
Miscellaneous Newspaper Articles
Murder & Mayhem in Campbell County & Surrounding Areas


Source:  Elyria Independent Democrat, Elyria, Ohio, August 18, 1875
contributed by Angela Meadows

Nashville, Tenn., Aug 13, A Knoxville Tenn.,special to the Banner says:
At an early hour crowds poured in from the country to witness the execution of John Webb. The streets near the jail, were thronged with an immense crowd. It was with difficulty that the guards could prevent the crowd from breaking down the jail fence so eager were they to see.

He partook heartily of a breakfast and called the attention of the guards to the fact that it was the last new suit of black clothes taken (given) him by his brother. At ten o'clock, when he dressed, he asked the Sheriff for a razor to shave which he refused, fearing violence.  This angered him much and he told the sheriff to go to hell and take it with him.

At .11:30 the death warrant was read to him, when he asked to read it himself. After finishing he raised his hand and declared : "Before God my execution is unjust,'' and kissed the crucifix he held, given him by the priest.  He also added that he forgave everybody, but it was unjust to hang an innocent man, before leaving the jail he bid Ayers good bye, saying "Old fellow, you'll have to pray mighty hard for forgiveness of murder you have caused, if you get to heaven.''  The prisoner walked promptly to the wagon with his wife on his arm, accompanied also by Sheriff Swan, the deputies and a priest.  His wife was much affected, and Webb endeavored to console her. The procession moved to the gallows, about a mile, with the sheriff's posse fifty strong, the immense crowd following.  Arriving there, a circle was formed by two military companies and the posse.  The wagon was driven immediately under the gallows, when the prisoner briefly addressed the crowd as follows: ''The statement I made is true. I die an innocent man. They are killing me for nothing. I put my trust in God. I think I have been forgiven".  He then requested the Sheriff to call others, Mr. Haskins particularly, to whom he said, "I want to say to you it is a serious thing you've done.  If you want to, kill a man, but don't swear his life away".  He then denounced the whole party as having sworn to lies. Then turning to James White, he said: "The night of the murder I staid with you, you know."  He then handed a letter to Huckaby and continued his remarks to the crowd, saying: ... want to see poor old John Webb hung.  I prayed for all last night.  Look at me and mark what I say, I die innocent."

The mayor asked him who was guilty if he was innocent, which he declined to answer, saying Captain Washington had the true statement and it would be given to the public.  His wife implored him to tell all he knew.  Just then a messenger came and informed Webb of the death of his sister, and the funeral today. He received the news with apathetic calmness, and his bold blue eyes wore a far off look as though piercing the veil of eternity.  His wife urged him to pray for pardon, to which he replied: "My dear wife, I would rather be in my place than that of many I see here".

He showed great nerve and held up unflinchingly to the last. When binding his legs he offered his hand saying: "You have hold of the best soldier you ever had"  and amid the agonizing screams of his wife he mounted the rear seat of the wagon, telling the people to look, saying:  "I am the best piece of furniture you have seen for many a day". His wife was then lead away from the horrible scene, the black cap was then drawn over his face and the noose adjusted, when the wagon moved and Webb leaned forward and easing himself off, at 1:20 was swinging in the air. He was pronounced lifeless in twenty minutes, and when taken down presented a natural appearance.

Source: Campbell County Tennessee Obituaries 1821-1889 By Paul W. Lemasters
contributed by Susie Bullock

Sharp, Wm. "The Jellico Killing" Additional Facts Of The Tragedy.

Newcomb,Tenn.,Sept.24, 1884.The Chronicle:
The little town of Jellico was thrown into a state of excitement last night over the fatal shooting of Wm. Sharp, of Campbell County,Tenn ,by George Campbell, a clerk in Wm. Province's store at that place. As near as your correspondent was able to learn, Sharp had been drinking to some extent and had carelessly displayed a revolver in the presence of the constable, who immediately put him under arrest and conveyed him over to Province's store,where he left him under the guardianship of young Campbell. From Campbell's statement, Sharp became quarrelsome after the constable left, and wanted to go out of the store, but Campbell told him not to go. They then got into a scuffle and Campbell said" I got afraid of Sharp.I was fearful that the constable hadn't taken all his weapons from him, so I went around the counter and got my revolver, merely to bluff him. Hadn't the least idea of shooting. It seems that Sharp then walked out of the store saying he was going over to Andrew Smith's. Young Campbell told him not to go, as he was alone and couldn't leave the store, but Sharp went in and when Campbell found he was gone he ran out in the direction of Smith's and Sharp began to run. Campbell ordered him to halt, but Sharp kept on, when Campbell pulled up and fired hitting Sharp in the back. The only thing Sharp said was "I give up" Campbell gave himself up to the officers on the night, after the shooting. Signed Mack.

