66 S ME un un
Chapman, Wm. H. 70 S PA un un
Charles, Edward 70 S Canada England England
Chenowith, William J. 49 S MD un un
Cherreman, Sherwood 63 Wd NY NY NY
Chollet, Henry F. 77 S NJ un un
Christy, Joseph H. 69 Wd PA un un
Christy, Robert 64 S Ireland England Ireland
Churchill, Benjamin M. 63 S New York New York New York
Claffey, Wm. 65 S MA MA MA
Clark, Benjamin W. 57 Wd PA un un
Clark, George A. 70 Wd England England England
Clark, Henry B. (B) 69 Wd GA un w
Clark, Jackson S. 71 Wd MA un un
Clark, James (B) 69 Wd MS MS VA
Clark, Jarlieus D. 29 S MA un un
Clark, John 69 S OH un un
Clark, William T. 70 Wd KY un un
Clawson, William 72 Wd NC un un
Clazey, Albert J. 65 M1 MD MD MD
Cleary, Michael 65 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Click, Frank (lodger) 36 M Austria Austria Austria
Cline, Wm. B. 64 Wd OH OH OH
Clinton, Moses M. 64 M1 OH un un
Close, Louis Y. 69 S PA PA PA
Cloyd, David N. 68 Wd TN TN NC
Coats, Francis M. 73 S WVA un un
Coburn, John 65 M1 PA un un
Coffinger, Wm. 67 M1 NY un un
Cole, Joseph C. 61 Wd NY NJ NY
Cole, Maggie (Servant). 23 S TN TN TN
Cole, Mordica 69 Wd KY VA VA
Cole, W.A.D. 40 M1 PA un un
Coleman, George D. 62 M NY CT CT
Collins, Andrew 63 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Collins, Edward 78 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Collins, Stephen 65 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Collopy, Patrick 67 Wd Scotland un un
Commana, John 65 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Condon, Garrett 67 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Condont, John 70 Wd CT un un
Conklin, Theodore Re 79 M1 NY un un
Conklin, Wm. H. 78 Wd NY NY un
Connell, Patrick 78 M2 Ireland Ireland Ireland
Conner, Harris W. 76 S Ohio un un
Connor, John 77 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Connor, Thomas 72 M2 Ireland Ireland Ireland
Conway, Daniel 64 S Ireland un un
Conway, Edward 68 S SC Ireland NC
Cook, George H. 62 Wd TN un un
Cook, James D. 37 M TN un un
Cook, Wm. 75 Wd Canada England England
Cooney, Patrick H. 71 S PA Ireland Ireland
Cooper, Allen B. (B) 70 S NY un un
Cooper, Edgar H. 72 M VT un un
Cooper, George H. 67 S NY VT RI
Cooper, Isaac 66 S KY NC KY
Cooper, Newton 75 S TN un un
Corbly, Richmond C. 69 M OH un un
Corcoran, Dennis 66 S Ireland un un
Cory, Tom 71 M Indiana un un
Costin, Patrick 70 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Couch, James 63 S VA un un
Courts, Robert B. 34 S NC un un
Covert, George H. 71 Wd NY NY CT
Cox, Alonzo H. 69 S NY NY RI
Cox, Ambrose 69 S England England England
Cox, Anne (Servant) 55 Wd TN TN un
Cox, John C. 67 Wd PA PA PA
Cox, Weston (Servant). 21 S TN TN TN
Coyle, John J. 65 M2 NY NY NY
Craft, Delgoin 69 M1 NY un un
Craig, Jesse W. 63 M1 IL OH KY
Craig, John 63 Wd PA un un
Cramer, Eli 67 S NY NY NY
Crane, Henry M. 68 M Connecticut un un
Crawford, Matt 46 M TN NY TN
Creacy, George W. 69 M1 VA un un
Cress, John L. 66 M1 VA VAVA VA
Crofret, Horace S. 75 Wd CT MA CT
Cronin, John 66 S PA Ireland Ireland
Cronstedt, Andrew P. 68 S Sweden un un
Cropf, Jacob 40 S Germany un un
Cross, Charles R. 72 Wd NH un un
Cross, John H. 65 M2 TN TN TN
Crothers, Samuel 70 Wd VA VA VA
Crowder, John E. 71 M1 IN un OH
Crowell, Franklin 69 M Ohio Pa Pa
Crowell, Walter S. 64 M1 NY NY NY
Crowley, James L. 78 Wd NY Ireland Scotland
Crumly, Daniel P. 68 S TN – –
Crus, Josiah 79 S VA VA KY
Cunningham, Patrick 61 Wd Ireland un un
Cunningham,Charles 70 Wd OH PA Scotland
Cure, Jule F. 63 M1 NY NY NY
Currier, Harney N. 59 Wd IN IN IN
Cushing, Frederick H. 63 Wd Rhode Island Ma. RI
Custer, Cortdon J 69 S NY un un


Daggett, Charles G. 67 Wd NY NY NY
Dakin, Milo H. 60 Wd MI NY NY
Dally, Joseph 72 Wd NY Ireland NY
Daniel, Jeremiah 68 Wd TN un un
Daniels, Sarah J. (boarder) 33 S un un un
Danner, Martin 63 S PA un un
Davenport, David 71 M1 VA un un
Davidson, Edward 69 Wd MD un un
Davis, Charles 69 S PA PA PA
Davis, Charles (lodger) 56 S England England England
Davis, Ephrahim 70 S OH OH VA
Davis, Frank B. 71 Wd CT CT CT
Davis, George 70 Wd TN TN TN
Davis, James E. 62 M2 IN KY KY
Davis, John 59 S NY un un
Davis, Josiah 69 S NY NH VT
Davis, Napoleon B. 65 M1 Illinois un un
Davis, Robert H. 66 M1 New York Scotland NY
Davis, Royal L. 76 M VT un un
Davis, William 69 M1 NC un un
Day, Henry 30 S OH un un
Deaderick, Chas. Y 39 M1 TN TN TN
Deaderick, Eva S. (wife) 31 M1 TN TN TN
Deaderick, Mary Lorena 4 S TN TN TN
Dean, Maron 61 Wd AL un un
Deane, James A. 34 M1 MD un un
Deck, Conrad 74 S Germany Germany Germany
Decker, Charles 74 S Germany Germany Germany
Decker, Louis B. 35 Wd PA Germany Germany
Deglitts, Leon 69 S. Canada Canada Canada
Deily, Francis 62 Wd WI KY OH
Demaison, Lewis 69 S PA France France
Dennison, Joseph Q 46 S England England England
Depew, Robert E. 68 M1 TN un Tn
Derney, John 71 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Devere, George 82 M2 VA VA VA
Devine, George 68 Wd PA PA PA
Dibble, Charles E. 67 M CT CT CT
Dickerman, Irving 65 Wd MA un un
Dickinson, Clyde C. 31 M l NC un un
Dietterich, Freeman H. 75 M1 PA Germany Germany
Dillon, Wesley K. 63 M1 WV Ireland Ireland
Dionne, David A. 40 S Illinois un un
Dipple, George W. 67 S NY un un
Dippre, Christopher 50 M2 PA PA PA
Doan, Stacy 72 Wd PA PA PA
Dobbs, Nathan C. 69 Wd PA un un
Doherty, John 66 Wd NY Ireland Ireland
Dolan, John 68 M1 Ireland un un
Donahoe, Michael 66 S RI Ireland Ireland
Dong, John 63 S TN un un
Donhoue, Patrick 61 M1 England un un
Donnell, Richard 70 M England un un
Donnelley, Patrick F. 72 Wd PA un un
Donohoe, Matthew 67 Wd PA Ireland Ireland
Donovan, Hugh 65 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Dooney, Nathan H. 76 S PA un un
Dougharty, Robert B. 67 Wd VA un un
Dougharty, Theodore 65 M1 PA un un
Dougharty, William G. 48 S NY un un
Dougherty, James 67 S NY Ireland Ireland
Dougherty, John 73 S VT Ireland Ireland
Douglas, Wm. 75 Wd Scotland Scotland Scotland
Dowd, Michael 67 Wd Ireland un un
Downey, Thomas A. 45 S NY un un
Doxstaton, Ezra 65 Wd NY un NY
Doyle, John J. 46 S MD Ireland Ireland
Doyle, Michael 69 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Drecke, Theodore 36 S Germany Germany Germany
Druit, Robert 63 M NY un un
Drum, Peter 64 S NJ NJ NJ
Drysdale, Geo. H. 67 S NY un un
Dudley, Charles 68 S MA MA MA
Duell, John T. 69 S NY NY NY
Dugan, James 67 S IN Ireland Ireland
Dugan, Peter 66 Wd Ma Ireland Ireland
Duggan, Wm. 67 — IL Ireland Ireland
Dula, Sidney E. 65 Wd NC NC NC
Dulaney, Henry (Lodger) 32 S TN TN TN
Dully, Wm. 81 S NY NY NY
Dunan, Louis A. 23 S DC un un
Duncan, David 68 M Scotland Scotland Scotland
Dunfee, Wm. H. 65 Wd PA PA PA
Dunham, John H. 70 Wd Indiana NJ Oh
Dunham, Martin N. 73 Wd Vermont VT VT
Dunn, Dennis H. 63 M1 Wisconsin un un
Dunn, Edward 68 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Dunn, George A. 68 Wd TN un un
Dunn, John 73 M1 NJ Ireland Ireland
Dunn, Matthew 61 Wd NY un un
Dunphy, Phillip H. 70 M1 WI PA PA
Durant, Henry A. 67 Wd MA MA MA
Duross, Isaac 64 S PA Ireland PA
Dutton, John L. 67 Wd PA un un
Dyer, Marion 70 M1 TN TN TN


