1869 1870 1871 1872 1875 1876 1881 1882 1883 1885
1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895
NOTE: Not all issues are available.
Vol. XXVI. #17 Wed., Aug. 22, 1894
Deakins, Eliza H. [Alison]
On August 17, 1894, Mrs. Eliza H. Deakins closed this life. She was born July 9, 1826, aged 68 years, 1 month, and 9 days at her death. Her maiden name was Eliza H. Alison. She was the widow of James Deakins, having lived in widowhood some twenty years. She raised a family of two sons and four daughters, all of whom survive her. In early life she became a member of the Presbyterian Church of Johnson City, Tenn.
Ross, Charles M.
C.M. Ross died on consumption at his father’s home, on the farm of J.E. Harris, deceased, a few miles south of this place, Sunday night, near Dove’s Mill. The deceased was about 20 years of age. He was the youngest son of Mr. And Mrs. David R. Ross, who had moved from Greene to Washington County a few years ago. G.A. Ross, a brother of the deceased, lives at Johnson City. He was laid to rest at Washington College. His given name was Charles.
Vol. XXVI. #18
No deaths recorded
Vol. XXVI. #19 Wed., Sept. 5, 1894
Perkins, Nancy
(February item) On Thursday, Aug. 14th (my note: the 14th was on Tuesday – WAB), death came to Aunt Nancy Perkins, an old lady of 81 years of age, and was laid to rest in Union cemetery. She had been living alone several years and leaves behind but one sister.
Humphrey, Jessie
(Nolachucky item) Jessie Humphrey, little daughter of David Humphrey and wife, was laid to rest in New Salem last Saturday.
Stone, Sabra S.
Sabra S. Stone, wife of R. B. Stone was born Feb. 27, 1847, and departed this life July 17, 1894. She professed her faith in 1866, being baptized into the fellowship of the Limestone Baptist Church by Elder Robert Lee, in 1874. She was the mother of three children, two of which are left with her husband.
Vol. XXVI. #20 Wed., Sept. 12, 1894
Hacker, Joe
Joe Hacker, the fifth and youngest son of Judge Hacker, died last Saturday. He was about 16 years old. The obituary stated Joseph Hacker was born Oct. 20, 1878, died Sept. 8, 1894, aged 15 years, 10 months, & 19 days.
Sweeney, Mrs. J.P.
On last Sunday at 4 p.m., Mrs. J.P. Sweeney, who lived on Cherokee, three miles southwest, breathed her last. Her remains were interred in the cemetery at Dove’s Mill, Monday afternoon, Rev. Wm Sherfey officiating. She leaves a husband and a number of children.
Beal, Infant
(Windyville item) L.D. Beal’s infant died and was buried in Pleasant Valley cemetery on the 29th of August.
Vol. XXVI. #21 Wed., Sept. 19, 1894
Burson, Z.L.
Last Tuesday, Sept. 11, 1894, Rev. Z.L. Burson died at Bristol. For a number of years Mr. Burson was a citizen of this place. He leaves an estate valued at $400,000., and on last Saturday, his was admitted to probate in the Hustings Court of Bristol, Va. He appointed his wife, Mrs. N.J. Burson, as executrix, providing well for all his children. His immediate relatives of this town are families of J. B. Thomas and Dr. E. Murray, deceased. Mrs. Murray, his sister, is the only surviving member of the Burson family, she being about 68 years old. On last Thursday morning the remains was brought to this place for burial in the old cemetery at the east end of Jonesboro. From the Courier and News of Bristol we take the following: Zachariah Lyle Burson, died at his home on Moore Street Tuesday night at 8 o’clock. His disease was pronounced as valvular heart trouble. Mr. Burson was born in Bedford Co., Va., Dec. 5, 1817. From Virginia he went to Jonesboro and located and on March 24, 1843, he was married to Susan Hale, who died in 1857. He was afterwards married to Miss Nannie J. Baker, of Seven Mile Ford, Va., who survives him. At Jonesboro Mr. Burson was a prominent member of the Baptist Church. He came to Bristol in 1865 where he resided ever since. His son Dick from Los Angeles, California, arrived at his bedside before his death. He leaves four sons; John E., E.A., Dick, and Sam. L., and four daughters, Sallie, Virginia, Lizzie, and Annie. Funeral services were held at the residence on Virginia Hill, at 5 o’clock Wednesday evening, by Rev. J. R. Harrison, who accompanied the remains to Jonesboro Thursday morning and there conducted the burial services.
French, Lucy
Mrs. Lucy French, wife of Judge J.M. French, of Princeton, W. Va., and sister-in-law of Rev. Geo. D. French, of Bristol, died at her home the 11th.
Vol. XXVI. #22 Wed., Sept. 26, 1894
Bacon, Ann
Mrs. Ann Bacon, died Aug. 21, 1894, and was laid to rest in the family burying ground; she left a large family of children. (This was a Windyville item).
Hale, Boy
(Spurgin item) Thomas Hale’s little boy, three years old, died Sunday, and was buried Monday evening. Only three weeks from the date he buried his infant.
Vol. XXVI. #23 and #24 are missing
Vol. XXVI. #25 Wed., Oct. 17, 1894
No deaths recorded.
Vol. XXVI. #26 Wed., Oct. 24, 1894
Cunningham, Ann A.D.
The funeral of Mrs. Ann A.D. Cunningham, who died recently, will occur today at 10 o’clock A. M., at the Second Presbyterian Church, Rev. James Park will officiate, assisted by Rev. B. B. Bigler. She was interred in the Rocky Hill cemetery.
Cunningham, Ann A.D.
Mrs. Ann A.D. Cunningham did at her home, in this place, on Sunday night about 12 o’clock, being almost 84 years old. She was the widow of Dr. Sam B. Cunningham, who died September 1867. Mrs. S.J. Rhea is expected in from Chicago today for her mother’s funeral.
Vol. XXVI. #27 Wed., Oct. 31, 1894
Cunningham, Ann A.D.
