1869 1870 1871 1872 1875 1876 1881 1882 1883 1885
1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895
NOTE: Not all issues are available.
Allison, Thomas
Last Friday a colored man, named Thomas Allison, living a few miles from town died under similar circumstances. He is spoken of as an honest, industrious and well-to-do man. Vol. III. #22, Thurs., February 8, 1872
Argenbright, child of
Died in this place on Monday morning infant child of Mr. George Argenbright.
Vol. III.. #46, Thurs., July 25, 1872
Ballard, Mrs. James
Suicide of a Woman: Last Thursday of Friday, we are informed a domestic tragedy occurred in the lower part of this county in which Mrs. Ballard, wife of James Ballard, was the victim of self-destruction. The unfortunate woman had been laboring under mental derangement for some time and it is thought she committed the rash act while laboring under one of these fits. Our information is that Mrs. Ballard procured a rope and fastened it across the house, telling her daughter to go to the spring after a bucket of water, and adding that she need not hurry back. The girl was gone a reasonable length of time, but when she returned was horrified to find her mother hanging lifeless.
Vol. III. #28, Thurs., March 21, 1872
Barkley, Ebenezer
A Valuable Citizen Gone: It is with peculiar sensations of sorrow that we chronicle the death of Ebenezer Barkley, Esq., which occurred last Saturday at his residence in Leesburg. Mr. Barkley was a shock ripe for the harvest of eternity. Age had frosted his temples of his enfeebled his body. At the time of his death, he was eighty-one years of age and had been a resident of Leesburg for seventy years of this time. He attained this advanced period through a life of sobriety, energy and a strictly moral deportment, and died enjoying the confidence, esteem and reverence of the entire community which was attested by the large concourse that followed his lifeless body to its final resting place. Pure-hearted, generous-souled, of inflexible honesty of purpose and action, of the kindliest disposition and an example of strict morality worthy of imitation, his death is a loss to the world that the fewest number can aspire to supply. In fact, his traits of character were a model of moral excellencies which every man should closely study and endeavor to attain the full and glorious measure of their goodness and purity. To the family, who have lost an affectionate father and a devoted husband, we tender the deepest sympathies that death can inspire.
Rev. Matney visited him often, prayed, and talked with him, concerning his prospects of Heaven. He told him if it was the Lord’s will to remove him from his bed of affliction that he was willing to go, for this world had no charms for him and felt that he would be far better off when his days were numbered on earth.
Vol. III. #33, Thurs., April 25, 1872
Baxter, Martha J.
Also at the same place three days later, after an illness of some two weeks, Martha J. Baxter, elder daughter of the said David T. Hall deceased and consort of Greene B. Baxter. Aged 43 years, the day of her burial.
Weep not children for your Mother
She hath gone to rest
But prepare to meet her
And be forever blest.
Vol. III. #48, Thurs., August 8, 1872
Beaty, David
David Beaty was executed at Columbia on the 5th instant for murdering his wife. Vol. III. # 31, Thurs., April 11, 1872
Collins, Emily
Died also February the 6th, Mrs. Emily, wife of Capt. G.O. Collins, near Elizabethton. Vol. III. #23, Thurs., February 15, 1872
Corbin, John C.
Died at his residence in Chattanooga on the 15th inst., Mr. John C. Corbin, in the 24th year of his age. Mr. Corbin had been ill we understand, only eleven days–disease flux. Less than a year ago he married Miss Mollie McCorkle, daughter of Mr. Samuel B. McCorkle, of this place. We tender our sincerest condolence to his wife and grief-stricken relatives.Vol. III. #19, Thurs., January 18, 1872
Crouch, Jonathan
Died at his residence near Double Springs, June 7th, Jonathan Crouch, aged 67 years. Vol. III. #40, Thurs., June 13, 1872
Crumly, Daniel
Mr. Daniel Crumly died at his residence near Leesburg, on Monday the 8th inst. The deceased was born March 28th, 1806, and consequently was in his sixty seventh year.
Vol. III. #31, Thurs., April 11, 1872
Cummings, child of
On Saturday last, a child of Mr. A. B. Cummings departed this life.Vol. III. #22, Thurs., February 8, 1872
Cummings, John A.
