Deed Book B - Abstracted Sections 11-20
Lauderdale County, Tennessee

After finding a name or place in the index, use the numbers following the name
to know which "Abstracted Section" to open.

The page numbers following the names on the index are for the "Abstracted Sections"
and do not match the page numbers in the actual Deed Book B.

Note: a name might appear more than once within a Section#, but was only indexed once for that Section#.

A - C
D - H
I -O
P - S
T - Y
DEED BOOK B - Abstracted Sections
01 to 10
11 to 20
21 to 30
31 to 40
41 to 47

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beginning.  The other lot 98 beginning on s side of Washington St. at ne corner of lot 97, then south with east line of lot 97 13 poles to Franklin St., then east 14 poles, then north 13 poles to Washington St, then west to beginning.  /s/ Rezin S. Byrn, R. C. Campbell, G. L. Rutherford  Ack 4 Mar 1842.

B-108 - 25 Apr 1842 - Claiborn Rounsaville to M. D. Fizer, M. P. Fizer, and A. Pursell of Dyer Co.  Rounsaville has executed to M.D. Fizer a promissory note for $71.93, M. D. Fizer and A. Pursell his note for $15.52. To secure them he conveys to Hugh Smith, trustee, mare purchased of T. M. Rodgers, cow purchased of Rodgers, etc.  /s/ C. Rounsaville, Hugh Smith  Ack 2 May 1842

B-109 - C. Rounsaville to Wm. B. Sawyer for $5, hogs, feather bed, crop of wheat now growing, stack of hay, stack of fodder, 10 barrels corn, 500 pounds bacon IN TRUST...indebted to H. F. Rutherford for $71.75 (note made to Thos W. and James M. Omohundro, now property of Rutherford) and $50.75 in a judgment on Wm. B. Sawyer, Esq.'s be advertised at town of Ripley and at election ground of 8th CD and three other public places in the neighborhood.  /s/ C. Rounsaville, Wm. B. Sawyer  Ack 2 May 1842

B-111 - 22 Feb 1839 - Thos. D. Fisher of Warren Co, Miss., to Robert H. Warren of same for $2000, 2/7 of all the property, real and personal, set apart to Nancy Fisher, widow and relect of Benjamin Fisher, dec'd, as her dower, being my interest in the estate as a legatee and that of Thomas Blackwell and wife Polly Ann M. Blackwell as doth appear by deed in the clerk's office in Lunenburg Co, VA from the said Thomas and P.A.M. Blackwell his wife unto the said Thomas D. Fisher, viz the tract of land whereon Nancy Fisher at present resides containing by estimate 276 acres and slaves Anarchy, Jenny, Cate, Ann Betty & child Anny, Jency, Isaac, Bob, Tom Stephen, Allen, Sarry, Sterling, Gillam, Banister, Minica & Freeman...that the said Robert H. Warren shall, so soon after the property shall have been legally distributed among the legatees and the portions shall have come into his possession as Robert William Warren and John Holland Warren may arrive at age of maturity or Robert W. Warren may reach the age of 21 years, equally divide and set over to Robert W. Warren one half and to John H. Warren the other half.  /s/ Thos. D. Fisher  Wit: David Gilliland, R. H. McGaughey.  Ack 22 Feb 1839.

B-113 - Haywood Co. TN  Thomas Blackwell of Haywood for $5 to John P. Gause trust deed for negro...bill of exchange for $500 payable to Samuel W. Green and Shadrick Rice of Lauderdale Co. has endorsed it; bill is drawn on Brander Williams & Co of New Orleans LA.  /s/ Thos. Blackwell Wit: Thos. G. Rice, Robert M. Hewitt.  Proved by Thos. G. Rice who said he saw him sign it 7 Feb 1842; proved by Robert M. Hewitt 9 May 1842.

B-115 - Whereas Spearman Holland for the use of Nicholas T. Perkins recovered a judgment for $1244.125 for debt and $8.3125 against John C. McLemore in Circuit court of Davidson County on 14 May 1839, and on 9 May 1840 levied on tract of land as McLemore's property, an estimated 274 acres in Laud. County Dist 6 bounded:  begin se corner of McLemore 428 acre entry, east 180 poles, n for complement so as to join the east and south boundary of his 640 acre entry Warrant 218.  On 3 June 1840 a venditioni exponas issued commanding me to sell the tract of 274 acres, and after advertising, sold at courthouse door of Lauderdale Co. on 22 Aug 1840 to Nicholas T. Perkins the highest bidder at $10.  22 Aug 1840.  /s/ G. L. Rutherford, shff, Lauderdale County,  TN.

B-116 - 21 May 1842 - Wm. M. Omohundro to John Ashland for $5, yoke of oxen and waggon, the same that Omohundro purchased at sale of William Omohundro, one stallion (Young Arab)  USES AND TRUSTS  Wm. M. Omohundro is indebted to James Soward and to E & A Ferguson by judgment before H. R. Chambers...if in default to be advertised at the courthouse door in Ripley and at election ground of 8th Civil Dist and two other public places.  /s/ Wm. M. Omohundro  Ack 21 May 1842

B-118 -24 May 1842 - William M. Omohundro to John C. Ashland for $5 - Trust Deed - cows, yearlings, one of cows purchased by Wm. M. Omohundro at his father's sale, 1 8-day clock, a press and a feather

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bed, hogs... indebted to Elizabeth Davis for $36, to James M. Omohundro for $25...if in default to be advertised at the courthouse in Ripley and election ground of 8th civil dist.  Ack 24 May 1842.

B-120 - Soloman Copeland of Henry Co, TN appoints Robt. J. Chester of Madison Co. my atty to sell my land in Lauderdale Co.  17 Feb 1842.  /s/ S. Copeland  Wit: James L. McDugal, Johial Brooks. Ack by wit 7 Mar 1842.