Mrs. Ann A.D. Cunningham, was born in Knox County, Tenn., November 6, 1810; died in Jonesboro, Tenn., October 21, 1894, aged 83 years, 11 months and 15 days. In 1832 she married Rev. Stephen Foster, professor in the State University at Knoxville, Tenn. He died 1835, the fruit of their marriage being two children; John, born 1832, died 1835, and Sarah Jane, born 1835, who married Rev. Samuel Rhea, missionary to Persia in 1860. Mrs. Rhea remained in Persia twelve years, one year after the death of her husband. On Jan. 22, 1846, Mrs. Foster was married to Dr. Sam B. Cunningham (died Sept. 1867). The fruits of this marriage; Nathan Daves, Sophie Moody, Robert Blair, and May Lyon, all of whom died in infancy except Sophie, who in 1881, became the wife of C.A. Duncan. She died in 1884, leaving one child, Rhea Cunningham, who died at the age of fourteen months. Mrs. Cunningham, in early life, became a member of the Presbyterian Church and on moving to Knoxville, joined the First Presbyterian Church of that place, and after her marriage to Dr. Cunningham, she united with the church in Jonesboro, where her home has been for sixty years.
Vol. XXVI. #28 Wed., Nov. 7, 1894
Mottern, Mary
(Unaka View item) Mrs. Mary Mottern, wife of Phillip Mottern, died recently in this community. Her daughter, Mrs. Nathan Myers, of Midway, and Mrs. Powell Ottinger, of Parrotsville, arrived in time for the burial.
Holmes, David
David Holmes, well know in this community as an honest, straight-forward young man, died at his home near the county bridge late Sunday afternoon, of fever. His remains were interred in the family burying ground Monday afternoon.
Persinger, Mrs. J.E.
Mongold, Rebecca
Stone, Sabra
Tribute of Respect: Jonesboro Post #35, G.A.R., has heard with regret the death of Mrs. J.E. Persinger, wife of our worthy Commander, comrade J E. Pursinger [sic], on July 31, 1894 and Mrs. Rebecca Mongold, wife off comrade W.M. Mongold, on June 5, 1894 and Mrs. Sabra Stone, wife of comrade R.B Stone, on July 17, 1895.
Note: Refer to Vol. XXVI. #15, Aug. 8, 1894, Mrs. Annie Persinger was the wife of James Edward Persinger. As per the 1880 census, Annie was born ca 1848 in Tennessee. As per Bible, previously owned by father of Kathleen Persinger Puckett, James Edward was born August 16, 1845. He was the son of George Persinger born ca 1799 in VA and Julia Ann Carper, daughter of Henry and Nancy Carper. George and Julia Ann were married October 25, 1837. I suspect George had a brother, Henry Persinger, who married Nancy Karnes/Carnes. Around 1870, Henry, his surviving sons (he had five sons to join the Union services), their family and Henry’s wife went to Republic County, Kansas. I descend from their deceased son, William, who died during the Civil War. The children of James Edward and Ann Persinger in the 1880 census were: Julia M. 12, Henriette P., 10, Louesa B. 7, Margrett E. 5, and Mollie E. 3. GMO
Vol. XXVI. #29 Wed., Nov. 14, 1894
Hensley, Mrs.—
Mrs.—Hensley died last Saturday night of typhoid fever. She leaves a little baby about five months old, a devoted husband and a loving mother.
Allison, Julia
Mrs. Julia Allison, one of Boon’ Creek’s esteemed old ladies, died on Tuesday of last week.
Reeves, Mother of Capt. Reeves
The mother of Capt. Reeves died at her home on Boon’s Creek, last Sunday night.
Vol. XXVI. #30 Wed., Nov. 21, 1894
Holmes, David A.
David A. Holmes, who died at his home near the country bridge on the 4th inst., was born August 6, 1864, departed this life, Nov. 4, 1894, age 30 years, 2 months, and 27 days old. He died of pneumonia fever. He was a member of the Methodist Church.
Vol. XXVI. #31 and #32
No deaths recorded.
Vol. XXVI. #33 Wed., Dec. 12, 1894
Fowler, Mrs. —
(Fall Branch item) recently, Mrs. — Fowler of this community.
Bacon, Nancy
(Windyville item) the funeral of Mrs. Nancy Bacon was preached the first Sunday in the month at Maple Grove.
Vol. XXVI. #34 Wed. Dec. 19, 1894
Strain, Caroline
Caroline Strain, age 6, eldest of four children of Mrs. L.O. Strain, of North Street, died the 26th ult.
Thompson, D.A.
Rev. D.A. Thompson died suddenly Tuesday morning. He lived two miles west of town, leaves a wife and several children one being Miss Flora Thompson, a student of the ninth grade, Jonesboro. He was a local preacher of the M. E. Church.
Peoples, Mary
Mrs. Mary Peoples, mother of Mrs. J.H. Haws, died last Thursday night t the residence of Mr. Haws and was taken to her home on Horse Creek for burial on Saturday.
Vol. XXVI. #35 Wed., Dec. 26, 1894
Tomkins, Wm
(Gallatin, Tenn., Dec. 22nd) Wm Tomkins, about 25, unmarried, son of Sam Tomkins, was found dead this morning apparently from heart disease.
Vol. XXVI. #36 Wed, Jan. 2, 1895
Bensiger, John N.
(Knoxville item dated Dec. 30) John N. Bensiger, aged 49 years, died suddenly at 6 o’clock this evening. He was a leading citizen and tobacco merchant of Knoxville, a familiar figure for thirty-five years.
Price, Zeb
Zeb Price died on Christmas day, at the home of his parents in Harriman, Tenn. He was the son of Rev. Richard Price.
Vol. XXVI. #37 Wed., Jan. 9, 1895
DeVault, John Baker
(Crookshanks item) Rev. John Baker DeVault died of consumption at the home of his father, in Leesburg, Saturday the 29th. Funeral services were held in the Presbyterian Church in Leesburg, New Year’s day, conducted by Revs. J.P. Doggett, Dr. J.W. Crumly, and Dr. E.O. Querrant, D.D., of Kentucky. He was born in Leesburg, July 26, 1858.
Carson, Edward M.
(Gainesboro, Tenn. dateline Jan. 3rd) Edward M. Carson, the oldest man in Jackson County, save one, passed away at his home five miles above Gainesboro, on Jan. 1, 1895, at 6 o’clock A. M. Had he lived until today, he would have seen his 90th birthday, having been born Jan. 3, 1805, in Hanover County, Va. He came with his father to Tenn. in 1811 and located two miles west of Hartsville.
McNeill, Frank
(Paris, Tenn. dateline-Jan. 2) Frank McNeill, one of the oldest and best citizens, died suddenly at his residence in this city this morning at 2 A.M. He was a representative businessman, and one of the old landmarks of this section, Henry County.
Vol. XXVI. #38 Wed., Jan 16, 1895
Whitlock, Child
(Fall Branch item) one of Deputy Sheriff Whitlock’s children and was buried last week.