Died on the morning of the 3rd inst. four miles North of Jonesboro, of Croup, John A., infant son of A. B. and Jane R. Cummings, aged 11 months and 27 days.
At twenty-five minutes past 4 o’clock a.m., his little spirit, on seraph’s wings, sped its way through the trackless space amid the soft and silent flakes of snow that was then falling, emblamatical of that spotless soul that was then making its way to that land of the blest, where the wicked cease to trouble and the weary are at rest. We can picture in our mind’s eye his infant soul as it approached the Heavenly mansion of God, and like the dove that was sent out from the Ark, when it found no where to rest, returned and with a gentle tap of its downy wing gave notice to the faithful Patriarch that it had no place whereon to rest its foot. When the gentle tap was heard at the windows of Heaven we imagine it gently opened amid songs of praise and rejoicing that there was one more pure and spotless soul had taken refuge, and crouched gently under the protecting wing of Him who doeth all things well.
“Weep not for those
Who sink within the arms of death
Ere yet the chilling wintry breath
Of sorrow o’re them blows;
But weep for them who here remain,
The mournful heritors of pain,
Condemned to see each bright joy fade,
And mark grief’s melancholy shade
Flung o’re hope’s fairest rose.”
Vol. III. #22, February 8, 1872
Delany, Mary
Mary Delany died on Dec. 31st. She was a very old and respectable lady, had been a member of the Methodist church for many years. Vol. III. #17, Thurs. January 4, 1872
Dunn, child of
A little child of Isaac Dunn died last Sunday night. Vol. III. #28, Thurs., March 21, 1872
Elsey, Elizabeth
Died last Saturday morning in Sullivan Co., Mrs. Elizabeth Elsey, age 42 years.
Vol. III. #32, Thurs., April 18, 1872
Ferguson, Denis K.
We learn that on the morning of the 8th of April, Denis K. Ferguson and James Shilling, both of the county of Roanoke, Va., met about one mile from Ferguson’s home. They had a misunderstanding some months ago, and on meeting, some words passed between them, when Shilling drew a pistol and fired upon Ferguson, the ball taking effect in the left side, passing through his kidney and lodging in his spine. Ferguson was shot about 8 o’clock on Saturday night and died Sunday night. Many of the citizens of this county will remember Mr. Ferguson as being a large tobacco trader in this county several years ago.
Vol. III. #33, Thurs., April 25, 1872
Ferguson, Henry
Henry Ferguson departed this life last Saturday. Vol. III. #31, Thurs., April 11, 1872
Freemont, Susan
Died near New Salem in this county on the 21st inst., Mrs. Susan Freemont, wife of Joseph Freemont. She leaves a large family and many friends to mourn her departure.
Vol. III. #25, Thurs., July 25, 1872
Gallagher, Georgia
Died near this place on last Friday, Georgia, a little daughter of John and H.H. Gallagher. Vol. III. #42, Thurs., June 27, 1872
Gilbert, Finley
Died in this place on last Tuesday, Finley Gilbert. He had been suffering for a long time with consumption. Vol. III. 326, Thurs., March 7, 1872
Good, John
Died the same night, John Good of Buffalo Ridge. Vol. III. #30, Thurs., April 4, 1872
Graham, Wm.
Wm. Graham died in this place on Thursday Dec. 21st, and was buried with Masonic honors in the town cemetery on the 23rd. Vol. III. #17, Thurs., January 4, 1872
Grigsby, Mr. —
Killed, an old gentleman by the name of Grigsby, was run over and killed by the passenger train last Saturday evening near Bristol. Vol. III. #49, Thurs., August 15, 1872
Hale, George S.
Mr. George S. Hale, an old citizen of this county, who had lived in the 13th District for perhaps fifty years, died suddenly last Sunday morning, at the residence of Rev. Isaac W. Hartsell, on __?__. Vol. III. #48, Thurs., August 8, 1872
Hall, David F.
David F. Hall, an old and respectible [sic] citizen of Greene county departed this life, at the residence of his son-in-law, A. R. Moulton, at Fall Branch July 6th, 1872, after a painful illness of three months. Aged sixty-four years, three months and twenty-eight days. His life was strictly devoted to the true principles of christianity [sic], founded upon the bases of all good, the word of God; to which he devoted much time and thought.
