Campbell County Wills

Estate Book

December 1806 - September 1841

The following abstracts were extracted from the
Campbell County
Estate Book/Probate Records
Roll # 26

These are pages 1-230.

Black Bar

The following information was extracted from the court records:
  • First and Last Name (the name found in the index)
  • Type of Record (Will, Inventory, Amt. of Sale, Settlement, Sheriff Bond, etc.)
  • Page Number it was found on
  • For Wills:
    • The Spouse's Name (if explicitly stated)
    • The Children's Names (if explicitly stated)
    • The "W" indicates the date the will was written and the "P" indicates the date the will was probated. (Note: Not all wills have both dates).
  • For All Other Types, miscellaneous information
You can obtain copies of any of these documents from either the Tennessee State Library and Archives or the Campbell County County Court House.

If you have a copy of any of these documents, I encourage you to transcribe them and allow me to put them online so that others may enjoy them.

B  | C  |  D  | E  | G  | H  |  I  | J  |  K
L  | M  |  P  | Q  | R  | S  |  U  | W


Pages 230-447

Black Bar

Name: George Baker
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 163
Date: Sept 11, 1826
Other Information: Estate of George Baker together with James Baker, William Baker, Bowling Baker surviving Copartners
Name: George Baker
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 171-173
Date: Oct 12, 1826
Other Information: Estate of George Baker
Name: Saml Baker
Type of Document: Bill of Sale
Page Number: 21
Date: No Date
Other Information: Sold Negroes Winny and Fanny to Lemuel P. Montgomery
Name: Samuel Baker
Type of Document: Elected Coroner
Page Number: 16
Date: Dec 4, 1810
Other Information: John Hughes, James C. Mager, William Hancock
Name: D. Elijah Barker
Type of Document: Deposition
Page Number: 32
Date: Oct 20, 1813
Other Information: Acquainted with Thomas Shoemake
Name: Jonathan Bashears
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 88
Date: Feb 27, 1819
Other Information: Estate of Jonathan Bashears; Elizabeth Bashares & Samuel Cowan, Administrators
Name: Jonathan Bashears
Type of Document: Settlement
Page Number: 142
Date: Dec Term 1824
Other Information: Estate of Jonathan Bashares
Name: Jonathen Bashears
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 100-102
Date: Jun 17, 1820
Other Information: Estate of Jonathen Bashares
Name: George Baumgarner
Type of Document: Bill of Sale
Page Number: 20
Date: Jul 11, 1812
Other Information: Sold Negroes Joshua and Lander to Lemuel P. Montgomery
Name: George Baumgarner
Type of Document: Title Bond
Page Number: 44
Date: Feb 13, 1815
Other Information: Samuel P. Montgomery
Name: John Black
Type of Document: Will
Page Number: 178
Date: Dec 5, 1826 W; Mar 2, 1827 P
Wife's Name: Mary
Children's Names: John Black, Jr.
Other Information: Peggy Black
Name: Loyd Brack
Type of Document: Deposition
Page Number: 33
Date: Oct 20, 1813
Other Information: Acquainted with Thomas Shoemake
Name: John Bratcher
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 125
Date: Sept 3, 1822
Other Information: Estate of John Bratcher
Name: John Bratcher
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 113
Date: Dec 3, 1821
Other Information: Estate of John Bratcher; By Sarah Bratcher
Name: James Brock
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 72
Date: Jan 3, 1818
Other Information: Estate of James Brock
Name: James Brock
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 65
Date: Aug 19, 1817
Other Information: Estate of James Brock
Name: James Brock
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 72
Date: Jan 3, 1818
Other Information: Estate of James Brock
Name: Sherod Brock
Type of Document: Will & Inventory
Page Number: 50-51
Date: July 14, 1815 W; Sept 4, 1815 P
Wife's Name: Sary