B-120 - 14 Mar 1842 - Trustees of Uni of NC to Andrew L. Martin of Mississippi for $3000, tract of 372.25 acres in Madison Co in Dist 9, r1, s10, part of 640 acre tract, residue of which was sold to Saml. D. Wilson; another tract of 1000 acres in Lauderdale Co granted on warrant 804 in Dist 11, r 3& 4 and s9; and 640 acres in Laud. Co granted on Military land warrant #980 in Dist 11, r2, s11.  These are the same tracts heretofore sold to Martin in 1835, but Martin lost or mislaid deed unregistered.  /s/ J. M. Morehead, Governor, etc.  Wit: Chas. Manley, Western R. Gales.  Proved by wits in Wake Co, NC

B-123 - 5 July 1841 - Peter Fitzpatrick of Campbell Co, VA to Edmund Fitzpatrick of Lauderdale Co, TN to secure Thomas Fitzpatrick, also of Lauderdale Co., who is bound with Peter in a bond for debt owed to Charles R. Hurt of Charlotte Co., VA for $2250, 275 acres and 50 poles in Lauderdale Co., the same land sold to Peter by Edmund Fitzpatrick by deed dated 29 Sept 1840 in Book A, pp 534-8.  /s/ Peter Fitzpatrick, Edmund Fitzpatrick, Thos. Fitzpatrick.  Ack at Haywood Co. 7 July 1841.

B-124 - Whereas Richard Allison late of Laud. Co, TN, dec'd intestate and having no heirs other than brothers and sisters, and Dickason Jennings did administer on the estate of the said Richard Allison, now know ye that we, Hugh Allison and James Creech and Mary Creech, his wife, and sister of Richard Allison, dec'd, have appointed Willis Allison of Kinderhook Co, MO our atty to receive from Jennings all our parts of the estate of Richard Allison, dec'd.  (no date shown)  /s/ Hugh Allison, James Creech, Mary Creech  Wit:  Benjamin Allison, Levi (x) Green.  Ack 17 May 1842 in Kinderhook Co., MO

B-126 - 6 May 1841 - Saml Hooper to Harvey/Herry/Henry Hooper, negro woman named Chloe aged about 25 years.  /s/ Saml (x) Hooper  Wit: Stith Richardson  Ack 7 June 1840

B-127 - 9 June 1842 Leroy F. Lockard to Saml. Deason for $5 Trust Deed for negro boy slave Tarlton, cattle, mare, mule, colt, coil of rafting cable, pigs, rifle, beds, steads, and furniture, trunk, and man's saddle to secure debt to John Wood for $500.  /s/ Leroy F. Lockard, Saml. Deason  Ack 9 May 1842.

B-129 - 29 Aug 1836 James Caruthers of Madison Co. TN to Wm. E. Butler (of Madison Co?) quit claim to 187 acres out of 624 conveyed by Wm. P. Anderson to Caruthers out of Anderson's 3119.5 acre tract in 13 Dist on bank of Mississippi River in Dyer Co and 187 acres to be of average quality with the 674 acres.  /s/ Ja. Caruthers  Ack in Madison Co 29 Aug 1836.

B-129 - 14 April 1842 - Wm. E. Butler of Madison Co to President & Directors of Union Bank of Tn.  Butler is indebted to Bank for $935 contracted by him in the ordinary course of banking business...187 acres in Laud Co 13 District being the 187 conveyed by James Caruthers to Butler out of 624 acres conveyed to Cauthers by Wm. P. Anderson (this is an undivided interest in the 624 acre tract taken from or set apart from a 3119.5 acres in name of Anderson & Cassunberry).  /s/ Wm. E. Butler.  Ack in Madison Co. 18 May 1842.

B-131 - Paschal W. Sanders and Benj Porter have entered into agreement whereby Sanders puts Porter into possession and agrees to keep and secure him in the use occupation and enjoyment of the tract of land and the lots at the Key Corner known as the property of the estate of John Kennely in Dist 8, containing est. 265 acres for the term of 7 years from 1 Jan 1839.  Porter agrees that he will not unnecessarily injure the farm and lots or the buildings and enclosures thereon; timber to be used only for benefit of the farm and lots and for firewood, and at end of the term to deliver possession to Sanders under a good safe fence

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and the lots, houses, and enclosure in as good order and condition as they now are, unavoidable accidents excepted, and will pay at the end of each year $100.  20 April 1839  /s/ Paschal W. Sanders, Benjamin T. Porter  Wit: Edw Kenelley.  B. T. Porter assigned the lease to Rezin Porter on 7 June 1842.  B. T. Porter ack 9 Jan 1842.

B-132 - 1 Oct 1838(?) - Nancy Rutherford from H. F. Rutherford for $1000 man slave named Miles aged about 35 years.  /s/ H. F. Rutherford  Ack 7 June 1842

B-132 - William Omohundro to William M. Omohundro for $5 land in Dist 8 beginning at center of channel of Mill Creek on south bank, then south 24 degrees w 30.5 chains; then south 45 degrees east 15 chains to center of the channel of a branch; then down the center of the channel of the branch to Mill Creek; then up center of the creek to beginning--184 acres—for USES and TRUSTS—indebted to Wm. M. Omohundro by three notes...if in default, to be advertised at the courthouse and election grounds of 8th civil district and three other public places in the neighborhood...16 June 1842  /s/. Wm. Omohundro.  Ack 16 June 1842.

B-134 - John Ashland to James M. Omohundro for $5, mare, hogs, 3 beds—for USES and TRUSTS—indebted to William M. be advertised at the courthouse door, election ground of 8th civil district and three other public places in the neighborhood, if in default. 17 June 1842.  Ack 17 June 1842.