In his intercourse with the world he seemed to realize the import of the words “whatsoever you would that men should do unto you, do you even so to them,” and acted upon this precept. The community is deprived of one of its best citizens, his family an affectionate husband and father. But they mourn their loss with the assurance that his happy Spirit rejoices around the throne, from whence flow the pure words of life supremely blessed in the realization of the joys of that rich Clime where he shall forever feast upon the presence of the great King, to whom he ascribed praises in his dying moments; may they no longer weep for him, but sweetly anticipate a happy reunion ” where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest.” Vol. III. #48, Thurs., August 8, 1872
Heyer, Phillip J.
Died in this place on last Tuesday morning, at the residence of A. G. Mason, Mr. Phillip J. Heyer, of cholera morbus [sic]. Vol. III. #41, Thurs., June 20, 1872
Hilton, A.L.
“Leaves have their time to fall,
And flowers to wither at the north-wind breath,
And stars to set:–bat all,
Thou hast all seasons for thine own, oh!
Departed this life, at his residence near Elizabethton, Tenn., on Wednesday evening the 6th of Dec., 1871, Mr. A.L. Hilton, in the 59th year of his age.
The death of this lamented gentleman has created a feeling of profound regret in the community where his person was so long and familiarly known. None knew him, who were not captivated by his exceedingly quiet and unobstrusive [sic] deportment.
Filled with the modest, yet conscious dignity of virtue, and especially, with that true uprightness of soul, which exalts and adorns the human character, his manners were quiet and retiring; courteous, yet reserved; mild, yet frank; beautifully combining the gentle amibility [sic] of a peaceful, with the open-hearted truthfulness of a generous nature. Thus constituted, he sought delight, not so much in the plaudits of the crowd, as in the calm happiness which flows from a consciousness of rectitude, and from the endearing relations of devoted friendship. No man was more sincerely attached to his friends, no man’s friends were more sincerely attached to him. But, the bright sun of his existence has set, and his immortal spirit has embarked on the great ocean of eternity! His home has been made desolate; the heart of affection has been wrung with anguish; and they who clung around him in life, and now mourn him in-consolably [sic] in death, must now strew the green mystle [sic] and the bright flowers, and shed the tear of unaffected regret over his lamented grave! In the sunlight of faith, the tear may be exalted. The flowers may fade away; but, the beauty and the fragrance of his virtues, shall linger forever in the dearly cherished memories of friendship and love!
The deceased was rather remarkable for a solid, well balanced understanding; great candor, fairness and moderation. Traits these, it less glaring and conspicuous, they yet fully deserve the application of a celebrated line from the poet Gray: “Beneath the good how far – but far above the great!”
The virtues which most adorn the human character, were quite predominant all in his actions; and, in all the relations of life, he possessed a sweetness of temper, and affability of manner, which endeared him to all with whom he intimately associated. In his death, his family and friends have lost one, whose worth was inestimable, whose place can never be filled. But, as the rose smells more sweetly, when it is plucked from the branch, so may it be said with regard to the subject of this notice, that by fond remembrance, since Almighty God has seen fit to take him to himself, that those pre-eminent virtues, which distinguished him in life, still shine more beautifully bright, since he has quietly fallen.
“In the deep stillness of that dreamless state
Of sleep, that knows no waking joys again!”
The writer of this feeble tribute to his memory, had the pleasure of an intimate acquaintance with him whilst living, and has been frequently compelled to extol the elegant perfections, which at all times seemed to pervade his nature, and the exalted proprieties he invariably observed,, in his general intercourse with his friends and acquaintances. And now, since the pale flag of death, waves triumphantly over him, who so recently constituted the bright cynosure of an affectionate family and a large circle of friends, I would gladly throw a cluster of rarest flowers upon his grave, whose delicious fragrance may kiss the lovely moon-beam, when they fall gently down from the ceulean [sic] blue of Heaven, and illuminate with showers of silvery brightness his lonely resting place, where, doubtless, angels will hover on tireless pinions, o’er his sleeping dust, until the loud trump of the Arch angel shall reverberate throughout the Universe, to awaken the unnumbered millions of earth from their long and dreary slumber, who have “fought the good fight of faith” to put on their garments of heavenly immortality, and join the innumerable throng, “who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb!” During the period of my acquaintance with him, I have often watched with admiration, the exhibition of those beautiful perfections and amiable virtues which appeared to have found a luxuriant soil, in the sweet temperament of his gentle nature, and now, since his genial spirit has taken its everlasting flight from this sublunary sphere, I have been forced to the conclusion, that I shall rarely meet a gentleman, in any of the varied walks of life, whose noble traits of character will ever shine forth with more proverbial splendor!