Taylor, R.G.
Rev. R.G. Taylor, in Jacksonville, Florida, Wednesday, Jan. 9th. Mr. Taylor was well known here and is remembered by many of our older people.
Jones, C.R.
C.R. Jones, a member of the County Court, died at his home in the Fourth Dist. Last Thursday of dropsy and heart disease. He was buried at Cherokee on Saturday.
Fisher, Louis
Louis Fisher was born in Wythe County, Va., April 24, 1885 (my note: the year date is a typo error, should be 1857 – WAB) and departed this life at Limestone, Tenn., December 28, 1894, aged 37 years, 8 months and 4 days old. At the age of twenty his father moved to Washington County, Tenn., where he spent the rest of his life. He was married twice. After the death of his first wife he married Miss Alice Houser.
Vol. XXVI. #39 Wed., Jan. 23, 1895
Hickman, W.H.
W.H. Hickman, of the 13th District, died last Thursday and was buried at Kincheloe’s graveyard Saturday with Masonic honors, the lodges from Jonesboro, Fall Branch and Douglas Shed taking part.
Fitzgerald, E.S.
E.S. Fitzgerald was born in Sullivan County, Tenn., Nov. 6, 1865, died near Limestone, Jan. 19, 1895, aged 29 years, 2 months, 13 days. He was laid to rest in the cemetery at Liberty Chapel, funeral conducted by Rev. Mary Westcoat.
Vol. XXVI. #40 Wed., Jan. 30, 1895
Not deaths recorded.
Vol. XXVI. #41 Wed., Feb. 6, 1895
Ferguson, Drusie
(Cherry Grove item) last Thursday at 6 p.m., Mrs. Drusie Ferguson, of Christie. (My note: she was the mother of my mother’s first husband, John Ferguson – WAB).
Chandler, Betsey
(Spurgin item) Mrs. Betsey Chandler, an aged lady living but a short distance from here, died at her home on last Tuesday, and was buried at S.B. Ellis’ on Wednesday. She was a member of the Christian Church.
Vol. XXVI. #42 Wed., Feb. 13, 1895
Meade, Arthur
Arthur Meade met his death in a coasting Knoxville Saturday, being quite a shock to those here who knew him.
Vol. XXVI. #43 Wed., Feb. 20, 1895
Hampton, Mother of Wesley
(Chestnut Grove item) the mother of Wesley Hampton died at his home the 17th
McCurry, Baby
(Valley View item) the little baby of Mr. & Mrs. J O. McCurry, died the 26th of January and was buried the 27th at Marvin.
Hunt, John B.
(Fall Branch item) Uncle John B. Hunt died Saturday night at 9 o’clock. He was one of the pioneers of Methodism in this county and was a substantial citizen. He leaves many relatives. Sewell Hunt is here on account of his father’s death.
Hunt, Mary C.
Mrs.— Hunt (my note: Mary C., widow of Warrington Hunt – WAB) died at the residence of her son-in-law, A.C. Broyles, Esq., on Friday night (15th) of last week. She was over eighty-five years of age. Funeral services were conducted at the house Saturday afternoon by Rev. J.C. Hickson, of the M E. Church, South., after which the remains were buried in the old cemetery.
Hunt, J.B.
J.B. Hunt, an old and respected citizen of Fall Branch, died last Saturday, the 16th and was buried Sunday. He was the father-in-law of Rev. J.N. Baker. He was in his eightieth year.
Vol. XXVI. #44 Wed., Feb. 27, 1895
Furgeson, Infant son
(Cherry Grove item) on Monday, the 11th, death visited the home of Mr. & Mrs. E.W. Furgeson and claimed for it’s victim their infant son. Its remains were interred at Fair View cemetery the 13th
Fitzgerald, E.S.
E.S. Fitzgerald died in Washington Co., Tenn., one and a half miles east of Limestone, January 19, 1895. He was born in Sullivan County, was 29 years, 2 months, and 13 days old. He was the son of W.H. and Amanda Fitzgerald.
Thompson, D.A.
On the night of December 18,1894, Rev. D.A. Thompson, a local elder in the Methodist Episcopal Church, breathed his last. He was born June 7, 1828. Brother Thompson was married twice, first to Miss Nancy A. Harrison, August 10, 1850. To them were born six daughters. She passed away on August 10, 1867. His second marriage was to Miss Carrie E. Kelley, April 5, 1871. To them were born eight children, five sons and three daughters. He was permitted to see all his children grown except three.
Johnson, Miller
(Spurgin item) Miller Johnson died Saturday at 2 p.m., and was buried at Buffalo Ridge Monday. About five weeks ago he watched the funeral of his father.
Gammon, W.G
We extract the following from The Rome, Ga., “HUSTLER“, of Feb. 20th: “Quite a large number of friends of the late Capt. W.G. Gammon assembled at the residence of his son, W. M. Gammon, in east Rome, this morning, to participate in the funeral ceremony. The ceremony was conducted by Dr. Goetchine, of the Presbyterian Church. He was buried on Myrtle Hill.” (End of quote). Capt. Gammon at one time lived in Jonesboro and is remembered by many of our citizens.
Vol. XXVI. #45 Wed., March 6, 1895
Hunt, Mary C. nee DeVault
Mrs. Mary C. Hunt, nee DeVault, was born in York County, Pa., January 30, 1810. Her father, with a large family of children, moved to Tennessee in 1831. She was married to (an arrow points to this section and written in ink in the margins is: “He died 5 Dec. 1876 Chuckey Valley, TN, according to descendant. J. Troffer. She stated that Jacob DeVault was his father-in-law. Mrs. Troffer also stated that Cynthia A. Hunt who married Luther B. Henley Apr. 6, 1848 (page 34) (Vol. XXVII. #7 Wed., June 12, 1895 – GMO) and two brothers Thomas Hiter Hunt & Warrington Cary Hunt, were children of Henson & Mary (Pope) Hunt.”) Warrington C. Hunt, in 1833, and soon afterwards joined the Christian Church. She died in Jonesboro, Tenn. at the home of her daughter, her only child, Mrs. A.C. Broyles, on the 15th February 1895, a little more than eighty-five years of age. Only two brothers and two sisters are still living.
