Campbell County Wills

Estates, Wills and Inventories

The following index extracted from
Campbell County, Tennessee,
Estates, Wills and Inventories Book C,

Works Progress Administration

Transcribed by Rick Chambers

Black Bar

The page numbers listed in the index refer to the page numbers in the original work.

You can obtain copies of any of these documents from either the Tennessee State Library and Archives or the Campbell County County Court House.

If you have a copy of any of these documents, I encourage you to transcribe them and allow me to put them online so that others may enjoy them.

A  |  B  | C  |  D  | E  | F  |  G  | H  |  I  | J  |  K
L  | M  |  N  |  P  | Q  | R  | S  |  U  | W  |  Y

Black Bar




Alder, Barnabas, Sarah; Will; 2
Alder, John; Executor of Barnabas; Sale List; 384
Archer, James; Sale List; 120
Archer, James; Inventories of Notes Etc.; 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137
Archer, James; Will, Settlement with John Archer; 395



Baird, A. C.; Inventory of Estate; 94
Baird, Lewis; Inventory; 219, 220
Baird, Lewis; Estate Settlement; 230
Baird, S. C.; Admr. P. Cooper; 488, 507
Baird, S. C.; Admr. S. Lawson; 458, 526
Baird, Wm.; Inventory By S. P. Douglas & Elizabeth Baird, Ad.; 401, 439
Baker, Sam A.; Inventory & Sale List; 2, 5, 7, 48
Baker, Sam A.; Inventory & Sale Dist.; 220
Baker, Sam A.; Settlement; 258
Barton, John; Inventory & Sale List; 58, 59
Boulton, Higgs; Admr. of John Boulton, Dec. Settlement; 60
Bowman,; Sale List R. L. O.; 379, 380
Bratcher, Meriday; Inventory; 219, 220
Brown, John L.; Estate Settlement; 271
Brown, John L.; Inventory; 303
Brown, S. W.; Acct. Estate C. Smith; 414



Cain, Wm.; Sale List; 499
Campbell, Zachriah; Inventory & Sale Dist.; 46
Campbell, Zach.; Settlement; 223
Carey, Robert; Will; 66, 67, 274
Carey, William; Will; 66
Carey, William; Settlement; 194, 195, 196, 197
Carey, William; Inventory of the Estate of; 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80
Carey, William; Inventory by Tom Hart; 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215,
Carter, Robert; Inventory & Sale List; 54
Chadwell, David C.; Inventory of Estate; 86
Champion, Thos. E.; Inventory; 296
Chapman, William; Will; 176
Childress, H. D.; Admr. Eady Meedor; Sale List; 405
Childress, Peter C.; Inventory & Sale List; 265
Childress, Peter C.; Sale List; 294
Childress, R. L.; Admr. of P. C. Settlement; 339
Childress, R. L.; Admr. of J. W. Bowman, Dec.; 433
Claiborn, C. T.; Sale List; 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453
Claborn, J. C.; Gdrn. Of L. C.; Inventory & Sale List; 369, 370
Clabourn, J. H.; Settlement; Admr. of C. T. Claiborn; 369
Cooper, Peter; Inventory; 453
Craig, Tuoin; Admst.; 269
Curnutt, J. H.; Admr.; Sale List; 467



Dabney, Anna; Inventory; 391
Dabney, Anna; Sale List; 395
Dabney, Charles; Sale List; 354
Dabney, Thomas; Will; 307
Dagley, John; Admr. of the Estate of Grace Dagley, Deceased; Settlement; 35
Dew, David; Admr. of Paul Harmon, Dec.; Inventory & Sale List; 441
Dew, David; Admr. of Paul Harmon, Dec.; Settlement; 463, 526
Dossett & Dew; Admr. of J. Miller; Settlement; 455
Dossett, Alfred; Admr. of Pryor Harris, Deceased; Settlement; 327
Dossett, Robt.; Inventory; 501
Dossett, W. J.; Inventory & Sale List; 457
Dougherty, Danl.; Sale List; 323
Douglas, J. M. B.; Admr.; Sale List; 413
Douglas, J. M. B.; Admr.; Settlement; 426
Douglas, William; Inventory of Estate; 100
Douglas, William; Sale List; 114, 115