Would, that the friend who writes this, could, by any expression, or sympathetic emotion of his, mitigate aught of the sufferings of hearts, lacerated by this tremendous shock, gladly would he alleviate every pang. In his utter weakness, he can only point them to Him, whose sure promise is, to be with them in trouble, to impart strength equal to their trial. To those of the bereaved, who have not stated that “the Lord is good,” he would urge the admonition given by the sad occasion, to be “also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not, the son of man cometh.”
Mr. Hilton was elected to the office of Register for Carter County, by the popular voice of his fellow citizens, at the last regular election, and continued to discharge its duties, with all the care and diligence of a faithful public servant, until he was arrested by the disease which terminated his earthly existence.
In his religious faith, Mr. Hilton was a disciple of the celebrated genius, and christian [sic] philosopher, Martin Luther. “After life’s fitful fever, he sleeps well.”
Vol. III. #17, Thurs. January 4, 1872
Jones, Caroline
Died on Boone’s Creek, in this County, last Friday, Caroline Jones, daughter of Thos. E. Jones. Vol. III. #47, Thurs., August 1, 1872
Kennedy, Harriet
In this place on last Sunday morning, at the residence of her son-in-law, Mrs. Harriet Kennedy. She had long been a resident in this vicinity. She was a professed Christian, had lived a life of usefulness and died the death of the righteous. We extend to her children and relatives our deepest sympathy in this their saddest bereavement. Vol. III. #19, Thurs., January 18, 1872
Kittridge, Frank
Stabbed to Death: A sanguinary fight occurred at Franklin between 8 and 9 o’clock Sunday night. Frank Kittridge and Ben Gocey, two negro [sic] boys, aged about seventeen years each, were bitter rivals, both laying claim to the hand of a dark visaged female, who among her race, was considered something of a coquette. Kittridge and Gocey, being quite susceptible to her witcheries, fell desperate in love with her. As a natural cosequence [sic], a feeling of unrelenting jealousy and hate sprang up between them, which resulted Sunday night, in Gocey stabbing Kittridge in the groin with a shoe knife. Kittridge survived his wound only ten minutes. Gocey was arrested and committed to jail. The affray caused much excitement and talk among the colored people of Franklin.
Vol. III. #50, Thurs., August 20, 1872
Lodsdon, Calvin
Calvin Lodsdon, the murderer of the Ganaway family, was hung at Jamestown, Fentress Co., last Friday. He confessed his guilt and implicated several women, who had been tried and acquitted of the charge. Vol. III. #31, Thurs., April 11, 1872
McCorkle, D.V.
Died at Chattanooga on the 21st inst., Mr. D.V. McCorkle, after a painful illness of several weeks. The deceased was thirty-five years of age, and was engaged in the Drug business in Chattanooga. He established a wide reputation for probity and integrity in all the relations of life, and Chattanooga has lost a citizen whose enterprise and public spirit contributed greatly to the building of the town. Vol. III. #20, Thurs., January 25, 1872,/span>
McCurry, Nancy
Sad Accident: We are informed that Miss Nancy McCurry, of Flag Pond District, was killed on last Saturday by a tree falling upon her. She was resting on the bank of Indian Creek, and seeing a tree start to fall near by she attempted to run out of danger, but was not able to make her escape. Vol. III. #49, Thurs., August 15, 1872
McDonald, Rev. Mr.