Bradshaw, Jason Allen
Maj. Jason Allen Bradshaw died at Washington College, Washington Co., Tenn., March 1, 1895. He was born in McDowell County, N. C., May 3, 1831. He was almost 64 years of age. He was married to Miss Phoebe M. Wilson on Aug. 30, 1860, and to them five children were born, three of whom survive. His second marriage was to Mrs. Lydia Wilson, January 11, 1874, and to them three children were born, two of which are still living. He joined the Union Army and became Major of the 12th Tennessee Cavalry. He joined the Presbyterian Church in 1861. The funeral services were held in the College Chapel, Washington College, last Saturday at 2 o’clock, Rev. B. B. Bigler officiated, assisted by President Cooter. (My note: somewhere in the paper after the death date, I read the following and missed writing down the issue number. Phoebe M. Wilson was the daughter of Alexander Wilson. She died July 30, 1873. The second wife of Mr. Bradshaw, Mrs. Lydia Wilson, was the widow of George Wilson, who was a brother to his first wife, Phoebe. —WAB)
Mason, Archibald C.
Died at his residence in this city, Monday morning, March 4, 1895, Archibald C. Mason. He was born in Person County, N.C., July 17, 1813; he was therefore 81 years, 7 months and 17days of age. Mrs. Manson’s family moved to Blountville when he was quite young and was apprenticed to the blacksmith trade in that town. Completing his apprenticeship, he moved to Jonesboro, Tenn., and at the age of twenty went into business for himself. At age twenty-two he was baptized and received into the Jonesboro Presbyterian Church under the Pastorate of Rev. J. Whitefield Cunningham. On March 19, 1839, he was married to Lucinda Ryland, daughter of Colonel John Ryland. She died in 1854. He was a member of the Masonic Order. In October 9, 1855, he was married to Mrs. Angelina E. Ryland, daughter of Dr. John E. Carson (Carson is marked through with ink and “Crossen” written in with “Son of Rev. John Crossen” written in the margins – GMO), and widow of John Ryland, Jr. To him were born fourteen children, ten of whom are living. The funeral service was held in the Second Presbyterian Church, Tuesday at 2 o’clock, Rev. B. B. Bigler officiated, the remains being buried in the old cemetery.
Robertson, W.T.
W.T. Robertson, Editor of the Rogersville Review, died Saturday, February the 23rd. He had been married but a few weeks.
Vol. XXVI. #46 Wed., March 13, 1895
Simmons, J. Frank
Elder J. Frank Simmons, of Midlothian, Texas, son of J.C. And S.J. Simmons, of Washington County, Tenn., fell asleep in Christ at the home of S.C. Bailey, on First Street, at 11 o’clock, Jan. 28, 1895. He joined the Baptist Church, June 20, 1886. He leaves a father, mother, brother, sister, and many relatives.
Dillow, William
(Spurgin item) William Dillow died at his home Friday evening, March 1st., and was buried at Fordtown, on Sunday, after a talk give by Rev. J. H. Moore.
Vincent, Jerome
Jerome Vincent died at his home two miles west of Fall Branch, last Friday, March 8th, at 1 o’clock p.m. and was interred in the cemetery of the M. E. Church, at Fall Branch, on Saturday afternoon, March 9th. Mr. Vincent was 41 years of age, dying of erysipelas. He leaves a wife, four children, his mother and two brothers. He was a brother-in-law of L.H. Patton of this place.
Vol. XXVI. #47 Wed., March 20, 1895
Dillow, Mrs. Alexander
(Spurgin item) Mrs. Alexander Dillow, died at Mrs. William Dillow’s last Friday evening, and was buried at Fordtown, Sunday. She leaves a husband and one child about a year old.
Duncan, Edward
On Monday morning, Marrch 18th, little Edward, age 14 months, only child of Rev. C.A. Duncan and Mrs. Eleanor Montgomery Duncan, of Knoxville, was taken by death.
Vol. XXVI. #48 Wed., March 27, 1895
Fuller, Charles L.
Charles L. Fuller, one of the best known men in Nashville, and one of the most extensively known Masons in the State, died at his home on South Vine Street, at 8:30 P.M., Saturday. He was 52 years old, leaves a wife and three children. (H & T note: Mr. Fuller married a sister of Mrs. Murphy, of this place (Jonesboro).
Bales, Bettie
(Keebler’s Institute item) Mrs. Bettie Bales, aged 48 years, died March 4th, with pneumonia fever, leaving a husband and eight children. Mrs. Sena Jones, of N.C., her daughter, arrived too late to get to see her mother.
Wilson, Will
(Keebler’s Institute item) Will Wilson died on March 6th and was buried in Fair View cemetery, leaving a wife and several children.
Powell, Cain
Cain Powell, half-brother to Capt. Joe Mahoney, died in his home in Greene Co., last Saturday. His death was caused by rheumatism and paralysis.
Vol. XXVI. #49 Wed., April 3, 1895
Cargille, Mrs. —
Mrs. — Cargille, wife of the photographer, died at her home in Johnson City, Sunday morning.
Vol. XXVI. #50 Wed., April 10, 1895
Reeser, John “Jack”
(Limestone item) John Reeser of Greene Co., near Limestone, died April 1st., aged about eighty years. He was better known as Jack Reeser.
Vol. XXVI. #51 Wed., April 17, 1895
Shipley, John
(Spurgin item) John Shipley died at his home on last Thursday, of typhoid fever.
Simpson, W.I.
(Mossy Creek item) D.J. Hunt was called to Mill Springs, Saturday, to preach the funeral of W.I. Simpson.
Fulkerson, Child
(Fall Branch item) a child of Mr. & Mrs. C.R. Fulkerson was buried here one day recently.
Hawkins, Myra
Hawkins, Lyla
Myra and Lyla, two little daughters of Jacob I. And Mrs. Fannie L. Hawkins, died Thursday, April 4th, at Jonesboro, Tenn. Their deaths occurred just seven hours apart, the former at 4 o’clock P.M., and the latter at 11 o’clock P.M. Myra was born Dec. 22, 1891 and Lyla was born April 30, 1887. The funeral services were held at the home in the west end, Saturday morning, Rev. B. B. Bigler officiating, and the little bodies were laid away in the Lyle burial ground.
Morris, Rena
Rena Morris was born in Carter County, Tenn., February 7, 1872, died Jan. 5, 1895. She was the daughter of V.A. and Amanda Morris. She joined the M. E. Church at the age of twelve. Her parents were members of the Missionary Baptist Church.
Vol. XXVI. #52 Wed., April 24, 1895
Blair, Mrs. John L.
