Deed Book B - Abstracted Sections 01-10
Lauderdale County, Tennessee

After finding a name or place in the index, use the numbers following the name
to know which "Abstracted Section" to open.

The page numbers following the names on the index are for the "Abstracted Sections"
and do not match the page numbers in the actual Deed Book B.

Note: a name might appear more than once within a Section#, but was only indexed once for that Section#.

A - C
D - H
I -O
P - S
T - Y
DEED BOOK B - Abstracted Sections
01 to 10
11 to 20
21 to 30
31 to 40
41 to 47

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B-1 - 27 Jan 1841 - John D. Edney in trust to Griffith L. Rutherford to secure debt to Archer Phillips, assignee of Chandler & Clark, for $72.88, which note was put in the hands of J. C. Barnes for collection on 17 Feb 1838 on which there was a judgment returned which will more fully appear by reference to the Justice's Docket, 1 bay horse 10 cattle, 4 sows and pigs, 2 beds, bedsteads, furniture, 1 bureau, 1 sugar chest, 1 clock.  Ack 1 Feb 1841.

B-2 - 17 Oct 1840 - Henry F. Rutherford to Wm. Curtis for $250, 100 acres on ne side of Ball's branch and south of Wm. Espy.  Ack 7 June 1841.

B-3 - 12 May 1841 - Griffith L. Rutherford, sheriff, to Richard H. McGaughey and Absalum G. W. Byrn 200 acres.  On 13 June 1840 a writ of alias plurus fieri facias issued forth out of Circuit Court dated 1st Monday in June 1840 commanding the sheriff to find $372.50 from property of James N. Smith, Armstead Morehead, and Wm. T. Morehead which Rezin S. Byrn, Hiram C. Keller, Henry R. Crawford, Robt. C. Campbell and Griffith L. Rutherford in Oct 1838 recovered against them for debt [for town lots?] and damages and $10.55 costs, and there being no goods or chattels on which to levy, levied on 200 acres of property of James N. Smith in 3rd Civil District north of Bledsoe and west of Chism, and on 22 Aug 1840 as advertised, sold it to highest bidder, Richard H. McGaughey at $7.50.  Ack 24 May 1841.

B-5 - 12 June 1841 - Joseph Wardlaw to Stith Richardson, James L. Green, Griffith L. Rutherford, Rezin S. Byrn and Isaac M. Steele, Trustees of Ripley Academy, for good will and desire to render the most essential service to his country by promoting useful knowledge and good morals, 2 acres and 16 poles on the south of Ripley joining the reservation belonging to the heirs of Thos. Brown, for the purpose of building an academy for the purposes of education together with a building(s) for the residence of the principal within two years.  Ack 12 June 1841.

B-6 - 19 June 1841 - David A. Bradford and wife Margaret Bradford in trust to James C. Cogshall, John W. Durant, Wm. Turner, Shadrick Rice, Charles Bitts, Samuel Gause, and David M. Henning and their successors in office, 1.5 acres from the northwest corner of Bradfords' property in Dist 1 for the purpose of building a house of worship for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the USA; minister to nominate new trustees as needed to keep 7 or 9 trustees.  Ack 22 June 1841.

B-9 - 1 Jan 1842 - Lee H. Burks in trust to James A. Lackey for $5 all my crop now growing--corn, cotton and tobacco--to secure debt to Lackey of $22.50 and for order to Durant & Henning for $20 worth of merchandize for the use of my family.  Wit: R. H. McGaughey, G. L. Rutherford; proved by witnesses 25 June 1841.

B-10 - 22 April 1841 - George R. Humphreys in trust to James Thomson of Haywood Co a bay mare with a glass eye to secure debt to John H. Halliburton of Haywood Co for $80.  Ack 29 June 1841.

B-11 - 8 July 1841 - At June 1837 term of Circuit Court on the petition of the heirs of Jacob Neiswanger, dec'd, it was ordered by the court that David Gilliland, clerk of the court, sell 549 acres, the locative interest excepted, belonging to the heirs granted to John Joseph Williams by grant in 11 SD, r4s10 west of Nichol, Trimble, Barrow & McLemore's 5000-acre entry.  Gilliland sold to Joseph Wardlaw, highest bidder on 2 Oct 1837 for $439.20.  Ack 8 July 1841.

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B-12 - 6 July 1841 - Richard H. McGaughey, successor of H. A. G. Lee, Trustee for the benefit of Wm. T. Morehead and Marena O. Morehead, formerly Marena O. Marley, to Angus McLeod for $300, lot #32 in Ripley (99'x99') on the southwest corner of Lafayette and Randolph Streets.  Ack 6 July 1841.

B-13 - 8 May 1841 - John Brown in trust to Rezin G. Henley for $5, a house and lot joining the town of Ashport and known as the H   t   lot of ground, part of the steam mill lot and joining a lot sold to R. G. Henley, all my household and kitchen furniture consisting in part of: a mahogany bureau, a walnut bureau, a mahogany book case, a cherry press, a mahogany dressing table, a large cherry dining table, a large set of looking glasses, a set of gilt framed looking glasses, 2 sets of windsor chairs, a set of split bottom chairs, 6 bedsteads, 6 feather beds and their furniture, 2 common dressing tables, one libra of books containing 200 volumes, a set of china ware, a set of cut glass tumblers, 2 sets of delftware, 3 sets of knives and forks, 5 sets of silver spoons, assorted, 3 sets of andirons, 1 turkey carpetting, a stand bed curtains, a chest, 5 trunks, a set shovel & tongs, a set of brass andirons, 3 sets of wire and brass fire fenders, 1 fine 8-day clock, a set of cooking vessels for kitchen consisting of 3 pots, 2 spiders, and other things appertaining to the kitchen; 4 cows and calves, 2 sows and 8 shoats to secure debt to Wm. H. Haralson & Co. by note drawn in name of Brown and Hampton...advertise at courthouse door and election grounds of 5th Civil District and 3 other public places...debts stayed by R. G. Henley in hands of G. L. Rutherford, sheriff and a note to Joseph Stokely, note to Musgrave, note to W. B. Rainey.  Wit: Robert Brown, Byram R. Freeman, J M C Robertson, G. L. Rutherford; proved by Robertson and Rutherford 9 July 1841.

