Deed Book B - Abstracted Sections 21-30
Lauderdale County, Tennessee

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to know which "Abstracted Section" to open.

The page numbers following the names on the index are for the "Abstracted Sections"
and do not match the page numbers in the actual Deed Book B.

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A - C
D - H
I -O
P - S
T - Y
DEED BOOK B - Abstracted Sections
01 to 10
11 to 20
21 to 30
31 to 40
41 to 47

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Court of Laud Co 1842. /s/ G. L. Rutherford, sheriff

B-214 - State of TN #4912 - Entry #121 1 Jan 1839 to Hiram C. Keller for 80 acres founded on part of CWT warrant #1236 paid to John Miller for 1000 acres surveyed 25 April 1839, r5,s10 beginning at nw corner of entry for 335 acres in name of W. Conner and R. C. Campbell, south with that entry 176 poles, west 72 128/176 poles to east line of entry for 100 acres in name of R. C. Campbell and Wm. Conner, north with entry 176 poles to a stake in Ashport turnpike road, east with the road to beginning.  James C. Jones, Governor by Jno. S. Young, secretary

B-215 - 10 Oct 1842 – At the June 1837 term of Circuit Court on petition of heirs of Jacob Nieswanger, dec'd, it was ordered that David Gilliland, clerk of the court, sell 195 acres belonging to the heirs, part of 5000 acres granted to Daniel Mallette by Grant #276 in 11 SD, 2 and 3 r, 8 & 9 sections bounded:  from starting point go north 37 d east 85 poles, then south 84 d e 57 poles & 75 [5] links; east 335 poles to west line of D. P. Posey's land; north with the line 72 poles & 15 links, then west 418 poles to ne corner of P. G. Davenport's land; then south with said land 52 poles, then west 9 poles, then south 94 poles to begin.  Sale was made 2 Oct 1837 and Hiram C. Keller became purchaser for $877 /s/ David Gilliland  Wit Isaac M. Steele, Joseph Wardlaw

B-216 - 10 Oct 1842 - Hiram C. Keller to Joseph Wardlaw for $877 195 acres (same description as in deed above except for [ ].  /s/ H. C. Keller  Wit:  David Gilliland, H. Champ.  Ack.

B-218 -10 Oct 1842 - Hiram C. Keller to Joseph Wardlaw for $80,  80 acres in Dist 5 beginning at nw corner of 335 acres entered in name of W. Conner and R. C. Campbell, then south with said entry 176 poles, then west 72 128/176 poles to east line for entry in name of R. C. Campbell and Wm. Conner, then north with the entry 176 poles to stake in Ashport Turnpike road, then east with the same to beginning. /s/ Hiram C. Keller  Wit:  David Gilliland  Ack.

B-219 - 3 Sept 1842 - William Owen to William B. Sawyer for $450, half of tract on north side of Mill Creek beginning on east bank of the first drain or gut that crosses Mill Creek above where the said Owen & Parr has a mill, then north 70 d east 13 chains & 70 links, then south 30 d east 13 chains, then south 70 d west to the channel in the center of the creek, then up the creek to the mouth of the aforesaid drain and up it to the beginning--10 acres--together with one half of the mill thereon and half of all belonging to it; also half of 1 acre lying on the south side of the creek joining the above described land the same being condemned by order of the court bounded:  beginning at a point in the center of the creek opposite a forked sugar tree; then west 18 poles to the center of the creek; then down the meanders of the creek to beginning.  /s/ William Owen  Wit:  Michel (s) Manskur, James Salisbury  Proved by James Salisbury 4 Oct 1842  Ack by Owen 12 Oct 1842

B-221 - 22 Oct 1842 - Hermis Champ and Nancy B., his wife, alias Nancy B. Childress, to William Conner of Haywood Co., for $421.125, their claim (1/14th part) to the estate of Stephen Childress, dec'd, and the estate of George Childress, dec'd, both personal and real in which estate Nancy Childress widow and relict of Stephen Childress, dec'd, has a life interest and now has the same in possession--150 acres on north waters of Big Hatchie River and 22 slaves now in possession of Nancy and whatever stock, tools, etc she has in her possession at her death.  /s/ H. Champ, N. B. Champ  Wit:  J. L. Hearring  Ack by Champ; private exam taken by Isaac M. Steele 22 Oct 1842.

B-222 - 3 Oct 1842 - Richard W. Green for $5 paid by John P. Gause of Brownsville, Haywood Co, one cotton gin with all the running gear thereto attached, one spinning machine.  I am indebted to Mrs. Elizabeth Green for $241 14 Sept 1842.  /s/ Richard W. Green  Ack

B-224 - 26 Oct 1842 - F. McCoy to Robert W. Walker for $115 all my cattle....  /s/ F. McCoy

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B-225 - 21 July 1838 - John Wirt of Somerville, Fayette Co, appoints Nathaniel K. Jones of Trenton, Gibson Co my attorney to dispose of all lands held by Wert & Jones in the Western District of TN  /s/ John Wirt  Ack 21 July 1838

B-226 - 26 Oct 1842 - Nathaniel K. Jones of Weakley Co and John Wirt of Fayette County to Memucan H. Howard of Davidson Co for $2000, 640 acres in Laud. Co on banks of the Mississippi River in 11 SD, r7, s9 & 10, the whole of Entry #757 made in name of the Trustees of Cumberland College and granted to them by TN by Grant #23,113 dated 28 Jan 1825 beginning at sw corner of tract granted by NC to Wm. Polk for 3000 acres, then north with Polk's west line 448 poles to Polk's lower corner on the Bank of the Mississippi River, down the river 375 poles, then east 63 poles, then north 320 poles to south line of the 3000 acre grant in name of W. Polk, then west with his line 73 poles to beginning../s/ N. K. Jones, John Wirt by his atty in fact N. K. Jones  Wit:  A. A. P Grigs by L. B. Gilchrist  Ack in Gibson Co by Jones.

