Deed Book B - Abstracted Sections 31-40
Lauderdale County, Tennessee

After finding a name or place in the index, use the numbers following the name
to know which "Abstracted Section" to open.

The page numbers following the names on the index are for the "Abstracted Sections"
and do not match the page numbers in the actual Deed Book B.

Note: a name might appear more than once within a Section#, but was only indexed once for that Section#.

A - C
D - H
I -O
P - S
T - Y
DEED BOOK B - Abstracted Sections
01 to 10
11 to 20
21 to 30
31 to 40
41 to 47

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B-319 - 31 Mar 1842 - Proprieters of Ashport to heirs of James Elrod, dec'd late of Madison Co, TN for $400, 2 lots in Ashport--#13 in Block F and #11 in Block I.  /s/ John W. Campbell, Wm. Conner, Joseph Jones, Matthew Pickett, Robert C. Campbell, all by Jno. W. Campbell atty in fact.  Ack in Madison Co 30 Mar 1842.

B-320 - 17 Nov 1837 - State of TN - Entry #54 dated 20 May 1837 in name of Robert Maxwell on part of Comm. Warrant #3507 issued to Wm. B. Jones, granted to Robert Maxwell, assignee of Wm. B. Jones, 100 acres in 13th SD, r1s1, beginning 280 poles north and 54 poles west from the intersection of the line dividing 11th and 13th SD with the west line of an entry for 4000 acres made in name of Benj. Smith, then west 120 poles, then north 123 poles, then east 120 poles, then south to beginning, surveyed 7 July 1837.  /s/ N. Cannon, Luke Lea, Secretary.

B-321 - 14 Dec 1841 - State of TN #4907 - Entry #119 dated 1 Jan 1839 made in name of Thomas Henderson for 210 acres founded on warrant #2199 issued to Henderson for 640 acres surveyed 24 June 1840 - grant to Samuel Lancaster, executor of James Elrod, dec'd, 210 acres in Lauderdale Co., r3s11, beginning on sw corner of entry for 4000 acres in name of Ben Smith in north line of an entry for 640 acres in name of President & Trustees of East TN College, then west with the entry 100 poles to its nw corner in the east line of an entry for 250 acres in name of Henry Rutherford, then north with that entry passing its northwest corner, in all 336 poles, then east 100 poles to west line of Smith's tract, south 336 poles to beginning.  /s/ James C. Jones

B-322 - 12 March 1842 - State of TN #4968 - Entry #237 dated 28 Dec 1841 made in name of Robt. J. Chester for 50 acres founded on warrant #3643 issued to Wm. Tuten for 274 acres surveyed 28 Dec 1841 there is granted by TN to Samuel Lancaster, exr of James Elrod 50 acres in Lauderdale Co. in r9,s1 beginning on nw corner of entry for 210 acres in name of Thomas Henderson, north 88 poles to south line of an entry for 100 acres in name of R. Maxwell, then east 100 poles to west line of a 4000 acre entry in name of Ben Smith, then south with his grant 80 poles to the ne corner of Henderson's 210 acre entry, then west 100 poles to beginning.  /s/ James C. Jones

B-323 - 7 June 1842 - Leonard Dunavant to Alexander Henry Dunavant for $4000, a negro man aged about 30 named Jim; 6 head of horses, 1 mule colt, 1 cart and yoke of oxen, 20 head of cattle, 30 head of sheep, 40 head of hogs, my household and kitchen furniture, one spinning machine, one spinning wheel, one flax wheel, one sythe, 4 ploughs and gear, 5 axes.  Ack 4 Oct 1842

B-324 - 11 Sept 1838 - William Conner of Haywood Co. to James A. Morris, $300, 11 SD, r2,s10, part of Entry #625 granted by the State of TN to Alfred Moore for 5000 acres joining lands of John Byrn, Rezin S. Byrn and others, beginning at the se corner of a 640-acre tract in name of  Jones & Hockaday, west 48 ½ poles to the ne corner of 1000 acres in the name of Donalson & Stovall, then south 131 poles, then east 132 poles and 3 ½ links to John B. Byrn's sw corner, then north 131 poles, then west 74 poles 16 links to the beginning - 100 acres  /s/ William Conner Wit: J. Hubbard, D. Hansborough.

B-325 - 13 Jan 1838 - Henry Willard to Wm. W. Lea for $400, as Willard may need the sum in establishing himself at the town of Fulton and procuring the necessary supplies and furniture for a house of entertainment, 200 acres on which Henry Willard now lives on both sides of Coal Creek, and which Willard now holds as an occupant claim. However, if Willard repays the sums that may be advanced by Lea with 6% per annum interest together with $1 per acre for a land warrant to cover and secure the 200 acres, then Lea should reconvey the title. Willard reserves to himself the exclusive use and possesion of the above-described land until 1 Jan 1840.  Wit:  Thos. C. Lewis, James Wakefield.  Proved by witnesses 7 June 1843

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B-326 - 8 June 1843 - James A. Morris to A G W Byrn for $1, deed of trust  for 1 metal clock, 1 sugar stand, 1 cupboard, 1 bureau, 1 feather bed, bedstead and clothing, 2 small dressing tables, 1 candle stand, 7 sheep, 4 cattle, 35 hogs, ox cart, and a loom to secure debt to Rezin S. Byrn for two notes, one payable to Wm. T. Morehead & Co. dated 10 Dec 1838 for about $31, and the other payable to Wm. H. Loving dated Oct 1840 for $10. If in default, the sale is to be advertised at the Courthouse door in Ripley and two other public places iin the county. /s/ James (x) Morris and Rezin S. Byrn. Ack 9 June 1843.