Mrs. John L. Blair died last Wednesday at her home six miles south of Jonesboro. Her remains were interred in the family burial ground on Friday.
Loyd, Mr. —
(Cherry Grove item) Mr. — Loyd, while cutting wood for Mr. G. Bright, of Greene Co., was hit by a rebounding limb which resulted in his death Thursday night.
Vol. XXVII. #1 Wednesday, May 1, 1895
Blair, Mary Jane
Mary Jane Blair, wife of John L. Blair, died hat her home six miles south of Jonesboro, April 17,1895, at the age of fifty-seven years. She was the daughter of Thomas J. and Caroline Cox. Her mother died when she was only sixteen, leaving her to care for her little brother, Penbook. She leaves a husband, son and daughter, and a sister, Miss Emma Cox. Immediately after 12 o’clock Friday, 19th inst., in the presence of the family, John McLin Blair and Pembrook S. Cox were received into the Church on their profession of their faith in Christ, and at 2 o’clock the funeral was conducted in the home and about 4 o’clock in the afternoon the body was laid to rest in the old cemetery at Cherokee about two miles distance. (The name Pembrook was spelled both ways – GMO)
Carson, Joe
Little Joe Carson, son of Mr. & Mrs. Brook Carson, near Leesburg, died April 15, 1895, being four years and one day old. The funeral was held in the Presbyterian Church at Leesburg.
Vol. XXVII. #2 Wed., May 8, 1895
Smith, John C.
(Mountaineer item) while the old Watauga Woolen Mills was burning Thursday night about 9 o’clock, John C. Smith suddenly dropped dead in the yard of Mrs. D.B. Jenkins.
Dillow, William
(Spurgin item) Rev. J.T. Hickman will preach the funeral of William Dillow at Fordtown Church the fifth Sunday in June at 11 A.M.
Wine, Mrs. Isaac
(Spurgin item) Mrs. Isaac Wine, of this community died Saturday night, and funeral services were held at the home Monday morning at 10:30, April 30th, by Revs. Bowman and Sherfy, and her remains were laid to rest in the family cemetery.
Smith, John “Bud”
John Smith, known as “Bud”, died last Saturday night at his home two miles west of town, of pneumonia fever. Interred Monday at McCard’s Church.
Vol. XXVII. #3 Wed., May 15, 1895
Bales, John D.C.
(Keebler’s Institute item) John F. Bales received the sad news that his son, John D.C. Bales, died the 20th of April. He has lived in West Tennessee a little over seven years.
Horn, Mrs.—
(Cherry Grove item) Monday, the 29th at the residence of Mr. Horn, near Rabush, Mrs.— Horn, aged 83 years, the grandmother of Dr. C. Horn. (My note: This Dr. C. Horn, brought me into this world about a mile and a half west of Locust Mount, Tenn., May 9, 1903, at the home of my grandfather, Nathan Baines. I left Tenn. 1910 but me Dr. Horn in 1935 when back on a visit —Wm A. Burns).
Smith, Mr. —
(Hale’s School House item) death has again visited the home of Mrs. — Smith, her husband dying May 4, and was buried May 6th. (My note: I think this is the Smith mentioned issue of the 8th–#2 – John (Bud) Smith – WAB)
Ray, Annie May
(Whitesburg item) recently of spinal meningitis, Annie May Ray, seven year old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Ray. Her remains were interred in Bent Creek cemetery, near Whitesburg.
Dear, John
Last Saturday night, May 11th, at 11 o’clock, in his home in Jonesboro, John Dear, and funeral took place from the Baptist Church Sunday afternoon. He had no children but leaves a wife.
Vol. XXVII. #4 Wed., May 22, 1895
Cox, Elijah
(Harmony item) on the morning of the 8th, Elijah Cox, of consumption.
Fitzgerald, Martha
(Spurgin item) Miss Martha Fitzgerald died at her home Sunday and was buried Monday.
Kirkpatrick, Frank B.
Frank B. Kirkpatrick, a traveling man, took suddenly sick here, and after about a week, died Sunday night about 11 o’clock. His wife arrived from Knoxville, their home, and was at his side at death. He was well known throughout East Tennessee. Besides his wife he leaves a little girl.
Bradshaw, J.A.
This obituary of Major J.A. Bradshaw similar to the one that appeared in Vol. XXVI. #45 Wed., March 6, 1895. (This is a repeat of the obit in Vol. 45 – GMO)
Vol. XXVII. #5 Wed., May 29, 1895
Vincent, Jerome
Jerome Vincent was born and died near Fall Branch, Tenn. He was born Jan. 25, 1854 – died March 7, 1895. He belonged to the M. E. Church, of Fall Branch, Tenn. He leaves a wife and four children, the three oldest boys, ranging in age from thirteen to nine, and a baby girl less than two years old.
Harrison, Nelson
(Cherry Grove item) at his home near Christie, the 21st, Nelson Harrison, an aged and respected citizen, and a loyal veteran of the late rebellion; his remains were interred in the Milburnton cemetery the 22nd, leaving a wife and many relatives.
Wagner, Matthias
(Cherry Grove item) a former citizen of this community, Matthias Wagner, of High Health, Johnson County, Tenn., died recently.
Henley, Luther R.
Luther R. Henley, one of the oldest and best-known men of this county, died last Saturday evening at his home at Embreeville. His remains were interred Monday in the Cherokee Church burial ground.
Bacon, Jonathan
Jonathan Bacon, father of our townsman, J.A.T. Bacon, dropped dead suddenly last Wednesday evening. He died of heart failure and his remains were interred in the new cemetery at this place.
Vol. XXVII. #6 Wed., June 5, 1895
Bacon, John
(Locust Grove item) A gloom fell on the community when it was announced that John Bacon was dead. (My note: death date would be ca. May 26th or 27th – Vol. XXVII. #9 – WAB).
Powell, John C.
John C. Powell was born in Leesburg, Washington County, Tenn., March 3, 1823, and died at his home near Rheatown, Greene County, Tenn., on the evening of March 20, 1895, aged 72 years and 20 days. He was married to the oldest daughter of the late Samuel Hayes, and a happy married life of nearly fifty years followed. This happy union was blessed with nine children, six of whom, on son and five daughters, survive him. He belonged to the M. E. Church.
Vol. XXVII. #7 Wed., June 12, 1895
Henley, Luther R.
