Campbell County Reunions
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All reunions whose current year date has already passed will be deleted unless submitted information indicates that the reunion occurs annually. .  Otherwise, future Reunions will need to be submitted. Please note on your submission if your reunion is an yearly event. Please watch this page for updates.  Thank you!

2012 Reunions will be Deleted by May 15th. If you need to update your 2012 information for 2013 please email the update to me as soon as possible. Thanks!

Blue Divider Lines


Name: Gail Bartholomew
Email Address:
Reunion Name: Brooks/Hale
When: July 2, 2013
Where: Galilee Baptist Camp Ground, LaFollette
What: Yourself, desert,pictures and your family stories.
Additional Info: Telephone 435-881-2076 for more information.

Blue Divider Lines

John Ford Descendants

Name: Gail Bartholomew
Email Address:
Reunion Name: John Ford Descendants
When: July 4, 2013
Where: Cove Lake Park #1
What: Bring a dish and your family histories to share wi[truncated]
Additional Info: Contact Gail at 435-881-2076 or P O Box 44 Hyrum Utah

Blue Divider Lines

Millard & Bertha Boshears

Name: Elva Shearer
Email Address:
Reunion Name: Millard & Bertha Boshears
When: July 21, 2012 10:00 AM eat at 12:00
Where: Mountain Lakes Marina, Lake City , Tn.
What: Bring covered dish, drinks. We would like to hear from family and friends.
Additional Info: Every one welcome. Family and friends

Blue Divider Lines

Hatmaker Reunion

Name: Juanita Hatmaker Workman
Email Address:
Reunion Name: Hatmaker Reunion
When: May, 27 2012
Where: Norris Dam State park
What: Come and visit bring yourself . For more info email
Additional Info: we will be staying at the cabins around by the office

Blue Divider Lines

Bill Brown-Sarah, Sally Heatherly

Reunion Name: Bill Brown-Sarah, Sally Heatherly
When: 28 July 2012 10-2pm
Where: please email me for details
What: Bring a covered dish, a folding lawn-chair , photos and family data and extra water for your family.
Contact Name: Lynn Foust

Additional Info:Brown-Heatherly- William J Brown b:1850, son of John Brown and Lavaney Brown and wives: Sarah and Sally Heatherly and Freely Sellers. Anyone related is welcome and encouraged to attend

Blue Divider Lines

Joe Wells

Name: Linda Bratcher
Email Address:
Reunion Name: Joe Wells
When: May,11 2013
Where: Cove Lake State Park Shelter #6
What: If you don't get notified of what to bring then please contact me at
Additional Info: email

Blue Divider Lines

HIRAM ALLEN(descendants)

Name: Charles E. Allen
Email Address:
Reunion Name: Hiram Allen(descendants)
When: Annual-Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend
Where: Jellico Days Inn (outback)
What: Covered dish or anything good to eat, photos, etc.
Additional Info: Hiram was born 1847.He married Mary Jane Lay

Blue Divider Lines


Name: Sherman Orick & Lisa Sexton
Email Address: &
Reunion Name: Orick
When: Sat. Aug. 29 12:00-4:00
Where: Oneida City Park -Gazebo #2
What: Covered Dish and your own drinks, pictures, musical instruments, etc.
Additional Info:Starts at 12 noon dinner pictures at 1:30. For complete info please email contacts listed above.

Blue Divider Lines

Loudin/Hamby/Thomas Reunion

Name: Shelby Alexander
Email Address:
Reunion Name: Loudin/Hamby/Thomas Reunion
When: Every year same time,last Sunday in July
Where: Ind. Mt. St. Park,Jellico, Tn.
What: lawn chairs, casserole dish, cold drinks for your family.
Additional Info: It would be nice if you bring old photo to share.

Blue Divider Lines

Descendants of Hans Jacob Koger

Name: Stephen Koger
Email Address:
Reunion Name: Descendants of Hans Jacob Koger
When: July 18th, 19th, 20th
Where: Richmond, Ky
What: Goto for more info
Additional Info:

Blue Divider Lines


Name: Lanis Loveday Chidel
Email Address:
Reunion Name: Loveday
When: Sept 27-29
Where: Cumberland Gap, Tennessee
What: Descendents of William Jackson Loveday 1864-1934
Additional Info: Contacts: Family info Lanis Chidel

Blue Divider Lines


Name: Carolyn  Massengill
Reunion Name: Luke and Idonia Gaylor Massengill  
When: Second Saturday in October
Where: East side, Norris Dam St  Park
What: Please bring a covered vegetable dish or dessert. 
Additional Info:  Idonia Gaylor was the daughter of Thomas Gaylor Jr, son of Thomas Sr. of the Macedonia area of Campbell Co,. would enjoy meeting new cousins. Luke Massengill was a descendant of the Cobb/Massengills of Rocky Mount Museum in Piney flats,Johnson City, Tn. G-G-G Grandfather, Mathew and his first cousin, Solomon were living on the Clinch River in late 1790s. Solomon was one of the founders of Anderson Co,. TN. Have detailed history of family.

Blue Divider Lines
William Tidwell and Martha Reynolds/Runnels

Who: Family of William and Martha Reynolds/Runnels 
When: Every third Saturday in September
Where: High Cliff Baptist Church,  Highcliff, (near Jellico), Campbell County, Tennessee 
Instructions: Please bring a covered dish. Also remember lawn chairs, pictures, family information, camcorders, and cameras.

For Directions and More Information Contact: Leigh Ann Partin.

Blue Divider Lines

Submit Your Reunion Information

If you have a reunion that you would like to have announced on this page, fill out the reunion form and hit the submit button. Please allow 2 WEEKS for posting. PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL ADDRESS OR Your Reunion will not be posted!

Click HERE to go to Reunion Form.

Blue Divider Lines


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Last Modified on: 08/13/2015 04:30:11 .

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