Deed Book B - Abstracted Sections 41-47
Lauderdale County, Tennessee

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to know which "Abstracted Section" to open.

The page numbers following the names on the index are for the "Abstracted Sections"
and do not match the page numbers in the actual Deed Book B.

Note: a name might appear more than once within a Section#, but was only indexed once for that Section#.

A - C
D - H
I -O
P - S
T - Y
DEED BOOK B - Abstracted Sections
01 to 10
11 to 20
21 to 30
31 to 40
41 to 47

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B-433 - 7 Feb 1844 - Joseph Wardlaw to Hiram C. Keller for $80, 80 acres in Dist. 5 bounded by Wm. Conner & R. C. Campbell, the Ashport Road.  Ack 7 Feb 1844.

B-434 - 6 Jan 1844 - Joseph Wardlaw to Hiram C. Keller for $420, his rights to following negro slaves by virtue of a bill of sale for them from Samuel A. Thompson, a constable of Lauderdale Co:  Peter about 30; Winny, about 50; Maria, about 21; Henry, 5; Nelson, 3; a boy child about 18 months; Jefferson, about 12; Essex, a boy about 12; Mary about 8.  They were sold under an execution from Circuit Court on 17 Oct 1842 and Wardlaw became the purchaser for $387, and he acknowledges the above amount of $420 to be in full satisfaction for all his claim to the negroes.  Ack 7 Feb 1844.

B-435 - 8 Feb 1844 - George W. Tatum on 20 June 1842 made a trust deed to A. S. Tucker for negro woman Kate and her child, negro girl named Adiline, negro girl named Ritta, and negro girl named Jane, one wagon, 2 mares, 50 hogs and a rifle to secure a debt of $1806.09 owed Waddy S. Tatum, with power to sell the property in case the debt was not paid on 1 July 1843.  The debt has not been paid, so Tucker has sold all of it to Waddy S. Tatum for these amounts:  Kate and her child for $475; Adaline for $150; Ritta for $110; Jane for $200; the waggon, mares, hogs, and gun for $104.  Ack 8 Feb 1844.

B-436 - 13 Jan 1844 - William W. Lea and wife Eliza A. to Pollard McCormick of Allegany Co, PA, 89 acres for $492, part of 280 acres decreed to the heirs of Joel Lewis by the Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals at Nashville for their second lot or division of 5000 acres granted to Charles McDowell by Grant #17495 bounded by Charles McDowell's heirs' 4th division of the 5000 acre tract, Lewis heirs' 1st division, the north boundary of the town of Ripley, McDowell's heirs' 3rd division, and the corner of John C. McLemore's 1st division.  Ack 13 Jan 1844.

B-439 - 11 Jan 1844 - Thomas G. Polk of Hardeman Co by Abel H. Pope, his agent and attorney in fact, lease to Wm. G. Adams of Lauderdale Co, in 11 SD, part of a 3000-acre grant by NC to Wm. Polk on the Mississippi River immediately below a lease heretofore given to John H. Nixon, from 1 Jan 1844 for 6 years.  Adams is to erect a good log house 16 feet square suitable for a dwelling house, a corn crib, smoke house, and stables, and clear, fence and put in cultivation at least 25 acres and as much more as may be convenient, will not cut or permit to be cut or destroyed any timber except what may be necessary to make the buildings and for firewood and what may be taken off in clearing, will leave the houses and fencing in good repair at the end of his term.  Wit:  David C. Russell, W. A. Simmons/Lemons/Simons.  Proved by both witnesses 5 Feb 1844.

B-441 - 22 Sept 1843 - State of TN #388 to E. H. Condray for 12 ½  cents per acre paid to the entry taker of Lauderdale Co entered on 26 Sept 1843, 111 acres surveyed 31 Mar 1843 in r2&3,s?, bounded by John Pope's entry, J. G. Blount, an entry of E. H. Condray.

B-442 - 6 Feb 1844 - Joseph Wardlaw to Wm. W. Lea for $1, all his claim acquired by a deed of trust executed by Lea to him to 280 acres, part of 5000-acre tract granted to the heirs of Charles McDowell and decreed by the Supreme Court of TN to the heirs of Joel Lewis and known in the decree as Lot #2 of the heirs of Joel Lewis.  Wit:  Jas. W. Strother, Eliab(?) Wardlaw.  Ack 8 Feb 1844.