B-328 - 5 June 1843 - Thomas Fitzpatrick to James E. Street for $303, 101 acres in r2,s9 beginning on the bank of a creek, R. P. Russell's ne corner of a 40 ¾-acre survey purchased of Fitzpatrick, east 53 poles and five links to tree marked DD formerly Dudley Durham's nw corner, south 240 poles, west 86 poles to the bank of the creek, then up the creek as it meanders to the beginning. Wit: David Fitzpatrick, Rezin S. Byrn. Proved by Byrn 6 May 1843 and by David Fitzpatrick on 6 June 1843.

B-329 - 8 May 1843 - David Hay to William Conner for $230, 17 acres and 115 square poles in the Mississippi Bottom near Ashport, part of Entry #746 for 640 acres entered originally in the name of the Trustees of Cumberland College and the same land designated in a division recently made amont the proprietors of Ashport by William W. Lea, Joseph Wardlaw, and Abel H. Pope, commissioners and known in the division as Lot #10 alotted to Joseph lying south of the turnpike. Wit: H(enry) B. Howell, John W. Tanner. Proved by wits 27 May 1843.

B-330 - 2 Jan 1842 - Ivey Chandler and Thomas L. Clark to John W. Durant and David M. Henning for $200, lot #30 in Durhamville fronting Main Street on the south 54 feet and on Water Street on the west 60 feet so as to include the store house presently occupied by Durant and Henning.  Wit: Cornelius Durden and Jacob N. Wardlaw.
Proved by wits 5 June 1843

B-331 - 25 Aug 1842 - John W. Campbell, Wm. Conner, Joseph Jones, Matthew Pickett & Robert C. Campbell, proprietors of Ashport, to John Brown for $645, 4 lots in Ashport--#12 in block 11 on 1st St., #14 in block 6 on 1st and Pecan Streets,  #13 in block 7 and #11 in Block 7. Brown purchased them at the sale of lots in October 1839. Ack by Campbell for himself and as atty. In fact for the others on 27 Aug 1842.

B-333 - 13 June 1843 - Peter R. Winningham of Lauderdale Co trust deed to Jarrel Winningham of Haywood Co for $1, slaves: Easter about 16; Sarah about 8; Rachel about 6; John about 4; cattle, horses, furniture, dishes, cutlery, wagon, spoons to secure debts owed Jarrel Winningham Ack 19 June 1843.

B-334 - 10 December 1842 - Henry C. Hooper for love and affection I bear my brother William Hooper, a slave Chloe, aged about 73,  and colt.  Wit: J.A.B. Knight, S. Richardson, Wm. Curtis. Proved by Richardson and Curtis 5 June 1843.

B-335 - 4 Jan 1843 - John Ashland/Ashlin deed of trust to Orville L. Thurmond for $5, oxen and cart, cow and calf, hogs, and furniture. Ashland is indebted to Thos. M. Rodgers with Erasmus D. Thurmond and Orville L. Thurmond securities. Ack22 June 1843.

B-337 - 2 Jan 1835 - Samuel Oldham and Wm. B. Collins division of land - Oldham purchased from John C. McLemore an undivided moiety of 640 acres granted to Warwick Hockaday and Elizabeth Jones of NC by TN by Entry 459 in 11 SD, r2s10 in Tipton Co on Cane Creek beginning at the se corner to Love's tract, south with John McIver's & Alfred Moore's line 452 poles, west 226 poles, north 452 poles, east 226 poles to the beginning. William B. Collins purchased the other moiety from Lewis D. Wilson of NC. Now for $1 Collins gives Oldham title to the north half of the tract, and for $65 Oldham gives Collins the south half. Wit:  Robert C. Nelson, James Oldham. Proved by James Oldham 5 Nov 1842 and by Robert C. Nelson 25 July 1843.

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B-339 - 27 July 1843 - William Espy deed of trust to John Soward for $5, 462 acres beginning on nw corner of  James Soward's 305 acres, it being the 462-acre tract conveyed by Henry Rutherford to Benjamin Jordan and the same tract sold to Wm. Espy (by?) James Soward. Espy is indebted to Henry F. Rutherford, guardian & c., for about $345 in which James Soward and Laban Jones are securities. If Espy defaults, Soward is to advertise at court house and election ground of the 8th district and 3 other publick places in the neighborhood and sell the land. /s/ William Espey. Ack 28 July 1843.

B-341 - Limestone County, Ala, 10 June 1843 – Hickman Lewis to Mrs. Meriam Crabb slaves: Peggy 55 years old; Billy 44 years old; Margaret 32 years old and her three children, Mary, 8 years old, Ellen, 6 years and Jacob 4 years old; Allen 17 years old; Francis 13 years old; and Ben 7 years old. /s/ Hickman Lewis. Ack in Limestone Co., AL 21 June 1843.

B-342 - 12 Aug 1843 - A. Phillips to T. T. Tuggle - John W. Durant on 23 Sept 1842 conveyed in trust a tract of 726 acres in Dist 1 to A. Phillips, beginning in Tipton Co. at the se corner of a 500-acre grant in the name of Daniel Mallett at a tree marked JMD, north 100 poles across Hatchie River, in all 892 poles, then east 165 poles and 20 links, then south crossing the Hatchie River in all 892 poles, then west to beginning. The deed was made to secure to Thomas T. Tuggle the payment of $1455.225, containing a power to sell the land in case the debt was not paid on or before 5 June 1843. The debt was not paid and Phillips advertised and sold the land at public sale to Thomas T. Tuggle for $1410, the highest and best bid. Wit:  Thos. R. Tuggle  S. M. Sweet  Proved by wits 12 Aug 1843.

B-344 - 3 May 1843 - Samuel W. Green to John Kent for $200, a negro boy named Jim about 6 years old.  Wit:  John W. Durant, S. W. Sweet; proved by Durant 5 June 1843, by Sweet 12 Aug 1843.

B-345 - 11 Aug 1843 - B. T. Porter to Rezin Porter, for value received, a mare and colt.  Ack 15 Aug 1843.

