The year is 1938-39, and the students are as follows:
First row, l-r
Irene Good, Fern Hartman, Bettty Jo Luster, Wanda Bowman, Trula Mae Bowser, Joan Taylor, Ina Ball, Margie Ford, Lucy Payne, Charlene Dykes
Second row, l-r
Mildred Rhudy, Jessie G…, Hansel Alamany, Alvin Jenkins, Dana Slemp, Ray Martin, Billy Jack Barr, Clarence Lewis
Third row, l-r
Dean Archer, Jack Keefaufer, Jack McCracken, Stacy Payne, Ben Shipley, Clyde Bacon, Lyle Ford, Norman Hale, J. B. Hartman
Teacher: Julia Bacon
Contributed by Joan Russell.