B-15 - 23 June 1841 - David A. Bradford and wife Margarett to James C. Lovelace for $425 in obedience to a title bond made by Mrs. Bradford before her marriage to Bradford, 102 acres bounded on the west by the Murphey tract, on north and west by Tisey Rhodes tract (this land being the locative interest of Jacob Tipton in the Rhodes tract).  Wit:  John W. Durant, George W. Young; ack 2 Aug 1841.

B-16 - 21 Aug 1838 - Ezekiel Farmer to Joseph Wardlaw for $170, my interest in 126.5 acres in Dist 2, r2s10, it being originally granted to me and Joseph Wardlaw by Certificate #3479 for 226.5 acres issued by Sect. and Com. of West Tenn to Sampson Williams bounded on the east by Entry #459, Jones & Haggardy's 640 acres, on the west by Entry #460, Daniel Wheaton's 640 acres, and on the north by Entry #418, 2000 acres in name of T. & R. Love.  Wit:  G. W. Stone, A. Be    ; ack 30 Aug 1841.

B-17 - John P. Rice in trust to George W. Young 255 acres of Grant #306 north of Saml. Owen to secure debt to Robert H. Minor.  Wit:  Thos. G. Rice, W. B. Murphy, Henry L. Pettus, Albert H. Pettus.  Proved by the Pettuses 21 Sept 1841.

B-19 - 10 Sept 1841 - John Alverson in trust to Archer Phillips to secure debts to Henry and Phillips, to A. Phillips ass(ignee?) of Chandler & Clark...I B. bay horse...Thos. L. Clark...J. M. Barber...present crop of tobacco now on hand which Alverson is as soon as practicable to put in good order for market and Phillips is to ship it to New Orleans and sell it for the best price he can and account to Alverson for the sum in the following manner:  Phillips is to furnish Alverson with groceries and such other things as Alverson may require not exceeding $60 worth to be ordered and shipped from New Orleans on account and risk of John Alverson; next, the debts are to be paid and the balance to be paid to Alverson or his order.  Ack 16 Sept 1841.

B-20 - 28 Sept 1841 - Contract was made in 1835 for University of NC to sell to Edward Orne and Aldin Gifford, agents for other persons--a company in New York known as the New York, Mississippi and Arkansas Land Company, and a company in Massachusetts known as Boston & New York Chickasaws Land Company--but to better manage the transactions, the deed was made to Orne & Gifford in trust for the companies.  Now Orne wishes to relinquish his trust to Gifford in the following land:  (1) NC Grant #31 to Benjamin Smith dated 10 July 1788 of 3000 acres in 13th Surveyor District 6 miles north of the first bluff on Forked Deer River from its mouth Benjamin Smith's corner, south 160 chains to a poplar;

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then west 187.5 chains to a stake, then north 160 chains to a stake on Smith's line, then along his line east to the beginning;  (2) 4000 acres in 13th Dist, NC grant #84 dated 10 July 1788, begins at Griffith Rutherford's and Benjamin Smith's corner 4 miles south of the first bluff, south along Smith's line 160 chains to 2 poplars and a dogwood, Smith's corner, then west 250 chains to a stake; then north 160 chains to a stake on Smith's line, then along his line east 250 chains to beginning; (3) 3000 acres, NC Grant 89 dated 10 July 1788 to Benjamin Smith, beginning 2 miles south of the first bluff, G. Rutherford's and Smith's corner, then with Rutherford's line south 160 chains to a hickory and dogwood, Smith's corner, with his line west 312.5 chains to a stake, then north 160 chains, then east 312.5 chains to the beginning; (4) NC Grant #165 dated 10 Jan 1788 for 3000 acres beginning at a gum and leaning sycamore [the Key Corner] at Martin Armstrong's and Griffith Rutherford's corners, with Rutherfords line south 160 chains to 2 hickories and a dogwood at his and Smith's corner; with his line west 312.5 chains to a stake, then north 160 chains, then east 312.5 chains to the beginning; (5) In 11th SD r4s11, 274 acres beginning at se corner of John C. McLemore...the section corner, the range line...conveyed to Gifford and Orne by the President and Directors of the Bank of New Burn on 5 Oct 1835; (6) in 11 SD r4s10, Entry #17481 for 640 acres beginning at Thomas & James Taylor's ne corner of 640 acres on the west line of James Trimble & Co's 5000 acre entry, conveyed to Orne & Gifford by the Pres & Directors of Bank of Newburn on 5 Oct 1835.  Wit: James J. Moore, William S. William; proved in Shelby Co by the witnesses.

B-23 - 12 Aug 1841 - Benjamin Litton, Clerk & Master of Chancery Court at Franklin to Jesse Blackfan of New York City.  Wm. Donalson & Stokely Donelson for themselves and others filed a bill of complaint in this court against John C. McLemore and at the hearing at April term 1841 it was decreed that John C. McLemore had conveyed to Jesse Blackfan part of Grant #284 specified in the deed of Mortgage on the pleadings mentioned which was assented to by the complainant & the other creditors and they agreed that the part of Grant #284 be vested in Blackfan and the Clerk & Master was to execute a deed of relinquishment to Blackfan for the land in r4&5s9 granted by NC grant #284 to John Rice for 5000 acres, the same being the residue of the tract not sold by McLemore, Henry R. W. Hill, and the same conveyed by McLemore to William Donelson & Stokly Donelson on 15 July 1834.  Ack in Davidson Co.

