The 1905 Loudon County Teachers Institutes (white and colored) were the largest and most satisfactory we have had in years. This, in part at least, we believe arises from the teacher's monthly course of study, from the work of the London County Teachers Association and from the district and subdistrict educational rallies. By these means educational enthusiasm has been created and increased. With a very few exceptions all of our teachers attended the whole time of the institutes.
Almost the entire time was given up to the teaching of the fundamental branches and to methods. Great stress was laid on reading, writing, spelling, language, and arithmetic. In past years the teaching of reading has been sadly neglected in many of our schools .This is being remedied. The union method of teaching this important subject is well understood by all our teachers, and we feel sure that good work can and will be accomplished in all our schools along this line. Our teachers , with very few exceptions, earnest, active, energetic, and enthusiastic and seem to be taking great interest in their work. We look for a splendid year's work..
The director system is still in the way and continues to impede the wheels of progress. "How long, 0 Lord, how long?" Yet, in spite of this eternal drawback, the educational work of our county is progressing slowly. Terms are being lengthened, school houses built and improved, salaries increased, and teachers better prepared for their work. For all of which we are truly thankful. The London County White Teachers Association meets on the 3d and the Colored Teachers Association on the fourth Saturday of every month. Each has a regular monthly course of study. The outlook is hopeful and we face the future with confidence.
DB Simpson, Conductor
Mrs John Greer, Secretary
JC Ritter, Ethics
Miss Annie E Harrison, Music
Messrs Hammontree and Soward History and Hygiene
DB Simpson English Mathematics and Pedagogy
Institute opened June 5 1905
Institute closed June 16 1905
Number of days devoted to examinations 2
Total enrollment 52 Males 14 Females 38
Average daily attendance 49 Males 12 Females 37
Number of applicants examined 52 Males 14 Females 38
Number of certificates issued 46 Males 11 Females 35
Number First Grade certificates issued males 2
Number Third Grade certificates issued 44 Males 9 Females 35
Number of certificates issued to persons who have never taught 6 Males 1 Females 5
Number of certificates issued to teachers who have taught for three years or more 30 Males 6 Females 24
May 29 30 31 June 1 2 Three Sessions 8 am 12 m 1 pm 5 pm 6 30 9 pm Number of days devoted to examinations 1
Total enrollment 10 Males 4 Females 6
Average daily attendance 10 Males _ 4 Females 6
Number of applicants examined 10 Males 4 Females 6
Number of certificates issued 9 Males 4 Females 5
Number of Third Grade certificates issued 9 Males 4 Females 5
Number of certificates issued to persons who have never taught females 1
Number of certificates issued to teachers who have taught for three years or more 8 Males 4 Females 4
DB SIMPSON, County Superintendent (Source: Annual Report of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction of Tennessee,k Tennessee. Dept. of Public Instruction, pp 228-230)
Historic Schools
Dunbar School: A Rosenwald school, also called Loudon School.
Built in early 1020's
By Brian Stansberry [CC BY 3.0], from Wikimedia Commons
Current Schools
Eaton Elementary
Fort Loudon Middle
Highland Park Ele
Loudon Elementary
Loudon High
North Middle
Philadelphia ele
Steekee Elem
Loudon Technology
Lenoir City
Lenoir City High
Lenoir City Intermediate/Middle
Lenoir City Elementary