The cemetery is located at 877 Mayberry Rd., Jonesborough, Tennessee.
GPS Location: 36°12.34N 082°29.56W; Elevation: 1738 ft.
June 2014, residents of the former Mayberry Community Church, organized a Mayberry Community Cemetery Association to maintain the cemetery grounds. John Mashburn was named chairman and Mary Hylton was named secretary/treasurer. The association is currently accepting donations for funds to keep up the cemetery grounds. Donations should be sent to Mary Hylton, 1052 Old State Route 34, Jonesborough, TN 37659.
Surveyed, transcribed and donated to the Washington County TNGen Web August 2003 by Elaine Scott Cantrell, Donna Cox Briggs and Betty Jane Hylton members of the Cemetery Survey Team of Northeast Tennessee.
Copyrighted 2013 by the Cemetery Survey Team of Northeast Tennessee. No part of this work may be copied without written permission from the Cemetery Survey Team.
Stones found in previous surveys, but not found in 2004:
Decker, Infant of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Decker (no dates)
Kyker, Dennis L. 22 Feb 1954 – 26 Feb 1954
McNeese, Virginia 1941 (only date)