Republican Chronicle, Knoxville,Tn,Oct. 1, 1884,Vol.XLVI,p.7.
"For Safe Keeping: George Wilson (sic) who shot and killed Wm.Sharp, at Jellico,while latter was trying to escape after having been arrested, has been brought to this city and placed in jail by Deputy Sheriff H. Rorier (sic) who deserves much credit for keeping the prisoner away from an infuriated mob at Jellico.

Source: Trenton Times, Trenton, New Jersey, June 4, 1890
contributed by Angela Meadows

A Bloodthirsty Marshal
KXOXVILI.E, Tenn.,June 4.

Reports received here state that. Bud Lindsay, deputy United States marshal, shot and killed Kilts, a distiller, in Campbell county Lindsay got enraged because Kilts refused to sell him a smaller quantity of whisky than ten gallons. The distiller's son, thinking his father in danger, threw a stone at Lindsay. Lindsay then attempted to shoot Kilts, but his party took his pistols from him. They left, and when a mile away; Lindsay asked for his pistols, saying that he would do no harm with them. He got them and immediately rode back to Kilts house. The latter saw him come and locked the door, but Lindsay broke it down and shot Kilts twice, killing him instantly. He then attempted to shoot the boy, but missed him and hit a little girl, slightly wounding her. It is reported that Lindsay's party arrested him and gave him over to the sheriff of the county. Lindsay is a desperate character, having murdered a prominent citizen of Campbell county five years ago, but escaped through lack of evidence.

Source: Marion Daily Star, Marion, OH, Saturday, July 30, 1892
contributed by SM Pratt  and Kevin Boshears

Knoxville, July 30 - In Campbell county, Thursday, Andy Beshears and John Willis entered William Dilkes home and knocked him down, bound and gagged him and outraged his wife before his eyes. They then fled. A posse captured them yesterday and Dilkes attempted to shoot them but the sheriff disarmed him. Dilkes had been married but a few months. The men were his rivals and committed the outrage out of revenge. Lynching is probable.

A telegram arrived at 12:30 this morning states that the two men were lynched about midnight. A mob of 150 men went to Jacksborough. There they found the two prisoners hiding in a house. The officers were overpowered and the men carried out to a tree. They were made to stand on a gate until the ropes were fixed. Then the gate was swung around on its hinges and both men went into eternity side by side.

Source:  Stevens Point Journal, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, Aug 6, 1892
contributed by Angela Meadows

John Willis and Andy Beshears were lynched by a mob in Campbell co., Tenn., for criminally assaulting Mrs. William Dilks.

Source:  Daily Citizen, Iowa City, Iowa, August 24, 1892
contributed by Angela Meadows

Plan to Capture the Missing Riotous Miners at Coal Creek

Gen. Carnes Thinks That Smoking the Mines Will Drive Out the FugitivesMore Arrests

A Novel Method

COAL CREEK, Teun., Aug. 24,A sensation was created here Monday night by the statement that the authorities have determined to smoke the mines and thus drive out miners who are believed  to be hiding in them. It has been suspected for some tlme that several of the much- wanted leaders of the riotors had found shelter in the mines, where they have been comparatively safe from pursuit, and it would be folly for the soldiers to attempt to find them. The subject of trying to smoke them out has been discussed for some days, and the statement is authoritatively made that it has been decided to take such action.

More Arrests

Twenty-three men, supposed to be in sympathy with the miners, were arrested near here and locked up.  Several of them are suspected of holding up a mail train between Clinton and Coal Creek last Thursday night. One of the suspects is Jim Hatmaker, son of John Hatmaker, who led the attack on the stockade at Oliver Springs last Tuesday. Every possible attempt is being made to apprehend the elder Hatmaker.

