Jonesboro Herald-Tribune Obituaries, 1876–1886


1869  1870  1871 1872 1875  1876  1881  1882  1883  1885  

1886 1887  1888 1889  1890 1891  1892  1893  1894  1895

NOTE: Not all issues are available.

Year: 1876

Vol. VII. #15 Thurs., Jan 6, 1876

Hopper, Mattie

Miss Mattie Hopper, member of Fall Branch Baptist Sunday School, [died] night of 28th Dec., 1875.

Nelson, Walter C.

Walter C. Nelson, at 10 months and 15 days, son of John F. and Julia A. Nelson, died 26th Dec., 1875

Nelson, George W. Jr.

George W. Nelson, Jr., age 19 years and a few months old, son of Geo. W. And Martha E. Nelson, died Dec. 31, 1875, member of Limestone School and M. E. Church. Funeral was held at Urbana, last Saturday.

Reed, Robert

Robert Reed attacked William Shanks at Grayburg, on Friday before Christmas, and was killed by Shanks in self-defense, being released by the Justice after investigation.

Vol. VII. #16 Thurs., Jan. 13, 1876

Bashor, Susannah

In district #14 last Tuesday evening, Mrs. Susannah Bashor, wife of Conrad Bashor.

Vol. VII. #17 Thurs., Jan. 20, 1876

Miller, Samuel

Mr. Samuel Miller, who resided at Pleasant Valley in the 14th district of this county, died last Friday morning.

Johnson, Mrs. Andrew

Mrs. Andrew Johnson, widow of the late President, Andrew Johnson, died at the residence of her son-in-law, Judge Patterson, last Friday. Her remains interred by side of her husbands near Greeneville on Tuesday last.

Vol. VII. #18 Thurs., Jan. 27, 1876

No deaths listed.

Vol. VII. #19 Thurs., Feb 3, 1876

Campbell, William

William Campbell, age 80 years, died at his residence, three miles west of Jonesboro, last Thursday night. He was born at Leesburg, and lived all his life in same neighborhood.

Jones, John

John Jones, died at his residence near Fordtown, last Thursday.

Roberts, Philip

Philip Roberts was found dead at his barn near Sevierville, a few nights ago.

Vol. VII. #20 Thurs., Feb. 10, 1876

Jobe, Billy

Parson Billy Jobe died at Johnson City, last night.

Frazier, John S.

John S. Frazier, a printer in the Tribune office at Clinton, Tenn., while on a spree last week, accidentally fell in the fire, burned, died.

Vol. VII. #21 Thurs., Feb 17, 1876

Hartsell, Isaac W.

Rev. Isaac W. Hartsell, died at his residence on Cherokee Creek, in this county, last Thursday, buried on Saturday.

Mitchell, Vira

Mrs. Vira Mitchell, wife of John M. Mitchell, of the vicinity of Cherry Grove, died last Saturday night, leaving a husband and several children, one an infant.

Boring, Mrs. —

Mrs. —Boring, wife of M. P. Boring, died last Sunday night.

Bacon, Charles

Charles Bacon, of the 13th District, of this county, died last Saturday.

Vol. VII. #22 Thurs., Feb. 24, 1876

No deaths listed

Vol. VII. #23 Thurs., March 2, 1876

Ferguson, Minnie Tennessee

Feb. 24, 1876, little Minnie Tennessee, daughter of Robert A. and Elizabeth J. Ferguson, of Locust Mount, aged 19 months and 21 days.

Keyes, John

John Keyes, for several years Secy., & Treas. Of E.T. & Va. railroad, died at Philomath, Oregon, on 25 Jan., 1876

Vol. VII. #24 Thurs., March 9, 1876

Pierce, Michael

Michael Pierce, father of the Sheriff of Carter County, died suddenly at his home near Elizabethton, last Saturday morning, aged 74 years.

Coleman, Daniel

Daniel Coleman, well known by everyone in this place, died at the Poor House last Tuesday.