B-443 - 3 Feb 1844 - Henry Rutherford to James Soward for $400, 211 acres on the south side of the south fork of the Forked Deer, bounded by the river, William Espy, Soward's land, and Hugh Smith.  Ack 5 Feb 1844.

B-444 - 10 Feb 1844 - Archer Phillips to William Campbell for $1000, these three negroes:  Hanah and her two children--her daughter Cary about 17, and Tom Henry about 4.  Wit:  G. L. Rutherford, D. M. Henning.  Ack 13 Feb 1844.

B-444 - 24 Feb 1844 - Griffith L. Rutherford, sheriff, to Charles Guyger of Haywood Co  On 3 April 1843

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Charles Guyger obtained a judgment before John H. Maxwell, an acting justice of the peace for Lauderdale Co, against Guilford Jones for $32.70 for debt and interest for 75 cents for costs of suit.  Maxwell issued a writ of fieri facias on 14 April 1843 which came to the hands of Samuel A. Thompson, a constable for Lauderdale Co, and Thompson made a return of "no personal property to be found in my county"; therefore, Lots 95 and 98 in Ripley were levied on.  All the papers were returned to the Circuit Court in Lauderdale in its June term, and after a printer's error in the first announced sale, the lots were exposed to sale on 15 Jan 1844 at the Courthouse door in Ripley and struck off to Guyger.  Ack 29 Feb 1844.

B-447 - 20 Aug 1843 - State of TN #306 to James L. Green for 12 ½ cents per acre, 200 acres surveyed 16 Dec 1839 in r3,s10&11 bounded by C. Thomas Crutcher.

B-448 - 27 Feb 1844 - Benjamin Watkins to Jacob N. Wardlaw for $5, hogs, cows, and a mule IN TRUST to secure debt to David M. Henning.  Ack 28 Feb 1844.

B-449 - 29 Feb 1844 - Benjamin F. Childress to John C. Barnes for $200, in 11SD, his interest in 1250 acres as one of the devises of Stephen Childress, dec'd, also his interest in the dower of Nancy Childress, dec'd, in the same tract, it being 1/14 part of the 1250 acres.  Ack 29 Feb 1844.

B-450 - 13 Jan 1844 - Miriam Crabb for natural affection which I have for my grandchildren:  Mary Newton, Samuel Peete(?) and Clarke, the children of my son the late Hickman Lewis and his wife Virginia, now living in Lowndes Co, Miss, a man slave aged about 20 named Allen, a negro woman named Margaret about 35 years old and her children Ellen, 6 and Jacob 2.  If one of the grandchildren should die, the slaves to become the property of the surviving ones; if all of them should die, Allen should become the property of Virginia Lewis, relict of my son Hickman Lewis, and the woman Margaret and her children shall be the property of my son Joel Lewis.  I appoint Doctor Roderick Talifero of Columbus, Miss as trustee to execute and fulfill my objects and intentions in this deed of gift.  Ack 13 Jan 1844.

B-451 - 11 July 1843 - Philip H. Neilson of Buncombe Co, NC to General Thomas Love of (blank) Co., TN for $5, 500 acres (late in Tipton, now in Lauderdale Co) in 11SD,r2&3,s10 on Cane Creek and Big Hatchie River bounded by Robert Neilson IN TRUST to secure debts owed McDowell Jones & Co, Frances A. McCorkle, G. Jones & Co, J. C. Greeneway, and David Farnsworth.  Proved in Green Co., TN by witnesses Alexander R. Anderson and James M. Rankin 12 July 1843.

B-454 - 3 Jan 1844 - William Clark of Shelby Co to Henry D. Merseraw of Lauderdale Co for $500, 200 acres in 11 SD,r4,s11 on Cole Creek, part of Entry #493 entered in the name of John C. McLemore for 640 acres founded on Warrant #3260, 120 of which 640 acres has been taken by the interference of Adam Boyd's 5000 acre tract out of the ne corner of the 640 acres.  Wit:  Chas. Lofland.  Ack in Shelby Co 4 Jan 1844.  (Could this be Henry D. Sumerow?)

