1838 Tax Records

Transcribed from Early Tennessee Tax Records
Campbell County 1838-1839 Microfilm

Transcribed by Sandra Anderson

Many thanks to Sandra for typing these records!!!

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

District 1

? - Indicates that there was trouble reading the names

Names of Persons        Land  Value  Tax

Albright, Mabur
Albright, Nicholas
Albright, Simpson
Anderson, Rhoda         90    150    1 1/2
Biler, Peter            60    200    10
Berver, Dickson
Butcher, Wesley
Brapfield, James        50    160    8
Bridges, Morsip ?       100   225    11 1/4
Bridges, Rueben ?       50    300    15
Black, John             190   800    40
Boniff, Christopher     25    50     2 1/2
Brantley, Hionias ?     200   350    17 1/2
Cox ?, Armstead
Cooper, Thomas
Calison, Jess           350   325    16 1/2
Cook, William           100   150    07 1/2
Craig, Rueben           262   1200   60
Dulle, William
Ellison, Robert         50    200    10   
Frazier, Jno W.         260   620    31
Graves, John            18    6 1/2  1/2
Glandin, Joseph
Glandin, Samuel         100   100    05
Grayson, Samuel         50    150    07 1/2
Gonig, ? William        100   250    12 1/2
Grier, ? Richard G.     1110  300    15
Honeycut, Jacob    
Hineviou, ?John         100   25     11/4
Hudson, John            125   370    181/2
Hill, Matthew Sr.       300   650    221/2
Hill, Elijah            665?  1000   7.0   
Hill, Terry             50    200    1.0
Hill, David             50    50     21/2
Hill, Matthew Jr.
Hill, Green ?
Hill, Oliver
Heath, Danial
Herring, Nehemiah
Jackson, Nancy          100   150    71/2
Kirk, Adison            100   115    6
Lett, James             50    150    71/2
Lamare, Matthew
Lindsey, William        440   2000
Lanymire?Robert         165   950    1171/2
Lewis, Allen
Laioci or Laiocr, John  320   333    271/2
Loy, Peter              170   700    55
Melone, Richard         100   500    25
Martin, John L.
Nelson, William         200   300    15
Nelson, Enoch    
Ously, Eli
Pritchard, David        3     18     11/2
Reed, John
Rice, George            495   1500   75
Robertson, William
Sharp, Peter            53    50     2 1/2
Sharp, Nicholas
Sharp, Alfred           10    10     1/2
Sharp, Isaac            135   800    40
Sharp, Jacob            436   2055
Sharp, William          70    250    12 1/2
Sharp, Henry
Snodderly, Leroy
Snodderly, Isaac
Snodderly, John
Snodderly, Nicholas     50    100    5
Smith, John
Strafford, William      50    50     2 1/2
Snodderly, George       630   1200   60
Turner, Thomas
Thomas, Abraham
Witt, Edmund            25    50     2 1/2
Wilson, Isaac           118   600    30
Weaver, Timothy         50    100
Wood, John
Mather, Solomon         50    75     3 1/4
Milie, John Sr.         300   1200   60
Milie, Levi
Milie, John Jr.         200   700    35
Young, Merlin           50    100    5
Hammock, Jessee
Hammock, Martin
Rora ?, Jacob           600   2075   113 3/4

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