B-227 - 25 Nov 1841 - William B. Chambers to Griffith Rutherford of Wilson Co, TN for $10 land on head drains of Balls branch of Mill Creek beginning in the center of the branch near where Bryant F. Buck now lives at a point 8 poles west of the spring said Buck now occupies, then south 20 poles, then east 16 poles, then north to the center of the branch then the meanders of the same to the beginning - estimated 1 acre  /s/ W. B. Chambers  Wit:  H. Rutherford, H. F. Rutherford  Proved by Henry and Henry F. Rutherford 31 Oct 1842

B-228 - 2 Nov 1842 - Jonathan L. Hearing to William Hearring of Camden Co NC for $1405, 226.5 acres in Laud. Co contiguous to town of Ripley, part of 5000 acres entered in the name of and owned by heirs of Charles McDowell and of that portion 1000 acres owned by the heirs of Joel Lewis, deceased, laid off by the commissioners Wm. H. Henderson appointed for that purpose to Lewis' heirs beginning at a branch on sw corner of Lot 1 laid off by the commissioner to heirs of Joel Lewis and the nw corner of lot laid off to Thomas Brown, then east with the north boundary line of Brown's lot 226 2/3 poles, then north 171.5 poles to north line of lot #1, then west 46 poles to John C. McLemore's corner, then south with his line 15 poles, then west 180 2/3 poles, then south 156 2/3 poles to beginning.  /s/ Jonathan L. Hearring

B-230 - 4 Nov 1842 - Charles Guyger of Haywood Co, TN p/a to Joseph W. Perkins of Lauderdale Co to receive debts due me for goods purchased at my store in town of Ripley; also money due me by James M. Rucker - Ack.

B-231 - 29 Oct 1842 - Martin R. Hatcher of Dyer Co to Rezin S. Byrn of Laud Co for $100, one town lot in Durhamville beginning on se corner of lot 1, then south, to an alley, then west, then north, then east to beginning so as to cover lot #2 as per plan of the town of Durhamville  /s/ Martin R. Hatcher  Wit:  Absolam G.W. Byrn, Rezin D. Byrn  Proved by wit 7 Nov 1842

B-232 - 17 Nov 1842 - Hugh Smith to James Soward for $400 land in Dist 8, 100 acres, part of 305 acres deeded from Henry Rutherford to Benjamin Jordan, dec'd, and bequeathed to Hugh Smith and wife Elizabeth Smith by said Benj. Jordan, dec'd, beginning at sw corner of the 305-acre tract at two poplars, then east 193 poles to a sassafras and black gum, then west 193 poles to a stake, then south to the beginning - /s/ Hugh Smith  Ack by Hugh Smith

B-233 - 17 Nov 1842 - Hugh Smith for $450 sells to James Soward negro girl slave named Harriet aged about 14. /s/ Hugh Smith  Ack 17 Nov 1842

B-233 -  21 Nov 1842 - Samuel W. Hankins, minister of the Gospel in Lauderdale Co, for $300 sells to Nathaniel Porter of Henry Co., TN a negro girl named Ann aged about 13. /s/ S. W. Hankins.

B-234 - 1 April 1841 - Robert Love, Sr. of Haywood Co, NC to Ann D. Gudger, wife of James Gudger of Buncombe Co, NC for $1600, part of a division of my western District of TN lands and for further

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consideration of love and affection which I have for my daughter Ann D. Gudger, wife of James Gudger, all my undivided interest to the following tract known by the name of the Henderson tract in Lauderdale Co., TN.  /s/ Rt. Love  wit: Robert M. Henry, Robt. Love  Proved in Henry Co, TN by Robert M. Henry and Robert Love 19 June 1841.

B-235 - 10 July 1841 - Nancy Rutherford, James Rutherford, Thomas McG. Rutherford, Wright H. Rutherford, John H. Rutherford, Robert J. Holbrook and Mary E. Holbrook by G. L. Rutherford their agent and atty and G. L. Rutherford for himself convey to Benjamin M. Flippin for $300 land in Dist 7, 102 acres beginning near the road, then west 2.5d south 132 poles, then s 2.5d east 124 poles, then east 2 1/2d north 132 poles, then north 2.5d west to beginning..  Ack by G. L. Rutherford.

B-237 -      Dec 1842 - James H. Lauderdale of Tipton Co to Samuel V. Gilliland, a negro girl named Harriet aged about 12 for $300. /s/ J. H. Lauderdale  Wit: Jas. H. Bates  Ack 5 Dec 1842.

B-237 -     Dec 1842 - James H. Lauderdale of Tipton Co, TN to Samuel V. Gilliland negro man Spencer age about 32 for $500; Sabre, woman about 28 for $300; Harry, boy aged about 10 for $100. /s/ J. H. Lauderdale  Wit:  Jas. H. Bates  Ack 5 Dec 1842.

B-238 - 8 Nov 1842 - Thomas J. Mulhollan, agent & attorney in fact for Dr. Joseph Jones of Warren Co., Miss. to David Hay of Haywood Co, TN, whereas by indenture made 6 Nov 1841 between Mulhollan for Jones, and Hay and Wm. Conner for the transfer of lands described therein from Joseph Jones to Wm. Conner for the trusts and purposes therein mentioned, and whereas now Mulholland has agreed with Hay for the absolute sale and transfer of the premises in the deed, now for $4326.30 he sells that land--one undivided fourth part of near 4000 acres on bank of the Miss. River including 1/4 of the town lots in town of Ashport, being the same property purchased by Jones from Jno. C. McLemore, also near 1/8 of the Ashport road stock.  /s/ Joseph Jones by his atty in fact Th. J. Mulhollan  Ack in Haywood Co 9 Nov 1842

B-239 - 14 Dec 1842 - Joseph Wardlaw for $235 sells to James L. Talbot of Madison Co a negro girl slave named Minerva about 11 years old of a brown complexion and now in my possession in town of Ripley; deliver her into the possession of Joseph W. Perkins as agent of Talbot. /s/ Joseph Wardlaw  Ack 14 Dec 1842.