B-24 - 24 April 1841 - John C. McLemore of Shelby Co to Jesse Blackfan of New York City for $3168, 1800 acres in 11 SD, all that part of 5000 acres granted to John Rice by NC Grant 284 that lies on the north side of Big Hatchie River except 2500 acres heretofore sold to John Donalson late of Alabama.  Wit:  James B. Ferguson, R. A. Barnes/Burnes; proven Davidson Co by Ferguson and Burns 24 April 1841.

B-26 - 20 Dec 1839 - TN State Grant #4442, Entry #1569 in 11 SD dated 5 Dec 1834 in name of Alfred Hargett for 166 2/3 acres founded on CWT Warrant #3143, surveyed 13 Nov 1838; on bank of Miss. River in r6s10 below entry for 200 acres in name of B. F. Jordan...292 acres in name of Jacob Byler.  James K. Polk, governor.

B-27 - 11 October 1841 - G. L. Rutherford, sheriff, received of Jesse Blackfan by the hands of M. H. Howard $5.50, the redemption money on a sale of 1500 acres, part of Grant #284 granted to John Rice in Civil Dist. 3 in Lauderdale Co. which was on 22 Aug 1840 sold as the property of John C. McLemore in satisfaction of a debt due by McLemore to Spearman Holland for the use of Nicholas T. Perkins and was purchased by John H. Maxwell for $5, he being the highest bidder therefore subject to redemption for 2 years after the day of sale.  Wit: Jos Wardlaw, M. H. Howard.  Proved by witnesses 12 Oct 1841.

B-27 - 10 Oct 1841 - John P. & Shadrick Rice to George W. Young for $3500, 500 acres, part of a tract granted to R. Mumford for 5000 acres.  Wit:  Saml. S. Gause, Robert M. Hewitt; proved by witnesses 13 Oct 1841.

B-29 - - Feb 1834 - TN State Grant #2412 - Part of Military land Warrant #972 dated 6 Sept 1831 issued to the Pres. & Trustees of the U of NC for 640 acres of which 195 acres entered under provisions of

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Occupant laws in the 11th Dist by Entry #1245 in name of Lewis Mathews, assignee of said Pres. and Trustees, there is granted to Lewis Matthews 195 acres surveyed 12 Dec 1832 in r2s10...John Payne's corner on John and Alexander Morphis' line...Donelson's line...Blount's line...Morphis' corner.  Wm. Carroll, governor

B-30 - 11 Feb 1835 - Lewis Matthews of Tipton County to Clayton C. Harris for $400, 195 acres on Cane Creek in 11th SD r2s10 (tract described above).  Wit: John Payne, Stephen J. Blackwell; proved by both witnesses 2 March 1835.

B-31 - 13 April 1839 - Clayton C. Harris of     Co, Arkansas to John Thompson for $1000, 195 acres on waters of Cane Creek r2s10 (same tract described above).  Wit:  David Gilliland, David C. Russell; proved by witnesses 1 Nov 1841.

B-32 - 6 Nov 1841 - Joseph Jones of Warren Co, MS (by his atty in fact Thos. J. Mulhollan) in trust to Wm. Conner of Haywood Co, TN to secure debt to David Hay, the undivided 1/4 of "near" 4000 acres on the bank of the Mississippi including 1/4 of the town lots in Ashport, the same property purchased by Jones from John C. McLemore, also near 1/8 of the Ashport Road Stock.  Ack by Mulhollan in Haywood Co 11 Nov 1841.

B-34 - 4 Aug 1840 - Mary R. Robinson to Matthew Pickett for $2500, 200 acres on the bank of the Miss in r5s10 entered in name of Daniel A. Sullivan including an occupant claim made by Guy Smith by virtue of part of Certif. #2942 issued to Richd. Dollian for 1813 160/41(sic) acres, grant issued to Danl. A. Sullivan dated 26 June 1832...Trustees of Cumberland of the Miss. River...  Wit:  Charles Sullivan, Milton Hunt, Reuben Halliburton, Wm. R. Robinson; proved by Robinson and Robert Pickett on 16 Nov 1841.

B-35 - 31 Aug 1841 - Wm. Armour and Henry Lake of Madison Co. to the President, Directors & Co of the Union Bank of the State of TN; Wm. Armour & Henry Lake merchants & partners in trade trading under the name of Armour & Lake have in the ordinary course of banking business become indebted to the Bank of the State of TN for $18,000 payable 7 years after date, and for $5600 sell to the Bank 478.75 acres in the northwest corner of the 11th Surveyor District, the north part of entry #754 dated 11 Dec 1822 entered in name of John Terrell & David J. Goodlow for 2500 acres; also Ashport lots 1 and 2 in Block L, #8 in Block F, #13 in Block No 6.  Ack in Madison Co 3 Sept 1841.

B-36 - 11 Aug 1841 - John W. Campbell, Wm. Conner, Joseph Jones, Matthew Pickett and Robt C. Campbell, proprietors of Ashport to Wm. Armour and Henry Lake of Madison Co. for $690 Ashport lots #1 and 2 in Block L, #8 in Block F, #13 in Block 6.  Lots 1 and 2 may be considered as one lot fronting 45 feet on the promenade & running back on Wall St. 100' to a 20' alley, the other two lots are the same in size as the two first-named lots.  Ack by John W. Campbell for himself and as agent and attorney in fact for the others, on 3 Sept 1841.