B-135 - 17 June 1842 - Thomas D. Walpole to Benjamin H. Walpole for $5, two negroes. Benj. Walpole is trustee for debt to Erasmas D. Thurmond for $500...advertise at the courthouse if in default.../s/ Thos. D. Walpole  Ack 17 June 1842

B-136 - Thomas J. Hill to E. & A. Fergason of Dyer Co., horses, cattle, hogs, featherbed, clothing & stead, rifle, looking glass, trunk, also the lease on which I now live on the tract of land belonging to Capt. William Espy...indebted to E. & A. Fergason for $74.90 and $35...USES and TRUSTS...17 June 1842  /s/ Thomas J. Hill Ack 20 June 1842

B-138 - George W. Tatum to A. S. Tucker for $5, negro man and woman and children, waggon, mares, filly, hogs, rifle...USES and TRUSTS...indebted to David M. Henning with Waddy S. Tatum as security...indebted to David Meriwether, surviving partner of Meriwether and Coachman...judgment before H. S. Peyton, Esq....indebted to Glawson...indebted to John Waddy S. Tatum...advertise at courthouse and at election ground of 1st civil district and three other public places in the neighborhood, if in default.  20 June 1842  /s/ G. W. Tatum, A. S. Tucker, W. S. Tatum.  Ack20 June 1842.

B-140 - 9 July 1841 - Samuel Hooper to Edwin H. Hinton for $1000 land in Civil Dist 7 beginning on bank of a branch running north 10.5 chains, then west 52 chains and 75 links, then south 42 chains and 50 links, then east 87.5 degrees north 17 chains and 75 links, then north 19 chains and 50 links, then east 10 chains to bank of branch, then with meanders of branch to beginning--141 acres.  /s/ Saml (x) Hooper  Wit:  S. Richardson, H. F. Rutherford.  Ack 7 June 1842.

B-141 - John Walpole for love and affection I bear my son William S. Walpole, a part of the tract on which I now live in Civil Dist 7 containing 25.5 acres beginning at tree in north line of my land, south 3 outs and 2 sticks to an ash tree, then west 3 outs and 2 sticks to a dogwood, then north 3 outs and 2 chains to a dogwood, then east to beginning.  27 March 1850  /s/ John Walpole  Wit:  Thos. J. Brown  Ack 6 July 1840.

B-142 - 16 June 1842 - Jacob Byler of Cole Co MO by his atty in fact Ebenezer Young, and Benjamin F. Jordan of Haywood Co to Henry Johnson and S. Lewis Maclin of (Haywood Co?) for $107.87, land in 11th SD, r6, s10 beginning on bank of Mississippi River on nw, or lower corner, of an entry for 200 acres made in name of A. Sullivan, then south with line passing his sw corner, in all 211 poles, then west 80

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poles to trees in east line of an entry for 200 acres in name of B. F. Jordan, then north with that entry 189 poles to trees on the bank of the Mississippi River, then up the river to beginning.  /s/ Jacob Byler by his atty in fact E. G. Young, B. F. Jordan.  Wit:  R. H. McGaughey, J. J. Nelson  Ack 21 June 1842.

B-144 - Thomas W. Omohondro and James M. Omohundro to William Omohundro for $100, land in Dist 8--184 acres beginning in center of Mill Creek on south bank running south 24 degrees east 30.5 chains, then south 45 degrees east 15 chains to center of the channel of a branch, then down the center of the channel of the branch to Mill Creek, up the center of the creek to the beginning.  23 June 1842.  /s/ Thomas W. Omohundro, James M. Omohundro  Ack by James 23 June 1842, by Thos. W. 27 June 1842.

B-145 - Martin R. Hatcher to Saml. V. Gillilan for $66 a lot in Durhamville beginning 1 pole south of the se corner of lot #2 on an alley running south.../s/ Martin R. Hatcher  wit: Allen T. Williams, R. D. Byrn, R. S. Byrn  Proved by Rezin S. Byrn 29 June 1842, by Rezin D. Byrn on 2 July 1842.

B-146 - 6 Oct 1841 Joseph Wardlaw to Rezin S. Byrn for $750 negro man slave named George about 19 years old.  Wit: John H. Maxwell, Abel H. Pope.  Ack 8 July 1842.

B-146 - 29 June 1842 - Commissioners of Ripley to Benjamin F. Jordan of Haywood Co, TN for $121.50, two lots in Ripley, Lot #61 on corner of Franklin and Jefferson...and the north half of lot #63...on Franklin Street...Water Street.../s/ Rezin S. Byrn, G. L. Rutherford, H. C. Keller, R. C. Campbell

B-149 - 29 June 1842 - Commissioners of Ripley to Robert C. Campbell for $58, Lot #75 Block R in Ripley fronting on Main Street.  /s/ Rezin S. Byrn, G. L. Rutherford, H. C. Keller

B-150 - 29 June 1842 - Commissioners of Ripley to Joseph Wardlaw for $662.50, 7 lots in Ripley--57, 58, 59, 60 in Block K--the whole block--46 in block J, the south half of #3 in block L and #41 on south end of the east side of the Public square.../s/ Rezin S. Byrn, H. C. Keller, G. L. Rutherford, R. C. Campbell

B-152 - 12 July 1842 - John Buckhannon is indebted to Archer Phillips for $16.32 and also an open shop account and to Saml. V. Gilliland or Ellen Wood for rent of land belonging to the minor heirs of Sabert Wood, and note payable to John Davis for hire of a negro woman, and sells to William T. Morehead a wagon and gear, horses, cattle, hogs, wheat fan, clock, 2 feather beds, steads & furniture, 1 press, growing crop of tobacco IN TRUST...note to D. P. Posey.  /s/ John Buchannon Ack 12 July 1842.

B-154 - 27 July 1842 - Willie Dodd to James P. Wood of Haywood Co for $1 land in Lauderdale on waters of Tisdale Creek bounded on north by Joseph Crocket on the south by George Bradford, on west by Geo. W. Gibbs, on east by Lewis Johnson--76 acres--IN TRUST--Dodd is indebted to William Proudfit, Jonathan Wood, and Richard H. Archer trading under the firm of William Proudfit & Co for $24.70, and $58.67 and to divers other persons.../s/ Willie Dodd  Ack 27 July 1842.