Vol. VII #25 Thurs., March 16, 1876

Ireson, Josephine

On Monday last, Miss Josephine Ireson, daughter of Mr. C. Ireson.

Arither, Mr.—-

On Monday last, Mr.—-Arither, recently from Roanoke County, VA. (These two deaths taken from Bristol News (Tenn./Va.)

Vol. VII #26 Thurs., March 23, 1876

Tadlock, Carter

Carter Tadlock, an old and respectable citizen, died at his residence near Cherry Grove, last Monday morning.

McCray, M.E. [Beard]

Mrs. M.E. McCray, formerly M. E. Beard, was born Sept. 30, 1845, and married to J.D. (John Daniel) McCray, Feb. 18, 1861, departed this life March 15th, 1876. She belonged to the Baptist Church at New Salem, was baptized by the Pastor, Elder Wm. Cate, in May 1858.

Vol. VII #27 Thurs., March 30, 1876

Gillenwaters, E.E.

The death of Hon. E.E. Gillenwaters took place at Elizabethton on Monday, March 27, 1876. The Judge was born in Hawkins County, Tenn., in 1826. Professed religion at Bunker Hill Camp Ground in same county and joined the M.E. Church becoming a minister at the age of twenty. He married in 1854, Mrs. Sarah W. Brice, daughter of Elijah Gillenwaters, who survives him. (Could this have meant he had a daughter who survived him? Or Sarah W. Brice was the daughter of Elijah Brice and it is a typo? or she was a widow GMO)

Nichalson, A.O.P.

Hon. A.O.P. Nichalson, late Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Tenn., died at Columbia, Tenn., last Thursday.

Courtis, Alta Minnie

Alta Minnie, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John Courtis, died at her father’s residence on Boon’s Creek, March 22, 1876, aged 18 months.

Hunt, John W.

Rev. John W. Hunt, formerly of Sulphur Springs, in this county, died March 5, 1876, at his residence in Liberty, Middle Tenn., aged 50 years.

Garland, Mrs. —

Mrs. Garland, wife of J. Wesley Garland, of Unicoi County, near Vanderbilt (note: now Erwinâ-WAB), last Saturday.

Morgan, Asley

Mr. Asley Morgan, of the Crab Orchard district, Carter Co., was killed at a log-rolling, last week.

Vol. VII. #28 Thurs., April 6, 1876

Griffith, Samuel E.

Samuel E. Griffith died last Saturday.

Taylor, Martha E.

Mrs. Martha E. Taylor, wife of Dr. Taylor, of Carter County, and mother of W.D. Strain, Esq., of this county, died last Monday morning—aged 66 years.

Vol. VII. #29 Thurs., April 13, 1876

Blair, John B.

John B. Blair, an old and respected citizen of the 17th district, at his residence on last Sunday morning. He was one of the oldest citizens of the county.

Pouder, Sarah C.

Mrs. Sarah C. Pouder, near Johnson City, last Thursday.

Smith, John T.

John T. Smith, of Leesburg district, died last Tuesday at 2 p.m., long-time member of the M.E. Church and for many years Justice of the Peace, of this county.

Haga, George

George Haga, at his home near Locust Mount, last Wednesday morning.

Vol. VII. #30 Thurs., April 20, 1876

Hannah, Ada Telford

At  Thomastown, GA., on last Sunday, Mrs. Ada Telford Hannah, wife of Dr. W. H. Hannah, and daughter of Col. Geo. W. Telford. Her remains brought to Old Salem for interment.

Broyles, Mrs. Isaac

Mrs. Isaac Broyles, at her home near Limestone, Tenn., last Saturday morning.

Vol. VII. #31 Thurs., April 27, 1876

Pouder, Sarah G. [Miller]

Died at her home near Johnson City, Tenn., April 6, 1876, Mrs. Sarah G. Pouder, in her 51st year. She was converted and joined the M.E. Church in the autumn of 1838 at Brush Creek Camp Ground and married March 20, 1845, Leonard A. Pouder. She was a daughter of Peter Miller.