B-240 - 18 Dec 1842 - (Henry and H. F. Rutherford) to Henry R. Chambers for $400 land in 8th District--100 acres beginning in forks of first drain south of where Thomas Phillips has lived, then west 3.5 chains on Richard Parr's line, then with his and Henry Pillow's (line) north 34 chains to Hugh Smith's corner; then with his line east 23.5 chains, then south 40 chains, to an elm on the aforesaid drain, then up the meanders of the drain to the beginning. /s/ H. Rutherford, H. F. Rutherford  Wit: Rezin Porter, Thomas (x) Phillips.  Ack 2 Jan 1843.

B-241 - 2 Jan 1843 - Richard W. Green to Archer Phillips for $5:  one 8-day brass clock, one silver Lev_r sports (?) man's watch and one sorrel horse about 10 years.  Green was indebted to Phillip Tuggle.  /s/ Richd. W. Green  Wit Jas. P. Walker, Thos R. Tuggle  Proved by wit.

B-243 - 4 Jan 1843 - John C. McLemore of Shelby Co, TN to Sugars McLemore of Madison Co, TN for $865:  383 acres, one equal and undivided moiety or half of tract entered in office of 11 SD in name of John McIver by entry #503, containing 766 acres, it being one of the tracts allotted to the locators (McLemore & Vaulx) as a part of their locative share in the McIver lands which 766 acre tract was decreed by the Chancery Court Franklin, TN to John C. McLemore & James Vaulx as part of their locative shares, and to the grant issued by TN to McIver founded on the entry for a more particular description of the land will at large appear.  /s/ Jno. C. McLemore  Ack in Shelby County 4 Jan 1843.

B-244 - 11 Jan 1843 - Hermis Champ to G. L. Rutherford for $1 (in trust): one lot in Ripley--lot #15--4

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cows..., one iron gray mare, one buck's hire, sow, dozen and half chairs, 5 tables, 1 clock, 1 pair large looking glasses, 1 settee, 8 feather beds and furniture, 5 fine bedsteads, 4 pair handirons, 4 ovens & lids, 2 skillets, 1 large kettle, 2 pots, 1 press--I am indebted to Thomas D. Hart for $272.66... /s/ H. Champ  Ack 12 Jan 1843.

B-246 - 16 Jan 1843 - Cornelius Durden to James A. Haynes for $5: a light bayhorse, 2 feather beds, bedsteads and bedclothing, a clock IN TRUST; indebted to James A. Luckey for $20.75, to Joseph Wardlaw for $15.87; and to divers other persons.  /s/ C. Durden, James A. Haynes  Ack 16 Jan 1843.

B-248 - 26 Nov 1842 - Clement T. Walker to Jacob N. Wardlaw for $5:  house and lot in Durhamville on which I now reside, a mare, cattle, hogs, bed, etc, bureau IN TRUST; indebted to John W. Durant and David M. Henning, partners in Durant & Henning for $151.59...advertise at the Court House and election ground of 1st Dist. and 3 other public places in the neighborhood, if in default.  /s/ Clement T. Walker  Wit: A. Phillips, Henry S. Peyton.  Ack

B-250 - 7 July 1839 - Commissioners of Ripley to Benjamin S. Tyus and Thomas Whitelaw of Haywood Co for $270--lots #36 & 43.  Lot 36 begins on east side of public square 99 feet south of ne corner of the square, then east 99 feet to an alley, then south 49.5, then west 99 feet to a stake on the square, then north to beginning; Lot 43 begins on east wide of an alley 16.5 feet east of the ne corner of #36, then east 99 feet to a stake on Randolph St., then south with Randolph 99 feet, then west 99 feet to the alley then with alley to beginning. /s/ Rezin S. Byrn, G. L. Rutherford, R. C. Campbell, H. C. Keller.  Ack 18 Feb 1840.

B-251 - 24 Jan 1843 - David Walker to William Hafford for $200:  50 acres in 11th SD, r2, 10 s, part of tract granted by TN to Alfred Moore of NC, entry #625 for 5000 acres beginning 9 poles 17 links west of the ne corner of a tract entered in name of J. G. Blount for 640 acres, north 102 poles to Wm. Hafford's south line, then east 78 poles with Hafford's south line to his se corner, then south 102 poles, then west 78 poles to beginning--50 acres - Ack 24 Jan 1843

B-252 - 6 Jan 1843 - Order of sale issued from Circuit Court of Laud. Co in favor of (Commissioners of Ripley) against Hiram C. Keller, Isaac J. Pinson, and John H. Chapman which was levied on Peter, negro boy slave about 30 years old, Winny, negro woman about 50, Maria, about 20, Henry, about 4, Wilson about 2, boy child about 4 months, Jefferson 11, Essex 12, Mary was at house of Hiram C. Keller on 17 Oct 1842.  Joseph Wardlaw bought Peter, Winny, Maria, Wilson and child, Henry, Jefferson, Essex, Mary.  /s/ S. A. Thompson, constable of Laud. Co.

B-254 - 25 Jan 1843 - James A. Lackey to Isaac M. Steele for $5:  negro man of black color, named Nat not exceeding 30 years; IN TRUST because Lackey is indebted to Guilford Jones for $225.  /s/ James A. Lackey  Ack

B-256 - 17 Jan 1843 - Edward Kenelly for $1 to John B. Earle of Dyer Co:  20 cattle, mare, lease, 2 feather beds, etc, all on the place in possession of Kenelly where they are to remain until called for by Earle IN TRUST— indebted to Connell & Fizer of Dyersburg for $67.54; to Thomas J. Connell & Co for $12.61. /s/ E. Keneley, J. B. Earle.  Ack in Dyer Co 17 Jan 1843.