B-345 - At the session of Circuit Court begun in Covington on 18 June 1843, with the Honorable John Read, Judge of the 10th Judicial Circuit, Joseph H. Talbot, Attorney General, Josiah Horne, sheriff, and Robert W. Sanford, clerk, in the case of Samuel V. Gilliland vs. James H. Bates, it was ordered that Bates pay Gilliland $708 and costs on a judgment recovered against Gilliland as security for Bates.

B-346 - 31 Mar 1841 - Thomas Claiborne & Sarah M. Claiborne of Davidson Co to Wm. W. Lea for $1600, part of tract granted by TN to the heirs of Charles McDowell (or to Charles McDowell) by entry #499 upon John Armstrong's Warrant #506 for 5000 acres in 11SD on 17 Mar 1821.  The nine heirs of Joel Lewis, dec'd, were decreed by the Supreme Court to own and have laid off for them 1000 acres of the tract, and  Col. Wm. H. Henderson was ordered by the Court to lay it off between the heirs of McDowell & McLemore & Voss, the locators, and the heirs of Lewis.  The 1000 acre-tract has never been divided and this conveyance is for 6/9 of it--the six shares which Thomas Claiborne and Sarah M., his wife, own which are the shares of James M. Lewis, William D. Lewis now dead, Hickman Lewis, William W. Lea and Eliza A. Lewis now the wife of Lea, William Knox and Ann O Lewis now the wife of William Knox, and the share of Claiborne & his wife formerly Sarah M. Lewis.  Ack in Davidson Co 31 Mar 1841.

B-349 - 31 Jan 1837 - Hermis Champ and Nancy, his wife, to John D. Edney for $300, 74 acres which Hermis Champ and wife Nancy inherited from the estate of Stephen Childress in Lauderdale Co, formerly Tipton, on the waters of Big Hatchie adjoining lands of the Wilsons on the north, Martha L. Childress on the east, George W. Childress on the south, and the heirs of Prescott on the west.  Wit:  I. L. Atkinson, Wm. L. Lake.  Ack 27 April 1837.

B-350 -15 Feb 1838 - John D. Edney and wife Sarah to Martha L. Childress for $300, 74 ½  acres, a part of a 1250-acre tract belonging to the heirs of Stephen Childress, dec'd, it being the lot (#9) designated to

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John D. Edney and wife Sarah which they inherited by Stephen Childress, dec'd, bounded on the east by John C. Barnes, the north by Martha L. Childress, the south by Stephen S. Childress.  Wit:  C. C. Dyer.  Ack 11 Oct 1842.

B-352 - 2 June 1843 - Ephraim H. Foster to William Lytle Foster (his son) 910 acres for $376.13.  On 18 July 1829, William Lytle, Sr., late of Rutherford Co TN conveyed in trust to Ephraim H. Foster a tract of 910 acres (at the time of conveyance) in Tipton Co, now in Lauderdale, SD11,r3,s10 on Cane Creek of Big Hatchie River bounded by Charles McDowell, Robert and Thomas Lewis, Thomas Crutcher, James Trimble & Co., and John Donelson.  The deed authorized Foster to convey to John C. McLemore 1/6 of the tract for his services in locating it, and to hold the legal estate to the remainder for the sole use and benefit of Foster's son, William Lytle Foster, during his minority, and on his reaching the age of 21, to convey it to him.  On 20 Aug 1842 John C. McLemore relinquished his interest in the tract to Ephraim H. Foster for $376.13, and this conveyance gives title to the whole tract to William Lytle Foster.  Wit:  John M. Lea, Benj. H. Sheppard, J. D. Gaylord.  Proved in Davidson Co by Lea and Gaylord 2 May 1843.

B-354 - 20 Feb 1843 - University of Nashville to John Wirt and Nathaniel K. Jones for $640 (no acreage shown) in SD11,r7,s9&10 bounded by William Polk's 3000-acre grant, and the Mississippi River.  Ack by Philip Lindsley, Pres and A.V.S. Lindsley, secretary of U of Nashville in Davidson Co 20 Feb 1843.

B-355 - 29 Sept 1843 - James M. Rucker to Thomas B. Cousins two parcels of land for $52--one of 70 acres in SD13,r11,s1 entered in the name of John Branch on which Lee H. Rucker lived in April of 1843, and the other of 33 acres, the locative interest of 135 acres entered in name of John Wynne joining the 70 acre tract.  Lee H. Rucker had conveyed the tracts to James M. Rucker in trust on 10 April 1843 to secure Thomas B. Cousins and others for debts.  The debts have not been paid, and the tracts have been sold at public auction to Cousins.  Wit:  Mashack Price, H. Champ.  Ack 29 Sept 1843.

B-356 - 29 Sept 1843 - James M. Rucker, trustee for Lee H. Rucker, to Thomas B. Cousins for $186.25, 60 hogs, 3 yoke of oxen, 2 mares, 2 fillys, an old ox cart and a new one, 3 milch cows, 6 young cattle, 100 cords of wood, one bed and three bedsteds.  Wit:  Mashack Price, H. Champ.  Ack  29 Sept 1843.

B-357 - 6 Dec 1842 - State of TN #5020, to Mark Watson on Entry #120 in Lauderdale Co dated 1 Jan 1839 for 100 acres founded on part of C.W.T. warrant #1236 issued to John Miller for 1000 acres surveyed 4 Sept 1842,r2,s9 bounded by R. Maxwell's occupant, A. J. Morphis, John E. Watson, and line dividing the 9th and 10th section.