B-37 - 11 Aug 1841 - John W. Campbell of Madison Co. to Wm. Armour & Henry Lake for $2500, 478.75 acres, northern part of Entry #754 dated 11 Dec 1822 (on the Miss. River) entered in the name of John Terrell & David S. Goodlow for 2500 acres. Ack 3 Sept 1841.

B-39 -    Sept 1841 - On 4 Mar 1840 Wm. Armour and Henry Lake executed a deed to Pres. Directors & Co of the Union Bank of the State of TN for 640 acres in r 2&3s11 which had been granted by state of TN to John G. Blount and conveyed by him to Wm. Armour and Henry Lake on 21 Sept 1835 and registered in Tipton Co.  Armour and Lake sold it to the Bank for $3200.  The deed was executed for Lake by his atty in fact George Cromwell.  Lake hereby ratifies.  Ack 7 Sept 1841.

B-40 - 6 Dec 1838 - Bryant F. Buck and Wm. Espy for $50, 19 1/3 acres on north side of Balls branch

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beginning at a dogwood on the north side of Balls branch at Henry Rutherford's corner, then with his line north 27 degrees east 19.5 chains to his corner on Espy's line, then with his line south 87.5 degrees west 15 chains to a cherry sapling, then south 27 degrees west 9.5 chains to a red bud on the bank of the branch, then down the meanders to the beginning.  Wit: Wm. B. Chambers, Thomas J. Hill; proved by witnesses 23 Nov 1841.

B-41 - 27 Dec 1838 - Wm. Espy & Bryant F. Buck for $50, 19 acres on the drains of Balls branch beginning at a white oak on the dividing line between Espey & Buck, then with the line south 87.5 degrees west 31.5 chains to a black oak, then north 2.5 degrees west 6 chains & 4 links to a stake, then north 87.5 degrees east 31.5 chains, then to the beginning.  Wit: Thomas J. Hill, Wm. B. Chambers; proved by witnesses 23 Nov 1841.

B-42 - 20 Nov 1841 - Levi Gardner in trust to A. H. Pope 1 cream colored mare 9 or 10 years old and present crop of tobacco to secure debt to Tarlton Durham for $76 for which Hiram C. Keller is be advertised at election ground in 3rd Civil District.  Wit:  Wm. Strain, J. Gardner.  Ack 26 Nov 1841.

B-43 - 1 Dec 1841 - Julius L. Gause in trust to Tho. M. Blackwell a lease of about 55 acres for 4 years whereon Gause now resides, all his crop of cotton (estimated to be about 6000# in the seed), 1 2-horse wagon and gear, 4 plows and gear, a cow and calf, 2 yearlings, 2 feather beds and bedding, 2 mattresses, 2 tables, 1 common side board, 3 bedsteads, 1 dozen plates, half dozen cups and saucers, half dozen knives & forks, half dozen table & tea spoons, 4 bowls, half dozen tumblers, half dozen common chairs, 1 large pot, 1 small one, 1 large oven, 1 stew pot, 1 kettle, 3 tin pans, 1 large tub, 2 small tubs, 2 piggins, 1 small piggin, 4 axes, 1 cross cut saw, 3 chisels, 2 augers, 2 planes, 2 hatchets, 2 saddles--one gentleman's and other ladies--and 2 bridles, 1 grey horse, 1 black mare, and 1 double-barreled shot gun.  All the above is to secure a debt to Dobbyns, Bradford & Co. of Brownsville and signed by George W. Gause as security.  (If defaulted), cotton shall be ginned and packed into bales and disposed of by sale to the best advantage...Ack 3 Dec 1841.

B-45 - 29 Nov 1841 - John Millsaps in trust to John H. Maxwell, a black mare 6 or 7 years old, 1 bay Indian pony 10 or 12 years old, a carryall now in Fort Pickering, 4 sows, 30 shoats, a cow and 3 yearlings, 20 barrels of corn to secure Hiram C. Keller and Wm. P. Gaines who have become bound to the State for $250 for the appearance of Fanny Millsaps before the judge of the 10th Judicial Circuit Court on the 1st Monday in February next on the 1st Tuesday of the term in the Court House in the town of Ripley then and there to answer the State of TN upon a charge of fraudulently and knowingly receiving stollen goods with the intent to deprive the true owner thereof and abide by the sentence of the court or surrender herself to prison and not depart thence without leave first had and obtained.  Ack 29 Nov 1841.

B-46 - 20 Oct 1841 - James M. Taylor of New York City formerly of New Orleans, LA to Charles W. Cotheal of New York City for $3750, 398 acres on Island #30 in the Miss. River opposite fractional s10 of range 7, it being the whole of a TN grant #3214 dated 10 July 1837 to Memucan H. Howard.  Wit:  Geo. S.     well, Edward C. Cotheal; ack 20 Oct 1841 in New York before John A. Stimmler, Commissioner of the State of TN in and for the state of New York #7 Wall Street, New York City (an act passed 16 Dec 1839 commissioned & appointed him, a resident of New York City to take the acknowledgement and probates of deeds and other instruments to be registered or recorded in Tenn and to take affidavits to be used in said state.)

B-48 - 14 Feb 1841 - Alexander McKinnon in trust to Angus McLeod, hogs (described) marked in John Stone's mark to secure a debt to John Stone of $19.87 1/2.  Ack 18 Feb 1841.

B-50 - 13 Nov 1841 - John W. Campbell, Joseph Jones, Mathew Pickett and Robert C. Campbell by their agent and atty in fact Wm. Conner, and William for himself, proprietors of Ashport to Wm. H. Haralson

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and Reason G. Henley of Ashport for $615, lots 1 and 3 of Block #16 in Ashport running back 100 feet each on the promenade.  Wit:  E. S. Campbell, F. D. Theus; ack 13 Dec 1841.

