Transcribed from Early Tennessee Tax
Campbell County 1838-1839 Microfilm
Transcribed by Rick
Chambers and Sandra
Many thanks to Rick and Sandra
for typing these records!!!
These records contain the
following information:
- First and Last Name
- District he/she was living in
- Acres of Lane (Value of the Land -
Taxes on the Land)
- School Land (Value of the Land - Taxes
on the Land)
- Town Lots (Value of the Town Lots -
Taxes on the Town Lots)
- Slaves (Value)
A |
B | C |
D | E
| F | G
| H | I
| J | K
| L | M
N |
O | P
| Q | R
| S | T
| U | V
| W | Y
| X | Z
Those who have
failed to give a list of their property for 1839.
Reported for Double
~ C Surnames
Name: Cabbage, Catherine
(District 4)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 250 (500 - 25)
Name: Cabbage, John (heirs) (District 5)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 383 (2000 - 100)
- School Land (Number - Value): 315 (75 - 3 3/4)
Name: Callison, Jesse (District 1)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 350 (325 - 16 1/4)
Name: Campbell, Abel (District 8)
- School Land (Number - Value): 12 (50 - 150)
- Town Lots (Number - Value): 71/2 ( - )
Name: Campbell, James (District 6)
Name: Campbell, Joseph (District 5)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 58 (215 - 10 3/4)
- School Land (Number - Value): 795 (310 - 15 1/2)
Name: Campbell, Nelso & Jas Davis (District 8)
- Town Lots (Number - Value): 1 1/2 ( - )
Name: Campbell, Zachariah Jr. (District 5)
Name: Campbell, Zachariah Sr. (District 5)
- School Land (Number - Value): 640 (550 - 27 1/2)
Name: Candell, Stephen (District 8)
Name: Cannon, James (District 2)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 50 (500 - 25)
Name: Carden, Armstead (District 5)
Name: Carey, William (District 4)
- Town Lots (Number - Value): 18 (1400 - 70)
- Slaves (Value): 2 - ()
Name: Carrier, John (District 2)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 246 (500 - 25)
Name: Carroll, George (District 7)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 200 (400 - 20)
Name: Carson, John (District 9)
- School Land (Number - Value): 150 (50 - 12)
Name: Carter, Lewis (District 10)
- School Land (Number - Value): 200 (50 - 2)
Name: Cates, Greenberry (District 6)
Name: Cecil, James (District 10)
- School Land (Number - Value): 450- (200 - 10)
Name: Chadwick, Barnet (District 6)
Name: Chambers, Pleasant (District 10)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 100 (675 - 33)
- School Land (Number - Value): 80 (50 - 2)
Name: Chambers, Riley (District 10)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 37 (100 - 5)
- School Land (Number - Value): 175 (250 - )
Name: Chambers, Thomas (District 10)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 50 (200 - 10)
- School Land (Number - Value): 200 (200 - 10)
Name: Chambers, Thomas (District 9)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 292 (900 - 10)
- School Land (Number - Value): 150 (150 - 7 1/2)
Name: Chambers, William (District 5)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 50 (600 - 30)
- School Land (Number - Value): 100 (40 - 2)
Name: Chapman, John (District 6)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 50 (75 - 5 3/4)
Name: Chapman, William (District 5)
Name: Chapman, William (District 6)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 100 (400 - 20)
Name: Chavis, Levi (District 6)
- School Land (Number - Value): 350 (250 - 2 1/2)
Name: Chitwood, Daniel (District 9)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 192 (300 - 15)
- School Land (Number - Value): 162 (200 - 10)
Name: Chitwood, Hugh (District 9)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 100 (25 - 1 1/2)
Name: Chitwood, Jack (District 9)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 200 (500 - 25)
- School Land (Number - Value): 420 (200 - 10)
Name: Chitwood, James L. (District 9)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 200 (300 - 15)
- School Land (Number - Value): 700 (300 - 15)
Name: Chitwood, James (District 9)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 200 (475 - 23)
- School Land (Number - Value): 50 (25 - 1 1/2)
Name: Chitwood, Jonathan (District 9)
- School Land (Number - Value): 100 (50 - 12)
Name: Chitwood, Pleasant (District 9)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 650 (662 - 53)
- School Land (Number - Value): 50 (100 - 5)
Name: Chitwood, Shelby (District 9)
Name: Chitwood, William (District 8)
- School Land (Number - Value): 23 3/4 (25 - 23)
- Town Lots (Number - Value): 1 1/4 ( - )
Name: Chitwood, William (District 9)
- School Land (Number - Value): 2050 (150 - 7 1/2)
Name: Chitwwood, Andrew (District 9)
Name: Clark, Isaac (District 5)
Name: Clark, James (heirs) (District 5)
Name: Clark, John (District 5)
- School Land (Number - Value): 100 (160 - 8)
Name: Clotfelter, Frederick (District 4)
Name: Cobb, Thomas (District 9)
Name: Collins, Joshua (District 6)
Name: Cook, John (District 9)
Name: Cook, Michael (District 9)
Name: Cook, William (District 1)
Name: Cook, William (District 10)
Name: Cooper, Alvis (District 3)
Name: Cooper, Anderson (District 3)
Name: Cooper, George (District 2)
Name: Cooper, James (District 5)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 40 (1000 - 50)
Name: Cooper, John (District 4)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 243 (700 - 35)
- School Land (Number - Value): 340 (550 - 27 1/2)
Name: Cooper, Peter (District 3)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 100 (400 - 20)
Name: Cooper, Thomas (District 1)
Name: Cox, Armstead (District 2)
Name: Cox, William (District 2)
Name: Crabtree, Jesse (District 10)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 10 (55 - 2)
- School Land (Number - Value): 125 (75 - 4)
Name: Crage, John (District 2)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 200 (300 - 15)
Name: Crage, Ruebin (District 1)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 262 (1000 - 50)
Name: Craig, Ruebin (District 2)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 409 1/2 (1600 -
Name: Cravens, Barnabus (District 2)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 300 (1500 - 75)
Name: Cross, Absolum (District 10)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 200 (1600 - 80)
- School Land (Number - Value): 1330 (289 - 14)
Name: Cross, Larkin, W. (District 10)
- School Land (Number - Value): 75 (120 - 6)
Name: Cross, Micajah (District 9)
- Acres of Lane (Number - Value): 120 (500 - 25)
- School Land (Number - Value): 2051 (200 - 10)
Name: Curnutt, William (District 2)
- School Land (Number - Value): 200 (200 - 10)
Name: Curtis & Diagrin ???? (District 9)
- School Land (Number - Value): 16000 (800 - 48)
Name: Curtiss, Daniel H. (District 10)
- School Land (Number - Value): 2400 (1200 - 60)