B-455 - 20 Mar 1844 - James L. Fort to Martha A. Shepherd for $800, negro woman slave Edith, about 32 years, and her child Silust(?) 2 years old.  Ack 27 Mar 1844.

B-455 - 17 May 1843 - Chancery Court at Franklin at its October term 1842 appointed Frederick P. Stanton, Jeptha Fowlkes, Charles D. McLean and Marcus B. Winchester as commissioners to sell the lands in the Western Dist of TN conveyed by John C. McLemore to William Donalson and others by deed of mortgage registered in Shelby Co, for the purpose of foreclosing, and on 4 Feb 1843, they exposed it for sale to the highest bidder at Fort Pickering, and the lands were sold to Willoughby Williams.  1224 acres were at Fort Pickering in Shelby Co., it being that laid off to John C. McLemore on the division of Grant #19060 issued by TN to John Ramsey and John Overton for 5000 acres, also including the Pillow division of the grant, being the same land which was bid off by Williams at the sale on 4 Feb 1843 subject to streets, roads, and sales previously laid out and made by McLemore.  This tract is bounded by the Miss.

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River at the center of Jackson Street, it being the sw corner of a 208-acre tract heretofore conveyed by McLemore to Lagrange & Memphis Railroad Co, Bayou Gayoso, John Overton, Robert Fearn (now belonging to the proprietors of South Memphis), heirs of James Winchester, and John Trigg.  2500 acres is the undivided half of 5000 acres granted by TN to John C. McLemore and Anderson B. Carr by grant #21781 on 12 July 1825 on the Miss and Loosahatchie Rivers joining the John Rice 5000 acre grant on which the town of Memphis is situated on the north. 1000 acres is that granted by NC to Thomas Talbot by Grant #386 on 27 Nov 1793 and conveyed by Talbot to McLemore and it joins the last described tract.  Also one undivided half of 1000 acres in Shelby Co entered in the name of McLemore and Joseph H. Bryan by entry #818 founded on warrant #934.  Also about 1/3 of a tract of 760 acres in Lauderdale Co granted by TN to James Trimble, Matthew Barrow, and McLemore by Grant #21036 on 1 Jan 1826.  Ack by Frederick P. Stanton in Fayette Co 18 May 1843; by Jeptha Fowlkes, Chas. D. McLean and M. B. Winchester in Lauderdale Co on 24 May 1843.

B-459 - 22 Oct 1843 - State of TN #407 to Christopher Watson for 12 ½ cents per acre, 100 acres surveyed 18 Nov 1843 bounded by John Jordan's occupant, and John C. McLemore.

B-460 - 26 Jan 1844 - David Hay to Lewis Maclin for $50, one acre in the nw corner of a lot of 6 acres, 108 poles, allotted in the division of the Ashport lands to Joseph Jones (known in the division as Lot #16) bounded by the town of Ashport.  Ack in Haywood Co 14 Feb 1844.

B-461 - 27 Mar 1844 - Bolling S. Fisher to Edward Fisher for $1600, 800 acres in Dist. 7, part of 5000 acres granted to Benjamin Smith by Grant #409.  Ack 1 April 1844.

B-463 - 9 Feb 1844 - Rezin S. Byrn, Hiram C. Keller, Robert C. Campbell, and Griffith L. Rutherford, commissioners for town of Ripley, to Benjamin M. Flippin for $16.50, Lot #80 on Randolph Street on the north boundary of the town.  Ack by Byrn, Campbell, and Rutherford 2 April 1844; by Keller 25 April 1844.

B-464 - 22 Jan 1844 - Rezin S. Byrn, Robert C. Campbell, Hiram C. Keller, and Griffith L. Rutherford, commissioners for town of Ripley to Hermis Champ for $100, Lot #15 on Jefferson St.  Ack by Byrn, Campbell, and Rutherford on 2 April 1844; by Keller on 25 April 1844.