Earhart, Wm. H. 62 M PA PA PA
Earsley, George R. 75 S NY England England
Eaton, Orville, M. 65 M VT VT VT
Eaton, William F. 60 Wd Ohio un un
Edwards, Charles 63 M KY KY TN
Edwards, Frederick O. 73 Wd NJ MA NY
Edwards, George W. 32 S TN un un
Edwards, Polk B 70 Wd TN un un
Ehle, Robert H. 68 Wd MI PA PA
Elange, William 67 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Elgiser, Simon 57 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Elliott, Charles H. 62 Wd IL un un
Ellis, Franklin B 69 M1 TN un un
Ellis, Samuel 65 M1 England un un
Ellis, Samuel 65 M England un un
Ellis, Wm. L. 51 Wd PA PA NY
Emerson, Thomas W. 66 S NH NH NH
Emery, Moulton 73 M ME ME ME
Engle, Joseph 64 S IL KY OH
Ennis, Ira V. 48 S NJ un un
Ereangry, William 67 S Canada un un
Ericsson, Peter 73 M Norway un un
Ernst, Joseph S. 79 S Germany Germany Germany
Erwin, Fenton (Son) 1 2/12 S TN TN TN
Erwin, Mary (Wife) 37 M TN TN TN
Erwin, W. T. (Head) 38 M TN TN TN
Erwin, Wm. (Son) 9 S TN TN TN
Essenby, Ralph (Lodger) 36 S PA PA PA
Evans, Henry S. 69 Wd IN NY VA
Evans, Jacob 62 Wd NC un un
Evans, Joe 52 S TN TN TN
Evans, John W. 64 M1 NC un un
Everett, John V. 43 M1 NC un un
Everett, John W. 62 M1 NY NY NY
Everhart, George 68 S LA un un
Ewing, Charles (B) 73 M TN un SC


Fahey, Joseph 46 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Fain, Carrie (Servant) 26 S TN TN TN
Fain, Melania (Servant) 23 M1 NC NC NC
Fain, Priscilla (Servant) 54 Wd TN TN TN
Fairchild, John A. 52 Wd OH PA KY
Falsenheimer, Martin 64 M1 Germany Germany Germany
Farlay, Richmond (B) 69 Wd VA un un
Farley, George 68 S Scotland Scotland Scotland
Farley, Richmond (B) 69 Wd VA un VA
Farmer, Horace l. 61 Wd TN VA VA
Farmer, John 64 M1 TN un un
Farnem, Alonzo L 80 M NY un un
Farrance, Anthony 67 S England un un
Farrar, Wm H. 73 S DC un un
Farrell, Francis P. 68 Wd Ireland un un
Farrell, Howard 34 S CA Ireland NY
Fastnaught, George 52 S DC un un
Faw, Julia (Servant). 22 S TN TN TN
Fees, Edward 62 M2 PA PA PA
Fenton, Agnes (Head) 27 S OH England Ireland
Fichse, Fred E. 32 M OH un un
Field, Jonathan L. 67 M1 MA MA MA
Finical, Benjamin 74 Wd IN un un
Fish, Henry S. 70 S MA MA MA
Fisher, Charles G. 68 Wd MA un un
Fisher, George W. 61 S MO un un
Fisher, Jeremiah 67 Wd NY Ireland NY
Fisher, John 76 S Germany Germany Germany
Fisher, John G. 70 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Fisher, John Wesley 72 M DC DC DC
Fisher, Wm. 75 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Fitzgerald, Dick 65 Wd TN TN TN
Fitzgerald, Kearns 71 Wd Ireland un un
Flandiss, Langdon W. 67 M1 Ohio NH NH
Fleming, Charles 63 M OH un un
Fleming, Sidney A. 73 Wd Ohio un un
Flynn, George 70 Wd RI Ireland Ireland
Foley, Patrick 75 S Ireland un un
Forbes, Elisha 64 S NY NY NY
Forbion, Charles 65 S PA un un
Ford, Allen, (Servant) 41 M1 TN TN TN
Ford, Jantha (Servant) 24 S TN TN TN
Ford, Mary (Servant B) 33 M1 TN NC NC
Forrest, John M. 67 S Pa. un un
Forrester, Robert 73 M1 Scotland Scotland Scotland
Fortner, Burton W. 70 M1 PA PA PA
Fosdick, Charles H. 60 S NY NY NY
Foucht, Joseph S. 68 S PA PA PA
Fox, David 69 WD NY Germany NY
Fox, Francis 63 S PA Ireland Ireland
Fahey, Joseph 46 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Fain, Carrie (Servant) 26 S TN TN TN
Fain, Melania (Servant) 23 M1 NC NC NC
Fain, Priscilla (Servant) 54 WD TN TN TN
Fairchild, John A. 52 Wd OH PA KY
Falsenheimer, Martin 64 M1 Germany Germany Germany
Farlay, Richmond (B) 69 Wd VA un un
Farley, George 68 S Scotland Scotland Scotland
Farley, Richmond (B) 69 Wd VA un VA
Farmer, Horace l. 61 Wd TN VA VA
Farmer, John 64 M1 TN un un
Farnem, Alonzo L 80 M NY un un
Farrance, Anthony 67 S England un un
Farrar, Wm H. 73 S DC un un
Farrell, Francis P. 68 Wd Ireland un un
Farrell, Howard 34 S CA Ireland NY
Fastnaught, George 52 S DC un un
Faw, Julia (Servant). 22 S TN TN TN
Fees, Edward 62 M2 PA PA PA
Fenton, Agnes (Head) 27 S OH England Ireland
Fichse, Fred E. 32 M OH un un
Field, Jonathan L. 67 M1 MA MA MA
Finical, Benjamin 74 Wd IN un un
Fish, Henry S. 70 S MA MA MA
Fisher, Charles G. 68 Wd MA un un
Fisher, George W. 61 S MO un un
Fisher, Jeremiah 67 W NY Ireland NY
Fisher, John 76 S Germany Germany Germany
Fisher, John G. 70 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Fisher, John Wesley 72 M DC DC DC
Fisher, Wm. 75 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Fitzgerald, Dick 65 Wd TN TN TN
Fitzgerald, Kearns 71 Wd Ireland un un
Flandiss, Langdon W. 67 M1 Ohio NH NH
Fleming, Charles 63 M OH un un
Fleming, Sidney A. 73 Wd Ohio un un
Flynn, George 70 Wd RI Ireland Ireland
Foley, Patrick 75 S Ireland un un
Forbes, Elisha 64 S NY NY NY
Forbion, Charles 65 S PA un un
Ford, Allen, (Servant) 41 M1 TN TN TN
Ford, Jantha (Servant) 24 S TN TN TN
Ford, Mary (Servant B) 33 M1 TN NC NC
Forrest, John M. 67 S Pa. un un
Forrester, Robert 73 M1 Scotland Scotland Scotland
Fortner, Burton W. 70 M1 PA PA PA
Fosdick, Charles H. 60 S NY NY NY
Foucht, Joseph S. 68 S PA PA PA
Fox, David 69 WD NY Germany NY
Fox, Francis 63 S PA Ireland Ireland
Fox, Francis 37 S PA un un
Fraks, Wm. H. 65 S PA un un
France, William 81 M1 England England England
Frank, Charles 69 Wd Germany un un
Frank, Penrose 66 M1 PA PA PA
Franklin, Benjamin 33 S FL un un
Frazier, Wm. 66 M TN un un
French, Lafayette 71 M MI NY NY
Frink, Luman 73 M2 MI MD PA
Frisbee, Hubbard 64 S NY un un
Fuchs, Herbert 71 S Germany Germany Germany
Fuchs, Rudolph 71 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Fuguer, Mark (Head) 43 S VA VA VA
Fulks, Henry 65 M TN un un
Fuller, Erwin A. 62 M1 Ohio un un
Funk, Abraham F. 72 M1 PA PA PA
Fuss, Frances L. 68 Wd Delaware un un
Fox, Francis 37 S PA un un
Fraks, Wm. H. 65 S PA un un
France, William 81 M1 England England England
Frank, Charles 69 Wd Germany un un
Frank, Penrose 66 M1 PA PA PA
Franklin, Benjamin 33 S FL un un
Frazier, Wm. 66 M TN un un
French, Lafayette 71 M MI NY NY
Frink, Luman 73 M2 MI MD PA
Frisbee, Hubbard 64 S NY un un
Fuchs, Herbert 71 S Germany Germany Germany
Fuchs, Rudolph 71 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Fuguer, Mark (Head) 43 S VA VA VA
Fulks, Henry 65 M TN un un
Fuller, Erwin A. 62 M1 Ohio un un
Funk, Abraham F. 72 M1 PA PA PA
Fuss, Frances L. 68 Wd Delaware un un