Eller, James; Admr. of Settlement; 450, 62



Foust, Danl.; Inventory; 297
Foust, Danl.; Sale List; 298, 344
Foust, Danl.; Settlement; 359, 359, 394



Gaylor, G. W.; Inventory; 355, 356
Gaylor, G. W.; Settlement; 357, 358, 388
Gaylor, G. W.; Settlement; 408, 429, 438
Gaylor, Mary; Sale List; 235, 236
Gibson, F. M.; Inventory, Sale List; 490
Gibson, James; Inventory List; 118, 119
Gibson, James M.; Admr.; 351
Gibson, Travis; Inventory & Sale List; 8, 9, 10, 11
Graham, Elizabeth; Estate Inventory & Sale List; 227, 228
Graham, G. W.; Admr. M. L. P.; 504
Gray, Thos. F.; Inventory; 107
Gray, Wm. P.; Sale List; 193
Gray, Wm. P.; Inventory; 218
Green, R. C.: Settlement; 387
Green, Reubin; Admr.; 375
Green, Reubin; Settlement; 387
Gross, Isaac; Inventory & sale List; 102, 103, 104
Gross, Isaac; Inventory of Personal Effects; 122, 123, 124
Gross, Isaac; Sale List; 126, 127, 128, 129
Gross, Isaac; Partial Settlement of Estate; 250, 251, 252
Gross, Jacob; Inventory & Sale List; 3, 4



Hall & Hunter; H. L. Wheeler Acct.; 469, 520
Harman, John; Settlement; 113
Harman, John; Inventory & Sale List by Paul Harman; 121
Harman, Paul; Admr.; Settlement; 351
Harman, Paul Jr.; Admr. & Sale List; 33, 46
Harman, Paul; Admr. of John Harman, Admr. Settlement; 37
Harmon, John; Will, Inventory & Sale List; 63, 64
Hart, John M.; Inventory & Sale List; 95, 96, 97, 98, 99
Hart, Nancy C.; Report by John H. Hunter; 392
Hatfield, Davis; Inventory & Sale List; 93, 254, 258
Hatfield, Davis; Additional Inventory; 203
Hatfield, Davis; Settlement; 254
Hatfield, Davis; By Thos. Wier; 381, 382
Hatmaker, Aaron; Inventory List; 399
Hatmaker, Aaron, Sale List; 400
Hatmaker, Aaron; Additional; 405
Hatmaker, Wm.; Admr., Settlement; 473, 474
Hayter, Enos; Inventory & Sale List; 36, 37
Hayter, Enos; Estate, Final Settlement; 244
Heatherly, Wm.; Inventory of Estate; 83, 84, 101
Heatherly, Wm.; Inventory & Sale List of H. Heatherly; 101
Heatherly, Wm.; Sale List; 208, 209
Herrin, Wm.; Inventory; 53
Hollingsworth, Wm. K.; Sale List; 304
Hope, Robert; Inventory; 52, 53
Hope, Robert; Admr. of Jacob Cox, Settlement; 65
Hope, Robert; Inventory of Estate & Sale List; 116, 117
Hope, Robt.; Settlement of Estate; 246, 247
Housley, John; Sale List; 253
Huckaby, John, Dec.; Sale List; 316, 317
Hunter, Jno. H.; Admr. M. Phillips, Settlement; 402, 407
Hunter, J. H.; Admr. Jerry Phillips, Dec. Settlement; 403, 407
Hunter, J. H.; Admr. of Nancy C. Hart, Dec., Settlement; 404
Hunter, Squire; Admr.; Settlement of John Peterson; 377, 427
Hunter, Tabitha; Inventory & Sale List; 47, 50, 51
Hutson, Jas. C.; Sale List of Sarah Whitson; 272