B-464 - 14 Dec 1841 - State of TN #4913 to William Nash, 10 acres founded on Warrant #7134 issued to Phillip Drury surveyed 28 Dec 1836 in r3s10 bounded by William Braden, B. B. Barnet, Trimble & Barrow, and Braden's occupant.

B-466 - 12 Jan 1840 - Andrew L. Martin quitclaims to John H. Rawlings of Madison Co. Ransom H. Byrn's half interest in land that he and Byrn bought from the University of NC--tracts of 1000 acres and 640 acres, both in Lauderdale Co., Byrn having sold his undivided half interest to Rawlings.  Proved in (Madison?) Co. on 29 April 1844 by James Caruthers and Joseph H. Talbot who say they are acquainted with the handwriting of A. L. Martin, now deceased, and they believe the signature to be his.

B-467 - 22 April 1844 - Bolling Fisher to Susan Lee for $500 during her natural life, remainder to Blair H. Lee, Hugh Lee, Judith F. Lee, Angelenia R. Lee, Susan E. Lee, and Adeline K. Anderson (if she shall die without issue her part shall go to Judith F., Angelenia R., and Susan Edmonia), 1800 acres, part of NC grant #409 of 5000 acres to Benjamin Smith...beach marked W. Conner 29 May 1838...Wit:  Edwd Fisher, Henry H. Richardson.  Ack 6 May 1844.

B-468 - 12 July 1839 - Samson Smith bound to David A. Bradford to make him a deed for 151 acres where Smith now resides bounded by Geo W. Young, Daniel Cherry, Tyree Rhodes, and Bradford's land, for $1510.  Wit:  A. Phillips, T. L. Clark.  Proved by Clark 4 May 1844; by A. Phillips 6 May 1844.

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B-470 - 16 April 1844 - Bolling Fisher to Henry H. Richardson for $401, 200 ¼  acres in Civil District 7, part of NC grant #409 to Benjamin Smith for 5000 acres, bounded by road from Brownsville to Dyersburg near the improvement of Benjamin F. Fisher, and the Creek below Fisher's house.  Wit:  Edwd. Fisher, B. H. Lee.  Ack 6 May 1844.

B-471 - 12 May 1844 - State of TN to A.G.W. Byrn and Isaac M. Steele 160 acres and 49 poles surveyed 29 April 1844 in r3,s11, for 12 ½ cents per acre.

B-472 - 10 Feb 1838 - Title Bond - Rezin S. Byrn, agent and attorney in fact for Thomas Brown of Columbus, Miss, binds himself to G. L. Rutherford for the payment of $200 to make him a deed for 10 acres joining town of Ripley.  Ack 24 May 1844.

B-473 - 4 April 1838 - Title Bond - Rezin S. Byrn, agent for Thomas Brown of Miss., binds himself to make Wm. McClelland a deed for 50 acres in Dist. 2 bound by Joseph Wardlaw which McClelland has traded for for $200.  Ack 24 May 1844.

B-474 - 24 May 1844 - Thomas W. Brown, executor of Thomas Brown, dec'd, in compliance with a bond made by Rezin S. Byrn, the agent for Thomas Brown on 14 April 1838, conveys to Wm. McClelland for $300, 50 acres bounded by Joseph Wardlaw.  Ack 24 May 1844.

B-475 - 31 July 1843 - Lucy Ann Brown formerly of Columbus, Miss, now of New Hanover Co., NC, one of the legatees of Thomas Brown, dec'd, of Columbus, Miss, under his last will & testament, and by reason thereof entitled to land in TN, appoints Thomas W. Brown of Columbus, Miss her lawful agent & attorney to sell any (of her) lands in TN...Wit:  Jas. Owen.  Proved by Owen at Wilmington, New Hanover Co., NC 3 Aug 1843.

B-477 - 26 Aug 1843 - Thomas W. Brown of Columbus, Lowndes Co, Miss. acting for himself and as attorney for his sister, Lucy Ann Brown of New Hanover Co, NC appoints Rezin S. Byrn his attorney to convey any and all lands belonging to the estate of Thomas Brown, late of Bladen Co, NC, dec'd, situated in TN to which Thomas W. and Lucy Ann Brown are entitled to as the children and legatees of the late Thomas Brown under his will and testament.  Ack in Lowndes Co, MS 29 Aug 1843.