Died at his home near Embreeville, May 25th 1895, Luther R. Henley; he was born October 4, 1820, and was a soldier in the Mexican War. April 6, 1884 (the 1884 is marked through and written in ink in the margins is “1848 Carter Co., Tenn.” – GMO), he married Miss Cynthia A. Hunt, who died April 23, 1880. (Note: the 1880 date must be a typo error as they were not married until 1884, but considering his age t first marriage, I would say the error is in the marriage date—WAB). He married again on Dec. 14, 1893, Mrs. Elizabeth Jobe, of Johnson City, who survives him. His body was laid to rest in Cherokee cemetery beside the body of his first wife after a sermon by Rev. &endash;White, May 27, 1895. He leaves nine children to mourn his death – two sons in California, one in Texas, and a daughter, Mrs. Clara Isaacs, in Indiana: the other children live here in East Tennessee.
Way, Hiram
Hiram Way, one of Telford’s oldest and most respectful citizens, died last Friday morning and he was buried last Saturday.
Vol. XXVII. #8 Wed., June 19, 1895
Payne, J.K.
(Knoxville dateline – June 16) Prof. J.K. Payne, aged 55, one of the best known scholars of Tenn., died at home, near Knoxville today.
Vol. XXVII. #9 Wed., June 26, 1895
Fox, Bettie
(Clara item) Bettie Fox died at her home on last Sunday night.
Bacon, Jesse
(Clara item) Word has come that Jesse Bacon recently died.
Bacon, Jesse
Jesse Bacon, oldest son of Thomas Bacon, and a brother of John Bacon, who died just a month ago (See Vol. XXVII. #6 – WAB), died Saturday night of lung trouble, at the age of seventy-two. Mr. Bacon had eight brothers; only two of them survive him – Jake and Jonathan, both of whom are well known in this county. Mr. Bacon has lived a widower for a number of years. His remains were interred Sunday in the old family cemetery.
Vol. XXVII. #10 Wed., July 3, 1895
McClure, James F.
The remains of Capt. James F. McClure, who died at his home in Rome, Ga., was buried here last Thursday. Obituary to be published in issue #13 – July 24, 1895.
Patterson, John
Last Saturday evening about 7:45 o’clock, engineer John Patterson was instantly killed in the wreck of the Bristol accommodation as it was nearing Limestone. John Patterson was born and raised in this place, was well known and popular, and had been on the road about 20 years. He was married, resided in Bristol with his wife and three children; he was forty-one years old; was a brother-in-law of Capt. Ross Smith. The funeral took place here on Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Hickson, and the remains were interred in the old cemetery on the hill.
Vol. XXVII. #11 Wed., July 10, 1895
Jones, C.R.
C.R. Jones departed this life January 10, 1895 his age was 63. He was born in Sullivan County, May 1, 1832; he was married to Miss Lizzie Hoss, November 4, 1858, and unto them eleven children were born. His second marriage was to Miss Edna Eutsler, March 7, 1882. Mrs. Jones died a member of the Christian Church, and had been a member for several years. He lost his first wife and seven children, now they all lay sleeping side by side in the old Cherokee graveyard.
Kitzmiller, David
(Spurgin item) David Kitzmiller died at his home near Fordtown last Wednesday evening (July 3) at 5 o’clock. Rev. Keen preached his funeral at Buffalo Ridge, Friday at 1 A. M. (Note: prob. An error – should have been 10 – WAB), after which he was laid to rest at the above place. Mr. Kitzmiller was 95 years old and had been a member of the Buffalo Ridge Baptist church about fifty-one years. A. W. Edwards, of Bluff City, attended the burial of his grandfather and visited relatives.
Wallace, Walter
Last Saturday, July 6th, near Jackson’s Bridge on the Nollachucky, Walter Wallace drowned. His father lives in Texas.
Vol. XXVII. #12 Wed., July 17, 1895
Rogers, Mrs. —
(Chesterton (formerly Garber’s Mill) item) – Mrs. — Rogers, of Clark”s Creek, was buried in Cherokee cemetery on last Friday.
Powell, J.C.
(Cherry Grove item) the funeral sermon of J.C. Powell was held at Milburton Sunday.
Ammons, Julius
Julius Ammons was killed in the mines at Embreeville last Thursday evening. He leaves a wife and several children in almost destitute circumstances.
Vol. XXVII. #13 Wed., July 24, 1895
Wallace, Willis C.
Card of Thanks: Signed by J.C. Wallace and C.A. Wallace, father and brother, of Willis C. Wallace, who drowned in the Nolachucky, Saturday, July 6th. (See last item of issue #11 above – WAB)
Wallace, Willie C.
Willie C. Wallace was born in Jackson County, N.C., on Aug. 24, 1873. his birthplace was near the town of Whittier, and his youth of to June 18, 1891, was spent in that and adjoining counties. While the father was away in the west to secure a home for the family, Willis’ mother died May 15, 1890 and on June 4, 1891 he left North Carolina to join his father at Rosston, Texas, until Aug. 18, 1894 when he came from Texas to Washington College (this county). Here he lived with his Aunt, Mrs. Harriett Francis, two miles from the College, to which he walked every day to Church. On Saturday, July 6, 1895, Willies and other members of the college band, left to play for a picnic gathering at Conkling, four and one half miles from the college. Several of the band boys went to the river that afternoon to bathe and Willes was drowned, his body not recovered until Monday afternoon. The remains were taken to the home of Andrew Francis and Tuesday morning it was brought to Washington College for burial in the Salem graveyard. His brother, Cassius A. Wallace, came in time to attend the funeral, but his father, being away from home at the time and did not get word in time, arriving the day after the funeral. He leaves a father, one brother, Cassus, and a sister.
McKeehan, Isabella
(Tucker’s Ridge item) Isabella McKeehan, died at her home on Sinking Creek last Saturday, the 13th, she lacking just one day of living 102 years; this is an established fact, the date of her birth being recorded on the 14th of February, 1793. Her husband had died some 60 years before. She was buried at Milligan.
McClure, J.F.
