Loudon County Genealogy & History Website Loudon County Marriages
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Some Loudon County Marriages
Submitted by Brenda Oody

I have been going to the Loudon Co. Courthouse for marriage records for my family. When I get copy the pages with their marriage records, there are records for others on the same pages. For those who are not able to get to the courthouse. I am submitting a list of the people I have copies of marriages for. Some of the names are hard to read, so for those I have misspelled, please forgive me. If there is anyone who wants any of these, just e-mail me and I will gladly scan and send them to you.

Loudon County, Tn. Marriage Bonds

James Jackson & Alice Brackett - June 02, 1908
William Grover Strader & Maurie(Mannie ?) May Hines

Marriage Licenses

F. Bogart & Matt_ E. Cannon - October 07, 1871
R. L. Raper & Mollie Williams - May 19, 1879
George Bowman & Jennie Bacon - May 05, 1879
George Taylor & S._ E. Halbert - May 05, 1879
G. C. C. Kerr & Elvira E. Mc Teer - May 05, 1879
William Harden & Myra Winton - October 11, 1879  - m. October 12, 1879
Jonathan T. Sampson & Julia Harmon - October 13, 1879 - m. October 14, 1879
W. H. Stanfiel & Izzy Coffin - October 16, 1879
J. B. Carpenter & Hester Raulston - October 19, 1879
D. A. Markwood & Mary J. Williams - November 03, 1891 - m. November 04, 1891
Harvey C. Henley & Sarah C. Randolph - November 04, 1891 - m. November 07, 1891
Samuel Erven & Julia Pope - November 12, 1891 - m. November 15, 1891
John Blair & Maggie Alexander - November 12, 1891
James Myars & Sudie Hyde - November 17, 1891 - m. November 19, 1891
R. M. Williams & Delia Melton - November 17, 1891 - m. November 18, 1891

Stephen N. Sheets & Texaner Bivins - May 21, 1898 - m. May 25, 1898
S. L. Shurley & Mary Downey - April 20, 1898 - m. April 24, 1898
Lou J. Shinpaugh & Laura L. Jones - April 27, 1898 - m. April 28, 1898
Thomas Carter & Rutha Sutton - April 30, 1898 - m. May 01, 1898
John Russell & Eula Bowerman - May 05, 1898
Charles M. Simpson & Osie Bell Robinson - May 21, 1907
Will Boglr? & Josie Johnson - May 24, 1907
Thomas Aikens & Mollie Ameyard? - May 25, 1907 - m. May 26, 1907
Orie Bussell & Lizzie Smith - May 25, 1907
Joseph Cardwell & Carrie Mourfield - June 01, 1907
Noah Hooker & Mattie Mitchell - May 20, 1908 - (no return)
William Goff ? & Hettie Rogers - May 20, 1908-m. June 20, 1908
Scott McBee & Martha Rogers - May 20, 1908 - m. June 20, 1908
J. B. Peterson & Bell Milsaps - May 22, 1908
John Grimes ? & Callie Thomas May 22, 1908
G. Bowman & Ellen Blair - June 13, 1908
James Abbott & Maud Douglas - June 13, 1908 - m. June 18, 1908
Jasper Williams & Pearl Gossage - June 26, 1908 - m. June 27, 1908
Wilson Eldridge & Bertie Jaynes - January 30, 1909 - m. January 31, 1909

Blere(Blene?) Kerr & Alice? Jones - February 06, 1909
Edgar Scarbrough & Jessie Brown - February 09, 1909
C. F. Cox & Ollie Lucile Williams _ August 26, 1914 - m. August 27, 1914

William Gideon Smith & Bessie Louise Wilkerson - August 27, 1914 - m. August 28, 1914
Phil Craver & Ruby Hoasier - August 31, 1914
Ebb Williams & Belle Edward - September 01, 1914 - (Not Executed)
William Grover Strader & Maurie(Mannie ?) May Hines - September 02, 1914

Levi O. Huckaby & Sarah Nicholson - January 26, 1918 - m. January 27, 1918
Thomas Foster & Ella Mae Hulin - January 28, 1918
Matt V. McMahan & Nina McMahan - February 08, 1918
Joseph Brewster & Lelia Woody - February 08, 1918 - m. February 09, 1918

Fred Howell & Axie Oneal - February 24. 1919
Walter Mainor & Marie Aikens - March 08, 1919
Joe Rose & Minnie Rose - March 08, 1919
Herman Deatheridge - Ruby McCollins - March 09, 1919
John C. Ferrece & Isabelle Lernon - August 23, 1919
William M. Lindsay & Mary McCall - August 26, 1919
M. D. Elsea & Hester Billingsley - September 06, 1919
Jessee D. Lunsford  & Lemie(Jemie ) Jacobs - September 05, 1919
Reese Hines & Elizabeth Hines - September 10, 1919
Warren D. Henderson & Blanch Duggan - October 11, 1919
Lyman S. Pack & Mattie C. Aiken - October 13, 1919
Robert L. Haud & Mildred Brumfield -mOctober 17, 1919
George M. Noreland & Mary McCaleb Soward - October 18, 1919
Joe Hardy & Mabel Stone - October 18, 1919
Bur Hodge & Lillie Henderson - December 15, 1919 - (no return)
Erskine Puler & Drew Dawson - January 28, 1920 - March 29, 1920
Audy Thornburg & Martha Brashiars ? - January 28, 1920 (no return)
A.C. McKinney & Cleo C. Easlry ? _ January 31, 1920 - m. January 31, 1920
Vance K_ _ sey & Ruth Hickman - February 07, 1920
Will Logan & Blonnie Bivins - March 13, 1920 - m. March 20, 1920
George Tilley & Addie Williams - March 13, 1920
Elmer Fritts & Georgia Swatzell - March 20, 1920 - m. March 23, 1920
Charlie Kelly & Verna Bennett - March 25, 1920 - m. March 25, 1920
Floyd Glass & Edna Rupe - March 27, 1920
John McGraw & Parlee Nelson - March 31, 1920
Fred Brown & Metta Norman - April 02, 1920
Gertha Scott & Annie Schrimpsher - April 03, 1920 - m. April 14, 1920
Frank King & Normah Ridge - April 03, 1920 - m. April 14, 1920
Henry Morton & Clara Eblen - June 26, 1920 - m. June 26, 1920
J. E. Boyd & Inez Goode - June 26, 1920 - m. June 27, 1920
Fred Weigel & Pearl Smith - June 21, 1920 - m. June 26, 1920

To Have and to Hold from this Day Forward

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