Gaffney, Thomas J 73 Wd NY un un
Gains, Maxie (Servant B) 20 S TN TN TN
Gallagher, John 66 Wd PA Ireland Ireland
Galligan, Peter 69 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Gannon, James 67 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Gantry, Arthur (Servant B) 25 S NC NC NC
Garis, William M., Dr. 33 S TN un un
Garris, John 70 Wd PA un u
Garrison, Chauncy 65 M1 N un un
Geer, William 71 M1 VA un VA
Genderson, Thomas 67 Wd NY un un
Gentill, Lewis (B) 75 S LA VA MD
Gentry, Walker (Servant B) 27 S NC NC NC
George, John W. 70 M2 MD MD MD
Gibbons, Henry 72 S PA un un
Gibbs, Samuel N. 66 M KY un un
Gibney, David 66 WD OH PA OH
Gibson, John D. 71 M PA un un
Gignac, Napoleon 65 Wd OH un un
Gilbert, Eugene H. 65 M IL un un
Gilbert, Henry 74 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Gilden, Michael 63 M2 MD NY PA
Gildersleeve, Ira J. 68 M1 NY NH NY
Giles, Dennis 64 Wd OH un un
Gill, Bernard 73 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Gillen, Martin 65 Wd Ireland un un
Gillespie, Samuel 66 Wd PA PA PA
Gillispie, Bert 30 S TN un un
Gilmore, Logan B. 32 S AL AL AL
Gilmore, Wm. 51 S NJ Ireland Ireland
Gilroy, John 73 M1 Ireland un un
Gitts, Spencer B. 67 Wd OH un un
Glass, Adam 65 Wd VA un un
Glass, George H. 65 Wd NY NY NY
Gleason, John 66 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Gleason, Michael 47 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Glidden, Wesley 67 M1 NH NH NH
Glover, John T. 79 S OH OH OH
Goan, Orville R. 70 Wd TN un un
Goff, Charles W. H. 63 S Maine England NB
Gollehur, James R. 71 WD KY AL KY
Goodman, Philip 72 M Germany Germany Germany
Goodman, Vincent L. 76 Wd PA un un
Goodon, Joseph 37 S KY KY TN
Gordon, Charles 68 S Sweden Sweden Sweden
Gordon, Samuel 65 S PA PA PA
Gorman, Edward 69 Wd Canada un un
Gorman, Michael 72 M2 Ireland Ireland Ireland
Gorman, Richard 66 S NY un un
Gosnell, George H. 63 Wd MD PA MD
Gourlay, George 72 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Grab, John 67 M2 Germany Germany Germany
Graham, John W. 69 M1 OH OH OH
Graham, William 70 S Ireland un un
Granger, Thomas S. 65 Wd NY un un
Gray, Benjamin 68 M KY KY KY
Grayhill, Edward 45 S IN OH IN
Greenway, Gorina (Servant) 22 S TN TN TN
Greer, Frederick W. 73 Wd OH un un
Griffith, Henry 66 Wd Indiana VA PA
Griggs, John P. 63 Wd VA un MD
Grogan, David E. 64 Wd GA un un
Grose, John A. 31 M1 WVA MD WVA
Groshams, Louis 65 Wd PA un un
Gruertner, Clinton J. 70 S Germany Germany Germany
Guremly, Ralph 63 M1 NY NY NY
Guy, Prudence (boarder) 25 S NC NC NC


Haggerty, Jeremiah 73 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Haily, James 71 S PA Ireland Scotland
Haley, Wm. M. 70 S IL KY Ky
Hall, Benjamin 71 Wd KY un un
Hall, David S. 68 Wd KY un un
Hall, Thomas 67 M1 Al TN TN
Hall, Walter E. 66 M1 NY NY NY
Halloran, John 68 M2 Ireland Ireland Ireland
Ham, Edward 70 S NY un un
Hamilton, Benton F. 34 S Indiana un un
Hamilton, John (Head) 36 S TN TN TN
Hammond, James R. 73 S MD VA MD
Hamphy, William 62 S SC un SC
Hangliter, Henry 70 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Hank, James E. 67 Wd PA PA PA
Hannagan, Owen 64 S NY Ireland Ireland
Hardesty, Wm.B M 65 Wd MD PA DE
Hardy, Edward E. 40 S NY MA NY
Hare, William 75 Wd PA PA PA
Hark, Edmund F. 62 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Harky, John H. 70 M MD MD MD
Harlin, Wm. 78 S Ireland un un
Harney, Edward P. 64 S Ireland un un
Harper, Stephen T. 61 WD TN Wales NC
Harren, George 70 Wd VA un un
Harris, Isaac 69 Wd Wales Wales Wales
Hart, Erwin E. 74 Wd NY RI MA
Hart, Eugene 64 Wd CT CTCT CT
Hart, Samuel W. 69 S OH un un
Hart, Wm. Henry 42 S NY NY NY
Hart, Wm. L. 37 S NJ un un
Hartnet, Timothy 76 M Ireland Ireland Ireland
Harvey, James J. 62 M2 TN TN GA
Harvey, Thomas S. 69 Wd TN TN TN
Haskell, Foster M. 69 S MA MA CT
Hasley, Jacob 62 Wd PA un un
Haubenestel, Wm. 72 S Germany Germany Germany
Haun, John J. 68 Wd OH un un
Hausmann, Wm. 72 S Germany Germany Germany
Hawkins, John 70 M VA VA VA
Hawkins, Thadeus US 70 Wd KY VA KY
Hawkins, William 66 WD PA PA PA
Hawley, Lucius E. 70 M CT CT CT
Hayden, Edward 78 Wd NY un NY
Hayes, Charles 70 M1 England England England
Hays, Orlando A. 68 M1 Ohio PA England
Hazard, Robert M. 50 S NY un un
Head, Francis 80 S KY un un
Hearn, John 37 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Heath, Milo D. 42 M NY un un
Hefferman, Michael 66 S Canada Canada Canada
Hefner, Fredericko 58 S OH PA OH
Heisley, John S. 61 M2 PA PA PA
Hemphill, Alexander 67 S PA un un
Henderson, James P. 61 Wd TN un un
Henderson, Robert 68 S PA NY PA
Hendrickson, Pierson 68 M NJ un un
Henne, Xaver 75 S Germany un un
Hennessy, Thomas 69 S — un un
Henney, David 68 S OH PA PA
Herman, Adolph 77 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Herman, Charles 66 S Germany Germany Germany
Herndon, Moses 75 Wd VA VA VA
Hess, Walter E. 46 S Germany Germany Germany
Hessen, Thomas 68 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Hickey, Lawrence 69 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Hickey, Patrick 70 S NY Ireland Ireland
Hicks, Burnett (son) 5 S TN TN TN
Hicks, Alkin H. (son) 8 S TN TN TN
Hicks, Bertie (wife) 30 M1 TN TN TN
Hicks, Judge H.(son) 2 S TN TN TN
Hicks, Oscar L. (Head) 33 M1 TN TN TN
Hicks, Wm. C. (son) 10 S TN TN TN
Highberger, Wm. T. 68 S PA un un
Hilditch, Joseph 67 S MD un un
Hildreth, Horatio 64 Wd MA RI MA
Hill, Fredrick 70 S Ohio Germany Germany
Hill, Wm. H. 68 M1 ME NH MA
Hillar, Joseph 71 Wd England England England
Hillman, Wm. F. 65 Wd IN un un
Hills, Edward 69 Wd CT CT MA
Hilton, Enos F. 65 Wd Mo un un
Hines, Frank E. 36 M1 MD MD MD
Hines, John 67 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Hines, John (B) 64 M MS MS MS
Hinman, George W. 68 Wd New York NY VT
Hitchman, Isaac 68 M Canada un un
Hoar, Michael L. 43 S MA un un
Hobbs, Henry 62 M1 MA MA MA
Hock, Jacob 76 S Germany un un
Hodges, George 70 Wd CT VA VA
Hoding, Alonzo 65 Wd IN England IN
Hofstetker, John 52 S Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland
Hogan, Martin 70 M1 Ireland Ireland Ireland
Holland, John 68 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Holman, George W. 67 M2 KY KY KY
Holmer, Wm. 70 Wd IN un un
Holmes, Austin 66 Wd OH un NY
Holmes, David W. 68 M1 GA VA SC
Holmes, Michael 76 Wd England England England
Holomann, Carl 43 S Austria Austria Austria
Holt, Frank 35 S OH un un
Holt, James O. 43 S TN un un
Holt, Leroy C. 74 M2 VA VA MD
Holt, Robert 43 S MO MO MO
Hook, Paul 67 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Hopkins, William 73 S PA PA PA
Hopkins, William 73 S DC un un
Hopper, Selas 71 M TN un un
Horan, Thomas 65 S Ireland un un
Horrigan, Daniel 66 S England Ireland US
Hosmer, Charles 63 S NY un un
Houk, John B. 69 Wd Canada Canada Canada
Houlihan, Andrew 44 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Howard, Silas W. 65 M1 Indiana un un
Howard, Walter 73 Wd England England England
Howe, Albert F. 65 Wd MA un un
Howell, Alexander 65 S KY `NJ PA
Howell, Charles K. 57 S NY un un
Howell, Joseph V. 65 M PA un un
Huffnagle, Frederich 70 Wd PA un un
Hughes, Andrew S. 66 Wd England England England
Hughes, Guss 26 S NC NC NC
Hughes, Phillip 65 M VA VA VA
Huguenara, Xavier 74 Wd France France France
Hulbert, Philetur 63 M1 WI un un
Humphreys, Charles 37 S TX un un
Humphries, Frances 65 S NY CT RI
Humphries, Richard H. 29 S TN TN TN
Hunt, Dennis H. 67 Wd GA VA GA
Hunter, Robert D. 62 M1 Ohio un un
Hunter, William 75 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Hunter, Wm. H. 75 S VA un un
Huntington, Henry M. 75 S NY MA MA
Hurley, Minnie (boarder) 24 S TN TN TN
Husband, Jno. L 66 WD PA PA NJ
Huseman, Wm. H. 32 S MO KY OH
Hutch, William 73 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Hutchinson, John 73 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Hyatt, Daniel P. 63 M OH un un