B-51 - 6 Oct 1841 - Samuel B. Marshall of Davidson Co to Joseph M. Irwin of Davidson Co for $5098, 1134 acres in r6s10.  Bounds: 1403.5 acres in name of McLemore and Campbell...Entry #45 for 480 acres in name of J. G. Chalmers.  Ack 6 Oct 1841.

B-52 - 7 Dec 1841 - James Money/Maney to Thomas H. Money power of attorney to sell my 164.5 acres bounded on the north by Lot #1 and on the south by Lot #3 in the division of the original survey.  Ack in Rutherford Co 7 Dec 1841.

B-54 - 30 Dec 1841 - James A. Freeman in trust to Wm. C. Earle, mare, horses, 50 hogs, 5 cattle, 2 bedsteads & furniture, 1 lot of tobacco (about 3000#) to secure debt to E & A. Ferguson, merchants and partners trading under the firm of E & A Ferguson for $87.10, also to M. D. Fiser $27.08, also M. D. Fiser & A. Percell for $8.25; also Thos J. Connell $ be sold at courthouse door in Ripley.  Ack 31 Dec 1841 in Ripley.

B-54 - 29 Dec 1841 - Thomas W. Baker to Wm. Lunceford for $1000, 156 acres in r2, part of a 2000-acre survey in name of T & R Love and a part of 624 acres conveyed by T & R Love to Isaac D. Maxwell and others (refer to that deed and to one from Thomas Black and wife and James D. Smith and wife to Isaac D. Maxwell).  Wit:  Isaac M. Stone(?), James Price; ack 31 Dec 1841.

B-56 - 20 Dec 1838 - John C. Barnes, sheriff and tax collector, to David Gilliland 480 acres for 1836 taxes.  A judgment was given in favor of the State by Circuit Court on 20 Feb 1837 for $8.07 for taxes, costs, and charges for 1836 against 480 acres owned by John Wilson in Civil Dist. 3 which was entered in name of John Wilson by warrant 361 for 640 acres bounded by Wm. Russell, John Rhea, and Hardy Murphy.  Guy Smith, then sheriff, advertised in the Jackson Truth Teller & Western District Sentinel, published in Jackson that the sale would be 1st Monday in July 1837 at the Ripley courthouse.  David Gilliland became the purchaser and no redemption having been made, deed is now made.  Ack 20 Dec 1838.

B-58 - 6 March 1841 - George W. Gibbs of Obion Co to Zachariah Mitchell for $315, 75 acres beginning on the nw corner of Mary Wheaton's or McLemore's 250 acre tract and near Mitchell's house, then south, then east, then north to John Walpole's corner then west to beginning.  Wit: John Russell, John Walpole; proved 5 Oct 1841 by John Russell and by Wm. Walpole and Benjamin Walpole who said the signature was the handwriting of John Walpole, dec'd.

B-59 - 30 Dec 1841 - Josiah M. Alexander to Harrod J. Anderson of Haywood Co whereas Leigh Maddux, George Pollard, James S. Ewing and Brandon Merrill, late merchants and partners in trade trading under the firm & style of Leigh Maddux & Co recovered a judgment for $3106.83 against Wm. W. Lea in circuit court on 21 Oct 1839 and an alias writ of fieri facias issued on 6 Oct 1841 and Griffith L. Rutherford, sheriff, unable to find personal property of Lea sufficient to satisfy the fieri facias, he levied on 200 acres in Civil Dist 5 on Island #26 in the Miss. River, Entry #13...1000 acres in name of Pres. & Trustees of U of NC...sold at the courthouse door on 4 Jan 1841 to Josiah M. Alexander for $1 and Rutherford made him a deed.  Harrod J. Anderson on 18 Feb 1840 recovered a judgment by confession for $496.50 against Wm. W. Lea in Circuit Court, interest is $16.83, Josiah M. Alexander hereby conveys the property to Harrod J. Anderson.  Wit: G. L. Rutherford, Jas. P. Anderson; ack 6 Jan 1842.

B-62 - 8 Nov 1841 - Thomas Pewit to Jno. Henry Somerow for $150, 74 acres, 3 roons and 1 perch beginning at a dogwood, west 2.5 degrees south 90 poles, then south 2.5 degrees east 133 poles to 2 dogwoods in Jno. Rutherford's south boundary line, then with his line 90 poles then n 2.5 degrees west 133 poles to beginning.  Wit: Stith Richardson, Jordan W. Richardson; proved by witnesses 4 Jan 1842.

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B-63 - 5 Jan 1841 - John Stone to my son William H. Stone for the love and affection I entertain for (him), 48 1/4 acres in 2nd District east of Lot #1 [the deed adds in parentheses "see plat," but no plat is shown in the deed book] and west of land owned by "Fossett."  Deed also mentions the southern boundary of Morphis' 2560-acre tract.  John Stone signs with "x".  Wit: J M C Robertson, John Thompson; proved by JMC Robertson 25 Oct 1841, by John Thompson 5 Jan 1842.

B-64 - 5 Jan 1842 - William H. Stone to Alex. S. Tucker for $300, 48 1/4 acres in 2nd District beginning at a stake in the south east corner of No 1 (see plat) and runs with the east boundary line of No. 1 77 poles 20 links, then east 99 poles to Fossetts west boundary line, then south with Fossett's line to the south boundary line of Morphis 2560 acre tract, then west 99 poles to the beginning.  Wit: G. L. Rutherford, A. H. Pope; ack 5 Jan 1842.