Lynn, Ellen R. [Fain]

(Blountville news item)-Mrs. Ellen R. Lynn, wife of John G. Lynn, died at the residence of her father, Thomas Fain of Arcadia, on the 21st of this month and was buried the following morning in sight of the home of her childhood.

Telford, Amanda

Tuesday morning, April 25, 1876, Mrs. Amanda Telford, wife of Col. George W. Telford. A little over two years ago Col. Telford and his wife celebrated their Golden Wedding. She had therefore lived with her husband 52 years. Funeral will be today at Salem Church, officiation by Rev. J. D. Tadlock.

Hale, Chase

Hale, Clarissa [Kincheloe]

Mr. Chase Hale and his wife, Clarissa Hale, who were each about 85 years old, died at their residence in this county, last Saturday night. It was said that they died within fifteen seconds of each other. They had lived together for perhaps 65 years as husband and wife and it is also said that for the past 15 years they had prayed that they both might died at the same time. (My note-WAB: Chase Hale married Clary Kincheloe, Aug., 15, 1815, and to this union at least 10 children were born, eight daughters and two sons, among which was Hannah, b. ca. 1829, who married James W. Cox, b 1825, brother to my grandmother, Mary Ann Cox Baines, b. 1830).

Crawford, Elizabeth

(Blountville news item of 24th): On the 22nd, Elizabeth Crawford, widow of Thos. Crawford, deceased.

Note: Three issues missing–#32–#33–#34

Vol. VII. #35 Thurs., May 25, 1876

Broyles, Marilla [Earnest]

Mrs. Marilla Broyles, wife of Isaac Broyles, departed this life at her home on Little Limestone Creek, Washington Co, Tenn., on April 15, 1876, aged 71 years, 11 months, and 28 days; was buried at Urbana Church near Limestone. The deceased was born in Greene County, Tenn., on 17th April 1804. Her maiden name was Marilla Earnest. She joined the M. E, Church at age 16 and married 20th Oct., 1824. She leaves a husband, five sons and three dau.

Rhea, John N.

John N. Rhea, died at his home on Muddy Creek, on Saturday, the 21st of the month, near this place (Blountville).

Millard, Thomas

Thomas Millard, an old and respected citizen, died near this place (Blountville) on last Friday.

Vol. VII. #36 Thurs., June 1, 1876

Dolen, Isaac

Dr. Isaac Dolen died last Thursday morning (Clover Bottom news item).

Thompson, W.B.

W.B. Thompson, at his home three miles west of Jonesboro, last Saturday, aged 68 years.

Wattenbarger, Louisa

Mrs. Louisa Wattenbarger, wife of John Wattenbarger, died near Locust Mount last Saturday and her remains were interred at Boon’s Creek church on Monday.

Hale, John C.

(News item from Knoxville Tribune): Last Sunday evening (May 27th) the said intelligence was flashed over the wires, to relatives in this city, conveying the tidings of the death at Hot Springs, Arkansas, of Mr. John C. Hale, late a Cadet of this city, and son-in-law of Senator Brownlow. Mr. Hale received his death wound at the hands of W.P. Walsh. Mr. Hale was in Knoxville ten days since on a visit and had just arrived home on the 22nd. He was a grandson of the late Gen. Hale of Rogersville, Tenn.

Note: All issues missing between Vol. VII. #36 and Vol. VIII. #6

Vol. VIII. #6 Thurs., Nov. 1, 1876

Range, Jacob

Jacob Range was born in Washington County, Tenn., Jan. 9, 1790, was married to Susan Hale, daughter of George Hale, 1817, and departed this life Oct., 15, 1876, aged 86 years, 9 months and six days.

Year: 1881

Note: A span of over 5 years are missing – from Vol. VIII. #6 to Vol. XIII. #6-Dec. 15, 1881 

Vol. XIII. #6 Thurs., Dec. 15, 1881

King, Thomas

Thomas King, about 17, son of Mr. James H. King was accidentally shot in Holston Valley while hunting rabbits, by his brother, William A. King, age 19.

Hensley , A.J.

