A post hamlet of Loudon co Tenn on the Little Tennessee River 7 miles S of Lenoir's Station It has a grist mill. (Source: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer, Or, Geographical Dictionary of, 1880 Volume 1)
The office at a small place known as Boston, in the Western part of London county, 10 miles from
Loudon courthouse, 6 from Philadelphia, its shipping point on the ET Va and Ga RR, and 83 northeast of Chattanooga. Polecat creek supplies water power for 2 grist mills in the vicinity, the only industries. There are two churches: Methodist and Baptist, and free and select schools. Wheat, corn, eggs, and poultry are the chief shipments. Mail semi-weekly postmaster Rev. ES Linberry
Business Directory
Bacon, NP general store
Burns, A blacksmith
Campbell, James general store
Cox, IH miller
Dyche, WH General store
Fooshee, J miller
Linberry, Rev ES
A post office in the northern part of Loudon, county 8 miles from London, the county seat, and 250 from Nashville by railroad. Mail semi weekly: AC Eaton postmaster
Business Directory
Amos, Rev PS (Baptist)
Eaton, RP physician
Elcary, Rev Harvey (Baptist)
Williams, Rev SM (Methodist)
a post village of Loudon co Tenn about 40 miles SW of Knox ville It has 2 churches The name of its post office is Erie. (Source: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer, Or, Geographical Dictionary, 1880 Volume 1)
A village and station on the ET Va & Ga RR, in London county, 6 miles from Loudon, 92 from Chattanooga, and 240 from Nashville by railroad. It was settled in 1798, and has a population of 500. Town creek supplies motive power for a cotton factory and flouring mill at this point. It is also the location of a Methodist church South and free school. The exports are flour, grain, and cotton yarns and batting. Telegraph, Western Union, Express Southern, daily. BB Lenoir postmaster
Business Directory
Lenoir, BB Physician
Lenoir, JP station agent
Lenoir Wm & Bro general store cotton factory and flouring mill
Lewis, M physician l
Ramsey, Thomas J express agent and treasurer Patterson Propeller Co
Ramsey, Wm L machinist
The county seat of Loudon county is beautifully situated on the south bank of the Tennessee river, at the head of steamboat navigation, and at the point of crossing of the ET Va & Ga RR, 28 miles from Knoxville, 84 by rail from Chattanooga, and 235 from Nashville. As a shipping point Loudon has the advantage of both rail and river, and is consequently the outlet for the products of a large section of country, wheat, corn, hogs, cattle, horses, mules, and sheep, with dairy products, and poultry finding their way to the Southern or eastern markets through this channel. The town has 8 general stores, 2 hotels, a weekly newspaper, a complement of churches of different denominations, and a high school, while the various industrial and mechanical pursuits are fairly represented. Population 1,000. Daily packet to Kingston 18 miles distant. Mail daily RM Magill, postmaster.
Business Directory
Bell, JJ nursery
Benton, Mrs LE millinery
Blair, ST physician
Blair & Rodgers Druggists
Bodenhammer, Rev DS Cum Presbyterian
Butler, JP saloon
Cassada, WH carpenter
Chambers & Pritchard lawyers
Clark, ES blacksmith
Cook, SB dentist
Cooper, WF watchmaker
Cureton, RM hotel
Danton Hambright & Co general store
Feathers, JW saloon
Folding, George blacksmith
Fountain, W carpenter
Ham, Mrs NJ Millinery
Hambright, BF general store
Hambright, O hotel
Hamilton, JF carpenter
Harrison, DF mayor
Harrison, JJ physician
Henderson, Rev PT (Baptist)
Houser, L T wagonmaker
Howard, A General Store
James & Deviny tinners
Julian VV C general store
Kline, Hugh shoemaker
Lane J V lawyer
Lee, AB tinsmith
McNeil, RA shoemaker
Mahoney, James general store
Mize, John S carpenter
Nelson, David R lawyer
Nelson, W C propr London Times
Olmsted, EB principal Loudon high school
Parshley, Stephen A lawyer
Pyatt, Rev W W (Methodist)
Renfro, H W druggist
Reynolds, Perry barber
Rodgers & Welcker lawyers
Shinpaugh, HH blacksmith
Stook, George E Grocer
The Loudon Times weekly, WC Nelson propr
Tipton QA station and express agent
Ward, A W nursery
West, J J general store
Woods, Thomas harness maker
A post office and station on the ET Va & Ga RR in Loudon county, 9 northeast of Loudon, the county town, southwest of Knoxville and 244 by rail from Nashville. Muddy creek a tributary the Tennessee river furnishes water power which is utilized at points by 2 saw and 3 grist mills. There are 2 churches and a country store in place. Exports corn, wheat, oats, and bacon. Mail daily Warham Easley postmaster.
Business Directory
Easley, Warham miller
Easley & Jones General Store
Grant, unknown miller
Stout, unknown miller
A town of about 300 inhabitants, in the
southwestern part of London county, 6 miles from Loudon, the county
seat, and 35 southwest of Knoxville, and on the E. T., Va. 8:Ga. R.
R. There are 4 churches—-Methodist South, Episcopal, Presbyterian
and Baptist — and a subscription and free school here. The
surrounding country is rich and productive, and grain, hay, cattle
and bacon are exported. Express Southern. Mail daily. D. R. Kennedy,
Business Directory.
Ballard, J . T., general
Breeden, A. B., general store.
Cozart & Adkins, grain,
flour, etc.
Jones, Daniel, general store.
Jones, E. 0., general
Jones, W. N. B., general store.
Kennedy, D. R., express
Lenoir, W. G., teacher.
Martin, Rev. C. B., (Baptist).
Parker, H. H., mnfr
Phifer, John P., hotel.
Pyatt, Rev. W. W.,
(Methodist South).
Sparks, J . R., station agent.
Geo. E.
Tedford, Rev. C. E., (Presbyterian).
Woolford, W. L.
C., rnnfr.
The postoffice at Stockton's Valley, a small place in the southwestern part of Loudon county, 8 miles from Loudon Court house, and 6 from Philadelphia station on the E T Va & Ga RR. It is 2 miles back from the Tennessee river, is surrounded by a good farming country, and markets corn, wheat, and live stock. Mail semi weekly WA Simpson postmaster
Business Directory
Bacon, NP General Store
Berry, FK physician
Burnett, Rev WC (Baptist)
Burns, Anderson blacksmith
Easter, JM blacksmith
McCune, John cooper
Walker, Rev EB (Baptist)
(Source: Tennessee State Gazetteer and Business Directory, R.L. Polk & Company, 1876)