B-156 - May 15, 1842 - Thomas M. Rodgers to Arthur Williams negro slave Holly, 16 years, steers and cart, 2 bed steads, 1 spinning wheel, 1 shot gun for $5...USES and TRUST...indebted to Elizabeth Rodgers for $400...advertise at courthouse door in Brownsville, if in default.  /s/ Tho M. Rodgers  Wit:  Mary J. Lee, Jno. B. Ashe  Proved by John B. Ashe 7 June 1842 and by Mary J. Lee 2 Aug 1842.

B-157 - 1 Oct 1841 - Thomas H. Blythe for $5000 paid by Dr. Saml. W. Hankins, an I      n Minister of the Gospel, slaves:  Mary Ann, over 50, Elsy 13, Mary near 19, Peter 15, Thaddeas, 1 year, 2 beds, boulsters, pillows, 5 quilts, 1 spread, 1 counterpane, 2 sets of pillow slips, 6 sheets, 2 quilts unquilted, 1 figured linen table cloth, 6 Windsor chairs, 1 bedstead, 1 looking glass, 1 lot of queensware, 1 pair andirons, 1 pair smoothing irons, pair shovel and tongs, 1 house bell, 1 set of knives and forks, 2 brass candle sticks, 2 ovens, 1 tea kettle, pair of waffle irons, 1 coffee mill, 2 water buckets, 1 sieve, 1 tray, 1

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coffee pot, 2 pieces stone ware, 2 axes, 1 tin bucket, 3 cows and yearlings and calves I brought up from Mississippi. /s/ H. T. Blythe  Wit:  Saml. Hankins, Amanda F. Hankins  Ack 6 Aug 1842.

B-159 - Clement T. Walker to J. N. Wardlaw for $5 and other considerations, my house and lot in Durhamville on which I reside and sorrel horse about 3 years, colt, cattle, bed (etc.), 1 bureau…USES and PURPOSES...indebted to John W. Durant & David M. Henning partners in trade under firm and style of Durant & Henning for $ be advertised at election ground of 1st Dist, if in default...  /s/ Clement T. Walker  Ack 10 Aug 1842

B-160 - 10 Feb 1840 - William Conner, legal representative of W. P. Anderson, dec'd, to Patterson T. A. Walker for $1, lease to Walker for 8 years beginning 1 Jan 1840 and ending 1 Jan 1848, two tracts on Mississippi and Obion River near Hales point--one tract of 3119.5 acres, the other of 1000 acres, both originally entered in name of Wm. P. Anderson.  Walker is to clear at least (no amount shown) acres build a house, logs scalped down, two pens at least 16 feet square, kitchen, corn house, stable, and meat house, and deliver up the same in good order at end of the lease; understood that anytime the heirs wish to purchase of Walker his lease they are at liberty to do so by paying him the worth of his improvements to be adjudged of by two interested persons if the parties cannot agree.  /s/ P.T.A. Walker  Ack by William Conner 15 Aug 1842

B-161 - 16 March 1842 - Proprietors of Ashport to Charles Lofland of Shelby Co, TN for $350, two lots in Ashport--#7 in block 11 fronting on the promenade and #8 in block 11 and fronting on 1st Street. /s/ J. W. Campbell, William Conner, Joseph Jones, Matthew Pickett, Robert Campbell.  Ack by John W. Campbell 17 Mar 1842

B-162 - 12 Mar 1841 - William B. Chambers  to James A. Freeman for $500, land on south side of Forked Deer River beginning on the bank and near the head of the first drain that empties into the river above the place known as the Key Corner, on the corner of a tract conveyed by Wm. B. Chambers to James A. Freeman, then with his line south 2 degrees east 25 chains to his corner, in all 34.5 chains to the corner of the tract that Edward Kenelly now lives on, then with the line of that tract north 88 degrees east 34 chains, then north 2 degrees west 59 chains & 80 links to the south line of a tract granted to Martin Armstrong, Jr. for 5000 acres, with that line south 88 degrees west about 57 chains to the before mentioned drain, up the drain as it meanders to the beginning--236 acres.  /s/ W. M. Chambers  Wit: H. F. Rutherford,       Chambers.  Ack 22 Aug 1842

B-164 - 12 Aug 1842 -  James A. Freeman to E. & A. Ferguson of Dyer Co., land joining trant granted to Martin Armstrong for 5000 acres beginning at the bank of Forked Deer River near head of the first drain that enters into the river above Key Corner, it being a corner of a tract conveyed by Wm. B. Chambers to James A. Freeman, with his line south 2 degrees east 25 chains to his corner, in all 34.5 chains to the corner of the tract Edward Kenerly now lives on; with the line of that tract north 88 degrees east 35 chains, then north 2 degrees west 59 chains & 80 links to the southern boundary of the tract granted to Martin Armstrong for 5000 acres, with that line south 88 degrees west about 57 chains to the before-mentioned drain, then up the same as it meanders to the beginnings--236 acres for $200.  /s/ James A. Freeman.  Ack22 Aug 1842

B-166 - 12 Mar 1841 - James A. Freeman to Wm. B. Chambers for $500, part of tract granted by NC to Griffith [Rutherford] for 3000 acres by grant #37 dated July 10, 1788, conveyed to Henry Rutherford by deed dated July 11, 1798, it being on the drains of Balls Branch beginning at the bank of Balls branch on Samuel Stricklin's line, then at the first drain below the spring thence north 10 degrees east 24.5 chains to tree in the fork of a drain of Balls Branch, then down meanders of the branch to its mouth which on a strait line is north 59.5 degrees east 20.5 chains, then up meanders of the branch and the left hand on south fork to trees which on a straight line is north 87 degrees west 60 chains, then south 18 chains and 30 links to a dogwood on Strickland's line then with that line 1.5 chains to his corner in the of(sic) drain

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to the beginning--128 acres.  /s/ James A. Freeman  Wit:  H. F. Rutherford, Henry R. Chambers.  Ack 22 Aug 1842.