A.J. Hensley was buried at his home near Fall Branch (this county) last Sunday evening, having been murdered by his cousin, Wm. Hensley, in a fight over a horse race.

Nelson, David M.

Col. David M. Nelson died at the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. S.A. Cunningham, of this place, on Thursday morning of last week. Mr. Nelson was the son of the late Judge Thos. A.R. Nelson and was a native of Jonesboro. He joined the Federal Army and served on Gen. Gilliam’s staff until the close of the war in 1865 and has lived in Knoxville since that time. He was buried in the town cemetery Friday morning beside his mother, and grandfather and grandmother Nelson.

Gourley, Dan

Dan Gourley, railroad engineer, severely injured in a wreck at Cleveland recently, died last week in Knoxville.

Year: 1882

Note: All issues are missing between Vol. XIII. #6 and Vol. XIII. #51, Thurs., Nov. 2, 1882.

Vol. XIII. #51 Thurs., Nov. 2, 1882-

No deaths listed

Year: 1883

Note: All issues missing between Vol. XIII. #51 and Vol. XIV. #44 Thurs., Oct. 11, 1883

Vol. XIV. #44 Thurs., Oct 11, 1883

Jones, James

Front page news (Greeneville, Oct 8, 1883 dateline) On Friday last, James Jones deceased at the residence of his son-in-law T. J. Lane, aged 83 years. He served in the Confederate Army through the war, although he was 61 years of age when it broke out. He was a member of the M.E. Church for years.

Jones, Sallie B.

(Knoxville Tribune item). In Knoxville, Tenn., Oct. 2, 1883, Mrs. Sallie B. Jones. Mrs. Jones was born in Abingdon, Va., on 30th Sept. 1825. He family came to Tenn., in 1854. At her death she was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of this city.

Duncan, Wiley

(Bristol dateline, Oct. 3rd): Wiley Duncan, unconscious for two week from being mangled by a friend, died Thursday at 12 o’clock (Sept. 28th).

Dosser, Will H.

(Johnson City Enterprise news item): Will H. Dosser, died of hemorrhage at Johnseboro, on Monday morning the 1st inst. He was a prominent merchant of Jonesboro, and a nephew of Jas. H. Dosser.

Hurley, D.H.

(Newport, Tenn. Dateline Oct. 5th): D.H. Hurley, a well known citizen of this count (Cocke) was shot this evening at 4 o’clock while resisting arrest. He was 30 years of age and leaves a wife and two children.

McMahan, Kirk

(Newport Sentinel news item): Kirk McMahan, age 17, son of Sam McMahan of Jones’ Cove, of Sevier County, was accidentally shot last Sunday by his own pistol.

Salts, Melvin

Mr. Melvin Salts died at his home on Nola Chucky, the 9th inst. He leaves a wife and four children. 

Year: 1884

Note: All issues missing between Vol. XIV. #44-thurs., Oct. 11, 1883 and Vol. XVI. #27. 

Year: 1885

Vol. XVI. #27 Thurs., Aug. 27, 1885

Moore, Mrs. Moses

Near Pettibone, Mrs. Moore, wife of Moses Moore. She was buried at Pleasant Grove Cemetery.

Reeves, William P.

William P. Reeves, longtime member of the M.E. Church, South, died at his home, Wheatland, near this place, on the 20th inst., in the 83rd year of his age. One of his sons, Col. E.E. Reeves, is a prominent lawyer of Jonesboro: another son is Dr. R.H. Reeves, leading dentist of Ashville, N. C. One of his daughters married Rev. Dr. D.R. McAnally, Editor of the St. Louis Christian Advocate, another married Dr. E.E. Wiley, former President of Emory and Henry College, VA, now President of Martha Washington College.

Note: Next 17 issues missing. 

Year: 1886

Vol. XVI. #45 Thurs., Jan. 7, 1886

Riland, Nancy [Haws]

(Cherry Grover item)- On Dec. 28, 1885, Mrs. Nancy Riland, daughter of James Haws of Haws Cross Roads, where she had made her home since the death of her late husband, Tolbert Riland. She leaves three little children. Her remains interred in Haws’ Family Cemetery at Haws Cross Roads, Dec. 30, 1885.