Irwin, Nathaniel; Admr. of Geo. Irwin, Dec.; 408
Irwon, George, Dec.; Inventory; 392
Isley, LaFayette; Admr.; 247
Isley, Lafayette; Sct. Of the Estate of John Isley, Dec.; 433, 517, 528
Isley, John; Inventory & Sale List; 396, 397
Isley, Saml. H.; Inventory & Sale List; 362
Isley, Saml. H.; Settlement; 380, 385



James, John; Admr. of Enos Hayter; Estate Settlement; 52



Keeney, Jno. L.; Inventory of Estate; 232
Keeney, Jno. L.; Sale List; 236
Keeney, Jno. L.; Additional Inventory; 337
Keeney, Jno. L.; Supplement with J. Lindsay; 345, 346, 371
Kincaid, B. F.; Inventory; 452
Kincaid, John; Estate, 2nd Supplemental Inventory, Sale List; 229, 230
Kincaid, John Sr.; Inventory of Estate; 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166
Kincaid, John Sr.; Supplementary Inventory; 200, 201
Kincaid, Mosiah; Sale List, Settlement; 393



Lay, John; Sale List & Inventory; 38, 39, 40, 41
Lay, John; Inventory by J. J. H. Curnutt, Admr.; 90, 91, 92, 467
Lay, John; Sale List; 110, 111
Lay, John; Inventory of Notes by David Curnutt; 112
Lay, John D.; Will; 177
Leach, William; Inventory & Sale List; 179, 180
Leach, William; Settlement with John Peterson; 243, 343
Lett, Joseph; Admr. of Wm. Lett, Set.; 439, 454, 509, 527
Lett, William; Inventory; 404
Lindsay, J. H.; Inventory List of John L. Keeny; 234
Lindsay, J. S.; Admr.; 364
Lindsay, J. S.; Final Settlement; 371
Lindsay, J. S.; Admr. of H. H. Smith, Sale List; 374
Lindsay, J. S.; Admr. of H. Cooper; 502
Lindsay, William; Admr. Set.;428
Lindsay, Wm.; Admr. of Thos. Guy; 107
Lindsay, Wm.; Admr. C. Dabney; 434
Lindsay, Wm.; Admr. Anna Dabney; 435



Martin, Thos.; Inventory & Sale List; 323
Maupin, Amos; Will; 174
Maupin, Amos; Inventory; 204
Maupin, Amos; Sale List; 305, 306
Maupin, Amos; Settlement; 296, 316
McFarland, Benjamin; Inventory; 104
McGraw, Michael; Inventory, Sale List, Settlement; 47, 48, 49
McGraw, Michael; Settlement of Estate; 107
McKeen, W. J.; Admr. of; 365
McNeely, George; Inventory of Estate & Sale List; 88, 89
McNeely, Wm.; Inventory of Estate & Sale List, by G. McNeely; 87
McNeely, Wm.; Inventory by W. H. McNeely; 88
McNeely, Wm. H.; Set.; 422
McNeely, Wm. H.; Settlement; 300
Meador, W. J. & Thos. H.; Will; 175
Meador, William; Settlement; 356, 464
Meador, Wm.; Inventory; 168
Miller, Eli; Inventory of Estate; 459, 484
Miller, Jackson, Inventory & Sale List; 398, 455
Miller, James; Admst.; 266, 267, 268
Miller, Jas.; Admr. & Set.; 270
Miller, John; Inventory; 140, 141, 142
Miller, John; Settlement; 143
Miller, John; Will; 170, 171, 172
Montgomery, A. W.; Settlement; 410
Montgomery, D. H.; Sale List; 335
Montgomery, D. H.; Settlement; 406
Moser, Adam; Inventory, Sale List, Will; 27, 28, 29
Moser, Jacob & Geo. Ex.; Settlement of Estate; 291
Murray, James S.; Inventory & Sale List; 44
Murray, John; Settlement; 421, 489
Murray, John; Inventory & Sale List; 445
Murray, Wm.; Admr. of M. Ward; 459