B-358 - 16 June 1842 - Trust Deed Mary J. Lee of Lauderdale Co to William H. Loving of Haywood Co for $1 and further consideration, 1325 acres (less 200 acres in the southern part already sold to James G. Anthony and by him sold to Peter R. Winningham) near the village of Durhamville, the western part of 2500 acres originally granted to Geo. Dougherty and conveyed by decree of Chancery to Leonidas Polk, and by him this day conveyed by deed to the said Mary J. Lee, bounded by division line between Geo. W. and Leonidas Polk, and Isaac D. Coachman IN TRUST to secure her debt to Leonidas Polk for part of the purchase money for the land in the amount of $3364.06 with interest from 1 January 1842.  If the debt is not paid by June 1 1843 the land is to be sold at the Court house in Brownsville.  Wit:  James G. Anthony, Henry S. Peyton.  Ack by Mary J. Lee in Haywood Co 20 June 1843, by Loving 4 Ocxt 1843.

B-360 - 13 Sept 1843 - Trust Deed -William Espy to Andrew Guthrie for $5 and further considerations, 300 acres that he bought of James M. Buck and 25 acres that he bought of Franklin Rutherford joining the lands of (blank) Curtis, the land where he now lives, IN TRUST to secure his debt to James S. Lyon.  Ack in Madison Co by Espy on 13 Sept 1843

B-361 - 14 Oct 1833 - Trust Deed - Joel G. Childress of Williamson Co to Virginia Childress of Williamson Co for $1, his interest in the following slaves:  Peter, Charity, Betsey, Louisa, Nancy, Mary

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 Jane, Dove, Jane, Frank, Hagar, Sarah Ann, Isaac, Lydia, Amanda, and Nancy Jane.  The slaves are now in the possession of Nancy Childress who owns a life estate in the slaves, Joel G.'s interest being 1/15 part of the value at the death of Nancy Childress.  This deed is made IN TRUST to secure a debt of $100 owed Virginia.  Wit:  F.(?) Smith, A.H.R.W. Smith.  Ack by Joel G. Childress in Williamson Co 14 Oct 1833, by Charles C. Dyer and Virginia Dyer, his wife, 18 Sept 1843.

B-362 - 2 Oct 1843 - Trust Deed - William Deason and Samuel Lusk to Wm. L. McKinley for $1, three head of cattle (described) IN TRUST.  Ack by Mckinley 2 Oct 1843.

B-364 - 25 Jan 1843 - Willis Chamberlain of Dyer Co to James Long for $108, 112 acres bounded by Wm. B. Sawyer, Samuel Weakley's heirs, Oliver's Branch, Henry Rutherford's south boundary.  Wit:  Wm. B. Sawyer, Philip F. Crichfield; proved by wits 2 Oct 1843.

B-365 - 24 August 1843 - Rezin S. Byrn, Robert C. Campbell, Hiram C. Keller, and Griffith L. Rutherford, acting commissioners of Ripley, to James L. Green for $945, four town lots--#18, 19, 66, and 67.  Ack 2 Oct 1843.

B-366 - 14 Oct 1843 - Lee H. Rucker to Philip Buford for $350 as trustee, in trust for the use and benefit of Mary T. Rucker ("my wife") and her children, slave Mary, age 24.

B-367 - 14 Oct 1843 - Trust Deed - Samuel Meter and Daniel W. Coleman to John K. Quinn for $5, 3 horses, 60 head of hogs, IN TRUST to secure debt owed Quinn.  Ack 14 Oct 1843.

B-368 - 16 Oct 1843 - Trust Deed - John S. Robbins of Laud. Co. to Daniel White of Haywood Co. for $1, 2 spinning machines, 3 feather beds and furniture, 3 cows, a mare, 2 pots and 1 oven, 2 walnut tables, 1 loom and fishing seine, 2 looking glasses IN TRUST to protect White who is security for Robbins on a guardian bond for $451.50 entered into before the County Court of Madison Co as guardian for his own children, heirs of William White.  Ack by Robbins and White 16 Oct 1843.

B-370 - Trust Deed - 16 Oct 1843 - John S. Robbins to John Andrews for $5, slave Dinah who is not exceeding 20 years old, and a horse IN TRUST to secure a debt owed Andrews by a judgment rendered in Circuit Court for Madison Co. at April term 1843 in amount of $555.  If in default, property to be advertised at Courthouse "of the county aforesaid," at the election ground of the eighth civil district, and three other of the most publick places in the neighborhood.  Ack 16 Oc t 1843.

B-371 - Trust Deed - 10 Sept 1843 -Julius L. Gause to R. W. Green for $5, the cotton crop now growing on the premises where I am now living with what cotton that has already been picked out of the field IN TRUST to secure debt owed Geo W. Gause.  Julius L. Gause is to gather the cotton as soon as practicable and take it to Tho. G. Rice or R. W. Green's cotton gin to be ginned and packed; Green is at liberty then to sell it to the best ship it to Memphis or New Orleans to the house of Brander Williams & Co., Commission Merchants in New Orleans.  Ack 19 Oct 1843.

B-372 - 12 Aug 1842 - Jesse Isler, Mary Eliza Isler, and Sally Ann Bryan of Fayette Co to Jeptha Fowlkes of Shelby Co for $10,000:  one-half of the 1000-acre tract conveyed by the State of Tenn to John C. McLemore & Joseph H. Bryan by Grant #3644 in 11SD in Shelby Co; also 640 acres, it being part of a 3840-acre tract conveyed by Tenn to Thomas Henderson, John C. McLemore, and Joseph H. Bryan by Grant #22870 in Tipton (now Lauderdale) Co; also 640 acres conveyed by Tenn to Joseph Bryan by Grant #3839 in Gibson Co; also 240 acres, part of 640 acres conveyed to Joseph H. Bryan by Tenn by Grant #17034 in the 12th Dist on Sycamore Creek of Birdsong in r7,s1; also 1000 acres in Dyer Co on the Turnpike road leading from Eaton to Fulton conveyed by Lewis D. Wilson and Francis McGavock to Joseph H. Bryan; also an undivided moiety of 3840 acres in Obion Co on the bank of the Mississippi River and granted to Capt. Benjamin Steadman by Tenn and conveyed by Elizabeth Spellings, one of the heirs

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at law of Steadman, to Joseph H. Bryan subject to the locator's fee.  Only the interest of Elizabeth Spelling to this tract is conveyed by this indenture and is believed to amount to 1440 acres; also 274 acres of land granted to Jesse Isler by Tenn on the waters of the Tennessee River in Benton Co near the stage road to Nashville; 383 acres in Henderson Co near Mifflin Post Office Jacks Creek conveyed to Jesse Isler by (blank) Dunlap which deed is in the possession of Charles D. McLean for Registration; also 4 certificates of entry of land in Louisiana numbered 547, 548, 549, and 550 issued to Joseph H. Bryan at the land office at St. Helena, LA on the 12 Apr 1836.  Wit:  Jno. A. Firth, F. Harris.  Ack in Fayette Co 12 Aug 1842.  Mary E. Isler is wife of Jesse Isler.