B-65 - 12 Jan 1842 - John C. McLemore of Shelby Co to Lewis S. Maclin and Henry Johnson of Haywood Co for $2600, 2577 acres in the Miss. bottom on the Forked Deer or eastern chute of the Miss. River opposite Island 27, the undivided portion of 3105 acres to which McLemore is entitled out of which 3105 tract is to be laid off to Joseph H. Bryans heirs 528 acres being the share to which they are entitled after deducting the locative share in the 640 acres to which they appear entitled in the original grant of 3840 acres granted by the state to John C. McLemore, Thomas Henderson and Joseph H. Bryan in the following proportions:  to McLemore 1920 acres; to Henderson 1280 acres; to Bryan 640 acres; Henderson's portion having been laid off to Brinkley & Lancaster in the sw corner of the grant containing 1000 acres leaving 3105 acres to be divided in proportion to their respective interest between McLemore and Bryan, McLemore being entitled as locator to 1/5 part of Bryan's share which makes McLemore's share of the undivided part (as between him and Bryan) 2577 acres and Bryan's share 528 acres.  Metes and bounds include Miss. River, Island #27,Brinkley's and Lancaster's 1000 acres...Wit: Wm. W. Lea, Joseph Wardlaw; ack 12 Jan 1842.

B-68 - 17 Jan 1841 - John W. Campbell, Joseph Jones, Matthew Pickett and Robert C. Campbell by their agent and atty in fact Wm. Conner and Wm. Conner for himself, proprietors of Ashport to James Johnson for $400, lots #11 in Block 11 on the Promenade, Lot #6, Block 7 on Second Street and Lot 12 on Second Street.  Ack by Conner 18 Jan 1842.

B-69 - 18 Jan 1841 - James Johnson to Wm. Conner of Haywood Co. for $25 an undivided half of town lot 6 in Block 7 in Ashport.  Ack 18 Jan 1842.

B-69 - 18 Jan 1842 - John T. Fossett, one of the executors of the will of Wm. Fossett of Boon Co., MO, to Joseph Taylor, power of attorney to list 400 acres for tax and rent it out, sell it, prosecute, etc. beginning at se corner of John Morphis' 2500 acre tract.  Ack 18 Jan 1842.

B-70 - 8 Jan 1838 - Edmund Winston of Amherst Co. VA in trust to Chiswell Dabney of the same county for love and affection Winston bears his daughter Caroline E. Peyton, wife of Henry S. Peyton, and to make a provision separate and apart from her husband, negro slaves Fanny and her two sons John and William.  Ack in Lynchburgh VA before David R. Lyman and Caswell Poe, JP's 11 Jan 1838. (Certified to the clerk of Haywood Co. TN 18 Jan 1838.

B-71 - 30 Dec 1841 - Hermis Champ to John W. Durant for $200, lot # 29, a quarter lot in Durhamville bounded on the north by the public square, on the west by Water Street, on south by 1st alley from the square, on the east by #40 and it by the same alley on the south and on the east by the 1st alley from Water Street, north by 1/8 acre lot #38; also to include lots #40 and 38 and #41, 42, 43, 44.  Wit: Isaac M. Steele, Real Chandler.  Ack 30 Dec 1841.

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B-72 - 31 Aug 1841 - Wm. Armour, Jno. W. Campbell, James Caruthers to President, Director & Co of the Union Bank of TN, whereas on 3 Mar 1840 Armour of the firm of Armour & Lake made a deed of trust to Campbell and Caruthers as trustees for the bank transferring in trust the undivided 1/2 part of 3840 acres in 11 SD, r4&5s2 in Shelby Co granted by TN to James Beed(?) & Wm. E. Butler by grant #1839, also a tract in 13th SD in Lauderdale Co. on the Mississippi River containing 437 acres, part of a 624-acre tract cut off Grant #18862 to Wm. P. Anderson for 3119.5 acres to secure the bank for $13000, (Jno. W. Campbell was cashier), this instrument transfers the land to the bank.  Ack in Madison Co. 3 Sept 1841.

B-75 - 4 Mar 1841 - Rezin S. Byrn, Robt. C. Campbell, Hiram C. Keller & Griffith L. Rutherford, commissioners for Ripley to Mary J. S. Stodert, Harriet C. Stodert, Mary Jane Stodert and Wm. Ira Stodert, heirs at law of Wm. Stodert, deceased, for $426, 3 lots in Ripley--#38, 39, & 44--lots 38 and 39 each 49.5' x 99' fronting on the east side of Main Street, lot 44 99' square on the west side of Randolph Street.  Ack 4 Oct 1841.

B-77 - 26 Jan 1842 - Wm. Weddle in trust to James A. Lackey 69 3/4 acres bounded on the west by Hickman, the north by Levi Gardner, the east by Caldwell and the south by Stephen Gardner, the occupant on which Weddle now lives, also a bay mare, 2 feather beds and furniture, a brass clock, to secure a debt of $147 owed to James A. Morris with Jonathan L. Hearring and Hiram C. Keller as securities.  Wits: Dickason Ginnings (Jennings), M. C. Cartwright.  Ack 26 Jan 1842.

B-79 - 27 Nov 1840 - James C. Frost and wife Ann L. (heirs at law of John Pope) to Wm. R. Pope for $200, our undivided share in 500 acres entered by John Pope on the north fork of Cane Creek in 11th section of 2nd range bounded by John G. Blount's 640 entry.  Wit: Bird Dodson, Sidney R. Alexander.  Ack in Williamson Co 28 Nov 1840.

B-80 - 4 Nov 1841 - Asa Pate to Joseph Taylor for $212 beginning on sw corner of Taylor's present tract, then 65 poles north to Glawson's line, then east 97 poles to Walker's line, along his line south 45 poles, then west 97 poles to beginning--40 acres.  /s/ A. Pate Wit: John W. Durant, D. M. Henning.  Proved by witnesses 7 Feb 1842.