Neil, Bartholomew; Estate; 249



Peterson, John, Dec.; Inventory & Sale List; 330, 331
Peterson, John, Trustee Settlement; 376
Petree, Isaac C.; Inventory & Sale List by Wm. H. Smith; 383
Phillips, John; Inventory; 190
Phillips, John; Sale List; 191, 192
Phillips, John; Settlement; 199
Phillips, Milton L.; Inventory; 139
Pilkenton, Catherine; Inventory & Sale List; 398



Queener, Barbara; Inventory; 181
Queener, Barbara; Sale List; 182, 183, 184
Queener, Henry; Inventory; 32
Queener, S. D.; Inventory & Sale List; 5, 6, 7, 8



Ridenour, H. L.; 482
Roach, William; Admr. Inventory of David Usher; 359
Rogers, Mary E.; Sale List; 57, 58, 60
Rogers, Mary E.; 144



Scruggs, Wm. J.; Admr. of W. H. H.; 423
Scruggs, Wm. J.; Admr. of Wm. H. H.; 440
Sharp, George; Will; 340
Sharp, Henry; Ex. of C. W. Smith; 492
Sharp, Henry; Admr. of Labon Sharp; 524
Sharp, William; Inventory & Sale List; 42, 43, 44
Sharp, Wm. H.; Admr. of D. Bruce, Sale List; 430
Sharp, Wm. H.; Admr. of D. Bruce, Set.; 472
Sharp, Wm. H.; Admr. K. Kincaid; 511, 518
Smith, J. J.; Inventory & Sale List from Stock; no page no.
Smith, Benjamin; Will; 217
Smith, George; Inventory of the Estate; 61, 62
Smith, George; by D. Richardson, Admr.;85
Smith, George; Francis Tiller, Admr.; 85
Smith, Thos.; Admr., Inventory & Sale List; 320, 321, 324, 326, 327, 328, 331
Smith, William; Inventory of Effects; 138
Smith, William; Sale List; 139
Smith, Wm. H., Admr. of Isaac C. Petree; Sale List & Inventory; 383
Smith, Wm. H., Admr.; Settlement, K. Kincaid; 410
Smith, Wm. H.; Admr. of J. C. Petree Estate; 411
Smith, Wm. H.; Admr. of D. Petree Settlement; 454
Smith, Wm. H.; Admr. of A. J. Dossett, Inventory & Sale List; 457
Smith, Wm. H.; Admr. of A. J. Dossett, Settlement; 498
Stanfill, Hilton; Will; 324
Stanfill, Isom; Sale List; 157
Stanfill, Lethner, Admr. of A. C. Baird; Inventory & Sale List; 318
Stanfill, Lethner, Admr. of A. C. Baird; Settlement; 372
Sweat, Wm. J. Admr.; Inventory of Estate of Wm. Sweat; 442



Usher, Davis; Will; 347, 348
Usher, Davis, Inventory of Estate; 359



Walden, Benj.; Admr. Settlement; 365
Walden, Benj.; Inventory; 337
Walters, C.; Inventory & Settlement; 221, 222
Ward, Wm.; Admr. of ?? Ward Estate, Settlement; 46
Ward, Michael; Inventory & Sale List of Effects; 86
Wheeler & Hunter; Admr. Waisman; 386
Wheeler & Hunter; Admr. J. A. Waisman; 412, 434
Wheeler, H. L.; Admr. of James Weisman, Settlement; 356, 357
Wheeler, H. L.; Inventory; 450
Whitten, Jacob; Inventory, Sale List & Settlement; 11, 12, 13, 14
Wilhite, Simeon; Inventory; 105
Wilson, Calvin; M. J. C.; 476
Wilson, Lewis; Sale List & Inventory; 341
Woodson, G. W.; Inventory; 477
Woodson, G. W.; Set. 485



Yount, Jacob; Inventory of Estate; 81
Yount, Jacob; Sale List; 235, 236
Yount, Jacob; Settlement with F. H. Bretchel; 338
Yount, Jacob; Settlement, by J. P. Lindsay, Admr.348

Black Bar



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