B-374 - At Circuit Court held in Covington, Tipton Co, in the 10th Judicial Circuit on 16 Oct 1843, Hon. John Read, Judge, Josiah Horne, sheriff, and Robert W. Sanford, Clerk, by his Deputy Nathaniel T. Tipton, on the 19th--the fourth day of the term--a motion for judgment against James H. Bates for $33.37, the amount Saml. V. Gilliland paid to Josiah Horne, sheriff of Tipton Co as security for James H. Bates (Nathaniel T. Tipton was also a security) was ordered to be recovered.

B-375 - 2 Oct 1843 - Benjamin M. Flippin to Isaac J. Pinson for $225, negro man Peter about 26 years, amounting by valuation to one half of his worth.  The right to the one-half was invested in me by marrying the daughter and heir of John P. Caldwell, dec'd.  Wit:  Thos. D. Hart, Wm. Weddle.  Proved by wits 23 Oct 1843.

B-377 - 13 Oct 1843 - Absolam Bostick of Haywood Co to Thomas D. Hart of Lauderdale Co for $276, lots #4 and 5 in Ripley.  Wit:  James Price, Wm. C. Wright.  Ack 30 Oct 1843.

B-378 - 4 Nov 1843 - John D. Edney and wife Sally Edney to William G. Childress for $400, our undivided interest in these negroes which are coming to Sally Edney, one of the heirs at law of Stephen Childress, dec'd:  Peter Dan Frank & Isaac & boys Addison (8 years old) William Peter (seven years old) James Ransom (five years old) Alexander (three years old) & Daniel Jackson (one year old) negro woman Jane Hager Charity & Sarah Ann also girls Lydia (16) Amanda (12) Nancy Jane (10) Minerva Elizabeth (7) Charity Frances (1) Betsey Ann (18) Louisa Jane (15) Nancy Peter (13) Mary Ann Peter (10).  Wit:  Thos. J. Childress, Benj. F. Childress.  Proved by wits 6 Nov 1843.

B-379 - 16 Aug 1842 - Americus Bradshaw of Maury Co, TN to Hugh Bradshaw (no residence noted) for $1000, 491 acres in SD13, part of 853-acre tract granted to Wm. Bradshaw in r8,s1 bounded by William Hewlet.  Wit:  George W. Gordon, Andrew G. Gordon.  Ack in Maury Co 16 Aug 1842.

B-380 - 26 Apr 1843 - Wm. H. McLaughlin of Davidson Co to Wm. W. Lea of Lauderdale Co for $250, one equal, undivided third of a tract on the Mississippi River in Lauderdale Co in SD13,r11,s1 founded on Entry 534 granted to Wm. P. Anderson by grant 18862 by TN containing 3119 ½  acres (for description reference is made to the calls of the Grant and to the deed for the land made by the sheriff of Dyer Co to Wm. H. McLaughlin dated 2 Mar 1837).  For a quit claim title to one third of which tract Wm. W. Lea jointly with Sparel Hale holds the bond of Wm. H. McLaughlin dated 5 Dec 1835.  Ack in Davidson Co 27 April 1843.

B-381 - 14 Nov 1843 - Robert M. Hewitt and wife, Eliza Hewitt, for $1 to Albert S. Durham, Pendleton G. Gaines, Wm. A. Cleaves, Joseph Hays and James Brown, Trustees, 1 acre joining Albert S. Durham, there being built thereon a place of worship for the use of the members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America.  Wit:  John W. Durant, Saml. S. Gause.  "This to certify that I did once make to Mr. Joseph Curry a conveyance for the same lot of land conveyed in the annexed deed as I thought at the time I executed it expressly for the Methodist Episcopal Church, I learn the deed that I signed is contrary to my design & I hereby revoke & annul it.  This 14 day of November 1843 - Robert M. Hewitt  Wit: Saml. S. Gause, J. W. Durant.  Ack 18 Nov 1843.

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B-383 - 25 Sep 1839 - Thomas Wardlaw to Robert M. Hewitt for $550, 75 acres, part of John Wilson tract on the waters of Russel's Creek of the Big Hatchie River, (mentions) Wilsons survey.  Wit:  N. W. Barnes, J. N. Wardlaw.  Ack 23 Nov 1839.

B-384 - 20 Nov 1843 - James Long to Caroline G. Long for $260, 112 ½   acres on the waters of Mill Creek joining the lands of Wm. B. Sawyer, Samuel Weakley's heirs and others, bounded by Oliver's branch, and Henry Rutherford's south line, UNLESS James Long repays Caroline G. Long the sum of $260 with interest on or before 20 Nov 1853.  Ack 20 Nov 1843.

B-386 - 25 Nov 1843 - Hugh Smith and wife Elizabeth W. Smith to James Soward for $400, 100 acres deeded by Henry Rutherford to Benjamin F. Jordan, dec'd, and by him bequeathed to Hugh and Elizabeth W., beginning at the southwest corner of 305 acres conveyed by Rutherford (of which this is a part).  Ack 25 Nov 1843.