Troops to be reinfornced

The troops at Fort Anderson are to be strengthened still further. Gen. Norman has ordered all absent members of Battery A and Companies C and F F to report to Gen. Weakley for orders to go to their commands at Coal Creek. Gen. Norman was asked what he knew about the arrest of Labor Commissioner Ford, and said: "I am informed that when Gen. Carnes entered the town Mr. Ford was there and he was placed under arrest, as were others who were in the place.  Gen. Carnes received information of his presence and his position as labor commissioner, and Mr. Ford thereupon received the privileges of the town.  Later, I am informed, Gen, Carnes had information regarding Mr. Ford's actions and immediately had him put under formal arrest,"

Will Rebuild Stockades

The prison inspectors and the leasees had a conference concerning the convicts, and it is given out that the leasees will rebuild the stockades at Inman, Oliver Springs and Tracy City and return the convicts to those places under heavy guard.

Had a Narrow Escape

COAL CREEK, Tenn.,  Aug. 24, About 10 o'clock Monday night a party of citizens through a strategy secured the notorious agitator, Bud Lindsay, who has been a prisoner here for the last two days, from his guards and conducted him up the valley toward Briceville, a few miles south of this place, for the purpose of lynching him. They were fully determined and would undoubtedly have carried out their plan but for the pitiable pleading of Lindsay and his solemn promise to go with the troops and point out every man in the mountains who was implicated in the miners troubles.  His life was spared on that condition. He was brought back to Coal Creek and will be used to identify outlaws.

Source:  Daily Advocate, Newark, Ohio, December 8, 1892
contributed by Angela Meadows

Three Men Lynched.

Williamsburg, Ky.. Dec. 8. Two negroes and one white man were lynched yesterday morning, at 3:30 o'clock, by a mob from Jellico, Tenn. The men were taken from the custody of the sheriff and hanged to trees.  They had outraged and brutally murdered, a white girl named Mildred Bryant near Jellico. They cut her throat and threw her body into a culvert, where it was found.

Source: Davenport Daily Leader, Davenport, Iowa, August 11, 1893
contributed by Angela Meadows

NOW THE SOLDIERS They Adopt the Methods of Judge Lynch

State Troops Take a Man from his House to "Avenge" the Death of a Comrade -
A Miner Forced to Give Evidence by Being Strung Up -  Probability of Further Bloodshed in the Coal Creek District. Knoxville,  Aug. 11  Dick Drummond, the assassin of Private William Loughery at Briceville, Monday night, was taken from his boarding house and hanged from a high railroad trestle near that village. The deed is supposed to have been committed by a number of Fort Anderson soldiers, who were comrades of the murdered private. After the lynching Drummond was left hanging to the trestle until morning, when his body was cut down and the coroner's inquest held, which reported death at the hands of unknown persons.
Miners Threaten the Military
The affair created the greatest excitement in the mining districts, and many were the threats made against the soldiers. The evidence against Drummond was obtained by the stringing up of a miner named Elkins, who, to save himself from death at the hands of the soldiers, divulged the whole story, which implicated Drummond and a miner named Moore, the last named whom escaped.  Dave Woods, a notorious character, was run out of the district to keep from being lynched.
A Thousand Men on a Strike
When the news of the trouble first became known in Knoxville, some excitement was caused and the universal opinion of all was that the labor riots of last summer are about on the eve of repetition.  One thousand miners have gone out on a general strike from the thirteen mines located in and around Coal Creek and Briceville.
Troops in Readiness to Move
A dispatch received from Lieutenant Fiffe at Fort Anderson corroborates the above, and says that trouble is feared, though they are fully prepared to meet any emergency. Company D, of this city, is now in readiness and will go to Coal Creek on a moments notice

Source: Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, Oct 20, 1893
contributed by Angela Meadows


He Is So Used to Being Shot That He Will Recover.