Harries, J.E.T.

(Eight District item): Hon. J.E.T. Harries passed quickly away from the busy scenes of earth on Saturday, Dec. 18th. (Sat. was 19th, —typo. Error, WAB).

Harris, John Edwin Tivis

Died at his home near Jonesboro, Saturday night, Dec. 19, 1885, of lung trouble, John Edwin Tivis Harris, son of Dr. John C. Harris, a former trustee of this county and Methodist preacher. Mr. Harris was born June 23, 1823, three and a half miles south of Jonesboro, and he was living on the same farm at the time of his death. Mr. Harris was twice married, his first wife being a Miss—–Haines, afterwards married a Mrs.—Click, daughter of Mr. John Miller of near Limestone. Mr. Harris was from early life a member of the M. E. Church, South, and he was a Southern man during the war, was a Democrat in politics, and was at one time State Senator.

Strain, Oakey

Oakey Strain, only son of Mr. L.C. Strain, died at Limestone, Washington County, Saturday morning, 24th Oct., 1885—-6 years, 18 days old. He was three months and a half old when his mother died, she being a daughter of Mr. David Byerly.

Wagner, [Mrs.] —-

The wife of —-Wagner, Esq., died at her home near Limestone, last week.

Gray, [dau]

Daughter of Mr. Anderson Gray died at her home on Cedar Creek, 24 Dec.

Vol. XVI. #46 Thurs., Jan 14, 1886

About next record—Note: Made error in name Stevenson (left out letter n)-WAB

Stevenson, Alice Bell [Mathes]

In Memoriam: Died, Mrs. Alice Bell Steveson, consort of William H. Steveson, daughter of the late Rev. Alfred H. and Lydia Nelson Mathes, and niece of the late Judge Thos. A.R. Nelson, and Gm. G. and Jno. S. Mathes, of Jonesboro. Mrs. Stevenson was born in Graysburg, Tenn., and departed this life in Jonesboro, Nov. 13, 1885, in the 27th year of her age. She was united with the First Presbyterian Church and left one small son four years of age.

Coin, A.F.

Rev. A.F. Coin of Kendricks Creek, father of Mrs. G.F. Squibb of Jonesboro, departed this life Monday, the 11th inst.

Vol. XVI. #47 Thurs., Jan. 21, 1886

Febuary , Youngest child

Youngest child of Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Febuary died Thursady last.

Moody, Mrs. —

Mrs. —Moody, of Boon’s Creek, mother-in-law of Mr. John Wilburn, was buried Tuesday last.

Jennings, Father of J.H.

The father of Rev. J.H. Jennings of this M. E. circuit, died last Tuesday at the residence of his son some four or five miles from Jonesboro.

Bacon, Mrs. Jacob

Mrs. Jacob Bacon, niece of J. D. Cox of Jonesboro died on the night of the 18th inst., at her home at Keebler’s Cross Roads and was interred Wednesday following at the Boon’s Creek Cemetery.

Rankin, Louisa

Mrs. Louisa Rankin, relicit of Chs. Rankin, sister of Mr. John DeVault and mother-in-law of Clerk and Master, A. B. Bowmen, died at her residence at Home, Tenn., Jan. 18th, and was buried on the following day.

Vol. XVI. #42 Thurs., Jan. 28, 1886

(Note: Error in Number should be #48-WAB)

Gray, George

(Boon’s Creek dateline, Jan. 25th): Old Mr. George Gray dropped dead last week at his home. He was buried at Buffalo Ridge.

Bacon, Sue

Mrs. Sue Bacon (Boon’s Creek dateline, Jan. 25) was brought near her childhood home and laid to rest. Rev. Willie Cox, an old schoolmate, preached her funeral.

Holmes, Betty

(Boon’s Creek dateline, Jan. 25) Mrs. Betty Holmes was buried at Union Church. She leaves an orphan daughter who found a home at Mr. And Mrs. Kleeper.

