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Persons who are doing Lookups from printed material MUST always obtain and submit a copy of permission to lookup information in any copyrighted books.

Campbell County has a variety of books published by various authors. There are several people who own copies of these books and who are willing to do lookups from these books. These volunteers have generously donated their time, and the authors of the books have graciously agreed to allow them to do lookups. Please thank our volunteers and tell them how much we appreciate their efforts.

Karen Martin is willing to do look-ups in Neal Byrge's book The Descendants of William "Billy" Burge (Byrge). To save her time, please put William Burge in the subject line of the email message. The surnames most frequently found are Adkins, Anderson, Brown, Bunch, Burchfield, Byrge, Carroll, Cross, Crowley, Daugherty, Davis, Duncan, Farmer, Griffith, Hammonds, Hatfield, Hopson, Jeffers, Jones, Kennedy, Lay, Lively, Lowe, Marlow, McGhee, McKamey, Miller, Patterson, Phillips, Reed, Roe, Rowe, Seiber, Smith, Tackett, Ward, West, Wilson, Wishoun, and Wright. Birth dates range from 1776 to 1994, contains data of many 8th generation descendants.Contains BYRGE and BURGE extracts of marriage records of Bell County, KY, Anderson, Campbell, Knox, Madison, Rutherford, Giles and Wilson Counties of Tennessee. BYRGE and BURGE Extract of Federal Census records of Anderson, Campbell, and Scott Counties for the years 1830 through 1910.

Holly Ashby Hofmann is willing to do look-ups in Campbell County, TN Marriages 1838-1889.

Patty Seaquist is willing to do look-ups in Campbell County, TN Marriages 1838-1889.

Sherry Lawson is willing to do look-ups in Campbell County, TN Marriages 1838-1889.

Rae Smith is willing to do look-ups in the book Campbell County, TN Marriages 1838-1889. Please use this form .

Bobbie Lewallen is willing to do look-ups in Campbell County, TN-Register's Book "D" 1820-1826. Please send FIRST and LAST NAME and send only one name at a time.

Bobbie Lewallen is also willing to do lookups in the following:

  • Campbell county Marriages 1838-1890
  • Cemetery Lookups for Valley View, Baird, Warren Memorial Gardens, Stanfill, Elk Fork Church, Terry Creek, Lawson, and Red Cut Cemetery (all in Elk Valley, TN)

    Please send FIRST and LAST NAME and send only one name at a time.

Mike Curtis is willing to do look-ups in Dr. Miller McDonald's books: Campbell County, Tennessee USA: A History of Places, Faces, Happenings, Traditions, and Things, Vols 1, 2, & 3.  Please note that these books are not indexed.

Donetha Groover is willing to do look-ups in SK Publications books: 1830, 1840 and 1850 Campbell County censuses. The index to these censuses are online at 1830 , 1840 , and 1850 .

Tonya Miller is willing to do lookups in the Walden Cemetery located on Lick Creek on Walden Lane in La Follette, TN.

Evelyn Yancy is  willing to do look-ups in Marshall McGhee's books Careyville Through the Years and Careyville and More.

Bonnie Mumford has the books Campbell County, Tennessee Vital Statistics 1926-1935 and Campbell County, Tennessee Vital Statistics 1936-1946 and is willing to lookups from these books. These are only DEATH INDEXES Please limit your requests to 1 or 2 names per email per day. Give as much information about the individual as you know, such as: name, date of birth, date of death, father's name and/or mother's name. This information will help her distinguish between 15 different John Jones.

Jim Bass is willing to do look-ups in his book entitled The Weaver Families of Georgia, Volume I


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Last Modified on: 08/13/2015 04:30:33 .

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GenWeb, and/or private contributors. Any reproduction and/or use of this material
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