Drowned: Rev. Mr. McDonald, a minister of the Presbyterian Church, and a teacher at Philadelphia, in this county, was drowned at Hunters’ Ford on Nola Chucky river on last Sunday, in the attempting to ford the river for the purpose of attending an appointment to preach on Sunday morning. His horse steped [sic] upon a smooth rock and threw him off, where the water was swift, and although the water was not more than two or three feet deep, he washed down before assistance could reach him, and never arose. He was found and taken out of the river about 3 o’clock in the evening. He leaves a wife and numerous friends to mourn his loss. Vol. III. #17, Thurs., January 4, 1872
McGee, Rhoda
Died also near Cherry Grove last Friday morning, Mrs. Rhoda McGee, aged 80 years. Vol. III. #49, Thurs., August 15, 1872
Mitchel, Elizabeth
Died near Cherry Grove on last Sunday morning, Mrs. Elizabeth Mitchel, wife of Wm. Mitchel. Vol. III. #18, Thurs., January 11, 1872
Morelock, Rebecca
Died in Greene county last Friday, Mrs. Rebecca Morelock, aged 80 years. Vol. III. #49, Thurs., August 15, 1872
Morrison, Whitfield
Whitfield Morrison, son of Wm. D. Morrison, of this county, died of lockjaw, a few days since. Vol. III. #18, Thurs., January 11, 1872
Mulkey, Hiram D.
Hiram D. Mulkey, living near this place, died last Monday night. Vol. III. #30, Thurs., April 4, 1872
Murr, Alexander
Died near this county on Thursday, the 18th inst., Mr. Alexander Murr. Vol. III. #33, Thurs., April 25, 1872
Murrell, child of
Also on the same day, at Morristown, the youngest child of Mr. G. M. Murrell. We tender to our afflicted friends the deepest sympathies. Flowers too rare and beautiful for earth are created for the bright garniture of Heaven. Vol. III. #22, Thurs., February 8, 1872
Nave, daughter of
Died February the 5th, in Carter county, the infant daughter of Lieut. Isaac Nave.
Vol. III. #23, Thurs., February 15, 1872
Orr, Anna
Departed this life on Tuesday the 6th of August, 1872, in Elizabethton, Tennessee, Mrs. Anna Orr, consort of Mr. James W. Orr, in the 37th year of her age.
It was a beautiful conceit of the ancients that “those whom the gods love die young,” and alas, how frequently are we reminded of the sentiment, in the early and untimely death of the purest and most promising of earth. The lady who is the subject of this notice, has been cut off in the meridian of her noontide existence, whilst the brilliant sunlight of Hope was gilding and adorning the bright and beautiful perspective before her, whilst the glowing dreams of early years, which are always calculated to fill the mind with bright and bouyant [sic] expectations of future happiness were like a lovely rainbow illuminating with radiant brightness the distant horizon of future life.
But although she has been summoned in the bloom of life to the “undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveller [sic] returns,” she was found ready and waiting for the serious and important change, for she professed religion at the age of thirteen, and joined the M. E. Church, and afterwards, in the year 1853, she joined the Christian Church under the ministration of Rev. M. E. Love, in which church she continued to live and finally died a pious and exemplary member. She has left behind her, to endure for a time the sorrows and perplexities of earth, two dear little children of tender years, who will have to buffet the tempestuous storm of life, unaided by the beacon light from a mother’s ever watchful and devoted care. But “He who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb” will doubtless lead and direct them on through this wilderness of sorrow in answer to the prayers of their pious mother, who lived the life of a christian [sic] and died the death of the righteous, and has gone to put on her bright robe of heavenly immortality which was fashioned and reserved for her in the bright and lustrous regions beyond the stars.