B-167 - Chancery Court at Brownsville - May term 1841 - Hon. Andrew McCampbell, appearing to the Court that complaintant (Mary J. Lee) purchased on 8 Sept 1835 (from) defendant Thomas Durham through his agent Granville D. Searcy a tract of land composed of three different parcels joining the town of Durhamville, bounds not known, but to be ascertained by survey supposed to contain 608 acres at $5 per acre.  Complainant paid $2500 in cash and gave her note for $540 to be due 1 Dec 1835.  Defendant Durham by said agent executed to complainant a bond for title upon the payment of the $540 and further conditioned that if the tract should fall short upon survey of 608 acres that a deduction at the rate of $5 for each acre should be made and if the tract exceeded 608 acres the complainant was to pay $5 for each acre of the excess and Durham was to have the survey made.  It further appears that part of the lands (say 331 and 136/140 acres) which Durham sold her was purchased from Defendant J. K. Polk who has not conveyed the same to Durham by deed, but gave Durham bond for title when the purchase money should be paid.  Further appeared to the Court that Durham has paid Polk all the purchase money since this suit was instituted.  It is therefore ordered by the Court that all the estate, right, title, interest and claim in the following parcels:  one tract, part of entry #20 made in name of James Huggins for 640 acres and a part of a 68 acre tract purchased by Durham from James Brown, part of Charles McClung's 2500 acres bounded: begin in east line of 2500 acre tract on east bank of a branch, it being the ne corner of the 68 acre tract, then down the branch with its meanders to a tree at the ne corner of lot #70 or the TanYard Lot, then with its eastern boundary south 13.5 poles, then east 14 poles to ne corner of A. Phillips lot #69, then south 13 poles to the se corner of the lot, then east 17 poles to the sw corner of lot #67, then south 10 poles and 9 3/4 links to the nw corner of that part of lot #30 claimed by Clark & Chandler, then east 45 feet 9 inches to their ne corner, then south 60 feet to their se corner on Main street, then west 54 feet 9 inches to their sw corner, then south 10 poles 3 1/4 links to the nw corner of Lot #39, then east 14 poles to the nw corner of lot #60 on town plan, then south with east margin of an alley 22 poles to the nw corner of lot #73, then west 14 poles to the nw corner of lot #45, then south 13 poles to the sw corner of lot #47 it being also the sw corner of 220 acres conveyed by John Yount to Thos Durham, then with the south line of the same east 220 poles to the se corner of 220 acres, then north 160 poles to ne corner of the 220 acres, then west 220 poles to the original nw corner of entry #20, then north 3 poles to the beginning--225 acres and 55 square poles.  One tract being part of the 68 acres conveyed by James Brown to Thomas Durham bounded as follows:  begin at John Bradford's ne corner in the eastern line of Charles McClung [several pages follow]

B-172 - 10 Oct 1839 - We John W. Campbell, Joseph Jones, Robert C. Campbell, William Conner and Matthew Pickett, proprietors of town of Ashport, appoint John W. Campbell or William Conner our true and lawful atty in fact to execute title bonds or give deeds to the purchasers of town lots in Ashport....

B-173 - 22 Jan 1842 - Cornelius Durden to James A. Lackey for $5 a lot in Ashport on which Cornelius Durden now resides...IN TRUST...Durden is indebted to D. M. Henning for $65 by judgment rendered this day before Abel H. Pope upon which he intends to take an appeal to the Feb term of Circuit Court; R. C. Campbell is to be his security.  /s/ C. Durden  Wit: Isaac M. Steele, J. H. Maxwell

B-175 - 1 Sept 1842 - Robert C. Campbell to William Conner for $1, IN TRUST, 17 slaves:  Lewis about 30, Susan 29, Peyton 13, George 11, Hannah 9, Emily 8, Henry 6, Margaret 4, Billy 2, and Lewis 6 months, Anthony 40, Chaney 27, Mary 13, Henry 11, Martha 8, Peyton 6, and Virgil 27...Robert C. Campbell is indebted to John W. Campbell and Wm. Conner endorsed a note.  /s/ R. C. Campbell  Ack.

B-176 - 1 Jan 1841 - John W. Durant to John P. Gause of Brownsville in Haywood Co. and George W. Gause of Lauderdale Co. for $400, part of 5000 acre tract in part formerly Tipton Co granted to David Mallett by NC by Grant 276 dated 25 April 1789 in 11 SD, 3 r 8,s 9, beginning about 150 or 160 poles south from the ne corner of a 1000 acre survey of Henry P. Williams for said 5000 acres at a point where

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the Seahorn branch crosses the eastern boundary of the 1000 acres then west 126 poles, then south for complement--200 acres.  /s/ John W. Durant  Wit:  Tho. M. Blackwell, Henry S. Peyton.  Proved by wit 5 Sept 1842.

B-178 - 15 Aug 1842 - George W. Gause for $308 to John P. Gause, slave Handy, who was conveyed by b/s executed by Julius L. Gause on 19 Feb 1841 to John P. Gause and myself. /s/ Geo W. Gause  ack 5 Sept 1842

B-179 - M. D. Wakefield to J. M. Alexander for $60, two yoke of oxen…USES and TRUSTS…I am indebted to Wm. Campbell for $60...advertise at courthouse door and election grounds of 4th district, if in default.../s/ M. D. Wakefield  Wit: Wm. W. Lea, Jas. P. Anderson

B-180 - 15 Dec 1834 - TN grant #4899 founded on Warrant 3416 issued to heirs of Polly A. Rodman for 416 2/3 acres surveyed 10 Nov 1837 granted to Wm. Stoddert assignee of P. A. Rodman, beginning on nw corner of Entry #1722 for 416 2/3 acres running north 172 poles, then east 73 poles, north 67 poles, the sw corner of an entry for 640 acres in name of P. M. Miller, then east with his line 227 poles, his se corner, then south 239 poles, then west 300 poles to begin.  /s/ James C. Jones Governor.

