Loudon County Genealogy & History Website Family Album and Photos
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Red Divider Line
This page provides genealogical information about Loudon County Families. The information can be in the form of descendancy outlines, narrative histories, biographies, pictures, etc. except for GEDCOMs.

If you have an outline of your Loudon County family or a picture that you would like to have posted here, please email me with the information about the family.  All families with Loudon County history are welcomed and encouraged to submit information. Because of copyright issues, please include a list/bibliography of your sources (bible records, census records, marriage records) when submitting information.  Non-referenced material cannot be posted.   Family History information complied strictly from internet genealogies must include credit back to the original researcher/website from which you obtained your data.  Also please do not send data or photographs which contain individuals still living.  These will be taken down immediately with all other contributions if the data is found to be on living individuals. 

If you have questions about anything posted here, or would like more information on a particular family line, please contact the submitter.

For more pictures, try the Ancient Faces Website.


Augustus "Gus" Evans Billings

The Blair Family

The Eldridge Family

The Haun Family

Thomas Huling

Benjamin Franklin Jeffreys/Jeffries

William Watson Kile

The Lenoir Family

John Wesley Robinson

  Red Divider Line


new1930s- 1950s pictures of Loudon

Birdie Cain

Blair's Ferry

Cave College School

Grubb/Waller/Scarbrough Families

Hauling Corn and Milking Time

Kline Family

Kline Farm

Thorton P. Lenoir

Lenoir Cotton Mill

Loudon Neighbors

Loudon Bridge

Loudon, Tennessee

Loudon County Dams 

Picnic at Sweetwater

Red Divider Line


Bible Records Cemeteries Census Court Records Death Certificates
Deeds Family Photo Album FAQS Goodspeed's History History
Letters Lookups Mailing Lists Maps & Place Names Marriages
Migration Military Newspapers Obituaries Published Resources
Queries Research Helps Local & Family Reunions Search Engines Site Map


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Last Modified on: 08/13/2015 18:28:06 .

Loudon County TNGenWeb Host is Suzanne M. Pratt.
TNGenWeb State Coordinator information can be found
at http://www.tngenweb.org/contact.html

© Copyright 2004 - present by SM Pratt

The Loudon County TNGenWeb Project makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information found should not be taken at face value, but should be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. You are welcome to copy information found at the Loudon County TNGenWeb for personal use and share information with other researchers or genealogical organizations, but this information may not under any conditions be sold or used in a commercial project without expressed prior written permission.

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