B-257 - 31 Jan 1843 - Guilford Jones to Martha A. Shepherd for $400, slaves Violet and her child Alice.  Ack.

B-257 - 8 July 1829 - Leonard Dunavant of Williamson Co. TN to Spencer Buford of Williamson Co. TN to secure payment of money ($697.83) loaned and advanced on 25 June 1828, Leonard and Sarah, his wife, have executed to Spencer Buford their deed of mortgage for land in Gibson Co, TN and the following negroes:  James about 18; Sally about 50.  /s/ L. Dunavant  Wit: John O. Patton, Solomon Oden Proved by wit. July term 1829.   Registered in Laud. Co. 4 Feb 1843.

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B-259 - 31 Aug 1842 - John Brown of Shelby Co, TN to David M. Henning for $100:  town lot in Ashport, #13 in Block 7 on the corner of First Pecan St.  /s/ John Brown  Wit: Marshal Starnes, Ivy Chandler.  Proved by wit 6 Feb 1843.

B-259 - 30 Sept 1842 - John C. Barnes to Milton F. Lake for $530:  the two shares allotted by the commissioners to Wm. G. Childress and Kelsey H. Douglass & his wife Minerva, heirs of Stephen Childress Sr., dec'd, and conveyed by the above to John C. Barnes bounded:  beginning in east line of McCampbell's land, then east 186 poles to west line of Nancy Childress' land, then north 114 poles, then west 186 poles, then south to beginning - 30 Sept 1842  /s/ John C. Barnes  Wit:  Elijah Lake, Thos. J. Childress.  Proved by wit 6 Feb 1843.

B-261 - 7 Feb 1843 - Isaac J. Pinson to Lansey Graves.  Pinson is indebted to David Walker for $100; to secure it IN TRUST negro woman Violet about 17.  7 Feb 1843  /s/ I. J. Pinson  Wit:  Joseph W. Perkins, Joseph Wardlaw  Ack 7 Feb 1843.

B-262 - 10 Nov 1842 - Orville H. Searcy of Ray Co, MO to Elijah Lake of Laud Co - Searcy by bond dated 30 Sept 1835 sold Lake land in the Hatchie connection.  Granville D. Searcy, who was authorized by power of atty from O. H., conveyed the land to Lake on 26 Sept 1836 described by metes and bounds as in 11th SD on Big Hatchie River, part of 5000 acres granted by NC to John Rice by grant #341, r4, s9... beginning (at trees), 41 chains & 50 links west from the ne corner of the original survey, south 107 chains & 86 links, then w 41 chains & 72 links; then north 107 chains & 86 links, then east 41 chains & 72 links to beginning--450 acres--it being a part of lot #3 as known in the division of the 500 acre grant.  The aforesaid p/a has never been proven & recorded as required by TN, now to avoid all future difficulties, I make this new deed.  /x/ Orville H. Searcy  Wit:  F. Barfield, Milton F. Lake.  Proved by Barfield 6 Feb 1843 and Lake on 13 Feb 1843.

B-264 - 18 Feb 1843 - G. L. Rutherford to Samuel V. Gilliland - Judgment given in favor of State of TN by Circuit Court of Laud Co on 2 Feb 1841 for $4.75 for taxes due for 1840 against land of which James Morris is the reputed owner containing 155 acres in Dist 2 bounded:  begin at ne corner of John Rhea's 5000 acre entry, north 55 poles to James Taylors' corner on Nelson's line, west 35 poles, north 100 poles to a box elder thence [east] 152 poles to a stake thence south 160 poles, then east with Rhea's line to beginning.  Judgement issued and came to hands of Sheriff and collector of taxes Griffith L. Rutherford on 13 Feb 1841; it was advertised and sold at the court house on 1st Monday of July 1841 to Samuel V. Gilliland for $4.75.  /s/ G. L. Rutherford

B-265 - 8 June 1842 - Commissioners of Ripley to Richard H. McGaughy for $43, Ripley town lot known as Lot #101 in Block W beginning on Randolph St., then north 9 poles, east 14 poles, south 9 poles to stake in south boundary of the town, then west 14 poles to beginning.  /s/ R. C. Campbell, H. C. Keller, G. L. Rutherford

B-266 - 27 August 1842 - Mary J. Lee to James G. Anthony for $1200 land in Lauderdale and Haywood Counties in 11 SD, r2, s9, part of tract bought by Lee from Leonidas Polk, part of 2500 acres entered in name of Geo. Doherty beginning at a white oak marked JW, Isaac D. Coachman's nw corner, then north 170 poles, east 188 poles 6 links, then south 170 poles, then west 188 poles and 6 links to beginning--200 acres.  /s/ Mary J. Lee  Ack 25 Feb 1843

B-267 - 25 Feb 1843 - Saml. V. Gilliland to Imry S. Keller for $146, slave Jackson about 17 years old (bought from Sheriff sale).  Ack 27 Feb 1843

B-268 - 7 Oct 1842 - Samuel Richardson of Gibson Co. for $1000 to Banks M. Burrow of Carroll Co., land in Lauderdale beginning on ne corner of 1700-acre tract of Thomas Hopkins' of which this is a part,

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south along the east boundary of the same 156 poles, west 230 poles, north 156 poles on the north line of the tract, then east 230 poles to beginning--364 acres.  /s/ Sam Richardson  Wit:  John W. Crocket, J. A. W. Hap/Hep/Hass/Hess.  Ack 29 Oct 1842 at Trenton

B-269 - 16 April 1838 - Mary Whitten of Rutherford Co, TN to James Morphis of Henry Co, TN for $500, all claim I have as one of heirs of John Morphis, dec'd, late of Orange Co., NC to land in 11th SD, s9 and 10, r2 on waters of Cane Creek of Big Hatchie River.  /s/ Mary x Whitten  Wit:  Wm. L. Lannom, Henry Thorn.  Proved by wit 16 April 1838.