Died at his home in Rome, Georgia, June 26, 1895, of Bright’s disease, Capt. J.F. McClure. Capt. McClure was a native of this county (Washington Co., Tenn.). He married first, Lettia Simpson, the only sister of J.B. Simpson of this place (Jonesboro), who died in 1862; to them was born three children of which Mr. A.T. Dosser alone survives. His second wife was the daughter of Granville Smith, of Lexington, Kentucky. She with three children are still living. We extract the following from the Rome “Tribune” of June 27th; Mr. McClure was born near Jonesboro, Tenn., February 14, 1834, grew to manhood and was married there, removing to Greenwood, Ky. Here he was Superintendent of the Beaver Creek and Cumberland Coal Company. From there her removed to Newcomb, Tenn., and from there to Covington, Ky., still retaining his interest in the coal business at both places. In October, 1 839, he removed to Rome, purchased the McWilliam’s mills, changed its name to Rome Mills which he ran very successfully along with an extensive coal business. He leaves a wife and our children, Mrs. A.T. Dosser, of Morristown, Tenn., Mrs. J.S. Boyd, of Knoxville, Tenn., and Miss Sarah McClure and John McClure who have remained with their parents. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church and of the Cherokee Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. The remains were sent to Jonesboro, Tenn., yesterday afternoon where they will be buried today.
Vol. XXVII. #14 Wed., July 31, 1895
Anderson, John
John Anderson, a brother of our townsman, S.H. Anderson, died last Thursday at his home in Sullivan County, of fever. S.H. Anderson attended the funeral.
Vol. XXVII. #15, Wed., Aug. 7, 1895
Pritchett, Nannie B. (Murray)
Mrs. Nannie B. (Murray) Pritchett, wife of Sheriff James S. Pritchett, died at her home in Jonesboro, July 30, 1895. She was born to Dr. and Mrs. Ephraim Murray, near Jonesboro, April 18, 1857, united with the Jonesboro Baptist Church, June 8, 1878, and was married to Mr. Pritchett, June 23, 1881. Mrs. Pritchett leaves a husband, six children, a mother and two brothers and three sisters.
Anderson, John Reuben
(Bristol News, dateline July 26) John Reuben Anderson, of Ore Bank, died yesterday evening, the 25th, at his home in Sullivan County. He was about 50 years of age, a son of Henry Anderson, who lived five miles northwest of Blountville and who for many years was the surveyor of Sullivan County. J. R. Anderson’s mother was a Miss — Fain, of Washington County, a sister of Thomas Fain, of Arcadia, Sullivan County, and John H. and Hugh Fain, of Washington Co., Tenn., all whom are a well known business men in this county. Mr. Anderson was one of four children; S.H. Anderson, of Jonesboro; Mrs. Robert Allison, of Reddy Creek; and the late Mrs. Dr. Geo. Spurgon, who recently died on the old home place west of Blountville and himself were the family. He married early in life to Miss Leslie, of Leslie Mill’s on Reedy Creek and settled near the old post office of Arcadia. He leaves a wife and children, his oldest being James H. Anderson, who arrived from Philadelphia just in time for the funeral and burial at Leslie burial ground on Reedy Creek.
Tipton, Infant
(Washington College item) an infant child of T.J. Tipton, died the night of the 30th.
Smith, Tommie Lee
Tommie Lee Smith, the thirteen month old son of Rev. and Mrs. E.L. Smith, died of choler infantum, at their home in Bristol last Monday. The funeral took place in the Baptist Church. Mrs. Smith was Miss Delia Crouch, formerly of this place.
Vol. XXVII. #16 Wed., Aug. 14, 1895
Prichett, Infant
J.S. Pritchett’s baby died last Tuesday, one week from the death of its mother.
Bunn, Roy
Roy Bunn, aged seven years, and a nephew of Mr. J.A.T. Bacon, died at Big Stone Gap, last Tuesday morning.
Vol. XXVII. #17 Wed., Aug. 21, 1895
Easley, Sallie Wilson
Died at the residence of her sister, Mrs. J.A. Crosswhite, 1419 Crosswhite Avenue, Kansas City, Mo., August 8th, of typhoid fever; Mrs. Sallie Wilson Easley, aged Twenty-four years, six months, and eighteen days. Remains taken to Independence, Kansas, for interment, Aug. 10th. She was a daughter of E.E. and Ella Wilson, of Garber’s Mills, this county, and wife of Vinis now ill with the same fever.
Keebler, Joseph
(Limestone item) Joseph Keebler, brother of Benjamin Keebler of Jonesboro, died at his home near here Sunday morning at 6 o’clock and was buried at 2 o’clock Monday in the cemetery on Limestone Creek. Mr. Keebler was formerly of Keebler’s Cross Roads.
Bacon, Mattie [Squibb]
(Cherry Grove item) at her father’s near Washington College, the 15th, Mrs. Mattie Bacon, wife of Joseph Bacon, of Luke; her remains were interred at Hunt’s cemetery, the 16th. She was a dau. of John Squibb.
Vol. XXVII. #18 Wed., Aug. 28, 1895
Price, Mary
The sudden death of Miss Mary Price at Harriman, Tenn., on the 19th inst., was a shock to her many friends in this city. Miss Price was a daughter of Dr. R.N. Price and had spent some time in this city as governess in the family of Gov. R.L. Taylor.
Vol. XXVII. #19 Wed., Sept. 4, 1895
Bayless, Mrs. Barton
Mrs. Barton Bayless died at her home on Cherokee last Sunday.
Pettibone, Mary
Mrs. Mary Pettibone died at her home in Greeneville, Tenn., last Thursday.
Parker, E.S.
Gen. E.S. Parker, a full blood Seneca Indian, died in Fairfield, Conn., last Friday. He was a highly educated man, and was Chief of the Six Nations, was on General Grant’s staff, and wrote the terms of surrender accepted by General Lee at Appomattox.
Booth, Alexander
(Tucker’s Ridge item) Mrs. Rachel Booth, the widow of Uncle Alexander Booth, who died a few weeks ago, takes her leave this week for Decatur, Ala., where she will make her home as her son is there.
McMakin, Wm.
(Cherry Grove item) died at his home near Hascue, Greene Co., Tenn., Saturday, Wm. McMakin; and his remains were interred in Milburnton, Sunday.
Smith, Mary A.