DeVault, Daniel

Daniel DeVault, of near Brownsboro, one of Washington County’s oldest citizens, died last Thursday, having lived in this country about fifty years.

Note: the typesetter does not correct the error in numbering but carries on with #43, etc.

Vol. XVI. #43 Thurs., February 4, 1886

Brown, Neill S.

(Nashville news item-dateline Jan. 30, 1886) Ex-Gov. Neill S. Brown, died at 1 o’clock this morning. He was a native of Giles County (this state), where he was born on the 18th April 1810. His parents were descendants of Scotch Presbyterians.

Weems, Florence [McCollum]

Mrs. Florence Weems, oldest daughter of Samuel McCollum, a respected citizen of Lick Creek, died in Kansas, Jan. 14th, and her remains were brought by express to Greeneville and interred on last Monday in the cemetery at Mount Pleasant (Greeneville Bulletin news item, dateline Jan. 28th).

McPheron, Susan

Mrs. Susan McPheron, wife of our old friend, Thomas McPheron, at her home in Florida. She was found dead in bed on the morning of the 10th Jan. Mr. McPheron had moved his family from this county (Greene) to Florida about a year ago (Greeneville Dem.).

Fine, Almeda M.

At her home on Cherokee, Almeda M. Fine, age 25, on the morning of Nov. 18th 1885, victim of consumption.

McCarthy, father of Mrs. F.A.

In Michigan, the father of Mrs. F.A. McCarthy of Flag Pond. She had arrived in Jonesboro Sunday night on her way to visit her sick father and found the dispatch announcing his death. She continued on her journey

Patton, S.K.N.

Wednesday morning (Feb. 3rd), at his residence at Meadow Brook, Col S.K.N. Patton, one of the most prominent men in the county.

Vol. XVI. #44 Thurs., Feb 11, 1886

Barnes, David G.W., Sr.

David G. W. Barnes, Sr., was born in Washington County, Tenn., July 10, 1822, and died at his home on Buffalo Ridge where he has resided many years, Sunday morning Feb. 7, 1886. At an early age he married Miss Saraphina George, who still survives him. He enlisted as a private in Co. I. 8th Tenn. Cavalry, Sept. 23, 1863 and was mustered out Sept. 23, 1865. He was a brave soldier and followed Grant to Victory and Appomattox.

Bacon, Mrs. Jacob

Mrs. Jacob Bacon of the 14th District of Washington Co., Tenn., died at her husband’s residence, 18th Jan. 1886. She joined the M.E. Church at a revival at Chestnut Grove, which was conducted by Rev. Geo. B. Cox. She leaves behind her husband and two small children, Flora and Charley.

Constable, Alice

(Gerber’s Mill item) Alice Constable was buried on the 4th inst.

Anderson, Mrs. —

(Gerber’s Mill item) Old Mrs. — Anderson, a very worthy lady of our district, was buried a few days ago at Mt. Lebanon.

Sayler, Rebecca

(Gerber’s Mill item) A few days ago, Mrs. Rebecca Sayler, of Mitchell Co., N.C., a sister of Isaac Garber.

Hammer, James C.

(In Luck community item) Mr. James C. Hammer, formerly of this county (Washington) is reported to have died (by Bristol Courier) in city of Bristol about 10 o’clock Wednesday morning. Mr. Hammer was 56 6yearas old and a well-known resident of Bristol for twenty-seven years.

Vol. XVI #45 Thurs., Feb. 18, 1886

Phillips, Mrs. —

(Cherry Grove, dateline Feb. 15) On Feb. 9th Mrs. —Phillips, widow of the late Harva Phillips, living near the Greene and Washington County line. Her remains were interred in the Green Shed cemetery.

Whitlock, J.W.

The faithful and esteemed Pastor of the Baptist Churches at Jonesboro and Johnson City, Rev. J.W. Whitlock, died at his residence in this place (Jonesboro) last Sunday night. He was a native of Grainger County, was 39 years old, and was buried beside Rev. Wm. Cate, the builder and first Pastor of the Jonesboro Baptist Church.

