
transcribed by Rick Chambers
Christian Isley


Page 22

State of Tennessee )
Campbell County )

      Know all men by these presents that I Christian Isley Of the County of Campbell and State of Tennessee aforesaid in Consequence of, and for the mutual love, esteem, regard, and affection which I bear toward and entertain for my dearly and well beloved Children, herein after named, have given granted aliened, transferred and delivered and by these presents do give, Grant, alien, transfer and deliver all and singular my personal Estate and property in the following described manner (that is to say) to my beloved Daughter Catherine Quinner (wife of Jacob Quinner) my beloved daughter Barbara Quinner (wife of Daniel Quinner) my beloved daughter Hannah Summermon (wife of George Summermon) my beloved daughter Rosanna Leib (wife of John Leib Junr.) my beloved Daughter Janny Isley, Single Woman, my beloved Son, John Isley, and my beloved Daughter Polly Isley single Woman their heirs Executors Administrators and assigns forever My stock of Horses Consisting of nine head, my Stock of Cattle Consisting of about fifteen Head my Stock of Hogs of about sixty head, together with encrease of the aforesaid Stocks, also a Land Warrant of One hundred acres, also all Bonds and notes due and ow- ing to me on various people and the benefit of all the accounts which are due and owing to me. and all my houshold and Kitchen furniture Consisting of Beds Bid-steads, Table, Chairs plates Knives & forks etc. also one wagon and giers, My farming utensils Consisting of ploughs, hoes, axes, Mattocks One Crop Cut saw, Log Chain, also one Silver watch & one Rifle Gun, and all my ready money, all of which personal Estate and pro- perty is to be equally divided between my before mentioned beloved Children their heirs, Executors, Administrators or assigns, Hearby

Page 23

     Giving unto my dearly beloved Children the before dis- cribed property with increase thereof, and I the said Christian Isley will, by virtue of these presents warrant and de- fend the same unto my aforesaid their Heirs etc. against the Lawful Title, Claim, And demand, of all and every person and persons legally Claiming and to Claim the same or any part thereof.

     In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifteen Day of June in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and Twelve.

Signed and Sealed & delivered )

Christian Isley (seal)

in presence of )
Micajah Cross )
Geo. Baumgarner )
Daniel (his X mark) Martain )

State of Tennessee )
Campbell County ) A True Copy
David T. Strong
By his Deputy
Jos. Hart




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