Iberger, Jacob 71 S France France France
Illingsworth, Albert 34 S New York un un
Irvin, Isiah 88 Wd NY Scotland Ireland
Irwin, Charley W. 28 S TN
Irwin, Wm. C. 67 Wd PA PA PA
Ivers, Wm. H. 72 M1 NY un un


Jackson, Andrew 69 Wd OH NY NJ
Jackson, Charles 70 Wd TN NC NC
Jackson, Fannie, (Servant B) 37 M1 TN TN TN
Jackson, Henry (Servant B) 40 M TN NC NC
Jackson, Thomas 67 S NY un un
Jackson, Wm. H. 59 Wd AR AR AR
Jacobson, Henry 82 S Germany Germany Germany
Janes, John K. 61 M PA PA PA
Jervis, Charles M. 63 Wd NY NY un
Jewar, William 63 WD Newfoundland
Johnson , John 63 M1 TN un VA
Johnson, George W. 37 S TN TN TN
Johnson, George W. 60 Wd NC NC TN
Johnson, James 71 M PA PA PA
Johnson, James (B) 74 M VA un un
Johnson, James M. 77 M MA un un
Johnson, Reuben M. 70 M NY un un
Johnson, Rufus D. 73 S TN NC TN
Johnson, Thomas 73 Wd MA MA MA
Johnston, John 72 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Jones, Alexander 67 S IL IL IL
Jones, Augustus D. 51 S IL un un
Jones, George M. 70 S PA un un
Jones, Howard S. 70 Wd NY NY NY
Jones, Isaac 71 Wd IN OH OH
Jordan, Michael 45 S Scotland Scotland Scotland
Jordan, Orlando 65 Wd TN un un
Joy, John 67 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Joyce, John 63 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland


Kahoe, Simon 69 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Kalt, Albert 64 S Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland
Kana, Chas. 71 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Kane, Michael 64 M1 PA Ireland Ireland
Kane, Daniel 68 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Kane, James 63 M2 PA Ireland Ireland
Kane, Michael 65 M NY Ireland Ireland
Kane, William 69 S CT Ireland Ireland
Kaney, William 70 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Kapphan, Gustan 48 Wd PA PA PA
Karshner, William L. 62 S Ohio Ohio Ohio
Kasian, Dennis 70 M Ireland Ireland Ireland
Katchim, Ira S. 65 Wd NY un NY
Kavanagh, Stephen G. 38 S MD MD MD
Keefe, Arthur 59 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Keele, John 69 M Ireland Ireland Ireland
Keenan, Bernard F. 67 S PA – –
Keller, Jesse R. 68 M NC un un
Kelley, William 70 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Kelly, Edward 69 S MA Ireland Ireland
Kelly, John 63 S DC NY MD
Kelly, Patrick 79 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Kelly, Patrick 76 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Kelly, Thomas 74 S ME Ireland Ireland
Kennell, Thomas S. 72 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Kenhi, George O. 74 Wd NH NH un
Kenmier, Allen P. 65 D PA PA PA
Kenna, John 66 M2 IL PA IL
Kenney, Bernard 62 S MA un un
Kent, Thomas 56 S CT CT Ct
Kerchess, Charles 70 S Germany un un
Kergant, John 80 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Kernebeck, Herman 69 M2 Germany Germany Germany
Kernick, Albert 53 Wd Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia
Kerr, Edward J. 52 S PA PA PA
Kessler, Constantin 70 S Germany Germany Germany
Key, Joseph S. 66 M1 IA IN MO
Keyser, Wm. L. 66 Wd PA Un PA
Kiely, John 67 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Kilgour, George C. 65 Wd NY NY NY
King, Isaac M. 67 S NY NH NY
King, Joseph 75 Wd France France France
King, Thomas 49 S CT RI CT
Kinley, Oliver C. 65 M IN un un
Kinney, Michael 64 S NY un un
Kirby, William 65 Wd OH NY OH
Kissenger, Butler 64 Wd PA un un
Kite, Daniel C. 63 M1 TN TN TN
Kitts, Conrad 63 Wd Indiana KY KY
Kline, John J. 26 S MA un un
Knight, Henry H. 68 M RI un RI
Knight, Henry H. 68 M2 RI MA RI
Knott, Edward 62 S NH NH NH
Knowlton, Bryon D. 67 S New York un un
Knox, James M. 66 M1 IN OH OH
Koch, William 81 S Germany Germany Germany
Kock, Orlando 69 S PA PA PA
Koenig, Emil B. 65 M2 Germany Germany Germany
Kohr, David 63 Wd PA PA PA
Kohr, David H. 34 M1 DC PA DC
Kraisinger, Fred 34 S WI Austria Austria
Krier, Dietrich F. 31 S TN un un
Kuhan, Cornelius 65 M MD un un
Kurtz, Henry 67 M2 Germany Germany Germany


La Duk, Francis L. 73 M2 NY France NY
Lachall, James 65 Wd PA France Ireland
Ladson, Thomas W. 69 M2 NY NY CT
Lally, John J. 67 Wd PA PA PA
Lamb, James 72 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Lampson, John W. 60 S NY un un
Langsdale, John M. 61 M1 PA un un
Langstaff, John T. 69 Wd PA PA PA
Lanihan, Joseph 66 S IN un un
LaRevia, Joseph 62 Wd Canada Canada Canada
Larkin, John K (Head) 57 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Larkins, Thomas 64 S PA un un
Lauderdale, Edward I. 67 Wd IA VT MD
Lawrence, George 67 Wd Germany England England
Lawrence, Willet W. 69 M1 NY NY NY
Laynes, James B. 43 S Ireland un un
Leasty, Wm. C. 64 S PA un un
Lebo, Franklin 68 M2 PA PA PA
Lee, Jefferson 66 Wd SC un un
Lee, Robert S. 66 S OH OH OH
Lee, Samuel N. 66 M2 PA PA PA
Leeson, Wm. P. 67 Wd PA PA PA
Leggett, Samuel M. (B) 38 M TN TN TN
LeMaitre, Adolph 67 M India un un
Lenyer, Thomas (B) 63 Wd NC un NC
Leonard, Thomas 69 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Letsinger, Wm. H. 70 Wd TN Germany TN
Lewis, James S. 57 Wd NY NY NY
Lewis, M. C. (Head) 22 S IN OH OH
Liggin, Hunter (B) 80 Wd WVA un VA
Likenstine, Samuel 69 Wd OH Germany Germany
Lillir, Charles F. 70 Wd MA MA MA
Linnenvebar, Joseph 62 S KY KY KY
Linscki, Wm. 66 S Germany Germany Germany
Linville, John A. 68 S Illinois un un
Littig, Christian 65 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Little, Martin V. 70 WD OH un un
Littleton, Charles B. 63 S DC Delaware PA
Livermore, Daniel E. 70 M MI un un
Lockwood, George S. 68 Wd NY PA CT
Loerner, William 80 WD Germany Germany Germany
Logan, Wm. K. 70 S PA Ireland PA
Loganbill, Joel 41 S OH OH OH
Logie, Leslie 61 Wd Louisana un un
Long, Frederich 74 M2 PA PA PA
Long, Wm. R. 65 M2 IL PA PA
Looier, George L. 67 M2 KY KY KY
Looper, Carrison 38 M1 TN TN TN
Loper, Antonio 73 S Spain Spain Spain
Lorber, Joseph 69 S Germany un un
Lord, Benjamin A. 66 S In OH IN
Loscher, Robert 35 S NY un un
Lott, Gamaliel 72 M2 OH NY WV
Love, Edward B. 65 S Ireland un un
Lovelace, Henry A. 59 M1 IL OH KY
Lovelock, George 64 S Canada England Canada
Lowrey, Alfred B. 67 Wd IN OH IN
Lowry, George 64 Wd PA PA PA
Lowry, James 68 S NY Ireland Scotland
Ludwig, Henry 62 M2 MD PA PA
Luff, Henry 71 Wd England England England
Luke, George W. (B) 61 M TN TN TN
Lutz, John H. 66 S PA PA PA
Lyle, George B. 69 M1 Scotland Scotland Scotland
Lynce, Daniel 65 S NY Ireland Ireland
Lynch, Jeremiah 62 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Lynch, Patrick 71 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Lynsky, Myles 76 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Lyon, Fugua C. 69 S Ohio KY KY
Lyons, James A. 70 Wd PA PA PA
Lyons, Jerry (Lodger) 14 S TN TN TN