She has also left an affectionate husband to deplore and lament the irreparable loss of a devoted wife. But he has the consolation of knowing that he need not “sorrow as one having no hope,” for his loss is her eternal gain. If he be oppressed too heavily with feelings of desponding and corroding sorrow at his irreparable loss, he should be comforted and animated by the recollection of the last words which were uttered by her whom he had chosen to share with him the joys and sorrows of earth, until the tender tie which united them together should be severed by the unseen and relentless hand of the divine Unknown. Just before the light of her earthly existence was extinguished and her immortal spirit precipitated on the great ocean of eternity, she said to her weeping friends who stood around her: “Weep not for me, I am going home.” These words spoken by a dying christian [sic] just about to enter into the full fruition of all the pleasures and enjoyments of Heaven, pre-eminently serve to overthrow and refute all the sceptical philosophy in regard to the future state of being which has been advanced by Hume or a Gibbon, by a Voltaire or a Bolingbroke, by a Hobbs or a Lindal. Oh! what cheering words were these to her mourning friends. In the sunlight of day, as well as in the stilly hours of night, these last words of the loved and lost one will doubtless come to the disconsolate husband like a soft and sweetly harmonious dispason [sic] of Heavenly music which alone emanates from celestial harps when their silvery strings are tuned and swept by angels’ hands. And oh, that these last, last words of a dying mother may be treasured up in memory’s shrine by her little orphans, and if their brittle thread of life shall be extended out to years of maturity they will serve to afford them most pleasant and agreeable recollections in many dark and gloomy hours, and will always serve in a very eminent degree “as lamps to their feet and as lights to their paths” all along the journey of life. Surely none can meditate upon the last words of this dying christian [sic] without saying in the fullness of their hearts: “Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like hers.” The death of the righteous contrasted with the death of the sinner at all times affords the most pleasant and agreeable reflections; the death of the sinner is fruitful of nothing but thoughts of the most dismal and gloomy character. In the one case we can permit our thoughts to visit the radiant climb of everlasting happiness where the angels dwell, and where they tune their golden harps to songs of eternal praise around the glittering throne of God. Whilst in the other case we are oppressed with those gloomy reflections which burden the mind whilst meditating upon the awful condition of an immortal spirit doomed to an eternity of wretchedness and misery. The friends and relations who stood around the couch of this devout christian [sic] lady and witnessed her last strife with the dim destroyer of all earthly happiness, can testify abundantly to the Poet’s assertion that
“The chamber where the goodman meets his fate
Is privileged beyond the common walks
Of virtuous life quite in the _?rge of Heaven.”
And when this faithful and conspicuous votary of christianity [sic] entered the dark valley of the shadow of Death, oh, then how consoling and inspiring it was to think of the sacred promise of Him who hath said “Be thou faithful unto Death and I will give thee a crown of life.”
In conclusion I would say to the bereaved husband that although his dear companion has gone down to the dreary tomb in the bright noontide of her life yet the bright pathway in which she walked on angel’s wings to the __?__ of everlasting rest, where, in the society of angels, she will forever be employed in the delightful service of singing hymns of praise to Him who permitted John the Divine, in the Apocalyptic vision, to gaze upon the entrancing beauties and the glorious magnificence of the Heavenly world, and on one occasion said to him, “Write blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth; yea, saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them. W. R. F. Vol. III. #52, Thurs., September 5, 1872
Pugh, David
Johnson City Item: On last Thursday, near this place, a very shocking affair occurred, of which David Pugh was the unfortunate victim. The circumstances surrounding the case as far as can be gathered, seem to be about as follows: On Thursday, August the 1st, about nine o’clock in the morning, Mr. Pugh took his gun, (an old army musket) and walked out in his corn field for the purpose of shooting some squirrels or birds which had infested his field for some time. After going about one hundred yards from his house he got upon an old stump which stood in his field, for the purpose, it is thought, of looking around more accurately, and in endeavoring to place his gun upon the stump, the breech missed its object, passing on down until the hammer of the lock struck near his feet, the muzzle at that time being near the abdomen. Just at this juncture the gun fired, throwing the contents in the direction of the region of the heart, which consisted of almost a handful of turkey shot. He dropped his gun remarking to a little boy who was with him “I have killed myself,” and started in a run toward the house. He ran about thirty yards and fell on his face. His wife heard the report and started in that direction. Her frantic cries brought two or three men to the scene, who carried him to the house. Dr. Mongle was summoned immediately, but he had been dead sometime before the Doctor arrived. It is thought, however, that he did not breathe after he was taken to his house. Mr. Pugh was a young man about 21 years of age. His sudden and violent death is greatly regretted by all those who knew him. Vol. III. #48, Thurs., August 8, 1872
Remine, F. Josephus
Died, at the residence of his parents in Greene county, one mile West of Limestone Depot, on the morning of the 13th inst., after about four days illness of inflamation [sic] of the stomach, F. Josephus Remine, son of Henry C. and Sarah E. Remine, aged fourteen years, two months and nineteen days. Only a few minutes before his death he arose from his bed and walked across the room, talked with a strong voice, and said he suffered no pain. He “remembered his Creator in the days of his youth,” having attached himself to the M. E. Church at the age of eleven, he lived a consistent member, and regular attendant at Church and Sabbath School, a dutiful son, and a kind, and loving brother.
