Loudon County Genealogy & History Website Loudon County Marriages
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To Have and to Hold from this Day Forward

"For as much as John and Mary have consented together in wedlock, and have witnessed the same before this company of friends and family, and have given and pledged their promises to each other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving a ring, and by joining hands. By the authority vested in me by the State of Tennessee, I pronounce this couple to be husband and wife. What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder."

Loudon County was created in 1870. There are NO marriage records for the county of Loudon prior to 1870. The marriage records for the people, who lived in the area that is now Loudon County, are located in Blount, Roane, and Monroe Counties. If you know what part of Loudon your ancestors lived in, you can check the online map to see which county the marriage record may be located.

Loudon County's marriage records for the years 1870 through 1882 have been transcribed and are presently online. 

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Loudon County TNGenWeb has an online interactive marriage database where you can add and search for marriage records.

Interactive Marriage Database

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Brenda Oody has several marriage records that she copies from the courthouse. She is willing to scan them and send you a copy.

Loudon County has a transcription of its marriage records for the years 1870-1910 in Marriage records, Loudon County, Tennessee, 1870-1910 copied and compiled by Christine R. Brown and Donald V. Brown.

Other Marriage Records

Tennessee State Library and Archives has microfilmed the county marriage records for 1870-1988. For information about ordering marriage records, see their Services Provided by Mail.

Loudon County Court House has marriage records recorded in their books. You can write them and request records. Their address is

Loudon County Clerk 
101 Mulberry Street 
Loudon, TN 37774 
Phone: (423) 458-3314 

The Family History Center has Loudon County Marriage records for rental. Click here for a center near you. The following instructions will display the marriage records available at the FHC for Loudon County.

Click on "Search the Family History Library Catalog for records and resources."
Click "Place Search."
Place: Loudon
Part of (optional): Tennessee
Press Search

Click on "Tennessee, Loudon."

For Marriage Records: Click "Tennessee, Loudon - Vital records"

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