B-270 - 10 Mar 1843 - John Stone of Marshal Co., KY to John Thompson of Lauderdale Co for $270.125 in 11 SD, r2, s10, beginning at Sabert Wood's east line, 285 poles 20 links north from Wood's se corner, then with his north line 120 poles & 5 links to north line of Morphis' 2560 acre tract, then east 99 poles with the north line of Morphis 2560 acre tract; then south 124 poles & 5 links, then west 99 poles to beginning--76.75 acres.  /s/ John (x) Stone  Wit:  Jas. A. Lackey, Wm. J. Connerly.  Ack in Laud Co 10 March 1843.

B-272 - St. of TN #135 - 26 Jan 1841 - Act of Gen. Assembly passed 11 Jan 1842 - Rezin S. Byrn 100 acres, survey dated 24 Aug 1842, in r2, s10, begin se corner of entry for 126+ acres in name of Farmer & Wardlaw, then west with their line 124 poles to pole marked M in east line of an entry for 640 acres in name of Daniel Wheaton, then south with Wheaton's line 129 1/34 poles to his se corner, then east 124 poles, then north 129 1/34 poles to begin.  /s/ James C. Jones, Governor of TN.

B-273 - St. of TN #134 - 30 June 1842 - Act of Gen. Assembly passed 11 Jan 1842 - entered 4 April 1837 in r4, s10 begin at ne corner of 150 acre entry of M. H. Howard, n 134 poles to tree marked M.R.& T.B., west 119 27/67 poles, south 134 poles to trees marked FS in north line of Howard's 150 acres, east 119 27/67 poles to beginning.  /s/ James C. Jones, Governor of TN.

B-274 - 1 Feb 1839 - Nancy Rutherford, Alfred Rutherford, Robert J. Holbrook and Mary E. Holbrook, all of Marshall Co, Mississippi appoint Griffith L. Rutherford of Lauderdale Co, TN agent and atty in fact to rent, lease or sell our land.  /s/ Nancy Rutherford, Alfred Rutherford, Mary E. Holbrook, Robert J. Holbrook.  Ack by Nancy Rutherford in Lauder. Co. 31 March 1843.  Wright H. Rutherford swears to the writing of Alfred Rutherford and Robert J. Holbrook, and Nancy Rutherford swears to that of Alfred Rutherford, and Mary E. and Robert J. Holbrook.

B-275 – 2 Feb 1842 - James Morphis of Henry Co., TN to Charles A. Smoot for $33, land in 11 SD 42, s9 or 10 beginning at J. F. Jett's nw corner on R. Walker's south line, then west with Walker's south line to R. Walker's sw corner, then south with Joseph Taylor's east line to a stake in a branch on Tarlton Durham's occupant north line, then east with Durham's north line to his ne (corner) on Jett's west line, north with Jett's west line to beginning--9 or 10 acres, part of Grant #21674 founded on warrant #54, entry 724 granted by TN to John and Alexander Morphis.  /s/ James Morphis  Wit:  A. M. Estes, Matthew Picket.  Ack 7 Mar 1843.

B-276 -10 Dec 1838 - Wright H. Rutherford and John H. Rutherford give power of atty to G. L. Rutherford to sell their interest in land in Lauderdale Co, TN that their father John Rutherford lived on in his lifetime.  /s/ W. H. Rutherford, J. H. Rutherford  Wit:  J.M.C. Robertson, J. N. Wardlaw  Ack by Wright H. Rutherford 31 Mar 1843; signature of John H. Rutherford attested to by Wright H. and Nancy Rutherford.  They also say that J.M.C. Robertson has moved to Arkansas.  Robertson's signature also sworn to by Jacob N. Wardlaw 3 April 1843.

B-278 - 3 April 1843 - William B. Chambers to Wm. B. Sawyer for $5, land on drains of Balls branch, beginning on bank at Samuel Strickland's line at the first drain below the spring, then north 10 degrees east 24.5 chains to tree in fork of a drain of Ball's branch, down meanders of the branch to its mouth

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which on a straight line is about 59.5 d east 20.5 chains, then with the meanders of the branch and the left hand on the south fork to an ash and white oak which on a straight line is s 87 d west 70 chains, then south 18 chains and 30 links to tree on Strickland's line then with his line 1.5 chains to his corner in the drain, down the drain to beginning--127 acres--1 sorrel mare with bald face about 5 years old and her young colt, 43 head of hogs, 1 muley cow, 1 other cow that Chambers bought from Wm. Omohundro, 1 large red and white cow that Chambers bought from T. J. Hill, 5 yearlings, 2 feather beds, bedsteads & furniture, 1 press, 1 clock, 8 sheep--Chambers is indebted to Alfred Rutherford by a judgment before John S. Robbins, Esq, rendered 1 April last for $173.07 on which James H. Chambers is security.  He is also indebted to Henry F. Rutherford, guardian of the heirs of Wm. Chambers, dec'd, by a note dated 20 July 1842 for $157.53...Ack 3 April 1843.

B-280 - 3 April 1843 - Rezin S. Byrn to Chapel H. Wilbourne, Asa Pate, H. S. Peyton, Wm. Turner, James Thomas, Clement T. Walker, and Joseph Taylor, trustees, for $50, a lot in Durhamville (Lot #2) beginning at stake on se corner of lot #1, south 103.25 feet to an alley, then west with the alley...for a house of worship for members of the Methodist Episcopal Church (instructions for replacing trustees included as well as for selling property).  /s/ Rezin S. Byrn.  Ack 3 April 1843.