Mace, Martin 66 Wd MO SC GA
Mackin, Michael 82 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Mackley, John F. 68 S PA PA PA
Magwire,John J. 30 S PA Ireland Ireland
Maher, Thomas C. 62 Wd PA Ireland PA
Mahoney, John 67 S Canada Ireland Ireland
Main, Andrew 72 S NY NH NY
Mains, Alexander C. 68 Wd PA PA MD
Maker, Michael 73 Wd PA Ireland Ireland
Malcolm, Albert 68 M2 MI NY OH
Maledon, George I. 83 S Germany un un
Maloney, John T. 33 S VA un un
Manning, Wm. F. 66 Wd ME un un
Mapes, Johnson 63 S NJ un un
Marks, Henry 68 S MA un un
Marriner, John 66 S NY un un
Marsh, Eugene H. 67 S MA un un
Marshall, Blanche (Servant B) 19 S TN VA TN
Marshall, Oliver (Head) 30 S TN TN TN
Marshall, Robert 64 M2 Scotland Scotland Scotland
Marsinger, Joseph 79 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Marte, Yost 69 Wd Switzerland un un
Marten, Charles H. 68 M France un un
Marten, Emmet J. 48 S VA VAVA VA
Marten, Reuben D. 30 S OH un OH
Martin, Calvin 72 Wd IL OH IN
Martin, Charlie (Lodger) 15 S TN TN TN
Martin, Hugh H. 68 Wd PA PA PA
Martin, Jesse J 33 D TN TN TN
Martin, John 67 S NY un un
Martin, Wright 66 S NY un un
Martindale, Price 65 S OH OH OH
Marton, James G. 74 Wd NY NY NY
Martz, Richard S. 65 Wd VA un un
Mason, Francis A. 68 M1 MA MA CT
Mason, Merritt S. 79 Wd ID NH OH
Mason, Nathaniel 64 M1 OH PA OH
Masters, James M. Jr. 24 S TN IN IN
Matchett, Alexander 66 Wd PA PA PA
Mathes, Bessie (wife) 25 M1 VA un un
Mathes, Buford A. (Head) 32 M1 TN TN VA
Mathes, Margaret dau. 1 8/12 S TN TN VA
Mathes, Viola daug. 7 S VA TN VA
Mathes, Willette daug. 4 S VA TN VA
Mathews, Christopher 69 Wd Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland
Matt, Martin 73 S Germany Germany Germany
Matthews, John I 70 M OH un u
Matthews, Johnston 67 M1 PA PA PA
Matz, Leon D. 61 S PA Germany PA
Maun, John G. 70 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Maurer, Jacob 72 Wd Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland
Maurey, George 68 Wd KY KY KY
Maverick, Samuel 33 S PA un un
Mayhew, Wm. M. 66 Wd WI NJ OH
McAllee, Tyler 45 S IA un un
McAllister, Hiram 71 S PA PA PA
McBrearty, Charles 65 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
McBride, Daniel 65 S NY un un
McBride, James 76 Wd PA NY NY
McCabe, Francis 66 S NY Ireland NY
McCabe, Thomas J. 42 S NY un un
McCamic, Samuel 62 Wd VA Ireland NY
McCann, Edward 63 M2 PA Ireland Ireland
McCarey, Edwin 64 S MA un un
McCarn, Alfred Judson 72 Wd NY NY NY
McCarthy, Wm. B. 41 S MN Australia WI
McCarty, Eugene 66 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
McCauley, William 77 M1 Ireland Ireland Ireland
McCavan, Thomas 57 M PA un un
McClane, James F. 68 Wd KY un un
McClann, John (Servant B) 23 S TN un TN
McClenan, Archie (B) 68 M1 NC NC NC
McClennan, Samuel 65 S PA PA PA
McClinton, Lizzie (Servant B) 28 Wd MS MS MS
McConneley, Robert 60 M OH un un
McConnell, Isaac 70 Wd OH PA PA
McCormick, Bernard 66 Wd Maine Ireland Ireland
McCormick, Charles 67 Wd PA Ireland PA
McCormick, George W. 68 D OH Ireland OH
McCormick, William E. 46 S DC Ireland Ireland
McCoy, William 64 Wd Ireland un un
McCutchen, Benjamin 66 Wd Ohio un un
McDell, James B. 68 M PA PA VT
McDermoth, James 71 M2 Ireland Ireland Ireland
McDermott, John 63 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
McDonald, James C. 68 M1 PA Ireland Ireland
McDonald, Wm. 71 S NJ NJ NY
McDonough, Michael 75 Wd Ireland un un
McDonough, Patrick 67 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
McEgan, Wm. 72 M2 Ireland Ireland Ireland
McElhinny, Wm. 65 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
McEney, Thomas 59 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
McFadden, Samuel 74 M1 PA Ireland Ireland
McFarlin, John 86 S Ireland un un
McFaul, N. B. (father-in-law) 74 Wd Canada Canada Canada
McFillen, Robert 69 Wd Ohio Ireland Ireland
McFraters, John 64 Wd PA Ireland PA
McGauley, John 68 M1 Ireland Ireland Ireland
McGhee, Charles 66 Wd PA Ireland Ireland
McGill, James W.J. 53 M1 NY Ireland Ireland
McHenry, Daniel F. 68 S PA un un
McHenry, George 65 Wd Alabama un un
McIntire, John T. (B) 66 Wd GA un un
McKeeby, Wm. 79 Wd NJ un un
McKensie, Wm. 65 S Scotland Scotland Scotland
McKenzie, Michael 74 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
McKerson, Martha (Servant B) 24 S NC un un
McKibben, Robert 63 S PA un un
McLain, Lewis 67 M1 NC VA VA
McLaughlin, Charles 47 S KY KY KY
McLaughlin, James 67 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
McLaughlin, James 64 S PA un un
McLean, Joseph C. 65 S OH OH SC
McLeod, Collin 77 Wd Scotland Scotland Scotland
McMann, Henry (B) 69 Wd TN un un
McMann, Phillip 65 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
McNees, Henry A. 66 M2 IN un OH
McNeil, James 63 S PA PA PA
McNeill, Hugh B. 65 S VA PA Ireland
McPike, John 67 S MA MA MA
McShane, Owen 64 S Ireland un un
McWilliam.,Bernard 70 M2 Ireland Ireland Ireland
Meadowcraft, Joseph 65 S England England England
Mellin, Henry B. 65 Wd PA PA PA
Merwin, Hugh B. 63 Wd PA PA PA
Meta, Frank 67 M1 Germany Germany Germany
Mickian, James 32 S VA VA VA
Middleton, John 32 S England England England
Milburn, Blaine (son) 22 S TN TN TN
Milburn, Wm.E. (Head) 67 Wd TN VA VA
Miles, Hardy N. 55 S KY KY KY
Miller, Charles H. 76 Wd PA PA PA
Miller, David C. 67 M IN un un
Miller, Enoch 79 S PA PA PA
Miller, Frederick 67 M2 Germany Germany Germany
Miller, Harrison 71 S PA PA PA
Miller, Henry 69 M Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland
Miller, James H. 62 S NY NY NY
Miller, Rodham 68 S OH OH KY
Miller, Wm. C. 71 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Miller, Wm. F. 43 S PA PA PA
Milligan, Stanley (Lodger) 26 S TN TN MI
Mills, Mark (Servant) 21 S SC SC MS
Milton, John 77 S Ireland un un
Minary, Joseph O. 48 S PA un un
Mitchell, David 66 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Mitchell, Harrison B. 73 Wd IN un un
Mitchell, Jas. H. 68 M1 Md Ireland Ireland
Mitchell, John G. 69 M2 Indiana KY PA
Mitchell, Joseph 67 M OH un un
Moffet, John A. 63 S OH OH OH
Montaque, John 73 S England England England
Montgomery, Henry C. 74 S KY VA KY
Moody, Thomas 72 S Ireland un un
Mooney, Henry A. 59 S PA PA PA
Moore, Banjamin (B) 64 Wd PA un un
Moore, George C. 66 S PA PA PA
Moore, Jacob 69 S Ireland un un
Moore, Newton 83 Wd PA PA PA
Moore, Wm. T. 65 M1 OH OH OH
Moorehead, Israel 76 Wd PA PA PA
Mooreland, Marcus L. 66 Wd GA GA GA
Moores, Cokman 66 Wd KY VA VA
Mordan, Isaac 67 Wd PA PA PA
Morgan, Adam 65 S IL OH IL
Morgan, Ed 69 M OH un un
Morgan, George W. 61 Wd NY NY NY
Morgan, Seth A. 65 S NC un NC
Morley, William 65 D TN NC VA
Morris, Wm. H. 67 Wd PA PA PA
Morrisey, Thomas 63 M2 Ireland un un
Morrison, William H. 62 S IN OH OH
Morse, Levi 64 S PA un un
Morton, Hiram 64 M1 NY un NY
Mote, David C. 63 M1 Ohio un un
Mott, Thomas B. 74 Wd CT un un
Moyer, Joseph 63 Wd PA PA Pa
Moynihan, Wm. H. 33 M IL un un
Muldoon, John 68 M Ireland Ireland Ireland
Muller. Frederick 69 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Mullins, Thomas 65 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Mummey, Charles 69 Wd PA PA PA
Mungen, Theodore 65 M2 OH PA PA
Murphy, David 75 M NC un un
Murphy, Edward 70 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Murphy, Henry 33 S MA un un
Murphy, James 68 Wd Md Ireland Ireland
Murphy, James 48 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Murphy, James A. 44 S PA un un
Murphy, John J. 44 S Ireland un un
Murray, Jeremiah 70 M2 Ireland Ireland Ireland
Murray, Patrick 66 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Murray, Sylvester 61 S PA PA PA
Murray, Thomas H. 71 S NY Ireland Ireland
Musgrove, Henry C. 65 Wd KY OH KY
Myers, John 70 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Myers, Thomas 63 Wd MA MA MA
Myers, John K. 65 S NY un un
Myers, Wm. R. 80 Wd NY un un


