Located in the Dry Creek section of Lamar Community on Arnold Rd. 8/10th of a mile from Cherokee Road. The cemetery is mowed a few times a year.

Blair Cemetery 2020

There are approximately 25 graves marked by only field stones or unmarked.

GPS location: 36.13.07N  082.27.15W


Surveyed, transcribed and donated to the Washington County TNGen Web 25 March 2003  by Betty Jane Hylton and Donna Briggs members of the Cemetery Survey Team of Northeast Tennessee. Updated 21 Sep 2014 by Robert D. and Betty Jane Hylton. Updated December 2014 by Gordon M. Edwards.

Copyrighted 2012 by the Cemetery Survey Team of Northeast Tennessee. No part may be copied without written permission from the Cemetery Survey Team.

Blair Cemetery 2003

Blair Cemetery


A plot outlined with large cut limestone blocks, at one time topped with an iron fence. One large block bears the inscription: J. R. S. 1885. Is this the initials of the stone mason or someone buried at Blair?

Stones inside the blocks are:
____________ __anklin, _on of B.F. and R.T. Templin,
Rebecca Taylor Templin
Benjamin T. Templin
Daughters of B.T. & R.T. Templin, Aly Louisa Anna, Lodora and Eugenia E.
Benjamin Eugene
___________ Templin, Aug 19, 187 – July 22, 187_
4 unreadable markers

Iron fence surrounds the graves of:
Isaac Templin,
Clarinda, wife of Isaac Templin,

Pricella H. Helton, b. 1836, d. 12 Apr 1917. According to Tennessee Certificate of death #199 is buried in an unmarked grave. Wife of Samuel Helton. Mother of John Preston Helton/Hilton.

From Charles Bennett’s 1976 survey:
J.G. June 8, 1799 [This was Jacob Gyer, Sr. He was b. ca 1730-40 [Germany]; wife Catrena, ca. 1730-40 – [08 Mar] 1828 probably buried here too. CMB]

One grave marked with stalactites, a large one at the head and a smaller one at the foot.

Grave marked with stalactites






Additional information:

1850 Census Washington County, TN

1459/1491 Isaac Templin 38 B. TN; Clarinda 31 b. TN; William H. 2, b. TN; Susan 1 b. TN.

1460/1492 Samuel Templin 54 b. TN; Rebecca 51 b. TN; Benjamin F. 23 b. TN.

1860 Census Washington County, TN

#389 B.F. Templin, 33; Rebecca 25; Fedora 4(f); Elizabeth Bogart 65.

1870 Census Washington County, TN

#660 Grills, William 43; Elizabeth 43; Wesley 12; Alexander 8; Nancy 6; Esther E. 3; Landon C. 11/12.

1880 Census Washington County, TN

page 472 Ervin, Daniel 30, Mandy 23, Olley D. 3 (f); Eddy U. 2

Washington County, TN Marriages by Goldene Burgner Fillers:

Isaac Templin and Clarinda Deakins, daughter of Henry & Rosannah Burris Deakins, married March 12, 1846.

Jacob White and Nancy Carbury married February 14, 1814.

William Templin, ca. 1770 – ca. 1846 and wife, Susannah Gyer, daughter of Jacob and Catarena Gyer, married June 20, 1793 in Frederick Co. MD – born ca. 1770-76, are probably buried here. CMB.

Washington County, TN Wills by Goldene Burgner Fillers, page 27:
Catrina Gyre, Probated Session 1828
To my daughter, Sarah Eliza Gyre, my tin plate stove.