B-283 - 10 April 1843 - Lee H. Rucker to James M. Rucker - Whereas Lee H. Rucker obtained from Thomas B. Cousins his bill of exchange drawn on Charles A. Jacobs for $250 dated 4 Jan 1843 due 3 months after date endorsed by Carter B. Harris and Noah Perry, which bill has been purchased by Branch Bank of TN at Trenton, and is indebted to Geo. Dickinson for $300, and to Zachariah Mitchell for cutting cord wood for $80, and to Bowers and Ayres by a judgment rendered by E. H. Hinton, Esq. JP, sometime in July 1842 for $72 on which judgment Zachariah Mitchell is security for the stay of execution; is indebted to Simeon Buford for $25; to John O'Neil for $50; to Robert P. Currin for $120; to Mrs. Frances Walpole for $20; to Alexander Stalcup for $18; to John A. Hogsett for $40; to James H. Hogsett for $20; James M. Rucker is named trustee to secure debts. Property put up to protect him is 70 acres entered in name of John Branch in r11, s1 in the 13th SD, the same that Lee H. Rucker resides on, lying on the Bank of the Miss. River; the second tract contains 33 acres, the locative interest of a 135-acre tract entered in name of John Wynn joining the 70 acres before mentioned, 400 cords of wood on these tracts, 4 yokes of oxen, 2 yoke being the same that Lee H. Rucker bought from Robt. P. Currin, one yoke being those purchased from James H. Hogsett; 3 ox carts, 5 head of horses, 3 milch cows and their calves, 6 yearlings, 1 steer running at Henry Crihfields, 1 bed and furniture and 3 bedsteads, 60 head of hogs.  /s/ Lee H. Rucker  Ack 10 April 1843

B-287 - 31 Dec 1842 - Harris Co., TX - Thomas J. Jordan of Fort Bend Co., TX makes my brother, John Jordan, of Harris Co, TX my atty and agent to receive all money due me from the estate of my deceased brother, William Jordan, late of Laud. Co., TN, USA and institute suits in law or equity to obtain and recover that portion of my deceased brother William's effects which may be due me as one of the heirs of the deceased.  /s/ Thos. J. Jordan  Wit:  S. E. Powers.  Ack before A. P. Thompson, Chief Justice of Co. Court of Harris Co. 31 Dec 1842.

B-287 - 6 Mar 1843 – I, John Jordan of Harris Co., TX, the atty of Thomas J. Jordan of Fort Bend Co., TX, nominate and appoint B. F. Jordan of Haywood Co, TN my agent to receive all money, goods, etc., due me from the estate of my deceased brother, Wm. Jordan, late of Laud. Co, TN, USA, and empower him to sue (etc.).  /s/ Thomas J. Jordan by his agent John Jordan.  Ack in Lauderdale by John Jordan 6 March 1843

B-289 - 6 March 1843 - John Jordan of Harris Co., TX appoint my brother B. F. Jordan of Haywood Co, TN my agent and atty to receive everything due me from the estate of my deceased brother William late of Lauderdale Co, and empower him to sue (etc.)  /s/ John Jordan  Wit:  A. T. Halliburton.  Ack 6 Mar 1843

B-290 - April 1843 - Thomas Fitzpatrick to Robert P. Russell for $352.20 land in s9,r2 beginning on the

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creek on McClung's north line 6 poles east of Curtis' se corner, west passing Curtis ne corner in all 108 poles to Carter's sw corner; then n with Carter's line 103 poles; then west 75 poles, then south 176 poles, then north 73d eeast 73 poles, then south 73d east 80 poles, then up the creek to the beginning--117 acres.  /s/ Thos. Fitzpatrick.  Ack 13 April 1843.

B-291 - 16 June 1842 - Leonidas Polk of Maury Co, TN to Mary J. Lee of Laud. Co for $7950 land near village of Durhamville, being the western part of 2500 acres originally granted to George Dougherty and that part which was subsequently decreed to Leonidas Polk in the division of the estate of the late Col. Wm. Polk bounded:  begin at corner of the division between George W. & Leonidas Polk, then with G. W. Polk's western line south 499 poles, then west 282.7 poles to Isaac D. Coachman's nw corner in Mary J. Lee's eastern line, then north 280 poles to her ne corner, then west with her north line 323 poles to the extreme sw corner of the original tract, then north 220 poles to the original nw corner of the tract, then east 602.7 to beginning--1325 acres.  /s/ Leonidas Polk by his atty in fact Jno. H. Bills  Wit:  James G. Anthony, Henry S. Peyton.  Proved by Peyton 5 July 1842; by Anthony 17 April 1843.

B-293 - 13 April 1843 - Joseph Wardlaw to Joseph Hays for $475, tract beginning on north boundary of a 5000 acre tract originally granted to Daniel Mallet, the nw corner of David P. Posey's land, then south with Posey's line 75 poles to Joseph Wardlaw's ne corner; then west with Wardlaws line 206 15/31 poles, then north 80 poles on south line of an entry for 2500 acres made in name of John Rhea, then se to beginning--100 acres, it being part of Mallet's grant.  /s/ Joseph Wardlaw.  Ack 13 April 1843.

B-294 - 25 Oct 1840 - State of TN #4551 to William W. Lea - Entry #104 dated 27 Dec 1838 for 200 acres founded on part of C.W.T. Warrant #3146 issued to John Loffman for 274 acres surveyed 28 Dec 1838 in 11 SD, r5, s9 and 10 Williards Occupant, beginning in Sect 10 at nw corner of an entry for 97 acres belonging to Samuel V. Gilliland, then south 176 poles to north line of an entry for 640 acres in name of James P. Taylor, then west with Entry 32 poles to its nw corner, then south with Taylor's entry to the ne corner of an entry for 100 acres in name of W. W. Lea, then west with said entry 128 poles, then north 206 poles, then east 160 poles to beginning.  /s/ James K. Polk, Governor; Jno. S. Young secretary

B-295 - 20 March 1843 - Richard H. McGaughey to L. Marcellus Campbell for $150 a town lot in Ripley, Lot #101 in Block W - beginning on south line of Ripley on Randolph St., then north 9 poles, then east 14 poles, then south 9 poles, to the south boundary of the town, then west 14 poles to beginning.  /r/ R. H. McGaughey.  Ack 21 Mar 1843.