(Editor’s note: We take the following from the Denver Times, dated Aug. 24th): Mrs. Mary A. Smith passed away yesterday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. H.C. Northington, 239 South Thirteenth Street, in her 80th year. Mrs. Smith was born near Alexandria, Fairfax County, Va., where she spent her childhood. When sixteen, she moved to East Tenn., the state of her adoption becoming henceforth home to her. Her husband, Col. A.B. Smith (the “B” is circled in ink and written in the margins is “correct name is Alexander D. Smith. He married Mary A. Powell in Carter Co., TN” – GMO), was one of the leading men of Tenn., organizing and helping to equip the Thirteenth Tennessee Cavalry. Mrs. Smith was left a widow in 1864, and her life was devoted to rearing of her children, two of them being well know residents of Denver – Mrs. H.C. Northington, at whose home she died, and the Hon. J.H. Smith, ex-County Clerk of Arapohoe County. Two other are residents of the South – Mrs. Beidleman, of Beidleman, Tenn., and Judge John P. Smith, Chancellor of the First Division of the Tennessee Court of Chancery. Mrs. C.A. Craig, whose husband is associate editor of the Kansas City Journal, is also a daughter. Mrs. Smith was a member of the Methodist Church. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon (Aug. 25th) at 2 o’clock from the residence of her son, Hon. Joseph H. Smith, 1046 Corona Street. The interment will be at Fairmont cemetery.
Vol. XXVII. #20 Wed., Sept. 11, 1895
Biddle, Mrs. James D.
(Washington College item) Mrs. James D. Biddle who lived one mile south of Telford, died on last Saturday, and was buried at Earnest Chapel on Sunday.
Brown, Dellie
(Washington College item) Miss Dellie Brown, who died at her home near Nolachucky Saturday, was buried in Old Salem cemetery Sunday.
Cooter, Mrs. E.W.
(Washington College item) Mrs. E.W. Cooter died at her home in Columbus, Kansas, last Wednesday. Mr. And Mrs. Cooter were in the country last spring visiting their sons, Rev. J.T. Cooter, who is our President, and Hugh P. Cooter, who is in school here. Mrs. Cooter was buried the day following.
Archer, Lucy
(Keebler’s Institute item) of pneumonia and whooping cough, little Lucy, daughter of J.C. and Mollie Archer, Sept. the 3rd.
McPeak, Mrs. —
(Keebler’s Institute item) Mrs. — McPeak died Aug. 23, buried the 25th.
Vol. XXVII. #21 Wed., Sept. 18, 1895
Crouch, David
(Valley View item) on the 12th inst., David Crouch, of Boone’s Creek, of consumption. He was just in the prime of manhood
Cooter, Mrs. E.W. [Julie Hamilton]
(from Star Courier, Columbus, Kansas) We chronicle the death of Mrs. E.W. Cooter, which occurred at the family residence, on Indiana Avenue, on Wednesday, Sept., 4, 1895, at 7:40 P.M., of fever. Mrs. Cooter’s maiden name was Julie Hamilton. She was born near Lewiston, Lewis County, Mo., April 7, 1836. She married E.W. Cooter, with whom she enjoyed about forty years of happy wedded life. About fifteen years ago, with her husband and family, she moved to Columbus. Mrs. Cooter was the mother of ten children. The youngest son, Hugh, is yet a student in Washington College, Tenn., of which Andrew is a practicing physician at Miami, Indian Territory. Of the two sons, which died, William H. was a lawyer of promise and John was a Presbyterian minister. Of the three daughters, Misses Ida and Belle are at home and Miss Mollie is a teacher in our city schools. All of the family was with her in her fatal illness, except Hugh. Funeral services were held at 3 o’clock Thursday afternoon, conducted by Rev. W.H. Hillis in the Presbyterian Church, of which she had long been a member.
Brown, Hurbert
—, Blanda
Cloyd, Emma and Terna
Phillips, Arthur
(All items from Conking) Diphtheria is still spreading – five death in this community: Hurbert, son of John Brown; Blanda, little grand-daughter of Charles Beard; and Emma and Terna Cloyd, daughters of Sam Cloyd; also Arthur Phillips.
Vol. XXVII. #22 Wed., Sept. 25, 1895
Deaderick, Date
Miss Date Deaderick died last Tuesday about 9 o’clock P.M., of heart trouble. On Wednesday, at 3:30 P. M. the funeral was conducted from her home in this place by her pastor, Rev. J. Doggett, and then laid to rest in the old cemetery on Rocky Hill.
Mason, Mrs. Charles S. [Ella Landon Harris]
Mrs. Charles S. Mason died in Jonesboro (date not given – WAB) leaving a husband and three little children. Mrs. Mason was the youngest of eleven children, seven of whom have preceded her in death. She was a daughter of Rev. N.M. Harris, who lived about three miles south of this place. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon by Rev. J.D. Hickson, after which she was laid to rest in the new cemetery.
Shipley, Eugene Morton
Eugene Morton Shipley, son of E. A. And Jennie R. Shipley, was born May 4, 1875, died at the residence of his parents in Jonesboro, Tenn., Sept. 20, 1895. About four years ago he joined the M. E. Church, South, Jonesboro, Tenn.
Vol. XXVII. #23 Wed., Oct. 2, 1895
Mason, Ella Landon [nee Harris]
Ella Landon Mason, the youngest child of Rev. Alexander N. Harris, was born April 11, 1864; was married to Charles S. Mason, December 24, 1884, and died at her home in Jonesboro, Tenn., Sept. 21, 1895. She leaves a husband and three little children. She joined the M. E. Church, South, Sunday, January 26, 1879.
Hunt, John B.
On February 16, 1895, John B. Hunt finished his course, breathed his last and went to his reward. He was born Sept. 19, 1815, and married April 14, 1844, Miss Rachel Vincent. Two years later at Lebanon, Sullivan County, Tenn., he joined the M. E. Church under the pastorate of Rev. Jesse James. For over fifty years he and Sister Hunt lived, loved and labored together. To them six children were born, four sons and two daughters, all of them living except the youngest son, George.
Byers, Mrs. —
An elderly Mrs. — Byers, mother of Rev. D.O. Byers, a former Pastor of this place, and Mrs. — Cowan, of Knoxville, died at her home in Leesburg last Wednesday night.
Anderson, James
S.H. Anderson was called to Ore Bank, Sullivan County, last week to attend the funeral of his nephew, James Anderson, who died of typhoid. Not long ago the young man’s father, John Reuben Anderson died (July 25) at Ore Bank.
We thank Gladys Owens , for the transcription.
Source: The booklet, Death and Obituary Notices Appearing in the HERALD and TRIBUNE, compiled by William A. Burns was published in Jonesboro, Tenn. Washington County.
Vol. VI. #24, March 4, 1875 to Vol. XXVII. #41, Wednesday, Feb. 5, 1896, inclusive. was compiled by William A. Burns, ©1968. This is the second book of obituaries by Mr. Burns from the Herald and Tribune; the first one covers Vol. I, #1 Aug. 26, 1869 – Vol. VI. #24, Thur., March 4, 1875.