Vol. XVI. #46 Thurs., Feb. 25, 1886

Miller, Mrs. Jacob

(Matuta community item) The remains of Mrs. Jacob Miller, of Limestone, were laid to rest at Miller’s Church, near her home.

Pettibone, Mother-in-law of  A.H. [ Mary D. Speck]

The mother-in-law of Hon. A.H. Pettibone, died at his residence in Greeneville last Saturday (20th). (Note: Also see Vol. XVI. #47–WAB)

Burton, Thomas

Mr. Thomas Burton died at his home in this place last Sunday night. He was about 75 years old, was a veteran of the Mexican War having volunteered in this place, serving under Capt. John T. O’Brien. Four Mexican War veterans, D.P. O’Brien, G.W. McPherson, Jno. Boyd and L. A. Markwood were pallbearers.

Martin, Narcissus

Mrs. Narcissus Martin died at her home on Buffalo Ridge on the 10th inst.

Blair, Mrs.—

Mrs.—Blair died at her home in the 17th district on Tuesday the 18th inst., at the advanced age of 92 years. She was the widow of Mr. John (Buzzard) Blair, a veteran of Mexican War.

Vol. XVI. #47 Thurs., March 4, 1886

 Baldwin, Hannah

(Matuta news item) Mrs. Hannah Baldwin, wife of John Baldwin of near Telford, on the night of the 26th ult. She left twin babies of tender age, a husband and three other children.

 Speck, Mary D.

(Greenville Bulletin, dateline Feb. 26th) Mrs. Mary D. Speck, at the residence of her son-in-law, the Hon. A.H. Pettibone in Greeneville, on last Saturday morning. Mrs. Speck was born near Greeneville about 72 years ago, resided a great portion of her life in Rogersville: she was a member of the M.E. Church-South, and her remains were interred in the Oak Grove Cemetery.

 Vol. XVI. #48 Thurs., March 11, 1886

 Caldwell, James

(Holston Review item) Mr. James Caldwell died Tuesday morning at his home near Surgoinsville, this county (Hawkins). He was near 65 years of age.

 Clarke, Oscar

(Clear Branch item) Oscar Clarke, a young merchant of Erwin, died on Wednesday. (No dateline but I would say death date was 3rd-WAB)

 Quinn, Lovina

(Clear Branch item) Mrs. Lovina Quinn of this community, aged 59 years, died last Friday (5th). She leaves no family.

 Wilds, Mrs. Henry A. [nee Cammon]

Mrs. Henry A. Wilds, age 55, of Greeneville, died last Tuesday. Mrs. Wilds was a daughter of Richard and Mary Cammon (now Mrs. Allison) of this place, and sister of Secretary of State John Allison.

 Mathes, Mary A.

Died Wednesday morning March 16th at 6 o’clock of consumption, Mrs. Mary A. Mathes, wife of E. Smith Mathes of Washington College. She was about 53 years old and had been married 29 years. She leaves a husband, a daughter Addie now in Florida, and Rolly: also a stepson, Mr. Alex. P. Mathes, of this place.

 Mayes, James D.

At the residence of his father, James D. Mayes, former Sheriff and Trustee of Claiborne County, near Tazewell, on the 28th of February, William Houston Mayes, in his 24th year. He had been married less than a year.

Maxwell, William Henry

William Henry Maxwell, a former prominent citizen and distinguished lawyer of this state (native of this county and member of Jonesboro bar until 1870 when he moved his family to Kansas) died on the morning of the 8th inst. in Paola, Kansas. He was admitted to the Bar in 1836. He leaves a wife and five children, all whom are living in the west except Mrs. J.D. Slemons of our town. 

Vol. XVI. #49 Thurs., March 18, 1886

Gentry, Mrs. —

(Clear Branch item) Old Mrs. Gentry died Friday night (12th) at the home of her grandson, Mr. Lewis G. Gentry.