Nash, James 62 S PA Ireland Ireland
Naylon, John H. 68 S MD un un
Neavea, Andrew J. 71 M KY KY TN
Nebgen, Charles 68 S Germany un un
Neeper, Hugh 65 Wd OH un un
Neider, Albert 68 S Austria Austria Austria
Neith, Josiah H. 63 M PA Germany Germany
Nelson, Oliver R. 45 S DC MD MD
Neville, John G. 66 S NY NY NY
Neville, John W. 73 Wd VA VA VA
Nevins, Alexander 77 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Newcomb, James E. 71 S IL un un
Nichols, Levi 68 M NY NY VT
Nicholson, John H. 68 Wd KY KY KY
Nickerson, Charles 69 Wd PA NY PA
Nickerson, Wm. H. 68 S ME un ME
Nike, Francis S. 64 S PA PA MA
Norman, Benjamin H. 52 S KY NC KY
Norman, John 72 S England England England
Norris, Reginald 34 S MD un un
Nostrand, Robert 63 M1 NY un un
Novack, John 51 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Nutly, Michael 78 S NY un un


O’Brien , John 71 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
O’Brien, Condy 65 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
O’Connell, Lewis 64 Wd MD Ireland Ireland
O’Connor, Daniel 74 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
O’Connor, Frank 66 S OH Ireland NY
O’Connor, James 64 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
O’Connor, Morris 69 S MA Ireland Ireland
O’Dell, Wm. 64 Wd OH un un
O’Donahoe, John 65 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
O’Fee Lucrated 54 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
O’Hara, Charles 75 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
O’Hearn, Timothy 68 Wd NY Ireland NY
O’Neil, Denny 68 M1 PA Ireland Ireland
O’Shea, James J. 34 S TN TN TN
Olewine, John H. 62 Wd PA un un
Oliphant, Brading 66 Wd IN un un
Oliphant, Joseph 69 Wd PA un PA
Olivell, John 70 M2 Ireland Ireland Ireland
Orr, John 65 S NY un un
Orth, John 68 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Osborn, David 71 M2 NC VA NC
Osborne, John 66 S Ireland England un
Osborne, Wm. I. 34 S VA VA VA
Osmus, Edward C. 52 M1 Germany Germany Germany
Oswald, George 70 S Germany Germany Germany
Overstreet, Robert H. 64 S MO KY KY
Owens, Francis 64 Wd MD MD MD
Owens, James H. 64 Wd IL MD OH
Owings, James H. 62 S IN PA IN
Owings, John F. 63 S Indiana Ohio Ohio


Paine, Melton W. 68 Wd NY NY NY
Palmer, Charles W. 64 M CT un un
Palmer, Wallace T. 37 S NY un un
Park, Andrew 42 S TN TN VA
Parker, George 70 S PA un un
Parker, James 70 S Ireland un un
Parker, Joseph 71 Wd MA MA MA
Parker, Richard 66 M2 OH OH OH
Parrett, Joseph A. 72 S MA un un
Patter, Fergus 65 S ME ME ME
Patterson, Edgar, (Servant) 37 S TN un TN
Payne, John F. 65 M2 KY un KY
Payne, Wm. A. 63 S OH WVA OH
Peck, Wm. H. 70 M OH OH OH
Peckham, Chas. F. 69 M NH RI MA
Pecky, Eugene 67 Wd OH OH OH
Pederson, Niels 62 Wd Denmark Denmark Denmark
Peel, John T. 39 S England England England
Pennington, George 74 Wd TN un un
Pennyberry, George Lod. 24 M MA CT CT
Perreault, Alexander 69 S Canada Fr. Canada Canada
Perrott, Robert 67 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Persley, Albert (B) 74 — TN TN VA
Peterman, Napoleon 65 Wd OH un un
Peters, Stephen R. 64 M1 PA un un
Peterson, Peter 70 Wd Sweden Sweden Sweden
Pettigrew, Andrew H. 72 M OH un OH
Philips, Phirman P. 67 S NY un un
Phillips, Charles A. 71 S IN IN IN
Pickle, Lizzie (Servant B) 26 M1 TN TN TN
Pierce, David E. 68 Wd OH OH OH
Pierce, Melvin 67 Wd Michigan NY NY
Pierrall,Albert 67 M NY un un
Pierson, Nannie (Servant B) 48 Wd TN TN TN
Piggott, Joseph T. 71 m1 IL NY OH
Pilloud, Theodore 71 M2 Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland
Pillsgill, George 69 M PA PA PA
Platt, Charles H. 76 Wd WI CT OH
Plimby, George P. 64 Wd NY NY NY
Plondke, Julius 66 S Germany Germany Germany
Pollard, Emamuel (B) 61 M VA un un
Pond, Wm. H. 70 S MA MA VT
Ponden, John 68 S MA England MA
Pool, Josephira 65 M OH OH OH
Pope, James E. 66 Wd PA PA PA
Porter, Emanuel M. 67 Wd OH OH NY
Porter, Foreman S. 63 Wd OH un un
Porter, Franklin M. 73 Wd KY KY PA
Porth, Frederick W. 41 S Germany Germany Germany
Posttethwait, John M. 70 Wd PA un un
Pote, Isaac I. 66 S Maine Maine Maine
Pratt, Isaac 67 M1 Maine un un
Prentiss, William A. 71 M1 Maine un un
Price, James 70 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Price, Watkins 64 Wd Wales Wales England
Prime, Martin V. 68 Wd OH Germany MA
Pritchard, Nathan E. 64 S ME ME ME
Prosser, James (B) 73 Wd TN un un
Provine, Benjamin F. 72 Wd PA Ireland Pa
Pruitt, James T. 69 Wd PA PA PA
Pugh , Delaney 62 Wd NJ NJ NJ
Puston, Comfort 82 Wd NY VT Canada
Putham, Henry 69 M2 AL TN TN
Putnam, Wm. M. 74 S NY VT CT


Quackenbush, George 74 S NY un un
Quigley, Barney 71 Wd Ireland un un
Quimby, Eli M. 63 Wd VT NH VT
Quinn, John S. 31 S NY NY NY
Quinn, Patrick 70 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Quinn, Timothy 67 S Ireland un un
Quinn, Walter D. 34 M1 IN IN IN
Quirk, Wm. E. 72 M2 NY Ireland Ireland


Ramisly, Wm. W. 77 Wd OH un un
Randall, Alfred 70 S NY NY NY
Randall, Charles E. 64 S MA MAMA MA
Randall, Edward S. 72 S Ohio un un
Range, Florence (Head) — — KY KY KY
Ransom, Luther H. 80 M NY un un
Ratliff, Jesse C. 21 S IN IN IN
Raub, William 65 Wd PA PA NJ
Ray, Nathan, (Servant). 17 S TN TN TN
Raymond, John C. 61 S WI OH KY
Read, Chas M. 67 M PA PA PA
Reading, Amos 66 Wd PA PA PA
Reagan, Dennis 60 Wd England Ireland Ireland
Reckards, Edson 67 Wd ME un un
Redfern, Wm. H. 67 M England un un
Reece, Edward R. 67 M KY un un
Reed, George B. 62 Wd MA MA MA
Reigurt, Christian K. 67 S PA PA PA
Reilly, Daniel 67 S NY Ireland NY
Reimann, Franz 72 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Reinuick, Alfred (Lodger) 25 M OH OH OH
Reniek, John 67 Wd PA Germany Germany
Renn, James F. 36 S MI OH OH
Reno, Peter 50 S Germany Germany Germany
Reuch, Benjamin 72 Wd England England England
Reynolds, John (Lodger) 28 S PA un PA
Rhodes, Jacob L. 67 M OH un un
Rice, Joseph 65 S PA un un
Richards, Chas. H. 62 Wd PA NY PA
Richman, Wallace (B) 67 Wd VA un un
Ridge, Thomas 72 Wd Ireland un un
Ridgeway, John 62 Wd KY KY WVA
Riffe, Peter 63 Wd KY VA un
Riley, Barnard B. 68 S NY un un
Riley, John 66 S Canada Ireland Ireland
Riley, Reuben M. 68 Wd ME Ireland Ireland
Riley, Thomas J. 31 S RI un un
Riley, Wm. 64 M NY un un
Roach, George 68 M NY NY NY
Robb, Wilson T. 66 Wd NJ NJ NY
Roberts, Adam 67 M NC NC NC
Roberts, Charles 72 M England England England
Roberts, James M. 66 Wd OH NY VA
Roberts, John 74 Wd NH un un
Roberts, Joseph 69 Wd MI PA PA
Robertson, Frank 74 M Sweden Sweden Sweden
Robertson, Joseph 66 Wd England England England
Robinson, Andrew L. 62 S MD Ireland PA
Robinson, David S. 67 Wd MA VT VT
Robinson, Edwin E. 74 S VT VT VT
Robinson, George 65 S NY un un
Robinson, George B 34 S KY VA OH
Robinson, Griffith M. 84 Wd Ohio PA Wales
Robinson, Henry 68 Wd NY NY NY
Robinson, Joseph 66 S Canada Canada Canada
Robinson, Octavius 67 WD Canada France Canada
Robinson,James W. 71 S IN un un
Rocke, Thomas 65 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Rockmoth, Arthur, (boarder) 25 M2 MO Germany un
Rockmoth, Dorothy, (boarder) — — IL MO MO
Rodenroth, Carrie, (boarder) — M MO Canada MA
Roderick, Wm. W. 73 Wd MD un un
Roe, Adam 65 S Germany Germany Germany
Rogers, Alvin K. 69 Wd NY un un
Rogers, Charles A. 66 S Ireland un un
Rogers, Chas. B. 68 Wd NY un un
Rogers, George W. 58 S NY NY NY
Rogers, Oliver J. 71 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Rogge, Frederick 64 S Germany Germany Germany
Rominger, Franklin L. 66 M NC un un
Root, Frank M. 63 WD OH PA OH
Ross, Henry W. 67 Wd England England England
Ross, Samuel 65 Wd OH un un
Ross, Thomas 61 S WV PA PA
Rosson, Joseph 42 S TN VA TN
Rounds, Charles H. 63 S ME ME ME
Rowland, Thomas 68 M NY Ireland NY
Ruble, Effie M (wife) 36 M1 Canada Canada Canada
Ruble, Jama (Head) 65 M2 TN TN TN
Rucker, George K 63 S KY VA KY
Rudderow, Josiah A. 66 Wd NJ NY NJ
Rudolph, Nicholas 74 M Germany Germany Germany
Rufell, Louis 59 M1 NY Germany Germany
Runyon, Nannie (Servant) 25 S VA VA VA
Rush, Mark 70 M2 NY England NY
Russel, Earnest M. 64 S NY un un
Russell, Amos (Servant) 15 S NC un NC
Russell, Bertie (Servant B) 25 WD NC NC NC
Russell, Jacob 69 S Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland
Russell, Wm. C. 63 Wd TN un VA
Ryan, Andrew H. 55 Wd England Ireland Ireland
Ryan, Edward 66 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Ryan, James 64 S Ireland un un
Ryan, John 67 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Ryan, John 69 Wd CT Ireland RI
Ryan, Patrick 67 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Ryder, John 69 S PA un un