Children's Names: John Brock, Sherod Brock, James Brock, Allen Brock
Name: Sherwood Brock
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 53
Date: Mar 4, 1816
Other Information: James Rice, Sarah Brock
Name: Sherwood Brock
Type of Document: Settlement
Page Number: 77-78
Date: Sep 7, 1818
Other Information: William Hancock, John Hancock, James Cuningham Executors of the Estate of Sherwood Brock
Name: Joseph Carlock
Type of Document: Elected Collector of Public Revenue
Page Number: 175
Date: Dec 12, 1826
Other Information: Wright Sarten, James Johnston, Willie Smith, James Carlock, William Holloway, Joseph Craven, Richard Craven, Joshua Craven, James Moad, S. B. Noe, Joseph Campbell, Joseph Profit, Joseph Sharp, Joseph Branscomb, David Sedgewood
Name: Joseph Carlock
Type of Document: Elected Sherriff
Page Number: 174
Date: Dec 12, 1826
Other Information: Wright Sarten, James Johnston, Willie Smith, James Carlock, William Holloway, Joseph Craven, Richard Craven, Joshua Craven, James Moad, S. B. Noe, Joseph Campbell, Joseph Profit, Joseph Sharp, Joseph Branscomb, David Sedgewood
Name: Edward Clark
Type of Document: Bill of Sale
Page Number: 63
Date: Jan 14, 1817
Other Information: Jeremiah Feaverley
Name: John, Sen Clibourn
Type of Document: Elected Tobacco Inspector
Page Number: 18
Date: Dec 4, 1811
Other Information: John Longmire, James Fulkerson, James Cuningham
Name: Jason Cloud
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 224
Date: Dec 10, 1827
Other Information: Estate of Jason Cloud
Name: Michael Cook
Type of Document: Will
Page Number: 147-148
Date: Oct 24, 1824 W; Sept 12, 1825 P
Children's Names: Simeon Cook, Elizabeth Coffman
Other Information: James Taler Baker, Michael Baker, George Baker, Hambleton Baker the sons of George Baker; Caley and Nancy Baker daughters of George Baker; Polley Celehem Baker
Name: Micajah Cross
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 111
Date: Dec 6, 1821
Other Information: Estate of Micajah Cross
Name: Micajah Cross
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 75-76
Date: Mar 7, 1818
Other Information: Estate of Micajah Cross; Elizabeth Smith, formerly Elizabeth Cross
Name: Micajah Cross
Type of Document: Cash, Notes, Etc
Page Number: 89-91
Date: No Date
Other Information: Estate of Micajah Cross
Name: Micajah Cross
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 69
Date: Dec 1, 1817
Other Information: Estate of Micajah Cross; Elizabeth Smith, formerly Elizabeth Cross
Name: Micajah Cross
Type of Document: Land Certificates
Page Number: 110
Date: Sept 6, 1821
Other Information: Land Certificate; Joseph Hart and Elizabeth Smith Administrators
Name: Micajah Cross
Type of Document: Will
Page Number: 52-53
Date: June 11, 1815 W; Sept 5, 1815 P
Wife's Name: Elizabeth
Children's Names: Absalum Cross, Henry Cross, Micajah Cross, Casewell Cross, Larkin Cross, Pleasant Cross
Name: David Cunningham
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 57-59
Date: Jun 23, 1816
Other Information: Estate of Jonathan Cuningham
Name: David Cunningham
Type of Document: Bill of Sale
Page Number: 43
Date: June 26, 1815
Other Information: Harris Ryon seller
Name: David Cunningham
Type of Document:Inventory
Page Number: 56-57
Date: Mar 4, 1816
Other Information: Estate of Jonathan Cuningham
Name: David Cunningham
Type of Document: Settlement
Page Number: 66
Date: Aug 1, 1817
Other Information: Estate of Jonathan Cuningham
Name: Mary Dausett
Type of Document: Deed of Gift
Page Number: 55
Date: Mar 14, 1816
Other Information: Mary d/o Phillip Dausett; William Dausett
Name: Martha David
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 197-223
Date: Sept 11, 1827
Other Information: Estate of Martha David
Name: Martha David
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 180-195
Date: Jun 11, 1827
