Campbell County FAQs
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Question: When was Campbell County created?
Answer:  Campbell County was formed September 11, 1806 from parts of Anderson and Claiborne Counties.

Question: Where is Campbell County located?
Answer:  Campbell County is located in the northeastern part of Tennessee. On a map, find I75 where it crosses the Tennessee-Kentucky line. This is were Campbell County is located.

Question: Where is the county seat?
Answer:  The county seat is located at Jacksboro, Tennessee.

Question: What is the address of the court house?
Answer:  Campbell County Clerk, 195 Kentucky Street, Jacksboro, TN 37757

Question: Has the court house ever burned? If so, were any of the records lost?
Answer:  Yes, the court house caught fire in 1883 and then again 1926. Some records were lost, but fortunately most of the records were spared. Several years ago, the Tennessee State Library and Archives visited the court house and microfilmed the county records. A list of the available records may be found online.

Question: Does Campbell County have a county historian?
Answer:  Yes, Campbell County's county historian is Gregory Miller. He can be reached at Gregory Miller PO Box 1193, La Follette, TN 37766.

Question: Does Campbell County have a historical society?
Answer:  Campbell County Historical Society, 101 S. 6th St., La Follette, TN 37799-2525, (423) 566-2127, Annual Family Memberships: $12.

Question: What books have been published on Campbell County?
Answer: Please see the Published Resources page.

Question: What is the topography of Campbell County?
Answer: Campbell County, one of the northern most counties of Tennessee, is bounded on the east by Claiborne and Union Counties, bounded on the south by Anderson County, bounded on the west by Scott County, and bounded on the north by Whitley County, Kentucky.

     Campbell County has three distinct geographical regions: 1) the northern portion is within the Cumberland Plateau, 2) the central portion in the Powell Valley, and 3) the southern portion consists of ridges and rolling hills.  The Cumberland Plateau within Campbell County begins at Caryville and ends at Cumberland Gap. The mountains from the Powell Valley extend across the southwest portion of the county.

Question: Can the county coordinator do research for me?
Answer:  No, I am sorry I cannot. I do not live in Campbell County, nor do I live near the county. I do, however, have family there and do visit from time to time.

Question: Can you help me find a professional genealogist?
Answer:  No, I am sorry I cannot. However, the Middle Tennessee Genealogical Society has online a list of professional genealogists and their specialties. I have never contacted any of these people and can neither recommend or comment on any of them.


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Last Modified on: 08/13/2015 04:30:09 .

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