“When life’s tempestuous storms are o’re,
How calm he meets the friendly shore,
Who lived averse to sin!
Such peace on virtues path attends,
That, where the sinner’s pleasure ends,
This good boy’s joys begins.”
Vol. III. #41, Thurs., June 20, 1872
Roberts, Cynthia J.
Died on the 10th December, 1871 at Milburntown, Tenn., Miss Cyntha J. Roberts. Aged 26 years. The subject of this notice had been a member of the Methodist Church for fourteen years. She was a regular attendant of the Church, was noted for her great piety and earnestness of zeal in the cause of Christ. She had been afflicted for many months and suffered greatly, and as dissolution approached nearer and nearer, she seemed the better prepared and more anxious to leave this world of trouble, and enter into the joy of Heaven. Vol. III. #23, Thurs., February 15, 1872
Shaver, Michael
Died on last Saturday morning in this place of brain fever, little Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Shaver, in the fourth year of his age. Vol. III. #37, Thurs., May 23, 1872
Shipley, J. Edward
Terrors Of The Storm King. Last Thursday, in the early part of the afternoon, a terrific tornado of wind, attended with rain and hail and travelling with indescribable fury and swiftness swept through the Southwestern portion of the County. The Northern line of its belt extended to this place, and its fearful rage lasted about thirty minutes. The incessancy of a thunderous roar, and the flashes of lightning that constantly pierced and seamed the deep, dense, blackening folds of the sky warned our citizens, in awful tokens, that the demons of the storm were executing a fearful mission to the South of us. At length, the rain which had fell in solid sheets began to grow into sparser volume, the hurricane swept by leaving a track scarred with fallen trees, prostrated fencing and roofless buildings, and the overhanging world again put on a smile of sunshine and peace.
Were these the only scenes and events connected with this violent visitation of the angered heavens, they would have excited but little comment and soon passed from memory.
But an estimable young man whom all highly esteemed, the idolized of his parents, sisters and brother was caught in the sweep of the mad, wild winds which had no pity for the anguish of bruised, stricken hearts, and he was crushed and mangled into a horrifying death. Mr. J. Edward Shipley, the unfortunate and lamented victim, was in a clearing with his father although they were some distance apart. When the storm was coming up, Edward was seen running across the clearing in the direction of his Uncle’s house. The falling tree struck the terrified boy on the head whilst he was running. He must have experienced no agony for the mesenger [sic] of death must have done its work at once. His body and the fatal spot were bespattered with his brain and blood, and the frightful chasm in his skull revealed the terribleness of his sudden taking off. When the sad news reached the town and was repeated from lip to lip, every cheek was blanched with horror, the stoutest [sic] heart turned sick, and the strongest body excreted with excitement. Citizens in large numbers, hastened to the dreadful scene to find the robust, manly body a gore-bestrewn, mangled corpse. The bereaved family had arrived and the shrieks of agony and despair took the place of howls of the tempest.
The deceased was kind, pure, upright and generous, and his manhood was forming into a beautiful symmetry whose proportions were graced by noble virtues and sublime excellencies. He had not an enemy, all were his friends, and his death touches into the liveliest emotions , the sympathy of every heart. His cortege was one of the largest we ever saw in Jonesboro, and the town stopped its business and bustle to pay a last tribute to his memory. The sorely bereaved have the fullest measure of human condolence, but God, and His angel, Time, can only heal the wounds and allay the pangs of their sorrowing hearts.
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. L. M. French and J. L. Mann at the residence of Mr. S. T. Shipley, and committed to its sacred keeping until the time when the now inscrutable providences of God shall be unfolded to us in the light of eternity. Vol. III. #33 April 25, 1872
Shipley, J. E.
Tribute of Respect. At a meeting of the students of the Holston Male Institute, Jonesboro, Tennessee, the following committee was appointed to draft resolutions to express their condolence on the death of their fellow student, Mr. J. E. Shipley, on this, the 18th instant, viz: Jehu Morris, L. C. Peoples, R. N. Dosser, J. T. Wilds, A. F. Neil and F. P. Broyles.
Resolved, That, whereas it has pleased an All-wise Providence to remove our fellow student, J. E. Shipley from this to another mode of existence; we sincerely deplore his loss not only as a school mate in the prosecution of knowledge, but also a young man of respectability and merit.