Other Information: Estate of Martha David
Name: Sampson David
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 164-167
Date: Sept 13, 1826
Other Information: Estate of Sampson David
Name: Sampson David
Type of Document: Will
Page Number: 156-157
Date: Apr 26, 1826 W; June 12, 1826 P
Wife's Name: Martha
Other Information: Mother: Mary David; Mary David's Grandchildren: Lewis David, James David, Isaac David, Mary Chandon w/o David Chandon
Name: David Doak
Type of Document: Will
Page Number: 225
Date: Dec 4, 1827 W; Mar 10, 1828 P
Wife's Name: Elizabeth
Name: Sarah Doak
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 136
Date: Mar 9, 1824
Other Information: Estate of Sarah Doakes
Name: Sarah Doak
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 135
Date: Dec 2, 1823
Other Information: Estate of Sarah Doakes
Name: Stephen Elswick
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 147
Date: Jun 13, 1825
Other Information: Estate of Stephen Elswick
Name: Stephen Elswick
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 142
Date: Dec 14, 1824
Other Information: Estate of Stephen Elswick
Name: Andw Evans
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 77
Date: Sept Session 1818
Other Information: Estate of Andrew Evans; Returned by Elizabeth Evans
Name: Spencer Graham
Type of Document: Elected Inspector of Tobacco
Page Number: 17
Date: Dec 4, 1810
Other Information: Thomas Wheeler, Sampson David
Name: James Grant
Type of Document: Elected Clerk of the Court of Pleas
Page Number: 2
Date: Dec 2, 1806
Other Information: Hugh Montgomery, John Owens, Benjamin Wheeler
Name: Thos Griffith
Type of Document: Will
Page Number: 134
Date: Jan 20, 1820 W; June 2, 1823 P
Wife's Name: Catharine
Name: David Haley
Type of Document: Will
Page Number: 3-4
Date: Sep 5, 1806 W
Children's Names: Volintain Boling, Sally Cloud, David Haley, Elisabeth Wittand, Lucey Williams
Other Information: Joseph Boling h/o Volintain; Jason Cloud h/o Sally; Betsey Haley w/o David; William Wittand h/o Elizabeth
Name: Bryan Hampson
Type of Document: Attny
Page Number: 97-99
Date: Dec 3, 1818
Other Information: Power of Attorney; District of Columbia
Name: G. S. Harden
Type of Document: Settlement
Page Number: 114
Date: Dec 3, 1821
Other Information: Estate of Gabriel Hardin
Name: Gabriel Hardin
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 94-96
Date: Dec 16, 1819
Other Information: Estate of Gabriel Hardin
Name: Gabriel Hardin
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 93
Date: No Date
Other Information: Estate of Gabriel Hardin
Name: Joseph Hart
Type of Document: Attny
Page Number: 34-35
Date: Dec 22, 1813
Other Information: Attorney for John Brown
Name: Joseph Hart
Type of Document: Elected Clerk of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
Page Number: 103
Date: Dec 5, 1820
Other Information: Andrew Hatfield, Jeremiah Holloway, William Burgis, John Simpson, Benjamin Wheeler
Name: James Hollingsworth
Type of Document: Additional Acct
Page Number: 163
Date: Sept 12, 1826
Other Information: Estate of James Hollingsworth
Name: James Hollingsworth
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 150-152
Date: Dec 12, 1825
Other Information: Estate of James Hollingsworth
Name: James Hollingsworth
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 149
Date: Sept 12, 1825
Other Information: Estate of James Hollingsworth
Name: Rebeccah Hollingsworth
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 150
Date: Oct 27, 1825
Other Information: Estate of James Hollingsworth; Rebecca widow of James
Name: Geo Hoover
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 70
Date: Dec 4, 1817
Other Information: Estate of George Hoover
Name: Geo Hoover
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 68
Date: Sept 1, 1817
Other Information: Estate of George Hoover
Name: Geo Hoover
