Name: Gail Bartholomew
Email Address:
Reunion Name: Brooks/Hale
When: July 2, 2013
Where: Galilee Baptist Camp Ground, LaFollette
What: Yourself, desert,pictures and your family stories.
Additional Info: Telephone 435-881-2076 for more information.
John Ford Descendants
Name: Gail Bartholomew
Email Address:
Reunion Name: John Ford Descendants
When: July 4, 2013
Where: Cove Lake Park #1
What: Bring a dish and your family histories to share wi[truncated]
Additional Info: Contact Gail at 435-881-2076 or P O Box 44 Hyrum Utah
Millard & Bertha Boshears
Name: Elva Shearer
Email Address:
Reunion Name: Millard & Bertha Boshears
When: July 21, 2012 10:00 AM eat at 12:00
Where: Mountain Lakes Marina, Lake City , Tn.
What: Bring covered dish, drinks. We would like to hear from family and friends.
Additional Info: Every one welcome. Family and friends
Hatmaker Reunion
Name: Juanita Hatmaker Workman
Email Address:
Reunion Name: Hatmaker Reunion
When: May, 27 2012
Where: Norris Dam State park
What: Come and visit bring yourself . For more info email
Additional Info: we will be staying at the cabins around by the office
Bill Brown-Sarah, Sally Heatherly
Reunion Name: Bill Brown-Sarah, Sally Heatherly
When: 28 July 2012 10-2pm
Where: please email me for details
What: Bring a covered dish, a folding lawn-chair , photos and family data and extra water for your family.
Contact Name: Lynn Foust
Additional Info:Brown-Heatherly- William J Brown b:1850, son of John Brown and Lavaney Brown and wives: Sarah and Sally Heatherly and Freely Sellers. Anyone related is welcome and encouraged to attend
Joe Wells
Name: Linda Bratcher
Email Address:
Reunion Name: Joe Wells
When: May,11 2013
Where: Cove Lake State Park Shelter #6
What: If you don't get notified of what to bring then please contact me at
Additional Info: email
HIRAM ALLEN(descendants)
Name: Charles E. Allen
Email Address:
Reunion Name: Hiram Allen(descendants)
When: Annual-Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend
Where: Jellico Days Inn (outback)
Covered dish or anything good to eat, photos, etc.
Additional Info: Hiram was born 1847.He married Mary Jane Lay
Name: Sherman Orick & Lisa Sexton
Email Address: &
Reunion Name: Orick
When: Sat. Aug. 29 12:00-4:00
Where: Oneida City Park -Gazebo #2
What: Covered Dish and your own drinks, pictures, musical instruments, etc.
Additional Info:Starts at 12 noon dinner pictures at 1:30. For complete info please email contacts listed above.
Name: Shelby Alexander
Email Address:
Reunion Name: Loudin/Hamby/Thomas Reunion
When: Every year same time,last Sunday in July
Where: Ind. Mt. St. Park,Jellico, Tn.
What: lawn chairs, casserole dish, cold drinks for your family.
Additional Info: It would be nice if you bring old photo to share.
Descendants of Hans Jacob Koger
Name: Stephen Koger
Email Address:
Reunion Name: Descendants of Hans Jacob Koger
When: July 18th, 19th, 20th
Where: Richmond, Ky
What: Goto for more info
Additional Info:
Name: Lanis Loveday Chidel
Email Address:
Reunion Name: Loveday
When: Sept 27-29
Where: Cumberland Gap, Tennessee
What: Descendents of William Jackson Loveday 1864-1934
Additional Info: Contacts: Family info Lanis Chidel
Name: Carolyn Massengill
Reunion Name: Luke and Idonia Gaylor Massengill
When: Second Saturday in October
Where: East side, Norris Dam St Park
What: Please bring a covered vegetable dish or dessert.
Additional Info: Idonia Gaylor was the daughter
of Thomas Gaylor Jr, son of Thomas Sr. of the Macedonia
area of Campbell Co,. would enjoy meeting new cousins.
Luke Massengill was a descendant of the Cobb/Massengills
of Rocky Mount Museum in Piney flats,Johnson City, Tn.
G-G-G Grandfather, Mathew and his first cousin, Solomon
were living on the Clinch River in late 1790s.
Solomon was one of the founders of Anderson Co,. TN.
Have detailed history of family. |
William Tidwell and Martha Reynolds/Runnels
Who: Family of William
and Martha Reynolds/Runnels
When: Every third Saturday
in September
Where: High Cliff Baptist
Church, Highcliff, (near Jellico), Campbell County,
Instructions: Please
bring a covered dish. Also remember lawn chairs, pictures,
family information, camcorders, and cameras.
For Directions and
More Information Contact: Leigh
Ann Partin. |
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