B-478 - 24 May 1844 - Thomas W. Brown, Executor of Thomas Brown, dec'd to Griffith L. Rutherford deed for land he bought during the lifetime of Thomas brown joining the town of Ripley.  Ack 24 May 1844.

B-478 - 1 April 1844 - William Omohundro to William Richardson of Dyer Co for $750, 184 acres on Mill Creek in Dist. 8.  Ack 13 May 1844.

B-479 - 8 May 1844 - Trust Deed - William Richardson of Dyer Co to Thomas W. Omohundro for $5, (same land as in deed above) to secure debt of $750 owed be advertised at Courthouse door and Election Grounds of 8th District.  Ack 13 May 1844.

B-481 - 4 April 1843 - Commissioners Wm. W. Lee, A. H. Pope, Joseph Wardlaw appointed to divide land.  Division of land contiguous to Ashport on the Miss. River:  half to John W. Campbell and Robert C. Campbell; fourth to Joseph Jones; eighth to Matthew Pickett; and eighth to William Conner.  Bounds include Trustees of Cumberland College, Ashport, McLemore & Campbell.  The original 2314 acres and 153 poles was divided into two equal portions of 1157 acres and 77 poles; the eastern half was assigned by lot to John W. and R. C. Campbell; the western half was divided into two portions--the most western was assigned to Joseph Jones; 250 acres bordering on the northeast of the Jones tract was assigned to Matthew Pickett; and 250 acres east of that was assigned to Wm. Conner.

                Secondly, the commissioners also had surveyed the portion of the 640-acre entry #556 north of

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the Ashport Turnpike Road and east of the land sold by the proprietors of Ashport to John Brown bounded by John Brown, Ashport Turnpike Road, the Mississippi River.  This section was divided into eight equal portions according to quantity, quality and situation--Lot #1 to John W. & R. C. Campbell (described), 18 acres, 74 poles; Lot 2 to Joseph Jones (described), 16 acres, 145 poles; Lot 3 to William Conner (described), 15 acres, 29 poles; Lot 4 to John W. and R. C. Campbell (described), 13 acres, 145 poles; Lot 5 to Joseph Jones (described), 12 acres, 91 poles; Lot 6 to Matthew Pickett (described), 10 acres, 100 poles; Lot 7 to John W. and R. C. Campbell...8 acres, 127 poles; Lot 8 to John W. and R. C. Campbell...8 acres, 80 poles.
                Thirdly, the commissioners laid off another portion of 640 acre entry #556 on north of Ashport into 8 equal portions:  Lot 9 to John W. and R. C. Campbell..., 18 acres, 45 poles; Lot 10 to Joseph Jones...17 acres, 115 poles; Lot 11 to William Conner...16 acres 83 poles; Lot 12 to John W. and R. C. Campbell...15 acres, 27 poles; Lot 13 to Matthew Pickett...14 acres, 127 poles; Lot 14 to John W. and R. C. Campbell...13 acres, 20 poles; Lot 15 to John W. and R. C. Campbell...10 acres; Lot 16 to Joseph Jones...6 acres, 108 poles.
                Fourthly, the commissioners laid off another portion of Entry #556:  Lot 17 to Campbells...12 acres, 108 poles; Lot 18 to Campbells...12 acres, 108 poles; Lot 19 to Wm. Conner...12 acres, 1   poles; Lot 20 to Joseph Jones...12 acres, 108 poles; Lot 21 to Matthew Pickett...14 acres, 22 poles; Lot 22 to the Campbells... 13 acres 104 poles; Lot 23 to Campbells 13 acres 104 poles; Lot 24 to Joseph Jones...13 acres 104 poles.
                In a fifth portion:  Lot 25 to John W. and R. C. Campbell, 18 acres; Lot 26 to Joseph Jones...17 acres, 16 poles; Lot 27 to Campbells...20 acres 19 poles; Lot 28 to the Campbells...21 acres, 24 poles; Lot 29 to Matthew Pickett...20 acres, 34 poles; Lot 30 to Joseph Jones...21 acres 50 poles; Lot 31 to John W. and R. C. Campbell...21 acres 123 poles; Lot 32 to Wm. Conner...20 acres, 20 poles.
                In a sixth portion:  Lot 33 to Campbells...20 acres 102 poles; Lot 34 to Joseph Jones...20 acres 25 poles; Lot 35 to Wm. Conner...20 acres 101 poles; Lot 36 to Joseph Jones...20 acres; Lot 37 to the Campbells...20 acres; Lot 38 to the Campbells...20 acres, 80 poles; Lot 39 to Matthew Pickett...20 acres; Lot 40 to the Campbells...21 acres.
                In the seventh portion the commissioners divided into eight equal parts according to quantity, quality and situation two other entries of 200 acres each made in the name of McLemore and Campbell lying on both sides of the Ashport Turnpike Road (Section F):  Lot 41 to Joseph Jones...60 acres; Lot 42 to the Campbells...55 acres; Lot 43 to Wm. Conner...49 acres; Lot 44 to Matthew Pickett...49 acres...Lot 45 to Joseph Jones...49 acres; Lot 46 to the Campbells ...49 acres; Lot 47 to the Campbells...49 acres; Lot 48 to the Campbells...49 acres.
                In the eighth portion (Section G):  Lot 49 to the Campbells...(no acreage mentioned); Lot 50 to the Campbells...(no acreage mentioned); Lot 51 to the Campbells; Lot 52 to the Campbells; Lot 53 to Matthew Pickett; Lot 54 to Wm. Conner; Lot 55 to Joseph Jones; Lot 56 to Joseph Jones.
                In the ninth portion the commissioners assigned by lot to John W. and R. C. Campbell the tract of 22 acres lying on the river above the town of Ashport; also 22 acres to Joseph Jones, and the remaining half of the 22 acres to be equally divided by lot between Wm. Conner and Matthew Pickett.  Ack 4 April 1844.  Ratified by the Campbells, Conner, Jones, and Pickett on 22 May 1843.  Wit:  Geo. Winchester, Will. H. Loving.  Proved on 3 Feb 1844 in Haywood Co by Wm. H. Loving and James W. Strother who swore to the Campbell's having signed; by George Winchester and Strother who swore to Joseph Jones having signed.  Pickett and Campbell ack in Lauderdale Co on 4 Mar 1844.