B-181 - 14 Dec 1841 - Tn grant #4898, Entry #1722, in 11 SD, for William Stoddert for 416 2/3 acres founded on Warrant #3411 issued to Thomas H. Blount for 416 2/3 acres surveyed 8 Nov 1837, Stoddert is assignee, in r5, s10 beginning at ne corner of entry #1362 for 1403.5 acres in name of McLemore & Campbell, south with their line 160 poles, then east 350 poles, then north 240 poles;, west 133 poles, south 80 poles, west 217 poles to beginning. /s/ James C. Jones, Governor

B-182 - 11 Aug 1842 - James Caruthers, Exr and Mary Jane S. Stoddert, Extrix of William Stoddert, dec'd, convey to John W. Campbell for locating service on two tracts, being 1/4 interest in the two tracts, being 208 1/3 acres--the undivided 1/4 of Grant 4898 in name of Wm. Stoddert by Entry 1722 in 11 SD for 416 2/3 acres (description above) and undivided 1/4 of Grant 4899 in name of Wm. Stoddert by Entry #1723 in 11 SD for 416 2/3 acres (description above) /s/ Jas Caruthers, Excr, Mary J. S. Stoddert, Extrix  Wit: Thomas Ewell, Richd. J. Hays.  Proved by wit in Madison Co.

B-183 - 29 Aug 1834 - John W. Campbell has in his possession two land warrants belonging to me, Wm. Stoddert, to wit #3411 for 416 4/6 acres issued to Thomas H. Blount, and #3416 issued to heirs of Polly A. Rodman for same amount of land. In case Campbell should enter said warrants, he is to have for his locative services 1/4 of the same..  Proved in Madison County by Stephen Sypert and James Caruthers who say they are acquainted with hand writing of W. Stoddart and they believe the signature to be his.  27 July 1842

B-184 - 11 August 1842 - James Caruthers Executor and Mary Jane S. Stoddert Executrix of Wm. Stoddert, dec'd, to Wm. Conner for $3125 paid to Stoddert in his life time, 675 acres--the undivided 3/4 of Grant 4898 in name of Wm. Stoddert for 416 2/3 acres (description above) and the undivided 3/4 of Grant 4899 (description above).  /s/ Jas Caruthers Ex. Mary J. S. Stoddert, Exerx Wit: Thomas Ewell, Richd J. Hays  Ack

B-186 - 10 Aug 1842 - Title Bond - Wm. Stoddert of Madison Co. TN on 7 Nov 1835 sold to Wm. Conner of Haywood 625 acres, undivided interest of two tracts (described above).  /s/ W. Stoddert  Wit: John Read, M. Wood.  Proved by Moses Wood 4 Aug 1842, and by John Read.

B-187- 23 Sept 1842 -  John W. Durant to Thos. J. Tuggle of Haywood Co. in order to secure him for debt of $1450.225 which Durant owes him IN TRUST to Archer Phillips a tract surveyed by A. H. Pope of 726 acres, part of tract granted to R. Mumford for 5000 acres bounded:  beginning in Tipton Co at se corner of 5000 acre grant in name of Daniel Mallett, north across Hatchie River 892 poles, then east 168 poles and

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20 links, south crossing Hatchie River 892 poles, then west to beginning - /s/ John W. Durant  Wit: S. M. Sweet, P. Tuggle

B-189-3 March 1842 - Peter Fitzpatrick of Campbell Co, VA to Clementina R. Fitzpatrick, wife of David Fitzpatrick of Lauderdale Co TN, for love and affection which he has for Clementina R., the wife of his brother, David Fitzpatrick, a negro girl named Anachy.../s/ Peter Fitzpatrick  Wit:  Joseph Currie, S. A. Thompson.  Proved in Lauderdale Co by witnesses 24 Sept 1842.

B-189- 13 June 1842 - William Conner of Haywood Co to James Smith and Robert F. Maclin, late merchants and traders of Brownsville, TN under firm and style of Smith & Maclin, two 416.66 acre entries in the Mississippi Bottom Lauderdale Co made in the name of Wm. Stoddert, it being the same land purchased by me of Stoddert IN TRUST because Conner has executed to Smith & Maclin two notes...advertise ... /s/ William Conner

B-191 - 21 Sept 1842 - John Alverson for $169.55 to Samuel V. Gilliland my crop of tobacco supposed to make three hogsheads; first quality at $4 per hundred, second at $2 and third at $1 per hundred and the rise if there should be any before it is put in market... /s/ John Alverson  Wit: J. R. Stone, David Gilliland  Proved by witnesses.

B-193- 9 Feb 1841 - Thomas L. Williams of Knox Co to Thomas Fitzpatrick of Lauderdale Co for $6160, land in Lauderdale Co (formerly Tipton Co) in 11SD r2 and 3, s9 bounded: begin at corner of Grant #21894, the sw corner of James P. Taylor's 500 acre entry, then south, the line of Grant 21894, of which this is part, 701.2 poles, then east 480.82 poles to corner of part of the grant [sold?] heretofore to James Brown, north 496 poles to James Brown's corner on the line of the original survey, then west 197.82 poles to corner of original survey, then north 204 poles to oak marked JPT, James P. Taylor's corner, then west with his line 283 poles to beginning. being the same piece of land conveyed to Thomas L. Williams by Charles Mc    by deed dated 1 Dec 1829.  /s/ Thomas L. Williams  Wit:  A. Erwin, J.P. Erwin  Proved at Davidson Co by witnesses.