B-388 - 27 Nov 1843 - John Alverson to David M. Henning for $200, "my entire crop of cotton as it now stands consisting of some seventeen or eighteen acres, eighty barrels of corn that is now in my crib & about nine hundred or one thousand pounds of tobacco that is in my tobacco barn..."  Ack 30 Nov 1843.

B-388 - 22 Nov 1843 - Fulton - Miriam Crabb (female) to John Harding for $325, negro boy Ben aged 10 years.  Wit:  Wm. W. Lea; proved by Lea 4 Dec 1843.

B-389 - 4 Dec 1843 - Ripley - James A. Lackey to Edward Fisher for $500, negro man Nat aged about 35.  Ack 4 Dec 1843.

B-390 - 5 Dec 1843 - John D. Edney to Griffith L. Rutherford for $1, one brown mare aged about 7 years and "all my part in right of my wife on and to the estate of Nancy Childress, dec'd" IN TRUST to secure a note executed to John C. Barnes and Thomas J. Childress, administrators of Nancy Childress, dec'd, on 29 Nov 1843 for $71.81 on which Griffith L. Rutherford and Guilford Jones are securities.  Ack 5 Dec 1843.

B-391 - 9 Dec 1843 - Griffith L. Rutherford and Nancy Rutherford, James Rutherford, Thomas McG. Rutherford, Wright H. Rutherford, John H. Rutherford and Robert J. Holbrook and Mary E. Holbrook his wife by their agent and attorney in fact Griffith L. Rutherford to John Henry Somero (Sumrow) for $600, 200 acres bounded by James Walpole, and Robert P. Currin's line.  Ack by Griffith L. Rutherford 11 Dec 1843.

B-393 - 9 Dec 1843 - Samuel V. Gilliland to John Boyd for $360, 59 acres bounded by James P. Taylor's 500-acre entry on the line between ranges 2 & 3 and section 10. Calls include R. P. Russell, David Gilliland's reserve, the Fulton Road, and S. Wood.  Wit:  G. L. Rutherford.  Ack 12 Dec 1843.

B-394 - 11 Dec 1843 - Mark Watson to John E. Watson for $430, 100 acres in r2s9, Civil District 1, bounded by Robert Maxwell's occupant survey, A & J Morphis' 2500-acre survey, John E. Watson's survey.  Wit:  P. C. Dial, Michael Shoemake.

B-396 - 18 Dec 1843 - Trust Deed - Isaac Braden to Abel H. Pope and Wm. P. Gaines for $1, his interest in negro Bob, about 50; a bay mare and her sucking colt; a bay filly, a sorrel horse, a gray mare, a horse colt, iron-grey horse colt; a yoke of oxen and cart; about 20 head of cattle; thirty head of hogs being the same that formerly belonged to his present wife before his intermarriage with her, twelve head of sheep, a loom, a lady's saddle, four feather beds and furniture, some utensils, a dining table, and one lease from Saml. V. Gilliland, agent, IN TRUST to secure Pope and Gaines as securities of Gilly Hunter now Gilly Braden, wife of Isaac Braden, on a guardian bond given by her in the County Court on 4 July 1842 for $400.  Ack 18 Dec 1843.  [Isaac Braden married Gilly Hunter 21 Oct 1842.]

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B-397 - 2 Dec 1843 - Joel G. Childress to Martha L. Childress for $400, his interest in the following negroe slaves:  Peter, Charity, Betsy, Louisa, Nancy, Mary Ann Adison Bell Jim Alexander Jack Daniel Jane Frank Hager Sarah Ann Isaac Lydia Amanda Nancy Jane Minerva & Fanny.  They are in possession of the heirs of Stephen Childress, dec'd, which is the fourteenth part of the value, or the fifteenth part if Martha L. Childress heirs George W. Childress, dec'd, portion. Wit:  Thos. J. Childress, B. F. Childress.  Ack 21 Dec 1843.

B-398 - 27 Dec 1843 - Trust Deed - Walace Rooks to James A. Lackey for $1, one lease from William Conner for 7 years, 3 years of which have expired, it being the same that Rooks now lives on; 18 head of hogs; one set of lathe irons; 3 planes; 2 saws, 1 bed, bedstead and furniture; 1 set of chairs, 1 pair of andirons, 1 loom, 1 steer and heifer; 1 pair of scales and weights IN TRUST to secure debt owed Lackey.  Ack 27 Dec 1843.

B-400 - 27 Nov 1841 - Bryant F. Buck of Dyer Co to Griffith Rutherford of Wilson Co for $220, 76 acres on Balls branch of Mill Creek of the South Fork of the Forked Deer River bounded by William B. Chambers.  Wit:  H. R. Chambers, H. F. Rutherford.  Proved on 1 Jan 1844 by Henry F. Rutherford, a witness, and by Griffith L. Rutherford and James A. Lackey who say they knew Henry R. Chambers in his lifetime and with his handwriting and that he is now dead and they believe his signature as a witness is genuine.

B-401 - 8 May 1842 - Trust Deed - Thomas Blackwell to Samuel S. Gause for $5, a yoke of oxen, an ox wagon, a sorrel horse called Henry, one black horse called Strong IN TRUST because Blackwell has been warranted on a note for $63 made payable to A. F. McCain and a judgment has been obtained from Thos. G. Rice, Esq., on May 3, and this trust deed is to secure Geo. W. Gause who became stayor for that sum as accommodations security.  Wit:  Henry S. Peyton, Thos. G. Rice.  Proved by wits 1 Jan 1844.