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 86-87
Date: Sept 25, 1817
Other Information:Estate of George Hoover
Name: Geo Hoover
Type of Document: Settlement
Page Number: 80
Date: Dec 25, 1818
Other Information: Estate of George Hoover
Name: Geo Hoover
Type of Document: Will
Page Number: 64-65
Date: Mar 14, 1817 W; Aug 1, 1817 P
Wife's Name: Nancy
Name: Michael Huffaker
Type of Document: Elected Sherriff
Page Number: 1
Date: Dec 2, 1806
Other Information: Daniel White, Absalom Morris
Name: Christian Isley
Type of Document: Deed of Gift
Page Number: 22-23
Date: Jun 15, 1812
Children's Names: Catherine Queener, Barbara Queener, Hannah Summermon, Rosanna Leib, John Isley, Polly Isley
Other Information: Jacob Queener h/o Catherine; Daniel Queener h/o Barbara; George Summermon h/o Hannah Summermon; John Lieb h/o Rosanna
Name: William Jack
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 92
Date: March Term 1819
Other Information: Estate of William Jack; Joseph Butler & Mary Butler Administrators
Name: William Jack
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 89
Date: Feb 27, 1819
Other Information: Estate of William Jack
Name: William Jones
Type of Document: Will
Page Number: 155
Date: Nov 13, 1825 W; Mar 15, 1825 P
Wife's Name: Syddia
Other Information: Syddia is 2nd Wife
Name: John Kincade
Type of Document: Settlement
Page Number: 152
Date: Dec 14, 1825
Other Information: Estate of John Kincaid
Name: Nancy Kincade
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 122-125
Date: Jun 30, 1822
Other Information: Estate of Nancy Kincaid
Name: Nancy Kincade
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 120-121
Date: Mar 4, 1822
Other Information: Estate of Nancy Kincaid
Name: Nancy Kincade
Type of Document: Settlement
Page Number: 153
Date: Dec 14, 1825
Other Information: Estate of Nancy Kincaid
Name: John Kincaid
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 116-117
Date: Mar 4, 1822
Other Information: Estate of John Kincaid
Name: John Kincaid
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 81
Date: Dec 25, 1818
Other Information: Estate of John Kincaid
Name: Nancy Kirk
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 36-37
Date: July 20, 1814
Other Information: Jacob Sharpe, Admin
Name: Nansey Kirk
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 25
Date: First Monday Sept 1812
Other Information: Estate of Phillip Kirk; Jacob Sharp Admin.
Name: Nichol Koger
Type of Document: Settlement
Page Number: 196-197
Date: Jun 2, 1827
Other Information: Estate of Nicholas Koger
Name: Nicholass Koger
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 148
Date: Sept 12, 1825
Other Information: Estate of Nicholas Koger
Name: Nicholass Koger
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 141
Date: Dec 14, 1824
Other Information: Estate of Nicholas Koger
Name: Richard Linville
Type of Document: Elected Collector of Public and County Tax
Page Number: 27
Date: Dec 8, 1812
Other Information: James Crawley, Spencer Graham, Simeon Wilhite, Phillip Brooks, Saml Curtis
Name: Richard Linville
Type of Document: Elected Sheriff
Page Number: 14
Date: Dec 4, 1810
Other Information: Benjamin Bratcher, Henry Mcunney, George Grimes, Samuel Curtis, Elisha Chambers
Name: Richard Linville
Type of Document: Elected Sheriff
Page Number: 15
Date: Dec 4, 1810
Other Information: Benjamin Bratcher, Henry Mcunney, George Grimes, Samuel Curtis, Elisha Chambers
Name: Richard Linville
Type of Document: Elected Sheriff
Page Number: 26
Date: Dec 8, 1812
Other Information: James Crawley, Spencer Graham, Simeon Wilhite, Phillip Brooks, Saml Curtis
Name: Richard Linville
Type of Document: Elected Sheriff
Page Number: 40
Date: Dec 6, 1814
Other Information: Robert Smith, Jacob Queener, Samuel Marten
Name: Richard Linville
Type of Document: Elected Sheriff
Page Number: 41