B-194 - 26 Sept 1842 - Thomas G. Polk of Fayette Co to William Polk of Hardeman Co for $10, these tracts:  1297 acres in Shelby Co in 11 SD, 8 r, 4s, the west part of 2500 acre tract granted by NC to Geo. Dougherty and beginning at nw corner of the 2500 acre tract, then north with its west line and with its variations 582 poles to its nw corner, then east with north line with its variations for complement; also 1124 acres in Shelby Co in Dist. 11, r8, s4 & 5 granted to George Dougherty by NC for 1000 acres containing a surplus of 135 acres; also a tract of 2000 acres in Lauderdale Co in Dist. 11(?) Warrant #2526, being part of a 3000 acre tract granted by NC to Wm. Polk and the upper half on the Mississippi River of said tract; also 307 acres in Hardeman Co in Dist 10, r4, S4, Warrant #2495 granted by NC to Thomas Polk; also 1000 acres in Weakley Co in Dist 13, r3, s9 Warrant #1501 & Entry #98, part of 5000 acre tract granted by Tenn to George Dougherty, beginning at ne corner of the tract, then south with its variations 417 poles to corner of the locators lot, then west with north boundary line of the lot 309.5 poles to its nw corner, then north 517 poles to the n line of 5000 acre tract, then east to begin; also 420 acres in Madison Co, part of 2000 acre grant issue to late Thomas Green in 10th Dist, r3, s10 beginning on east line at the ne corner of Lot 6 as represented on general plat, then with its line 382.5 poles to its corner; then north 176 poles; then east 382.5 poles to east line, then south 176 poles to begin; also 270 acres in Perry Co on bank of Tenn. River and within a mile and a half of Perryville; also 317 acres in Tipton Co, Dist 11, r6, section 7; also 200 acres in Tipton Co in 11 Dist, r7,s7 Warrant #2693, Entry #334 and granted to Geo. Doherty; also 204 acres in Hardiman Co Dist 9, r1,s2; also 700 acres in Gibson Co in 13th Dist, 3 & 4 r, s2, being part of 950 acre tract granted to George Doherty; also 300 acres in Weakley Co in 12th Dist, 41, s5 & 6 granted to the heirs of Thomas Polk IN TRUST for the joint use and benefit of William Polk, Mary A. Polk, Richard T. Polk, Emily C. Polk, and Thomas G. Polk, the youngest children of Thomas G. Polk and Mary E. Polk to permit them to use and enjoy all rents and profits from it until a partition of the land be made whenever either of the minor children before mentioned shall attain age 21

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or marries, he or she request a partition in writing to select three disinterested persons to allot to the party so requesting and to Wm. Polk their share of the lands.  A like partition shall be made as the said children severally attain the age of 21 or marry from the remaining part which is to be held together for the joint use of the minor children until the division between the last two when a final division shall take place between them and the trust under this deed be discharged..  If at any time it shall be thought best to sell any of the land, Wm. Polk shall have full power to do so.  He shall be paid all necessary and reasonable charges he may have in carrying out the purposes and intentions of this deed.  /s/ Thos. G. Polk, Wm. Polk  Wit: Richard Mason, Z. C. Alexander.  Proved by wits 27 Sept 1842.

B-197 - 5 Feb 1839 -  John P. Rice to John W. Durant for $3175 land surveyed by A. H. Pope, county surveyor, on 5 Feb 1839 - 926 acres, part of 5000-acre tract originally granted to R. Mumford bounded:  begin at se corner of a grant for 5000 acres in name of Da     Mallett at tree marked JWD, then north 10 poles across Hatchie River, in all 892 poles, east 165 poles and twenty links, then south crossing Hatchie River, in all 892 poles, then west to beginning - /s/ John R. Rice  Wit:  Jas. P. Walker, Shadrack Rice  Proved by wits 3 Oct 1840

B-198 - 1 Oct 1842 - Shadrack Rice and John P. Rice to Samuel S. Gause for $162 land in 11 SD, r10, s8 & 9 on the north waters of Big Hatchie River, part of 5000 acre tract granted by NC to R. Mumford by Grant #306 beginning on Samuel Owens east line, then east 249 poles to Camp Creek, down the creek with meanders to the n line of lands of Shadrack Rice crosses the same, then west 292 poles marked SO, Samuel Owen's se corner, then with his east line north 172.8 poles to beginning--332.5 acres and all houses, building orchards, ways, waters, water courses.../s/ Shadrack Rice, John P. Rice  Wit:  David A. Bradford, Thos. G. Rice  Proved by wits 3 Oct 1842

B-200 - 31 May 1842 - Phillip Tuggle and Elizabeth S. A. Green are about to be married and Elizabeth owns four slaves.  They are not to be liable to the debts, contracts, etc. of Phillip Tuggle which exist now or later, but are put IN TRUST to John W. Durant:  Paul about 30, Milly about 50, Libb about 25 and her child Celina about 2.  If Elizabeth dies leaving no child, the slaves become property of Phillip; otherwise, the slaves shall be the child/children's to share and share alike.  Phillip to be entitled to use negroes during his natural life. /s/ Phillip Tuggle, Elizabeth S. A. Green, John W. Durant.  Wit: S. M. Sweet, S. W. Green  Proved by wits 4 Oct 1842

B-202 - 1 Oct 1842 - Proprietors of Ashport by their agent Wm. Conner to David M. Henning for $340, three town lots in Ashport in Block A #13, and in Block 14, #1 and 2.  /s/ John W. Campbell, Joseph Jones, Matthew Pickett, Robert C. Campbell, William Conner, by their agent Wm. Conner.   Ack.