B-81 - 6 Dec 1841 - John W. Campbell, Joseph Jones, Matthew Pickett and Robert C. Campbell by their agent and atty in fact Wm. Conner and Wm. Conner for himself, proprietors of town Ashport to Wm. J. Timmons for $275, a town lot in Ashport known as Lots #3 and 4 of Block A bounded:  begin on lower margin on Market Street where First Street crosses it, then along Market Street north 45 degrees west 100 feet to an alley, down the alley south 45 degrees w 45 feet to the upper corner of Lot #6 of Block A, then with the upper line of that lot s 45 degrees east 100 feet to the corner on First St, then up First St n 45 degrees east 45 feet to beginning.  Wit: Jas. R. Chilcott, Franklin E. Timmons.  Proved by Wm. Connor.

B-81 - 28 April 1840 - On 14 July 1834 Jno. C. McLemore executed to Stokely Donelson a deed of mortgage on his lands in Shelby and Tipton Counties to secure liabilities.  Now because I have full confidence in him I hereby constitute him as my attorney and authorize him to sell and convey all or any part of the land as he sees proper.  /s/ William Donalson  Wit: James Campbell, W.M.A. Cook.  Proved in Williamson Co by James Campbell & Wm. A. Cook 7 May 1841.

B-83 - 1 Jan 1842 - John C. McLemore of Shelby Co to Charles L. Read of Haywood Co for $3500 land in Lauderdale and Tipton Counties on waters of Big Hatchie River in 11 SD, 5r, 9s, part of 5000-acre Grant #285 to John Rice, and that part of the grant which was allotted to John C. McLemore in a division of the Hatchie connexion between McLemore, the heirs of Patience Wescott, the heirs of Robert Searcy, the heirs of James Trimble, and the heirs of John McCampbell and known and designated in the division as Lot #4 which is bounded thus:  begin at trees 70 poles east from nw corner of Grant #285, then with east boundary line of Lot #3 alloted in the division to heirs of James Trimble for 1383.6 acres, south 324

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poles, then east 15 poles 12 links,then south crossing Hatchie River 426 poles to the se corner of Lot #3 in the south line of Grant #285, then east with that line 181 poles and 11 links to the sw corner of Lot #5 alloted in the division to the heirs of Robert Searcy for 1342 acres, then north with the western boundary line of Lot 5 610 poles, then west 7 poles 3 links, then north 640 poles to the nw corner of Lot 5 in the north boundary of Grant 285 then west with the north boundary 189 poles 20 links to beginning--1468.75 acres.  /s/ Jno. C. McLemore  Wit:  Jonathan Read, Charles L. Read, Wm. Conner, Seth Conner.  Ack 16 Feb 1842.

B-85 - 15 Feb 1842 - Wm. Donalson, by p/a to John C. McLemore dated 28 Apr 1841 registered in Shelby Co Bk L, pp 142-3, sells to Charles L. Read for $3500 land in Lauderdale & Tipton on waters of Big Hatchie in 11 SD 5r 9s, part (described above) /s/ Wm. Donalson by his atto in fact Jno. C. McLemore.  Ack 16 Feb 1842

B-86 - 4 Aug 1841 - John Ray to James S. Armstrong for $200, 160 acres, being the whole of Lot #2 drawn by M. H. Howard in the division of land belonging to McLemore Dickens Co., the same being 1/4 of their locative interest in 2560 acres formed on Military Warrant #763 in 13th Dis 11 r 1s, the same lying on the Miss. River entered in name of Calvin Jones. /s/ John Ray  Wit: Joel R. Smith, Samuel M. McCracken.  Proved by wit 23 Jan 1842.

B-87 - 5 June 1829 - Charles Ready of Rutherford Co, TN, agent for heirs of Robert Nelson, dec'd, late of Buncomb Co. NC to Robert Love of Haywood Co, NC and Thos. Love of Macon Co, NC in consideration of services performed by Robert & Thomas heretofore in locating lands in the western district of TN for Robert Nelson, dec'd, and for $1 paid Charles, agent aforesaid land in Weakley Co TN (500 acres granted by TN to Robert Nelson by grant #22880 in 12SD on waters of middle fork of Obion River in r2 7s...) Also the balance of 500-acre tract in Tipton Co after laying off to John Love 183 acres agreeable to the conveyance made by Robert Nelson in his lifetime--the 500 acre tract was granted by TN to Robert Nelson by Grant 15900 lying in 11 SD, 10 s, 2 & 3 r on waters of Cane Creek of Big Hatchie River bounded:  beginning 1 mile north and 17 chains east from the  sw corner of section 10 and range 2 at trees marked R. N., north, crossing a branch at 54 poles, and at 130 poles crossing a branch, at 161 poles crossing a branch, all bearing west 70 chains to a tree marked RN, then west at 196 poles crossing a branch 71 chains & 44 links to a stake, then south at 176 poles crossing a creek which runs west at 218 poles crossing a branch bearing ne 70 chains, then east to beginning.  /s/ Charles Ready agent for the heirs of Robert Nelson, dec's  Wit:  Wm. Gilchrist, L. Anderson.  Ack by Ready at Bedford Circuit Court.