B-296 - 20 July 1842 – John H. Rawlings of Madison Co., TN to John W. Campbell of Madison Co, TN for $640, 320 acres, the undivided half of 640 acres purchased by Major A. L. Martin of the University of NC.  The undivided half of the 640 acre tract is conveyed by said Andrew L. Martin to John W. Rawlings, and Rawlings hereby conveys to John W. Campbell.  /s/ J. H. Rawlings.  Ack 30 July 1842.

B-297 - 10 Sept 1842 -John W. Campbell, trustee, to Patrick M. Duffey - James S. Armstrong on 26 Feb 1842 conveyed to me in trust a tract in Lauderdale Co in Dist #13 containing 160 acres, the whole lot #2 drawn by M. H. Howard in a division of a tract belonging to McLemore Dickins & Co, the same being 1/4 of their locative interest in a 2560-acre tract founded on military warrant #763 for 2560 acres in 13 Dist, r11, s1 on the Miss. River entered in the name of Calvin Jones, containing 160 acres.  The deed was made to secure to Patrick M. Duffy the payment of $130 interest, etc., and contained a power to sell it in case the debt was not paid on 26 August 1842.  The debt has not been paid and I advertised and sold the land at public sale to Patrick M. Duffey for $140.  /s/ Jno. W. Campbell.  Ack 28 April 1843

B-299 - 16 Nov 1842 - Samuel W. Hankins and wife, Caroline, to E. H. Hinton for the love he has for his wife (Caroline) & children, in trust 5 slaves:  Mary Ann aged 63, Mary age 19 and her child Thaddeus aged 2 1/2, very bright colored; Peter a boy aged 15; Eley girl aged 13.  /s/ S. W. Hankins, Caroline Hankins.  Wit:  John W. Nearn, Guilford Jones.  Proved by wits 5 Dec 1842.

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B-300 - 1 April 1843 - John C. McLemore of Shelby Co, TN to John D. Martin, executor of Samuel Dickens, for $1550, land in Weakley Co in 13th SD on south side of South Fork of Obion River in s5, r2--416 2/3 acres, an undivided share in Grant #18262 dated 18 October 1822 issued by State of TN to McLemore for 2000 acres, Warrant #2112, entry #322 dated 5 Mar 1821; also for $430 another tract in 13th SD r11, s1 in Laud Co., Mississippi bottom, lot #4 containing 160 acres allotted to McLemore as his portion of the locative interest of entry #636 entered in name of Calvin Jones for 2560 acres founded on warrant #763 located by McLemore Dickens & Co. reference to the division between the locators.  /s/ Jno. C. McLemore  Ack 1 April 1843.

B-302- 21 Jan 1843 - Samuel Hooper to William Curtis for $400, land on south side of Mill Creek of the south fork of Forked Deer River beginning on south side of the creek east 45 chains to Denton's line, then with his line north 34.5 chains, then north 23.5 d west 15 chains to tree on bank of the creek, then up the meanders of center of the creek to beginning--100 acres, part of grant from NC to Griffith Rutherford for 3000 acres, Grant #37 dated 10 July 1788 and conveyed to Henry Rutherford 11 July 1798 and ack in Sumner Co Court at October term 1798, registered in Dyer County 2 Dec 1834 in Book C, pp 270 & 272.  /s/ Samuel x Hooper  Wit: E. Kenely, H. T. Hooper  Ack 6 Feb 1843

B-303 - 12 November 1842 - James A. & John E. Haynes agree to become partners as saddlers in town of Ripley for 5 years, each pays in equal stock; name and style of the firm to be James A. & John E. Haynes, each to give their personal attention to the business, bear expense, loss and profits equally.  The capital stock not to be withdrawn by either party till the end of the term and the profits are to remain in the concern and be employed as capital unless otherwise mutually agreed.  At end of the term each party is to receive the capital paid in by him now or hereafter and the clear profits to be equally divided.  The parties are not to create any debt without consent of both; shall keep a book of the firm with full and perfect accounts of its purchases and sales, receipts and disbursements, expenses and profits for the inspection of both parties at all times. At expiration of the term or death of either party or dissolution by mutual consent, a full and true settlement shall be made, and profits, if any, divided between them equally.  /s/ James A. Haynes, John E. Haynes  Wit:  Robert Hamel, John W. Hamel  Ack 12 Nov 1842

B-304 - 28 Jan 1843 - Rezin S. Byrn, Hiram C. Keller, Robert C. Campbell, Griffith L. Rutherford, commissioners of Ripley, to McNairy Newell of Haywood Co. for $260, 2 lots in Ripley--lot #4 fronting on the Public Square and running back to lot #5, and lot #5 on the corner of Main and Franklin Streets.  /s/ Rezin S. Byrn, Hiram C. Keller, Robert C. Campbell, Griffith L. Rutherford  Ack 22 Feb 1843 and 13 May 1843.

B-306 - 12 May 1843 - Edward M. McDaniel of Mississippi Co, Arkansas, for $27.25 paid by Edwin C. Campbell, a minor, sells to John W. Campbell in trust for the use and benefit of the said Edward Campbell, 2 mules, 1 horse, 2 mares, 6 beds and bedsteads, 8 cows and calves, 1 bull and wagon and 3 yoke of oxen, 1 carryall & harness, 2 tables, 2 bureaus, 1 work stand /s/ E. M. McDaniel  wit: L. M. Campbell  Proved by L. M. Campbell 13 May 1843

B-307 - 26 Sept 1842 - McNairy Newell to Absolam Bostick, both of Haywood Co, TN for $1000, lots #87 in Block T; #11, 48 & 81, 47 in Block H and #4 and #5 (in Ripley) which are the same 2 lots T. J. Dobyns purchased at the original lot sale and upon one stands a log storehouse formerly occupied by W. K. Dobyns & Co and now by Hart as a store.  /s/ McNairy Newell  Ack in Haywood Co.