B-203 - 6 Oct 1842 - Thomas G. Polk by his agent, Abel H. Pope, to John H. Nixon, a lease until 1 Jan 1843, on 300 acres on Mississippi River at ne corner of 3000 acre tract originally entered in name of Wm. Polk. Nixon is to clear 25 acres and use the timber as he thinks proper and deliver the premises to Thomas G. Polk or his attorney at the expiration of the lease. /s/ Thos. G. Polk by Abel H. Pope, agent in fact.  Ack

B-204 - 28 Sept 1842 - E. S. Wakefield to Josiah M. Alexander for $65, one yoke of oxen and one waggon—USES and TRUSTS — I am indebted to Isaac Lowe for $65. /s/ E. S. Wakefield  Wit M. D. Lewis, Joel Lewis.

B-205 - 5 Oct 1842 - William D. Lee to John H. Haliburton for $500, negro slave named Austin..

B-206 - 5 Oct 1842 - Griffith L. Rutherford, sheriff of Lauderdale Co, served 6 executions on judgments obtained before Justices of the peace:  three before A. H. Pope - S. J. Hays against Jack Arnold, Felix Rutherford against the same, Davenport & Whitson against the same; and three before J. H. Maxwell, J. P., -  John C. Roberson against the same, John Wynn against the same, Wm. Mathews against the same,

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all of which executions were levied by me upon a negro slave named Mary about 12 years of age as the property of the defendant, Jack Arnold, and advertised by me at the town of Ripley on 3 Oct 1842.  Highest bidder was Joseph H. Talbot for $150. /s/ G. L. Rutherford.

B-206 - 4 Feb 1840  - Whereas Alfred Sturges heretofore conveyed 200 acres (part of David Crawford's 2000-acre grant) to Alfred S. Thurmond and a part of said interest of 200 acres was for my benefit, I have sold to Alfred S. Thurmond all my rights to the 200 acres above described for $97 and the further consideration of confirming a deed made by A. S. Thurmond to Erasmus D. Thurmond. /s/ Jno G. Thurmond  Wit: Wm. Misskelly, Wm. M. Omohundro.  Proved by Misskelly 1 Feb 1842, by Omohundro 6 Oct 1842.

B-207 - 6 Oct 1842 - Julius L. Gause for $5 to Samuel S. Gause – in USE and TRUST -  my interest in the cotton crop now growing on the premises whereon I am now living with what cotton has already been picked out of the fields as well as that hereafter to be gathered because John P. Gause has become security for me on an appeal bond executed in a case wherein Dobyns Bradford & Co for the use of Joseph Pond recovered a judgement at last October term of Circuit Court against me and Geo. W. Gause for about $330. The judgment was appealed to the next term of Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals to be held in April next at Jackson in Madison Co. I have today executed my note to John P. Gause for $180 for moneys paid at sundry times. It is agreed that Julius L. Gause is to gather the cotton as soon as possible and take it to Thos. G. Rice's cotton gin...ship the same to Memphis or New Orleans to the house of Brander Williams & Co., Commission Merchants in New Orleans, to sell the same, and after expenses attendant be paid, such as bagging & rope, freights & commission, then to pay the Supreme Court judgment that may be obtained and the note of $180 and interest... J. L. Gause

B-209 - 5 Oct 1842  - R. W. Green to Griffith L. Rutherford for $5, my tract beginning at the corner of three other tracts viz Samuel Owen, S. M. Sweet, G. W. & J. P. Gause, then north to a white oak, then west to a stake, then southwesterly to a stake in the big slough, from then east to G. W. & J. P. Gause's west line, then n & ne to beginning, being bounded on east by S. Owens, on north by Doct. D. M. Henning, on west by the Mallett land, on south by Mallet land and on se by G. W. & J. P. Gause's land--600 acres; if I pay Rutherford $550, the amount of an execution in his hands in favor of the Branch of the Bank of the State of Tennessee at Somerville and the interest and damage thereon on the 21 Jan next, then this deed to be void. /s/ R. W. Green  Wit: Jno. P. Gause, H. F. Rutherford  Proved by wits 5 Oct 1842.

B-210 - 7 Oct 1842 - Haralson & Henley to E. S. Campbell because H & H largely indebted to several persons by bond, want to secure them, Wm. H. Haralson and Rezin G. Henley put up this property:  2 lots in town of Ashport--Lots #1 and 3 in Block #16; on lot #1 stands the warehouse of Haralson & Henly, all the books and book accounts which stand open; one dray and harness, scales and patent balances, one patent platform scales, 2 stoves (one a common stove & pipe and the other a Franklin stove and pipe, 31# 6-penny nails, 1 keg 4 (d?) nails 100#, 52 lbs 16 (d) nails, 1 bbl rice, 1 cotton shed on the river and 1 warehouse with 2 rooms on the river known as Haralson & Henley's, 1 bedstead, half barrel tar, one desk, one lantern, 1 water spout, 1 tin bucket, 1 ream of wrapping paper, 14 batt hinges, 1 pair nail tongs, 4 cotton hooks, 9 pair iron hinges, 1 marking pot and brush, 1 canister that holds spts. turpentine, 2 chairs, 1 bag of wrought nails 76 per lbs.  These the people they owe (amounts shown in deed):  Messrs. H---ett Ruffin & Co., Peter T. Falk, B. F. Jordan, R. W. Green (A. H. Brown), Osborn Henley, Bank Tennessee at Trenton, Daniel Cherry, A. Patton & Co. A. Phillips draft from Browne, W. D. Lee draft from Browne, Steamer Red Rover, J. Rolley, Nancy Fisher, Joseph Rodgers, Wm. Parker, Benjamin Williams, R. C. Campbell, Ware Henley --total $3448.09. /s/Wm. H. Haralson, R. G. Henley, E. S. Campbell  Proved by R. C. Campbell and Benjamin F. Jordan 7 Oct 1842.

B-213 - 3 Oct 1842 - G. L. Rutherford, sheriff to Samuel V. Gilliland for $146 boy slave named Jackson about 13 years old to satisfy a judgment recovered against Isaac Braden, H. C. Keller, R. C. Campbell & James Braden in favor of the President and directors of the Bank of Tennessee at Feb term of Circuit
Abstracted by

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