Resolved, That the session of our school be suspended with the approval of our teachers, and that we attend the funeral and interment to-morrow [sic].
Resolved, That we tender to the bereaved our deepest sympathies in their sad affliction and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased, and published in the several papers of our town. Vol. III. #33, Thurs., April 25, 1872
Stonecypher, Absolom
Last week, Mr. Absolom Stonecypher died very suddenly at his home, near Limestone Depot. We learn that he complained to a member of the family of being sick, when he laid down upon his bed and in a short time expired. He was about middle-aged and was always stout and healthy. Vol. III. #22, Thurs., February 8, 1872
Thornburgh, Mrs. M. A.
A Sad Death. Mrs. M. A. Thornburgh, Of Knoxville, died on the 23d inst., from the effects of narcotic poison. She was sick previous to her death and the attending physician prescribed pills of salicine and quinine. The prescriptionist [sic] made the fatal mistake of using morphine instead of quinine. In a few short hours the powerful agency of death, despite the skill of several physicians, wrought its work. The deceased was a most estimable and lovely lady and her demise has cast a shadow of deepest gloom over the large circle of her friends. Vol. III. #25, Thurs. February 29, 1872
Tilson, George
Suicide: We learn that George Tilson of Flag Pond, committed suicide last Friday by hanging himself. Vol. III. #50, Thurs., August 22, 1872
Wartman, L. Vance
L. Vance Wartman, son of Jno. H. Wartman, senior Editor of the Register, and Margaret L. Wartman, dec’d, gently passed away on Monday morning last, in the 26th year of his age. The disease of which Vance died was a lingering one, and well calculated to try the power of Divine grace. Although the subject of long suffering, he bore his illness with the gentle spirit of one whose heart rested upon Christ. Years ago he consecrated heart and life to God, and lived and died a faithful Christian. He was, as long as health permitted, an active and zealous member of Andrew Chapel Sabbath school, and labored with all his energy, for the advancement of the Redeemer’s kingdom in that noble institution.
Vance possessed many noble traits of character, and such as endeared him to those with whom he mingled.–All his impulses were generous and kind, and although young, he had already developed points in his character which were firm and lasting, and his affections warm and enduring. His christian [sic] career was not marked by ostentation or show. “He walked humbly with God.” During his illness he gave unmistakeable [sic] evidences again, of the presence of his Divine Master, and his heart rejoiced in the love of Christ Amidst his suffer, the stream of heavenly peace flowed into his heart, and he looked placidly upon the dark waters upon which he expected soon to launch his bark. As he neared the grave, to a friend he named over the friends gone before whom he expected to meet in the far off land; and his eyes sparkled with immortal light as he spoke of the coming time when the ties of earth should be served and his spirit mingle with the sanctified ones in heaven. Vance was an obedient son, and his kindness of spirit wore cords of affection in his parents’ hearts which death itself could not sever. He was a faithful member of the M. E. Church, South, and died in its communion.
He was an active, true Odd Fellow. While he lived he endeavored to illustrate the grand principles of that noble institution and in his protected illness he experienced at the hands of his brethern [sic] the genuineness of their professions of Friendship Love and Truth. Vol. III. #28, Thurs., March 21, 1872
Wartmann, William Mck.
Sudden Death. Mr. William McK. Wartman died very suddenly at his residence in Harrisonburg, Va., last Friday. He was a prominent, influential and highly respected citizen of that country, At the time of his death, he was clerk of the County Court of Rockingham County, a position he had occupied for a number of years with the most satisfying efficiency and integrity. The deceased was a brother-in-law of our old townsman, Mr. James A. Ellworth, and whilst on a visit to this place last summer won the esteem of all with whom he came in contact. Vol. III. #27, Thurs., March 14, 1872
Watson, Laura
Died on the 16th inst., Miss Laura Watson, daughter of Isaac and Matilda Watson, aged about 17 years. Vol. III. #35, Thurs., May 9, 1872
Young, William
Died at Johnson City, on last Sunday evening, William Young, of consumption. Aged 58 years. Vol. III. #47, Thurs., August 1, 1872
Abstracted and submitted by Kitty Smith <>