B-503 - 31 May 1844 - William Moore recovered a judgment for $1131.37 debt and costs against John C. McLemore in the Circuit Court of Shelby Co on 17 Feb 1843, and an alias fieri facias was issued on 16 Mar 1844 which came to Griffith L. Rutherford as sheriff of Lauderdale Co on 18 Mar 1844 and there being no personal property of McLemore's sufficient to satisfy the execution, he levied on 625 acres in the 1st Civil Dist which belonged to McLemore.  It was part of Grant 334 for 5000 acres in the name of John Estes bounded by Mallett's 5000 acre tract, Rhea, tract recently owned by P. P. Collier, and the Hatchie River.  The sheriff sold it at the courthouse door in Ripley on 31 May 1844 and William Moore was the highest bidder at $325.50.  Ack by Rutherford 31 May 1844.

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B-504 - 28 March 1839 - Saml. W(illiam) Hankin of Holmes Co, MS, to his father Saml. Hankins of Henry Co., TN for $2000, the following negroes:  Eliza Jane Hannibal Sam Fullee Julian Ann and Eldridge.  Wit:  Jesse Gibbs, John Chadwell.  Ack in Winston Co., MS 19 Sept 1840.

B-505 - 1 May 1844 - John P. Rice to James P. Walker for $5, negro slaves Lundon and Bone IN TRUST to secure a bill of exchange drawn for $600 on Jas. Abernathey & Co of New Orleans discounted at the Planters & Merchants Bank in Memphis, TN and which Shadrack and Thos. G. Rice of Lauderdale Co endorsed as security.  Wit:  Jno. P. Gause, Rich W. Green.  Ack 17 June 1844.

B-507 - 17 June 1844 - Thomas Fitzpatrick to David P. Posey for $822.50, 235 acres bounded by Samuel V. Gill(il)and, John Rhea, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Mary B. Thompson, and John Buchannon.  Ack 17 June 1844.