Date: Dec 6, 1814
Other Information: Robert Smith, Jacob Queener, Samuel Marten
Name: Richd Linville
Type of Document: Bill of Sale
Page Number: 34
Date: Mar 3, 1812
Other Information: Purchased Negro Girls Rachael and Nancy from Thomas Murray
Name: John Longmire
Type of Document: Elected Tobacco Inspector
Page Number: 18
Date: Dec 4, 1811
Other Information: John Clibourne Sen, James Fulkerson, James Cuningham
Name: William Marcom
Type of Document: Will
Page Number: 8
Date: Mar 7, 1808 W
Wife's Name: Obedience
Name: Charles Maysey
Type of Document: Elected Collector of Public Revenue
Page Number: 144
Date: Dec 13, 1824
Other Information: Jacob Sharp, Edmond Gross, Thomas Chambers, John Roach, James Glenn, John Crage
Name: Charles Maysey
Type of Document: Elected Sheriff
Page Number: 145
Date: Dec 13, 1824
Other Information: Jacob Sharp, Edmond Gross, Thomas Chambers, John Roach, James Glenn, John Crage
Name: Chas Maysey
Type of Document: Elected Collector of Public Monies
Page Number: 128
Date: Dec 3, 1822
Other Information: George Sharp, Joseph Carlock, William Whealy, Alexander Cabbage, Silas Williams, Joshua Craven, Jacob Shoopman, Joseph Branscob, Aron Sharp
Name: Chas Maysey
Type of Document: Elected Sheriff
Page Number: 127
Date: Dec 3, 1822
Other Information: Joshua Craven, William M. Fraley, Joseph Carlock, Aron Sharp, Silas Williams, Jacob Shoopman, Jo Brascomb, James Chitwood
Name: James McClellen
Type of Document: Attny
Page Number: 20
Date: Nov 13, 1811
Other Information: Attorney for William Trigg Surviving Executor of William King
Name: Joel Meador
Type of Document: Elected Croner
Page Number: 42
Date: Dec 6, 1814
Other Information: Peter McCully, James Campbell
Name: Wm Mittenbarger
Type of Document: Settlement
Page Number: 99
Date: Jun 17, 1820
Other Information: Estate of William Mittenbarger
Name: James Moad 
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 154
Date: Mar 14, 1826
Other Information: Estate of James Moad
Name: Thomas Moade
Type of Document: Elected Collector of Public Taxes
Page Number: 5
Date: Dec 8, 1808
Other Information: John Lamb, Thomas Campbell, John Moade, Absalom Morris, Robert Doake
Name: Christopher Murray
Type of Document:Will
Page Number: 136-137
Date: May 30, 1823 W
Wife's Name: Martha
Other Information: Brothers: Thomas Murray, Shadrack Murray
Name: Jabash Murray
Type of Document: Bill of Sale
Page Number: 31
Date: Nov 11, 1813
Other Information: Seller Christopher Murray
Name: Robert D. Pearce
Type of Document: Bill of Sale
Page Number: 48
Date: Dec 1, 1814
Other Information: Samuel Shelton seller
Name: Joseph Peterson
Type of Document: Elected Collector of Public Revenue
Page Number: 146
Date: Mar 15, 1825
Other Information: Edmond Gross, Joshua Craven, L. Berry Noe, Robert Lawson, Wiley Smith, James Hickey, James Glenn, John Anderson, John Sampson, John Crage
Name: Joseph Peterson
Type of Document: Elected Sheriff
Page Number: 145
Date: Mar 15, 1825
Other Information: Edmond Gross, Joshua Craven, L. Berry Noe, Robert Lawson, Wiley Smith, James Hickey, James Glenn, John Anderson, John Sampson, John Crage
Name: Jacob Queener
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 38
Date: July 20, 1814
Other Information: Estate of Michael Queener
Name: John, Sen Redenour
Type of Document: Will
Page Number: 229-23
Date: June 10, 1828 P
Children's Names: John Redenour, Martin Redenour
Name: David Richardson
Type of Document: Elected Collector of Public Monies
Page Number: 106
Date: Dec 5, 1820
Other Information: John Walker, Lodawick Moad, John McClary, David Martin, John Phillips, John Sharp, Jess Rogers, Jeremiah Holloway, John Roberts
Name: David Richardson
Type of Document: Elected Collector of Public Monies
Page Number: 83
Date: Dec 8, 1818
Other Information: Joshua Craven, William McClary, Charles Bratcher, John Newman, B. Robert Smith, Jack Meador, Rubin Moss, Robert Doak Richardson, Autry J. Berry