White, John

(Greeneville Bulletin, dateline 11th) Mr. John White, an aged and respected citizen of this community, died at his home one and a half miles northeast of this place yesterday morning (10th). Funeral this morning at 10 o’clock.

Oliver, Betty

(Eight Dist. Item) Aunt Betty Oliver, who has been under the care and protection of the “Church of the Brethren” for several year past, being unable to earn a livelihood on account of decrepitude, died last Friday, March 5th at the residence of Mr. W.L. Vines. She was 78 years and 4 months old at the time of her death, had been a member of the “Church of the Brethren” for many years. She died of dropsy.

Murrel, Thos. J.

Rev. Thos. J. Murrel, Baptist minister and farmer of Walker’s Fork, Sullivan County, Tenn., died one day last week.

Miller, Henry

Henry Miller, native of Washington Co., one-time resident of Jonesboro where he learned his trade (tailoring) with Mr. John H. Naff, died last Monday at 2 p.m. at the Cain House at Morristown, Tenn. The deceased was 53 years of age, leaves a wife, three daughters and a son. The remains were shipped to Maryville where he was interred with Masonic honors.

Vol. XVI. #50 Thurs., March 25, 1886

 Tame, James

(Greeneville New Era item-18th) James Tame, at his home near the poor farm on last Sunday (14th), one of our best citizens.

 Hyder, H.

(Elizabethton Mountaineer item—dateline Mar. 18) Rev. H. Hyder died on the last Monday (15th) night at the residence of William Plesants, near Howards Forge, in Johnson County.

Carriger, W.P.

(Morristown Pilot dated Mar. 20th) At his residence in this place (Morristown) on the 17th inst., of consumption, age 36, Mr. W.P. Carriger, druggist. He was born in Tazewell County, Tenn., son of the late Dr. M. Carriger. He lived in Morristown 30 years; was married the 13th of May 1875, to Miss Mollie R. Thomas, of Va., whom with two sons survives him. He was interred yesterday with Masonic rites in the Morristown cemetery.

Adams, Mrs. Lee

(Rogersville Review, dated Mar. 18) Mrs. Lee Adams, living near Surgoinsville, in this county (Hawkins), shot herself on the 11th inst. She was forty-five years of age, leaves a husband and several children.

Williams, George W.

(Matuta item dated Mar. 23rd): On the 17th inst., Mr. George W. Williams, funeral conducted by Rev. Mr. Capp, buried at Oakland Church.

Note: 3 issues missing

Vol. XVII. #2 Thurs., April 22, 1886

Cox, Susan

(Bristol Courier dated Apr. 15th) Miss Susan Cox, in the 68th year of her age, last Sunday afternoon (11th), at the residence of her brother-in-law, Dr. W. F. Barr. She was known throughout the Holston Conference as a most devoted missionary worker.

Wilcox, Infant of Jas.
(14th Dist. Item) an infant child of Jas. Wilcox’s was buried at Pleasant Valley last Sunday.

Baldwin, Hanah
(14 Dist. Item) Rev. John Bashor preached the funeral sermon of Mrs. John Baldwin (given name Hanah) at Pleasant Valley Sunday.

Michell, William E.
In the announcement of the death of a gentleman at Haw’s Cross Roads in last week’s issue (issue missing-WAB) the name should have read William E. Michell instead of Wm. E. Miller. 

Note: Next 16 issues missing, between Vol. XVII. #2, & Vol. XVIII. #19, Aug., 25, 1887

We thank Gladys Owens ,, for the transcription.
Source: The booklet, Death and Obituary Notices Appearing in the HERALD and TRIBUNE, was compiled by William A. Burns, ©1968 and published in Jonesboro, Tenn. Washington County. Mr. Burns is now deceased. Several issues are missing.
Vol. VI. #24, March 4, 1875 to Vol. XXVII. #41, Wednesday, Feb. 5, 1896, inclusive. was compiled by William A. Burns, ©1968. This is the second book of obituaries by Mr. Burns from the Herald and Tribune; the first one covers Vol. I, #1 Aug. 26, 1869 – Vol. VI. #24, Thur., March 4, 1875.