Saheibe, Herman 72 S Germany Germany Germany
Salley, J. P. 65 M VA un un
Sandell, Edward C. 85 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Sanders, Abitha B. 70 M2 NY ME CT
Sanders, John J. 72 Wd MO OH OH
Sands, Luther S. 63 M1 MD MD MD
Sanford, Wilbur F. 66 M NY NY CT
Sanford, Wm. 48 S DC NY RI
Sargent, Frances W. 71 S NY un un
Sargent, Pury L. 53 S OH un un
Satoo, Carl A. 65 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Saunderson, Wm. A. 70 Wd Canada un Canada
Sauters, Daniel 66 S AL AL TN
Saxton, James 64 Wd PA PA PA
Saylor, Oscar H. 72 M2 PA PA PA
Schafer, George 68 M PA PA PA
Schaich, Christian 69 M2 Germany Germany Germany
Schall, Christian 66 Wd MD Germany Germany
Scheeue, Chas F. 72 M Germany Germany Germany
Schellner, Chas. S. 65 M1 NY Germany Germany
Schilling, Ernst 65 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Schlaburg, Chas. 32 S OH un un
Schmidt, Louis 69 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Schneblay, Henry 76 Wd PA un un
Schnell, Edward S. 70 S MO LA LA
Schoenberger, George 71 Wd PA PA PA
Schuellarmann, Chas. 70 Wd PA Germany Germany
Schwab, Jake P. 63 Wd NJ PA PA
Scofield, David M. 63 M NY NY NY
Scott, Abner V. 66 M1 PAPA PA PA
Scott, Charles H. (B) 63 M VA un VA
Scott, Robert D. 64 M NY un un
Scott, Willis W. 64 Wd PA PA PA
Scoville, Henry A. 62 S OH OH OH
Scruggs, Anthony (B) 69 M AL un un
Scruggs, George 68 Wd TN TN TN
Seagle, Wm. F. 66 Wd SC NC SC
Seary, David 83 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Seay, Washington (B) 66 M TN un un
Sellars, Reuben 68 M2 TN TN TN
Serton, John 56 S OH Ireland Ireland
Sesseman, Wickliff 70 Wd PA PA PA
Shade, George P. 70 Wd PA PA PA
Shanfetter, Lee M. 62 Wd PA PA PA
Shark, Samuel 65 S OH OH KY
Sharkey, Hugh 65 Wd PA Ireland Ireland
Shatto, Kathryn M (boarder) 34 S MN OH VT
Shaulding, Joseph A. 64 M PA un un
Shaw, John H. 74 Wd PA PA PA
Sheehan, Anthony A. 68 Wd Canada Ireland Ireland
Sheeks, Franklin 68 M1 IN un un
Sheesly, Amos 67 Wd PA PA PA
Sheperson, James 65 M TN VA MS
Shephara, John 72 M PA PA PA
Sherer, Winston (Servant). 24 S NC NC NC
Sherous, Levi 68 Wd OH un un
Shields, Wm. (B) 68 Wd TN TN TN
Shoemaker, Joseph 63 M OH OH OH
Shonsler, Augustus 65 Wd PA Germany Germany
Shore, Marion 74 S IL NY NY
Shortshines, Joseph 66 Wd Canada England England
Shultz, Josiah 68 S PA un un
Siacho, Oscar F. 65 S Michigan NY NY
Simmons, Albion R. 66 Wd VT un un
Simmons, George E. 68 M2 NY CT NY
Simons, Daniel A. 66 S IL un un
Simons, Sylvester 76 Wd CT un un
Simpson, Wm. M. 60 M OH un un
Singleton, Margaret (boarder) 29 S NC NC NC
Siskion, Samuel F. 65 S MA Ireland SC
Sitterson, Wm. 38 S NC VA NC
Slaughter, John B. 66 Wd TN TN TN
Sledge, David V. 69 M NY NJ NY
Sleigh, George W. 75 M1 VA VA VA
Slingerland, Henry T. 69 Wd NY un un
Sloan, David 74 Wd NJ un un
Sloan, Thomas 69 M OH un un
Sloop, Henry L. 62 M1 TN NC TN
Small, Robert 64 S PA NY NY
Small, William G. 71 Wd PA NY PA
Smallwood, James A. 74 M England England England
Smead, John 67 M2 MA un MA
Smith Ella (Servant B) 40 Wd TN TN TN
Smith, Kathleen 23 S TN TN TN
Smith, Alexander 60 S Russia Russia Russia
Smith, Att. G. 48 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Smith, Ceylon P. 70 Wd NH ME NH
Smith, Charles 64 Wd NY MA MA
Smith, Elias W. 74 Wd NY NY NY
Smith, Ethel (dau) 25 S TN TN TN
Smith, Florence B. (wife) 59 M1 TN PA NY
Smith, George 65 S MA un un
Smith, George O. Jr 69 Wd NY un un
Smith, George W. 60 M1 IN NY MD
Smith, Henry 64 M TN TN TN
Smith, Henry 24 S TN TN TN
Smith, James H. 24 S Ohio Ohio Ohio
Smith, James J. 69 S OH OH OH
Smith, John C. 68 Wd NY NY NY
Smith, John H. 72 S NY un un
Smith, John P. (Head) 64 M3 TN NC VA
Smith, Maynard D. 68 Wd MA MA MA
Smith, Ota (Servant) 11 S TN TN TN
Smith, Richard W. 62 S Indiana Ohio VA
Smith, Samuel B. 67 Wd DE un un
Smith, Wm. A. 69 S KY un un
Smith, Wm. P. 69 M DE PA PA
Soetter, Theodore 76 S Germany Germany Germany
Solstrug, Larude 66 M IN Oh PA
Spain, James N. 69 M NC un un
Spencer, Webster 69 M NY un un
Sprague, Waldo 67 Wd NY un un
Spulker, Joseph 74 Wd Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland
Stacks, J.E. (Servant B) 31 S NC NC NC
Stadon, Samuel E. 62 M PA un un
Stafford, Charles H. 46 Wd NY NY NY
Staircliff, Henry 64 Wd NY un un
Stanton, Wm. J. 65 Wd CT CTCT CT
Starr, Benjamin F. 64 Wd Oh OH OH
Stauber, Adolphus 69 Wd Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland
Stearns, Charles D. 60 Wd VT VT VT
Stebbino, Charles M. 56 Wd AL AL TN
Stebbins, Edward C. 79 Wd Pa un un
Steele, John H. 75 Wd Vt un un
Stees, Thomas M. 68 W Germany Germany Germany
Steffie, Judson H 64 M2 KY PA VA
Steiner, Joseph 67 M1 Germany Germany Germany
Steinlein, Frederick 69 M Germany Germany Germany
Stephens, John T. 62 M1 KY KY KY
Stephenson, Owen 63 S IN IN KY
Stevens, Levine Board 23 S England England England
Stevenson, James L. 56 S MD MD MD
Stewart, David C. 66 S PA Ireland Pa
Stewart, James R. 69 S Ohio un un
Stewart, John 69 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Stewart. John 72 S PA Ireland Ireland
Still, Richard 71 Wd VT VT NH
Stinson, Wm. 64 Wd PA PA PA
Stoecker, Wm. F. 69 M Germany Germany Germany
Storr, Sellars 63 S England England Scotland
Stott, Wister P. 64 S PA PA PA
Stover, Edward 67 S PA PA PA
Strange, James 75 Wd PA PA PA
Street, Wm. H. 71 S PA un CT
Strickland, Wm. 67 Wd NC NC SC
Striker, John 72 M Germany un un
Strode, Newton 65 M OH un un
Stroh, Louis F. 46 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Stuart, Thomas 79 M1 Scotland Scotland Scotland
Stuchel, Robt. L. 62 D PA PA PA
Stuck, John 65 S MD MD MD
Stull, Adam 63 Wd PA PA PA
Stull, James H. 78 M NY un NY
Stutzman, Augustus R. 48 Wd PA un un
Sullivan, Edward 69 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Sullivan, John 65 S MA Ireland Ireland
Sullivan, Michael 68 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Sullivan, Phillip 70 M1 Ireland Ireland Ireland
Summer, Basil B. 66 Wd KY VA KY
Summers, John 77 Wd MO un un
Summers,James P. 63 M IN OH OH
Survis, Johiel 64 Wd Canada un un
Sutherland, John J. 41 S Canada un un
Sweeney, Edward 63 S MD Ireland Ireland
Sweeney, John 77 S Ireland Ireland Ireland