B-90 - 14 Jan 1836 - Charles J. Love of Davidson Co, TN to Thomas Love of Henry Co, TN and Robert Love of Haywood Co, NC for $640.50, land in Tipton on waters of Cane Creek being that part of the grant sold by Robert Nelson to John Love, 183 acres.  /s/ Ch J. Love.  Ack in Davidson Co, TN

B-91 - 12 Mar 1842 - Thomas Gardner to Griffith L. Rutherford for $5, land in Dyer Co, part of tract granted to Archibald Murphy for 2250 acres beginning at corner of the grant, then south 41 chains 67 links, then west 48 chains, then north 41 chains & 67 links, then east to beginning containing 200 acres; also yoke of oxen, ox cart, cattle (one of which Thomas J. Gardner bought of Dr. Newburn), horse...Whereas John Rutherford in 1837 sold to Thomas Knight the before mentioned 200 acres for which the said Thomas Knight on 1 Dec 1837 executed to John Rutherford 2 notes of hand for part of the purchase money, one of the notes for $82.50 due one day after date, 1 Dec 1837, on which note there is due including interest to the first of March 1842 the sum of $58.46, the other note for $100, now due including interest to 1 March 1842, $175.50; the said Thomas Knight having since died intestate, neither has any administrator been appointed nor did Knight leave at his death personal property sufficient to satisfy the claim, but Knight has now living the following heirs:  his widow, Elizabeth Knight, and 3 minor children:  Thomas, Margaret, and Columbus; a daughter Adeline E. Gardner who married the before-mentioned Thomas J. Gardner; also Wm. P. Knight and Jonathan Knight.  John Rutherford has also since died and Henry F. Rutherford has been appointed administrator, and Henry F. Rutherford,

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administrator, has no means of enforcing the payment of the purchase money at law and has filed a bill against Thos. J. Gardner and the other heirs of Thomas Knight in Chancery Court at Trenton, and Gardner has procured an assignment of the title bond from the heirs and representatives of Thomas Knight who are of legal age and from the guardians ad litem of the minors and promised Henry F. Rutherford, administrator, to pay the purchase money and all legal interest and costs of the Chancery suit on or before 24 Dec 1842, ...(if not paid) Griffith Rutherford to advertise at court house door in Ripley and at Ashport and two other public places in Lauderdale County and expose the oxen, cart, and livestock to sale at Ashport, and after 10 days notice at court house door at Dyersburg and three other public places in Dyer County and at court house door of Lauderdale County (sell) the land and other property.  /s/ Thos J. Gardner G. L. Rutherford  Wit:  Isaac M. Steele, H. Champ.  Ack by Gardner and Rutherford 12 Mar 1842.

B-96 - 12 Mar 1842 - Thomas J. Gardner to Griffith L. Rutherford - trust deed -one lease of 22 acres in 5th Civil Dist for the term of 8 years, one bureau, 1 feather bed, bedstead and furniture, 22 hogs, cows, one of which he bought from Hermis Champ, one in William Weddle's mark.  Gardner is indebted to Richard H. McGaughey, Trustee of William T. Morehead Co. for $37.50 due 25 Dec 1841, and a note executed to Frederick R. Smith for $36 due 25 Dec 1841, and to Wm. Craig for $35 due 25 Dec 1842...this to secure them.  /s/ Tho. J. Gardner  Ack 12 Mar 1842

B-98 - 11 Mar 1842 - Proprietors of Ashport to Reason G. Henley for $140 a lot in Ashport on 1st St fronting Campbell's square known as Lot 11 of Block 11.  /s/ John W. Campbell, Joseph Jones, Matthew Pickett, Robert Campbell, William Conner.  Ack 12 Mar 1842

B-99 - James S. Armstrong to John W. Campbell for $5 - Deed of Trust - Lot #2 drawn by M. H. Howard in a division of tract belonging to McLemore Dickins & Co, it being 1/4 of their locative interest in 2560 acres founded on military warrant #768 for 2560 acres in 13 Dis 11r 1s, being on the Mississippi River entered in name of Calvin Jones containing 160 acres--indebted to Patrick M. Duffy for $ notice at court house door of Madison Co.  26 Feb 1842.  /s/ James S. Armstrong.  Ack in Madison County 26 Feb 1842.

B-101 - 26 Mar 1842 - Hugh Smith to James Soward - trust deed - land on which Hugh Smith now resides which was bequeathed to him and his wife by the last will and testament of Benjamin Jordan, dec'd; negro girl named Harriet about 14, 4 horses, yoke of oxen, cart and fixtures, 40 cattle, 125 hogs, 3000 pounds bacon, 2 feather beds, bedsteads and furniture, 2 fine tables, 1 bureau, 1 china press, 8 head of sheep to secure debt to James W. Herndan and to James Soward...if in default to be advertised at the courthouse door in Ripley and the election ground of the 8th civil district and two other public places  /s/ Hugh Smith.  Ack 26 Mar 1842.

B-102 - 26 Jan 1842 - Walter K. Dobyns of Tipton Co to Thos J. Dobyns of Haywood Co for $1000, 5 lots in town of Ripley known as lots 87 in Block T, lots 11, 45 & 81 (the last 3 deeded to W. K. Dobyns by commissioners of the town on 27 Feb 1839) also lot #47 in Block W and any interest I may have to lots 4 and 5 where I formerly kept goods.  /s/ W. K. Dobyns  Ack 26 Jan 1842

B-104 - 5 Mar 1842 - Thos. J. Dobyns of Haywood Co to McNairy Newell of Haywood Co for $1000 lots in Ripley--Lot 87 in Block T and Lots 11, 45 & 81 and 17 in Block H.  /s/ T. T. Dobyns

B-105 - Gamiel A. Green to Richard W. Green - trust deed - negro man Russell.  Indebted to John W. Durant.  10 Feb 1842  /s/ Gamiel (x) A. Green  Wit: Phillip Tuggle, S. M. Sevut(?)  Ack 9 Apr 1842

B-106 -  7 Feb 1842 -Commissioners of Ripley to Guilford Jones for $81, 2 lots in Ripley--#95 begin on n side of Washington & se corner of Lot 96, then east with Washington St. 14 poles, then n 12 poles to se corner of Lot 94; then west with lot 94 14 poles to its sw corner, then s with the line of lot 96 to
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