estate records
Inventory of the Property of James Moad, Deceased
14 Mar 1826
Contributed by Sharon Noyes

James Moad in Campbell Co., TN records is found in NC records as James Mode.  Before making Campbell Co., TN his home sometime after 1802, he is found in Rutherford Co., NC.  Records for him exist in Anson Co., NC 1773 & 1774; Tyron Co., NC 1778; and Rutherford Co., NC 1782 through 1800 in land, census and other records and through 1802 in Church Records.  Based on records in Campbell Co., TN and the Inventory of Property for him, he died sometime prior to 14 Mar 1826 in Campbell Co., TN.

James Moad (Mode) is believed to be a brother to William Mode who lived and died in Rutherford Co., NC in 1810 leaving a will and naming his wife Nancy and four children: Isaac (by then married to Anna White), Samuel Mode (never married), Fanny Heins (or Herns who had married by that time), and Mary Mode.  Their records are closely associated in North Carolina data and a Mode Surname Project for genealogical DNA testing has been established for descendants of these Mode men.  This writer is Co Administrator of the DNA project at FamilyTreeDNA for the purpose of finding the common link of her Mode ancestry to that of James Moad (Mode).

Another younger brother is thought to be John Mode, whose census records were with those of James & William in 1790 & 1800 in Rutherford Co., NC.  He was in Campbell Co., TN by 7 Dec 1808 but was in Cole Co., MO by 1830.

On 25 May 2013, this writer viewed the manuscript of the original Inventory of the Property of James Moad.  It is found at this link:

in the Campbell County Wills, Estate Book December 1806 – December 1841; Campbell County Estate Book/Probate Records, Roll #26 in the listing below:

Name: James Moad 
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 154
Date: Mar 14, 1826
Other Information: Estate of James Moad

The microfilm was ordered from FamilySearch.Org for viewing at the Church of Latter Day Saints Family History Center in Murphy, NC.

Original transcription of the ‘Inventory of the Property of James Moad, dec’d’ is located at FamilySearch.Org in the Historical Records Collection in Tennessee, Probate Court Books, 1795-1927 with date 7 Jul 2011.  Choose to browse through the images and select County of Campbell; Bonds, Inventories, Wills, 1807-1841, Vol. 6.  On Image 1, credit is given for the Copying of Historical Records Project.  An alphabetical Index of Names appears on the following pages.  The page numbers listed are those of the original microfilm.

On image 4 and 5 is find the section ‘M’ and Mood, James- Inventory & Amt. of page 154, Sales & on page 155.

Through trial and error for page 154 of the original microfilm, I found the Inventory of the Property of James Moad, dec’d on image 89/303, their page 81, and the microfilm page (154) on the left side AND with the surname incorrectly transcribed as Wood.  As well, all names Moad ~ the preferred spelling used in Campbell Co., TN records ~ is not in the document and they are all transcribed as Wood with one exception, that being one for Lodawick Mode and another for Lodawick Moode.  Page 155 is noted (155) as the name James Daugherty on this original transcription.

Incorrectly transcribed names are as follows in the Inventory of the Property of James Moad, dec’d:

James Moad – listed James Wood
Lodawick Moad – listed as Lodawick Mood or Moode
Thos or Thomas Moad – listed as Thomas Wood
David Moad – listed as David Moss
Nancy Moad – listed as Nancy Wood

Thomas Moad was the Administrator for the Estate and was a son of James Moad; as well, Lodawick Moad was a son and brother to Thomas Moad.  It is unknown who Nancy Moad was in the record.  She could be a wife of James Moad at the time of his death but no records have been found for her otherwise.  Several granddaughters were named Nancy but they were not old enough to purchase items from the estate.  If anyone has information regarding this Nancy, please contact this writer.

Corrected transcription for the original transcription done by the Historical Records Project done on July 10, 1936.  When in doubt on words, the original transcription stands.  Photographs of the microfilm are extremely difficult to read but further interpretations are welcome by other readers.  My primary goal was the correction of surnames on the record.  The columns indicated in the original transcription to be dollars and cents.


(154 - Click for microfilm image)  INVENTORY OF THE PROPERTY OF JAMES MOAD, DEC’D,
Two beds and furniture, two stands for said beds, 1 Pot, 2 ovens and 1 skillet, 1 pair of fire dogs, 2 barrels, 1 Iron Wedge, 1 Half Bushel, 1 Peck, 1 half peck, three head of horses and _______ sold before he died.  To 12 head of cattle and 1 sheep, 6 head of hogs with several pigs, ten pewter dishes and 12 plates, 1 pair fire tongs; one plate and 2 Piggies 1 amount against Lodawick Moad for the sum of $202.00 and 18 head of hogs.

Thos Moad, Adminstrator
State of Tennessee}
Campbell County  }   14th March 1826
                                    A True Copy (Click here for microfilm image)
                                    Test:  Jo Hart

James Daugherty (Dougherty)                       Four Hogs                               $6.62-½
Thomas Moad                                                 1 Cow                                        8.75
James Inglish                                                  1 Cow 1 Calf                             5.75
James Inglish                                                  1 Do (on record – ditto)           7.00
Lodawick Moad                                              2 Steers                                   12.11
Lodawick Moad                                              1 Steer                                       6.25
Tallafarro (Taliaferro is correct) Butler        1 Cow 1 Calf                           12.80
James Inglish                                                  1 Cow                                        7.57
John Williams                                                1 Heifer                                     4.62
Amos Moppin                                                 1 Horse                                   63.25
David Moad                                                    1 Colt                                      20.52-½
Francis Starr                                                   1 Mare                                    10.00
James Daugherty                                            M_____                                     1.12-½
James Daugherty                                            1 Oven                                       1.53
John Sharp                                                      1 Pr Hooks                                   .33
Reubin Smith                                                  1 Oven                                        2.00
Nancy Moad                                       2 Beds & Furniture & Dr_p_ Ware     12.50
Lodawick Moad                                              1 Shovel & tongs                        1.26
Nancy Moad                                                   2 Wheels                                     1.30
Talafaro (Taliaferro) Butler                           1 Churn                                         .30 *
Nancy Moad                                                   1 Pair Dogirons                          1.76
James Daugherty                                            2 Piggins                                          6-¼ **

(155 - click for microfilm image) James Daugherty & John Wages (not certain of John Wages)                             .30

The above true amount of sales on the property of James Moad, Deceased.
State of Tennessee }
Campbell County   }               Thos. Moad, Administrator
                                                14th March 1826
                                                A True Copy
                                                Jo Hart, Clk.

*   microfilm page read as ditto and could mean 1.30
** microfilm page read as ditto and could mean 1.06-¼

                                    Sharon Henderson Noyes
                                    27 May 2013

Descendant of William Mode b. 1780-1790 NC – his father is either William Mode d. 1810 or James Moad (Mode) d. bef 14 Mar 1826.  DNA testing is needed on James Moad descendants as descendants from the other lines have been tested.

CoAdministrator Mode Surname Project FTDNA




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