
transcribed by Rick Chambers
Thomas Shoemake


Page 32

     The Deposition of Elijah Barker taken before me Joseph Hart an acting Justice of the peace for the County of Campbell which deponent after being duly sworn Sayeth that he was and has been personally acquainted for the Spase of upwards of Twenty years with the father and Connections of Thomas Shoemake and the the said Thomas Shoemake has as fare as his acquaintance has Extended with him Supported the Character of an honest upright Citizen that the said Thomas Shoemake and his father was in the State of South Carolina (where there was a very large Settlement of them) was Considered as Clear blooded people free from any mixture of the African blood and that they univer- sally Injoyed and Exercised all their rights and prevaledges as other Citizens and on all occasions and in all Cases where necessaryly required to give evidence they were ___ held and Compleat witnesses in Law. Elijah Barker

Page 33

Sworn and Subscribed to before me this 20th day of October 1813.

Jos. Hart J. Peace
A True Copy
David T. Strong Clk.
By Jos. Hart his Deputy

     The Deposition of Loyd Brock taken before me Joseph Hart an acting Justice of the Peace for the County of Campbell, which Deponant after being duly Sworn sayeth that Thomas Shoemake is a man with whom he has had a long acquaintance that he has always as fare as his acquaintance has Extened supported the Character of an honest up- right Citizen that he believes from Co__ or report of his family in the State of South Carolina that he is a man of Clear blood so fare as respects his being of affrican Extraction, that he was in the State of So. Carolina was Considered and held as a descendant of the Egiptian race of people that it was in the State of So. Carolina a Constant practice to admit him at all times to give evidence and to receive it as valid in all Cases whatever in Law where necessarily Called on to give Testimony

Loyd (his X mark) Brock

Sworn and Subsribed to before me the 20th day of Oct. 1813

Jos. Hart J. Peace
A True Copy
David T. Strong Clk.
By Jos. Hart his Deputy


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