Name: David Richardson
Type of Document: Elected Sheriff
Page Number: 105
Date: Dec 5, 1820
Other Information: John Walker, Lodawick Moad, Brice Richardson, John McClary, David Martin, John Phillips, John Sharp, Jess Rogers, Jeremiah Holloway, John Roberts
Name: David Richardson
Type of Document: Elected Sheriff
Page Number: 60-61
Date: Dec 3, 1816
Other Information: J. Fullon, David Martin, John Simpson, James Rice, Joseph Hart, Joseph Peterson, David Smith, Mathew H. Letts
Name: David Richardson
Type of Document: Elected Sheriff
Page Number: 73-74
Date: Dec 3, 1817
Other Information: Thomas McClain, Francis Starr, Thomas Campbell
Name: David Richardson
Type of Document: Elected Sheriff
Page Number: 82
Date: Dec 5, 1818
Other Information: Joshua Craven, William McClary, Charles Bratcher, John Newman, B. Robert Smith, Jack Meador, Rubin Moss, Robert Doak Richardson, Autry J. Berry
Name: Joseph Robertson
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 115
Date: Mar 4, 1822
Other Information: Estate of Joseph Robertson
Name: Joseph Robertson
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 113
Date: Dec 3, 1821
Other Information: Estate of Joseph Robertson
Name: Aron Sharp
Type of Document: Will
Page Number: 118-119
Date: Dec 30, 1820 W; Mar 4, 1822 P
Wife's Name: Mary
Children's Names: George Sharp, Jacob Sharp, Molly Hatmaker, Betsey Sharp, Hannah Hatmaker, Barba Murray
Name: Conrad Sharp
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 168
Date: Dec 11, 1826
Other Information: Estate of Conrad Sharp
Name: Conrad Sharp
Type of Document: Will
Page Number: 169-17
Date: Oct 20, 1826 W; Dec 11, 1826 P
Wife's Name: Sarah
Children's Names: Betsey Albright; Philopoena Lay, Polley Will, Salley Sharp Junr, John Sharp, Henry Sharp, Nicholass Sharp, Isaac Sharp, Jacob Sharp, William Sharp
Other Information: John Albright h/o Betsey; Peter Lay h/o Philopoena; Elijah Will h/o Polley Will
Name: Conrod Sharp
Type of Document: Lawsuit
Page Number: 39
Date: Dec 9, 1813
Other Information: William Young, signed
Name: Jacob & Henry Sharp
Type of Document: Administrators
Page Number: 6-7
Date: Mar 6, 1809
Other Information: Estate of Henry Sharp
Name: Jacob & Henry Sharp
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 9-12
Date: Apr 10, 1809
Other Information: Estate of Daniel Sharp
Name: Jacob Sharp
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 30-31
Date: No Date
Other Information: Estate of Phillip Kirk; Nancey Kirk Admin.
Name: Joseph Sharp
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 226-228
Date: Dec 22, 1827
Other Information: Estate of Joseph Sharp
Name: Joseph Sharp
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 224-225
Date: Dec 11, 1827
Other Information: Estate of Joseph Sharp
Name: Wm Sharp
Type of Document: Deed of Gift
Page Number: 132
Date: Feb 5, 1823
Other Information: Richard Sharp, seller to his sons William, Richard, James; Joseph Sharp son of Isham Sharp g/s of Richard Sharp
Name: Aron, Sen. Sharpe
Type of Document: Settlement
Page Number: 138-14
Date: Jun 14, 1824
Other Information: Estate of Aron Sharpe
Name: John Simpson
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 229
Date: Mar 14, 1828
Other Information: Estate of John Simpson
Name: Elizabeth Skipper
Type of Document: Will
Page Number: 179
Date: Mar 17, 1826 W; Mar 12, 1827
Children's Names: Mary Crage
Other Information: Children of Mary: John Crage, Rubin Crage, Elizabeth Crage, Nancy Crage, Salley Crage,
Name: Hardy Skipper
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 129-13
Date: Dec 4, 1822
Other Information: Estate of Hardy Skipper, by John Crage
Name: Hardy Skipper
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 125-126
Date: Jun 3, 1822
Other Information: Estate of Hardy Skipper, by John Craig