B-402 - Decree - 25 Oct 1843 - William G. Dickson & Peggy, his wife, formerly Peggy McDowell; William Ponton & Sally his wife, formerly Sally McDowell; Charles McDowell; Altha A. McDowell; and James R. McDowell, complainants vs. Miriam Crabb, administratrix with the will annexed of Joel Lewis, dec'd; Ralph Crabb, her husband in right of his wife, Miriam, formerly Miriam Lewis; Thomas Claiborne and Sally his wife, formerly Sarah Lewis; Dickson Lewis; Hickman Lewis; Eliza A. Lewis; Louisa Lewis; Darthula Lewis;and Ann Lewis, defendants.
                On 21 Jan 1830 the cause came to be heard before Hon Robert Whyte, Jacob Peck, and John Catron, Esq., judges in presence of counsel on both sides, when it appeared that by the interlocutory decree made at a former term of this court it was ordered that the defendants Thomas Claiborne, his wife Sarah; Mary Louisa Lewis; Anne  Lewis; Joel Lewis: Darthula Lewis; and Eliza A. Lea, formerly Eliza A. Lewis are entitled to 1000 acres located by virtue of a warrant for 5000 acres which was located by John C. McLemore and granted Charles McDowell in Grant #17,495 lying in 11 SD in Tipton Co on both sides of Cane Creek of Big Hatchie river in r2&3, s10 bounded by Thomas & Robt Love's 2000 acre entry, the section line, Wheaton, Elizabeth Casner, and Robert Nelson, have the right to the land warrant for 5000 acres and John C. McLemore, as locator, is entitled to 1000 acres (or 1/5) out of the location belonging to the heirs of Joel Lewis.  John C. McLemore is entitled to (another) 1000 acres, and the complainants are entitled to the remaining 3000 acres (or the equivalent in value), and with the assent of all parties, the land has been divided by Wm. H. Henderson, commissioner (division described).  The heirs of Joel Lewis, dec'd, aggregately get 700 acres to be divested out of the heirs of Charles McDowell, dec'd, in this manner:  Thomas Claiborne 3/9, and Sarah Claiborne, his wife, 1/9; Elizabeth A. Lea 1/9; Mary Louisa 1/9; Ann 1/9; Joel 1/9; and Darthula 1/9.  1154 acres are to divested out of Charles McDowell heirs, the complainants in this cause, and vested in John C. McLemore, locator.  The complainants are to pay 4/5 of all the costs and the Joel Lewis, dec'd, heirs to pay 1/5.

B-409 - 2 Jan 1844 - R. S. Byrn to Wm. W. Lea for $20, all his claim to the tract entered in the name of the heirs of Charles McDowell containing 5000 acres that was decreed to the heirs of Joel Lewis by the

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Supreme Court of the State at Nashville and which was laid off to them by the commissioner Wm. H. Henderson.  His title is that derived from a deed from the Sheriff of Tipton Co under a sale of the tract for taxes, and Wm. W. Lea having redeemed from Byrne that portion claimed by the heirs of Joel Lewis as one of the legal heirs and representatives of Joel Lewis, dec'd.  Ack 2 Jan 1844.

B-410 - 25 Oct 1843 - Trust Deed - Elijah B. Foster to Robert J. Chester of Jackson for $148.12, 200 acres, an occupant claim in Dist 6 bounded by John C. McLemore.  Wit:  Isaac. J. Pinson, Wm. Wardlaw, Joseph Wardlaw.  Proved by Pinson and Wm. Wardlaw 3 Jan 1844.

B-411 - 9 Jan 1844 - Trust Deed -Samuel W. Davenport to Archa Phillips for $5, horse, cows, hogs, beds and furniture, a metal clock, cross cut saw and one log chain to secure debt to Henry S. Peyton for judgement rendered against Davenport by A. H. Pope.  Ack 11 Jan 1844.

B-412 - 13 Jan 1844 - Trust Deed - William Omohundro to James M. Omohundro for $5, 184 acres in Dist. 8 on Mill Creek IN TRUST to secure debt to Thomas W. Omohundro...advertise at the Courthouse door and Election Ground of the 8th Civil District and three other public places in the neighbourhood, if in default.  Ack 13 Jan 1844.

B-414 - DeSoto Co., Miss - 28 Dec 1843 - Charles C. Dyer and wife, Virginia Dyer, to Henry R. Pegues of DeSoto Co., Miss, for $600, our interest in the following slaves:  Peter, Charity, Betsey, Louisa, Ann, Addison, Bill, Jim, Alexander, Jack, Daniel, Jane, Frank Hager, Sarah Ann, Isaac, Lydia, Amanda, Nancy Jane, Minerva, Fanny and Nancy Peter; also our interest in 150 acres in Lauderdale Co being the tract on which Mrs. Nancy Childress, widow of Stephen Childress, lived at her death; also all our interest in the property possessed by Mrs. Childress at her death not disposed of by will.  Wit:  Benj. F. Childress, John L. Atkinson.  Ack in DeSoto Co, Miss 9 Jan 1844.

B-416 - DeSoto Co., Miss - 28 Dec 1843 - John L. Atkinson and wife Caledonia Atkinson to Henry R. Pegues for $500 our interest in slaves:  Peter Charity, Betsy, Louisa, Ann, Addison, Bill, Jim, Alexander, Jack, Daniel, Jane, Frank, Hager, Sarah Ann, Isaac, Lydia, Amanda, Nancy, Minerva, Fanny and Nancy Peter; also our interest in 150 acres in Lauderdale Co, TN, it being the tract on which Mrs. Nancy Childress, widow of Stephen Childress, lived at her death; also, our interest in the property possessed by Mrs. Childress at her death not disposed of by will.  It is understood that $50 due by Atkinson to Mrs. Childress, or her estate, for the hire of negro woman Sarah Ann for 1843 be allowed by Pegues and deducted out of Atkinson's claims.  Wit:  C. C. Dyer, Benj. F. Childress.  Ack in DeSoto Co., Miss, 9 Jan 1844.