B-508 - 22 Sept 1843 - State of TN #389 to Christopher Watson for 12 ½ cents an acre, 100 acres surveyed 15 June 1840 in r2,s9 bounded by an entry in the name of the heirs of George Watson for 140 acres, a creek, and McClung.

B-509 - 20 June 1844 - Samuel Hankins to Benjamin M. Flippin for $250, a negro slave named Eldridge aged 6 or 7 years.  Ack 20 June 1844.

B-510 - 21 June 1844 - Robert G. Thompson to William A. Wood for $1, negro man slave named Wills of a black colour and about 35 years of age; a negro woman named Sophia of a brown color aged about 23; a negro girl slave named Jenny of a black colour aged about 6; a girl named Ann of a bright colour aged about 3; and a boy named Ephraim aged about 10 months, IN TRUST to secure debt to John Thompson.  Reg 22 June 1844.

B-511 - 1 July 1844 - Receipt - James Soward from Wm. Espey $110 on a note given by Espey and himself to Henry F. Rutherford, guardian of the heirs of Wm. Chambers, dec'd, on 23 Aug 1842 for $144.09 on which Soward is security only for Espey.  (This $110 was realized) by Soward's raising his bid on 462 acres which joins his and John Soward's land.  The 462 acres was purchased by James Soward at a trust sale made for his own benefit as security on the 17 June last and which he purchased for $90.  Ack 1 July 1844.

B-512 - 8 July 1844 - Griffith L. Rutherford, Sheriff and Collector of the public tax to Rezin S. Byrn for $475, 107 acres in 11 SD,r3,s10 on Cane Creek on the se corner of Ripley, bounded by Joseph Wardlaw, which belonged to Nathaniel G. Smith.  Smith failed to pay taxes for 1842 and there being no personal property on which to destrain, the February term 1843 of Circuit Court ordered that the land should be sold to satisfy the taxes, costs, and charges.  On the first Monday in July 1843 it was sold at the courthouse door to Byrn.  Ack 10 July 1844.

B-514 - 8 July 1844 - Griffith L. Rutherford, Sheriff and Collector of the publick tax to Rezin S. Byrn for $5.10, a town lot (#26) fronting on the Mississippi River in Fulton belonging to Duke W. Sumner on which Sumner failed to pay taxes for 1840, and there being no personal property on which to destrain, the Circuit Court at the February Term 1841 ordered Rutherford to enter judgment against the lot.  It was sold on the 1st Monday of July 1841.  Ack 10 July 1844.

B-517 - 19 April 1844 - Rezin S. Byrn, Hiram C. Keller, Robert C. Campbell, Griffith L. Rutherford, commissioners of the town of Ripley, to Isaac M. Steele for $70, Ripley town lot #91 on Jackson Street.  Ack by Byrn and Rutherford 30 April 1844; by Keller on 6 May 1844; by Campbell on 13 July 1844.

B-519 - 19 April 1844 - Rezin S. Byrn, Hiram C. Keller, Robert C. Campbell and Griffith L. Rutherford,

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commissioners of the town of Ripley, to Isaac J. Pinson for $430, Ripley town lots #34 and #93.  Ack by Rutherford and Byrn 19 April 1844; by Keller 25 April 1844; by Campbell 13 July 1844.

B-521 - 12 Jan 1844 - Samuel V. Gilliland to Mary J. Lee for $50, a one-acre lot in town of Durhamville. Wit:  Archer Phillips, Thos. Aug. Anthony; proved by wits 11 July 1844.

B-522 - 19 Feb 1825 - State of TN #23342 by virtue of Warrant #834 dated 16 Aug 1821 by Sec of State of NC to Pres & Trustees of University of NC on account of the Military service of Archibald Kenedy, dec'd, for 1000 acres and entered on 11 Dec 1822 by #752, there is granted by TN to the Trustees of the U of NC, assignees, 1000 acres surveyed 2 Oct 1822 in 11SD in Tipton Co, r3&4,s9&10 bounded by John Rhea, John Wilson, Estes, Greenlee, and Trimble & Co.

Abstracted by

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