Name: Thos Slape
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 112
Date: Dec 3, 1821
Other Information: Estate of Thomas Slape
Name: Thos Slape
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 109
Date: Jun 9, 1821
Other Information: Estate of Thomas Slape
Name: Thos Slape
Type of Document: Settlement
Page Number: 131
Date: Dec 1822
Other Information: Estate of Thomas Slape
Name: Benjamin Smith
Type of Document: Credit
Page Number: 228
Date: Mar 11, 1828
Name: Patrick Smith
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 46-47
Date: Jun 15, 1814
Other Information: Estate of Patrick Smith
Name: Ellen Standley
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 24
Date: First Monday Sept 1812
Other Information: Estate of Garland Standley
Name: Francis Connors Starr
Type of Document: Elected Coroner
Page Number: 85
Date: Dec 8, 1818
Other Information: Benjamin N. Wheeler, Benjamin Bratcher, Joseph Sharp
Name: Francis Starr
Type of Document: Elected Coroner
Page Number: 104
Date: Dec 5, 1820
Other Information: Joseph Hart, Nimrod B. Wheeler
Name: Francis Starr
Type of Document: Elected Coroner
Page Number: 62
Date: Dec 10, 1816
Other Information: Jack Meador, George Grimes, Andrew Miller
Name: David T. Strong
Type of Document: Elected Clerk of the Court
Page Number: 13
Date: Mar 6, 1810
Other Information: William Hancock, George Baumgarner, Samuel Critchfield, Samuel Clark, Jonathan Cunningham
Name: David Strong
Type of Document: Clerk of Court of Pleas
Page Number: 70-71
Date: Jan 3, 1818
Other Information: Benjamin Wheeler, Sampson David, William Hoggshead, Joseph Hark
Name: Ann Usher
Type of Document: Title Bond
Page Number: 111-112
Date: Dec 3, 1821
Other Information: Robert B. Lowery, seller
Name: Thos Warriner
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 108-109
Date: Jun 9, 1820
Other Information: Estate of Thomas Warrener
Name: Thos Warriner
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 107
Date: Jan 20, 1820
Other Information: Estate of Thomas Warrener
Name: Richd Water House
Type of Document: Power Attn
Page Number: 133
Date: Feb 20, 1823
Other Information: of Rhea County; named Joseph Hart his attorney
Name: Thomas Weaver
Type of Document: Will
Page Number: 19
Date: June 27, 1812
Other Information: Granddaughter: Polly Weaver
Name: Benj Wheeler
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 159-162
Date: Sept 12, 1826
Other Information: Estate of Benjamin Wheeler
Name: Benj Wheeler
Type of Document: Amt of Sale
Page Number: 176-178
Date: Dec 13, 1826
Other Information: Estate of Benjamin Wheeler
Name: Benj Wheeler
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 158
Date: June 14, 1826
Other Information: Estate of Benjamin Wheeler
Name: Richd Wheeler
Type of Document: Will
Page Number: 28-29
Date: Feb 26, 1813 W; Aug 10, 1813 P
Wife's Name: Margaret
Children's Names: Drimmond Wheeler, Nancy Neal, Benjamin Neal Wheeler, Nimrod Bates Wheeler, Lucinda (no last name),
Other Information: Granddaughter: Margaret Sandford Green, Eliza Jane Niel Wheeler
Name: Elizabeth Williams
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 49
Date: Nov 18, 1815
Other Information: Estate of James Williams
Name: James Williams
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 54-55
Date: March 1816
Other Information: Estate of James Williams
Name: Jas Williams
Type of Document: Settlement
Page Number: 67
Date: Sept 1, 1817
Other Information: Estate of James Williams
Name: Elizabeth Wilson
Type of Document: Inventory
Page Number: 45
Date: Jul 13, 1815
Other Information: Estate of David Wilson
Name: Elizabeth Wilson
Type of Document: Settlement
Page Number: 79
Date: Dec 2, 1816
Other Information: William Hancock, David Smith, James Turning, Executors for Estate of David Wilson

Black Bar




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