Tennessee State Penitentiary Inmates, 1831–1850

Washington County

The Tennessee State Penitentiary opened in 1831. Prior to that offenders were held in county jails. Surviving records of the Penitentiary are housed at the State Library and Archives as Record Group 25.

The following list of inmates is found in ledger volume 86 of those records. The ledger also includes the date received in the Penitentiary, the prisoner’s state of birth, and the date discharged. Copies of entries are available upon request by mail (listed under “State Penitentiary and Record Groups”).

Ballew Francis petit larceny 17
Black Solomon murder 33
Brooks Robert petit larceny 39
Browder Nickloas petit larceny 21
Brown Silas volentary [sic] Manslaughter 36
Butcher Thomas petit larceny 38
Carmichael Jack larceny 26
Edwards Williams involentary [sic] Manslaughter 37
Freeman George petit larceny 45
Galbreath John horse stealing 18
Hosea Levi petit larceny 16
Hosea William petit larceny 17
Johnson Dempse petit larceny 26
Oliver Spencer grand larceny 33
Rhea John grand larceny 31
Rogers Samuel involentory [sic] Manslaughter 21
Russel Paris recd a stolen calfskin 35
Shepperd John receiving stolen goods 34
Silvers Irwin grand larceny 18
Simmons Miller buggery 19
Vance George petit larceny 28
Walters William grand larceny 23

Source: Tennessee State Library and Archives: http://tennessee.gov/tsla/history/state/inmate1.htm