B-308 - 17 May 1843 - Received of Wm. H. Haralson & Rezin G. Henley, late merchants and partners in trade under the firm and style of Haralson & Henley, $159 on an account I have against them acknow-ledged by deed dated 7 Oct 1842 and registered in Book B, pp 210-213 by raising my bid from $141 to $300 on lots #1 & 3 in block 16 in town of Ashport, I having become the purchaser of the lots on the 1 May 1843, the lots being sold by virtue of the deed aforesaid.  /s/ R(obt) C. Campbell  Ack 17 May 1843.

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B-309 - 22 May 1843 - Zachariah Mitchell to John Russell - whereas Mitchell has filed his bill of injunction in the Chancery Court at Brownsville for 6th Dist. of the Western Chancery Division of TN to enjoin the collection of $317.10, part of a judgment which Wm. G. Rounsaville, administrator of Amos Rounsaville, dec'd, obtained in the Circuit Court of Lauderdale Co at the February Term 1843 against Mitchell, and whereas Russell and Lanson H. Dunaway have become security for Mitchell in the injunction for $650, in order to save them harmless, set over to Russell two tracts--one of 100 acres beginning at sw corner of John Walpole's 100-acre tract, being the same conveyed by Geo. W. Gibbs to Mitchell by deed dated 19 Feb 1839 (Bk A-p. 379); the other tract is 75 acres beginning at ne corner of the Mary Wheaton or McLemore tract of 250 acres, the same conveyed by George W. Gibbs to Mitchell 6 Mar 1841 (Deed BK B, pp. 48 and 59) also 5 negroes--Bedford about 27, Penny about 20 years and her three children.../s/ Zachariah Mitchell  Ack 22 May 1843

B-312 - 20 August 1842 - On 18 July 1828 William Lytle, Sr., late of Rutherford Co, conveyed to Ephraim H. Foster in trust a tract in 11 SD, r3,s10 on Cane Creek of Big Hatchie River beginning at Charles McDowell's nw corner, south 82.5 degrees east 12 links, then west with the section line 125 poles to Robert & Thomas Love's corner from which south 77.5 degrees west 15 links is a poplar marked T & RL, then south with their line 200 poles to their corner, then west with their line 313 poles and 16 links to Thomas Crutcher's corner, then south 127 poles, then west 86 poles to James Trimble & Co.'s corner, then south with their line 175 poles, then east 365 (poles?) to John Donelson's west line, then north with his line 55 poles to John Donelson's corner, then east with his line 160 poles, then north to beginning--910 acres, it being the tract granted by TN to Wm. Lytle by Grant #19217 and by the deed Ephraim H. Foster was authorized to convey to me (etc) 1/6 part of the tract for my services in locating as soon as a proper division could be made and whereas the division has not yet been made, I John C. McLemore of Shelby Co, TN for $376.13 sell to Ephraim H. Foster my rights to the above-described land.  /s/ Jno. C. McLemore  Wit: P. H. Skipwith, Jno. Dickinson.  Ack in Davidson Co 20 August 1842

B-314 - 6 Feb 1843 - James S. Lyon of Madison Co, TN to Alexander Jackson (of Madison Co?) for $645 my 1/3 interest in 640 acres on Forked Deer River in r4, s11 granted to James L. Lyon and James Elrod by TN Grant #4890 and bounded:  begin 180 poles south from nw corner of an entry for 640 acres in the name of John G. Chalmers, then north with that entry 180 poles to its nw corner on the south bank of Forked Deer River, then nw down the river 250 poles, then west 192 poles, then south 410 poles, then east 271 poles to beginning.  /s/ Jas. S. Lyon  Ack in Madison Co 1 June 1843

B-315 - 14 Feb 1842 - Lawrence Cherry of (?) Co., NC to Daniel Cherry of Haywood Co my part of a 2560 acre tract entered in name of the heirs of Robert Turner on 13 Dec 1822 by #798 surveyed 20 Sept 1823 granted 13 July 1825 by #23927 and founded on warrant dated 11 Oct 1830 #647 for 2560 acres in 11 SD 8 and 9 s, 6r in Lauderdale Co, formerly Tipton Co beginning on the east side of Miss. River including the mouth of Coal Creek beginning on the bank of Miss River at the nw corner of John Rhea's 320 acre entry, east with his line passing his corner, in all 950 poles, then north with west line of Wm. L. Byler's, passing his corner, in all 920 poles, then west 270 poles to bank of the Miss River, then down the river 1340 poles to beginning, my part of the tract is 355 1/3 acres, being an undivided interest in the tract for which Daniel Cherry has paid me $1243.50; also my part in an undivided interest of a tract in Weakley Co containing 228 acres granted to me, Lawrence Cherry, on 21 March part is 1/3 after deducting 1/6 part of the whole tract for the locator's part which belongs to said Daniel Cherry and the other two thirds is owned by Darling Cherry and Daniel Cherry jointly and Daniel Cherry has paid me $253.33.  The tract is in 13 Dist, s7, 2r...../s/ Lawrence Cherry  Wit:  Norman T. Cherry, C. W. Cherry, Samuel Cherry, Henry J. Larick, Edward I. Read  Ack at Haywood Co 19 Feb 1842

B-317 - 2 June 1843 - Hubbard P. Scott appoints Alexander McKinnon atty to receive from the sheriff or coroner of Lauderdale or Clerk of Supreme Court of Errors held at Jackson, TN...the amount I recovered at April term 1843 against James L. Green and others.  /s/ H. P. Scott  wit: Rezin S. Byrn, A(bner) B. Gaines  Proved by wits 5 June 1843.
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