Taber, Robert E. 39 S NC NC NC
Tack, James 65 S NY Holland Holland
Tallada, James C. 64 S WI RI NY
Tarkey, Henry (B) 66 Wd TN un TN
Taylor, Alfred D. 66 M TN TN TN
Taylor, Henry 69 S Germany Germany Germany
Taylor, Lewis 80 Wd England England England
Taylor, Richard A. 57 Wd VA VA VA
Taylor, Robert H. 66 Wd PA PA PA
Taylor, Wm. 70 M VA NC VA
Tebbetts, Joseph F. 66 Wd Maine un un
Teegarden, Watson 46 S Ohio un un
Teele, Ruben J. 67 M1 England England England
Teflinger, George 64 M1 OH OH OH
Teilmann, Bertha J 4/12 S TN Denmark Germany
Teilmann, Carl R. 2 S IN Denmark Germany
Teilmann, Eliz. 1 S PA Denmark Germany
Teilmann, Gunner (Head) 43 M2 Denmark Denmark Denmark
Teilmann, Gunner Jr. 13 S PA Denmark Germany
Teilmann, Maria (wife) 22 M1 Germany Germany Germany
Thebalt, Eugene H. 75 Wd PA PA Germany
Thomas, Alice (Servant). 54 Wd TN TN TN
Thomas, Jacob 68 Wd WVA WVA WVA
Thomas, James 63 Wd NY Wales Wales
Thomas, John 82 Wd MA un MA
Thomas, Wm. M. 69 S Wales Wales Wales
Thompson, Adam 63 S LA un un
Thompson, Amos 66 Wd IL un un
Thompson, Andrew S. 65 M1 OH OH OH
Thompson, Frank B. 66 Wd PA NY PA
Thompson, John R. 66 M1 LA TN TN
Thompson, Joseph 83 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Thompson, Moncure R. 72 Wd PA US PA
Thornburg, Joseph 68 Wd WVA WVA WVA
Thornton, Charles (B) 66 S MD MD MD
Thurber, Commodore 64 Wd NY un un
Tibbetts, Albion W. 73 WD ME ME ME
Tidaback, James 69 Wd NJ un un
Tilghman, Alexander 71 Wd PA MD PA
Tilley, Samuel H. 67 Wd NC NC NC
Timmons, Stephen 67 S ME ME ME
Tobin, John 59 Wd PA Ireland Ireland
Tomlinson, Albert D. 64 S OH OH PA
Topper, Francis M. 63 Wd PA PA PA
Townsend, Samuel 77 M2 PA DE NJ
Tracy, Edward 61 S OH OH OH
Traub, Charles 68 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Troutman, Chas. E. 66 Wd PA PA PA
Tuble, Erastus 68 Wd Ohio PA Ohio
Tumbach, Oscar H. 45 S Germany Germany Germany
Ture, John H. 64 S IN OH OH
Turner, James H. 33 S Ohio un un
Tyson, George W. 70 S PA PA PA


Underhofer, Rufus 62 Wd PA Germany PA
Upton, James B. 63 Wd TN TN TN


Van Pelt, Jacob 65 Wd NY Holland Holland
Van Riper, Jeremiah 76 Wd NJ NJ NJ
Van Slycke, Adrian 67 Wd NY NY NY
Veddae, Andrew J 79 S NY NY NY
Veile, Julius S. 43 S Denmark Denmark Denmark
Vesey, Albert E. 63 Wd OH PA KY
Villa, Eugene F. 62 S MA MA MA
Vincent, Alfred 67 Wd England England England
Vincent, Valentine 63 M2 MD MD MD


Waganfeald, Valentine 57 Wd DC MA MD
Wakefield Wm. 67 S NY NY MA
Walker, E Clyde (Lodger) 25 S TN TN TN
Walker, John 71 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Walker, Sanural 70 M England England England
Walker, Thomas F. 67 Wd IN un un
Wall, Christopher 68 M1 Ireland un un
Wallace, Abner M. 59 M NY VT NY
Wallace, Gilbert C. 33 S TN TN TN
Wallace, Wm. 74 M1 PA un PA
Walsh, James W. 69 Wd MI NY NJ
Walsh, John 73 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland
Walsh, Thomas 73 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Walter, Charles 62 S OH Germany Germany
Walters, Lewis 73 S Pa Germany Germany
Walters, Mary E. (wife) 48 M TN TN TN
Walters, W. S. (Head) 48 M TN NY OH
Walthe, Jacob 71 S PA PA PA
Walton, Frank J. 64 Wd PA PA MD
Wampool, Samuel 84 S MO PA PA
Warren, Wm. J. 78 Wd TN NJ VA
Washington, Abraham (B) 81 M1 Va un un
Washington, George 3d 63 M1 VA VA VA
Watkins, Caleb 68 S NY un un
Watkins, James W. (B) 76 Wd TN un TN
Watson, Hugh 65 M1 WI VA KY
Watson, William 71 M PA un un
Watson, Wm. B. 62 M1 NY NY NY
Watts, John T. 68 Wd KY KY KY
Weaver, Wm. 62 Wd PA NY PA
Weed, Peter 66 S NY un un
Weeks, Samuel M. 66 Wd NY un un
Weiner, Augustus 66 S NY Germany Germany
Welch, Chas. H. 62 Wd MD NY MD
Wells, Abram 62 M IN IN IN
Wells, James B. 70 Wd NJ NY NY
Welty, David W. 79 Wd PA PA PA
Wendell, Thomas P. 68 Wd PA PA PA
Wentworth, Frank A. 55 Wd MA MA MA
West, John 70 Wd Scotland Scotland Scotland
Wetmore, Gary 64 Wd NY MA MA
Wharton, James L. 65 M1 OH OH MD
Wheaten, Michael 71 M2 Ireland Ireland Ireland
Wheeler, Henry 65 M2 MA England MA
Whik, Christopher 81 Wd RI RI RI
Whitcomb, Owen 63 Wd NY VT NY
White, James 70 M1 Ireland Ireland Ireland
White, John 66 S NY England England
White, John F. 70 M1 VA VA VA
White, Sam (Head) 34 S TN TN TN
White, Winfield S. 73 S NY VT CT
Whittaker, Charles 34 S MA MA MA
Wicks, Edward B. 71 M1 NY NY NY
Wiley, Hiram 59 S NY NY NY
Wilkerson, John H 63 Wd PA PA PA
Wilkins, Henry S. 65 M IL WV IL
Wilkinson, John 66 Wd NJ NY NY
Willan, Thomas 75 M1 England England England
Willard, Squire 87 M1 Missouri un un
Willard, Wm. F. 70 Wd PA PA PA
Williams, George 69 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Williams, Henry 72 Wd NY NY NY
Williams, James 73 S Wales Wales Wales
Williams, John J. 75 Wd NY un un
Williams, Reuben 65 S NY un un
Williams, Richard 79 S NC VA NC
Williams, Thomas 67 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Williamson, Pliny C 80 Wd OH OH VA
Willis, Chas. J. 79 Wd NY un un
Willoughby, Edgar 66 S Indiana Indiana Indiana
Willson, Joseph H. 66 Wd NY NY NY
Willson, Robert D. 67 Wd TN NC NC
Wilson, Albert C. 64 Wd CT CT MA
Wilson, Charles 76 S Ohio PA Ohio
Wilson, Charles (B) 74 Wd KY un KY
Wilson, Charles E. 68 M1 NY NY NY
Wilson, Charles J. 63 M2 CT CT MA
Wilson, Emazire 62 Wd NC NC NC
Wilson, Ezra A.D. 68 M CT MD CT
Wilson, Hattie (Servant B) 25 S TN TN TN
Wilson, Henry 66 S NY un un
Wilson, Hosea W. 68 S PA PA PA
Wilson, James H. 66 S Illinois PA Ohio
Wilson, John 71 S ME ME VT
Wilson, Joseph R. 76 Wd NY MA MA
Wilson, Scott 62 Wd OH PA OH
Wilson, William W. 68 S PA PA PA
Wilson, Wm. A. 37 M1 VA VA VA
Wilson, Wm. A. 37 M1 VA VA VA
Wingood, William 71 Wd MA un un
Winted, William 46 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Wolford,Benjamin F. 59 S OH un un
Wolverton, Robt. T. 68 M1 TN TN TN
Wood, John 63 M2 GA TN TN
Wood, Thomas T. 65 Wd England England England
Wood, Wm. H. 63 S NJ NJ PA
Woods, Frederick H. 66 S Wales Wales Wales
Woods, John T. 41 S PA PA PA
Woods, William 70 S Ireland Ireland Ireland
Worroll, George W. 63 Wd Ohio PA PA
Worthen, Reuben M. 50 S GA GA TN
Wright, Edward 32 S PA PA PA
Wright, Richard W. 72 Wd PA PA PA
Wurfel, Julius P. 59 M1 NY Germany Germany
Wyne, Thomas F. 66 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland


Yates, Joseph 68 S IN OH OH
Yellott, Chas. M. 69 S MD VA VA


Zang, Christopher 64 M Germany Germany Germany
Zastrow, Richard 65 Wd Germany Germany Germany
Zepernick, Perry 68 Wd OH Canada OH

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