B-417 - 4 Jan 1844 - At Circuit Court held at Dyersburg, Dyer Co at November 1834 term, Wm. H. McLaughin recovered against John Smith T $666.16 for debt, damages and costs of suit, and on 17 Nov 1834, an execution issued to the sheriff of the county (then Henderson Clark) to levy on 3119.5 acres owned by John Smith T in Dyer Co at that time (now in Lauderdale Co) in 13 SD,r11,s1 founded on Entry #534 and granted by TN to Wm. P. Anderson by Grant #18862 beginning on the Miss. River 800 poles below where the line of sections 1 & 2 in range 10 meet the river, bounded by entry in the name of James Boon for 228 acres.  On 3 Jan 1835 the sheriff exposed the tract to public sale and Wm. H. McLaughlin became the purchaser for $704.  Now on 4 Jan 1844, John P. Byrn, Sheriff of Dyer Co and successor of Henderson Clark, sells the land to McLaughlin.  Ack 4 Jan 1844 in Dyer Co.

B-420 - 19 Sept 1842 - J. P. Clark, Exr. of J. Trimble, J. C. McLemore & M. Barrow of Davidson Co, TN to Mrs. Patsey Martin of Davidson Co, TN for $221 paid by Thomas D. Martin, now deceased, Lot #25 in town of Fulton (Lauderdale Co.) which was purchased by Thomas Martin on 14 Feb 1827.  Wit:  Wm. Crockett, M. Barrow.  Ack in Davidson Co by Clark, McLemore and Barrow 4 Oct 1843.

B-421 - 1 Sept 1843 - Joseph Wardlaw, Wm. W. Lea and wife, Eliza A. Lea, of Lauderdale Co to

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Christopher C. Wolcott of Steubenville, Ohio, for $542.83, 108 acres and 90 poles in 2nd Civil Dist. in the vicinity of the town of Ripley, part of 5000-acre tract granted by TN to Charles McDowell by Grant #17495 and of Lot #2 of that part of the 5000-acre tract which was laid off by the commissioner appointed to the heirs of Joel Lewis bounded by Daniel Wheaton and Thomas Brown.  Wardlaw relinquishes any claim to the land by virtue of any deed of trust hereto-fore made by him.  Ack 13 Jan 1844.

B-422 - 13 Jan 1844 - James Hubbard to Wm. L. Miller of Haywood Co, TN for $50, a lease on 30 acres joining the town of Ashport made to him on 28 Aug 1843 by Jno. W. Campbell, Joseph Jones,  Matthew (Pickett), Robert C. Campbell, & William Conner which Hubbard cultivated last year in corn; also another lease for 27 acres joining the above lease executed by the same parties by their agent Wm. Conner to John A. Clark.  The leases are to expire on 1 Jan 1850.  Ack 17 Jan 1844.

B-423 - 6 Jan 1844 - Francis B. Fogg of Davidson Co, TN to Bolling S. Fisher of Lauderdale Co for $500 paid to Andrew J. Hoover, dec'd, during his lifetime and $568 paid to Fogg, 3600 acres, part of (NC) 5000-acre Grant #409 to Benjamin Smith, 1400 acres of it having been decreed to Jesse Blackfan by the Chancery Court at Franklin.  The original 5000-acre grant was south of John Rutherford's.  The 3600 acres was purchased by Andrew J. Hoover, dec'd, at a sale made at Franklin under a decree of Chancery Court during his life, the same having been decreed to Hoover & Fogg or the survivor of them by the Court in the case of Maitland & other creditors of John McIver, dec'd, vs. John McIver, Daniel Graham & others.  Wit:  G. M. Fogg, R. J. Meigs.  Ack 6 Jan 1844.

B-424 - 25 Dec 1843 - William Hafford of Lauderdale Co to David Williams of Haywood Co for $200, 50 acres in 11SD,42,s10, bounded by J. G. Blount's entry for 640 acres.  Wit:  Robt. Walker, Jas. McDaniel.  Proved by wits 20 Jan 1844.

B-426 - 11 Jan 1844 - Trust Deed - William Byram to F. W. Chaney for $1 to secure debt of $22.37 owed Jno. H. Lenoir/Lanier, the note having been put into a judgment before C. Hollaway, Esq., on 10 Jan 1844, and E. F. Friend, his security, having stayed execution til 10 Sept 1844. Now, Byram wants to secure E. F. Friend, with a trust deed for a mare, yoke of oxen, and cows.  Wit:  James Coats, B. Crook.  Ack 23 Jan 1844.

B-427 - 29 Jan 1844 - John H. Maxwell for himself and as guardian of his minor children Abraham Elizabeth Bedford and John Maxwell, and Isaac D. Maxwell for himself and as guardian of his minor children Dulcina Mary Solomon James Isaac and Elvira Maxwell to George Chipman for $1800, 468 acres on Cane Creek, part of 2000-acre tract granted to Robert Love and Thomas Love by Grant #15917, in SD11,r2 bounded by Charles McDowell on the section line, and Nelson.  Wit:  Isaac M. Steele, John W. Nearn.  Ack 29 Jan 1844.

B-429 - 30 Jan 1844 - William Polk of Lafourche Interior Parish, LA to James M. Henderson of Marshall Co, Miss for $6000, the upper half of 3000 acres granted to Wm. Polk by Grant #36 dated 10 July 1788 by NC, which is Island #30 in the Mississippi River and is below the mouth of Forked Deer River.  Polk, as trustee under a deed of trust executed by Thomas G. Polk on 26 Sept 1842, warrants the title.  Wit:  Griffith L. Rutherford, Hermis Champ; proved by both wits 30 Jan 1844.

B-430 - 28 Aug 1839 - John C. McLemore and James Vaulx by their agent, Wm. Conner, to Nathaniel W. Barnes for $320, 85 acres, part of 640 acres originally entered in the name of John Wilson.  Ack 5 Feb 1844.

B-432 - 6 Feb 1844 - Hermis Champ to James B. Crook for $700, (no acreage mentioned) bounded by Jno. Estis' grant 335, Nancy Childress, and Slocumb.  Wit:  James Price, John C. Barnes; proved by both witnesses 6 Feb 1844.

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