
transcribed by Rick Chambers
Sale of the Estate of Daniel Sharp


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     Inventory of Sale of the Estate of Daniel Sharp Deceased Wherein Henry Sharp & Jacob Sharp is Administrators begun and held at the dwelling House of Jacob Sharps in Campbell County the 10th day of April AD. 1809 - is as followes

    Dolls Cts
James Hodge to 1 Handsaw 2 50
Coonrod Sharp “ 1 Set of Plow Irons 5 00
Coonrod Sharp “ 1 Set of Shovel plow Irons 2 81 ¼
William Sharp “ 1 Pole Ax 1 75
John Casay “ 1 Pole Ax 1 12 ½
Coonrod Sharp “ 1 Pole Ax 75
William Sharp “ 1 Screw Auger 50
Jane Sharp “ 1 frying pan 75
Jane Sharp “ 1 Dutch Oven 3 00
Jane Sharp “ 1 Pot 2 50
William Sharp “ 1 Bake Iron 75
James Hodge “ 1 Log Chain 5 00
Jane Sharp “ 2 Slays & Harnices 25
Coonrod Sharp “ 1 pad Lock 75
Jane Sharp “ 4 Tea Cups & Saucers 25
Jane Sharp “ 6 Delph Plates 1 6 ¼
Jane Sharp “ 1 Pewter Dish 1 50
Jane Sharp “ 7 Pewter Plates 2 50 ½
Jane Sharp “ 9 Pewter Spoons 46 ¼
Jane Sharp “ Some old Pewter 1 25
Robert Winslow “ 1 pr. Steelyards 2 75
Jane Sharp “ 1 Sugar pot & 3 Tin Cups)
1 Set Bleeding Lansets ) 25
Henry Sharp “ 2 Spelling Books 25
Jane Sharp “ 1 Looking Glass . 61 ¼
Henry Sharp “ 2 Old Books, Candlestick)
& 2 Razors ) 60
Jane Sharp “ 19 Weavers Spools & 3 Shettles 63
Henry Sharp “ 1 Sun Dial & other old things 37 ½
Amount Carried Over $39 99 ¼

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  Dolls Cts.  
Amount Brought over 39 99 ¼
Jane Sharp to 5 Knves & other old things 81 ¼
William Sharp “ 1 Hone 1 25
Coonrod Sharp “ 2 Bars of Lead & Trunpet 1 12 ½
Jane Sharp “ 1 Sad Iron 56 ¼
Robert Winslow “ 2 Hows 55
Coonrod Sharp “ 1 Iron Wedge 81 ¼
Coonrod Sharp “ 1 Basket 18 ¼
Jane Sharp “ 1 Trunk 2 50 ¼
William Sharp “ 1 Still 108 00
David Fields “ 1 Waggon 86 00
Jane Sharp “ 1 Bed & Covering 5 50
Jane Sharp “ 1 Bed & Covering 6 6 ¼
Henry Sharp “ 1 old Draw Knife 20
Jane Sharp “ 1 Pale 18 ¼
Washington Copper “ 1 Leather Collar 81 ¼
Robert Winslow “ 1 ditto ditto 25
John Loy “ 1 pr. Chains & Harnes 4 25
Robert Winslow “ 1 pr. ditto ditto 2 25
Michael Holt “ 1 Chain & Harnes 2 00
Henry Sharp “ 1 Saddle 2 12 ½
William Sharp “ 2 Blind Bridles 62 ½
Jane Sharp “ 1 Saddle 2 81 ¼
Coonrod Sharp “ 1 Cow Hide 1 31 ¼
Jane Sharp “ ½ do do 31 ¼
John Hancerow “ ½ do do 1 00
Lodowick Thomas “ ½ do do 75
Robert Winslow “ Double Trees & Swingle trees 2 6 ¼
Jane Sharp to Seed Cotton 1 00
William Sharp “ 1 Rifle Gun Accoutrement 17 00
Coonrod Sharp “ 1 Big Coat 4 56 ¼
William Sharp “ 1 Hat 1 00
John Graves to 1 Clay bank Horse 51 56 ¼
Jane Sharp to 1 Sorrel Horse 41 50
Robert Winslow “ 1 Dark Bay horse 30 12 ½
Amount Cared up $421 10 ½

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  Dolls Cts  
Amount brought up 421 10 ½
William Sharp to 1 Brown Horse 33 00
George Baumgarner 1 Negro Woman)
Named Sillow) 331 50
Sherod Brock 1 Negro man Named)
Joshua 302 00
Jane Sharp 1 Negro Girl Named Feeb 250 6 ¼
Jane Sharp 1 Negro Girl Named Rosena 250 2
William Sharp 1 Keg 40
$1588 8 ¾
Signed Jacob Sharp
Henry Sharp

      Further Sales of the Estate of Daniel Sharp Deceased by the aforesaid Administrators on Flint River in the Mississippi Territory (to wit)

  Dolls. Cts
one Black and White Cow 15 0
one Red & White Cow 12 00
one Red Cow 10 00
one Red & White two year old Steer 5 0
one Red & White three year old Steer 8 0
one Bull Yearling 2 50
Eight head of Sheep 17 38
one Barrow 8 0
one Red Barrow 4 00
one Spotted Barrow 4 00
one White Sow & Pigs 3 50
one Pale 50
one Tub 66
three Chairs 75
one Tin Gallon 50
one Churn 75
one fat Tub 25
180 bushels of Corn 77 19
Signed Jacob Sharp $169 98
Henry Sharp

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     An additional inventory of the estate of Daniel Sharp deceased that has come into the hands of Jacob Sharp and Henry Sharp Administrators of the aforesaid estate since the last return

  Dolls Cts.
one red and white Cow and Calf 10 0
one other red and white Cow and Calf 10 0
one Cotton Wheel sold at 75
one 2 year old sorrel Mare sold at 15 0
one Bay Horse sold at 8 0
one Still 89 gallons sold at 100 0
one pair of pot hooks sold at 25
Fifty bushels of Corn sold at 16 ½ Cts. Per bushel 8 25
Fifty bushels of Corn sold at 22 ½ Cts. Per bushel 11 20
50 bushels of Corn sold at 27 Cts. per bushel 13 50
50 bushels of Corn sold at 29 Cts. per bushel 15 50
192 45

     This we return as a true and perfect Inventory of the Estate of Daniel Sharp deceased which has come to our hands since the return of the last Inventory of the Estate made by us December 5 th 1809

Signed Jacob Sharp
Henry Sharp




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