Knoxville, Tenn., October 19.(Special.)
Bud Lindsay still lives.  Contrary to universal expectation that noted desperado failed to succumb to the two bullets shot into his chest by Deputy United States Marshal J. M. McGhee at Jacksboro yesterday afternoon. The wounds inflicted upon Lindsay would, according to the Jacksboro physicians, have proved fatal to a man of any ordinary  physique, but they failed to cause the death of Lindsay. The man has been shot many times before and has been slashed and cut in dozens of places and lived through all. When the doctors examined the wounds inflicted upon him by McGhee they at once pronounced them fatal, and it was confidently expected that the man, whose name has long been a terror in the Coal Creek region, would be a corpse when the sun arose this morning.  On the contrary. Lindsay was not only alive at that hour but was demanding something to eat, asserting that he was as hungry as a wolf. After eating the food given him he showed a disposition to talk. "That fellow, said he, "thought he had me, but I knew better. That kind of people can*t kill Bud Lindsay." The wounded man, lying flat on his back as he was, sent word to McGhee that he had better leave the country as he, Lindsay, intended to be "stirring his stumps" in a few days, when there would certainly not be sufficient room for him and McGhee in the same county. The message was delivered to McGhee, who laughed at it contemptuously. The doctors attending Lindsay regard his vitality as something wonderful. One of the bullets lodged in the region of the heart but to Lindsay it seems no more than a flesh wound. It is now the impression that.he will recover, although his condition may at any moment take a turn for the worse and his wounds result in his death. Lindsay is a magnificent specimen of physical manhood, standing six feet four in his socks. His chest is massive and his frame that of a giant. His oldest brother, Mr. Bart Lindsay, is the district attorney of the Knoxville district, and is very highly esteemed here.

Source: Stevens Point Journal, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, Oct. 28, 1893
contributed by Angela Meadows

A Tennessee Desperado Mortally Wounded by A Marshall

KNOXVILLE, Tenn, Oct. 20.  Bud Lindsey, one of the most-noted desperadoes in this section was shot and mortally wounded near Jacksboro Wednesday afternoon by J. N. McGhee, a deputy United States marshal. Lindsey was one of the leaders in the Coal Creek mining troubles and it was he who captured Gen. Anderson, commander of the state troops, and held him prisoner until released by Gen. Carnes' command. He was for several years a deputy United States marshal and a terror to the moonshiners.

Source: Stevens Point Journal, Steven's Point, Wisconsin, Feb. 17, 1894
contributed by Angela Meadows

A Colored Man Taken from his Captors at Jellico, Tenn., and Executed
JELLICO, Tenn., Feb. 12,  - Henry McCreeg, a negro, assaulted Mrs.Taylor Saturday morning near Buckeye and brutally beat her, leaving her more dead than alive. Hundreds of men searched the country all day long Saturday, and Sunday morning renewed the search, with success. The negro was captured at Oswego by the officers, who started with him on the train for Jacksboro jail. At Buckeye they were met by a mob and overpowered and the prisoner taken from them. The officers finally induced the mob to give McCreeg a trial before a justice of tbe peace. There were two justices in the crowd, and after going through the form of a trial the prisoner was held without bail. Before the mitimus could be written four masked men came out of Taylor's house, where the negro had been taken for identification by Mrs. Taylor, and seized the prisoner and rushed him up a ravine. The mob kept the officers back until the four masked men had disappeared with the negro. Several shots were soon heard and in a short time the crowd was permitted to explore the thicket to which McCreeg had been taken. They soon came upon his lifeless body hanging from a tree.

Source:  News, Frederick, Maryland, May 10, 1894
contributed by Angela Meadows  

A Sheriff Murdered His Brother and Official Predecessor Also Assassinated
KNOXVILLE, Tenn, May 10
A telegram from Montgomery, W.V., tells of the probable fala! shooting of Sheriff Burnett of Campbell county. Tenn., at that place. One year ago Sheriff John Burnett of Campbell county, was on a Knoxvilie and Ohio passenger train near this city, while trying to arrest an escaped prisoner named Jones, who had been rescued from him on the previous day by the Smith brothers. In the riot that followed on the train, besides Sheriff Burnett, one of the Smiths was killed and a half a dozen others were injured.  The affair took place on a Saturday, next day one of tbe Smiths, who had been placed in jail at  Jacksboro was lynched. The other one,  Jim Smith, however, escaped. He was located a few days ago in West Virginia by Sheriff Bud Burnett, Campbell county, who was appointed to fill out the unfinished time of his brother, and had gone to West Virginia to make the arrest.

Source:  Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, March 16, 1895
contributed by Angela Meadows

Deputy Killed and Robbed.

Knoxville, Tenn., March 15
Deputy Collector James T. Taylor was waylaid, shot and robbed of $244 on Jellico mountain, Campbell county, yesterday. Chief Raiding Deputy Taylor and several United States marshals were dispatched from here to the scene of the tragedy. Collector Taylor was a son of ex-Sheriff Taylor of Fentress county, who made a reputation by capturing one of the James gang.

Source:  Ohio Democrat, New Philadelphia, Ohio, April 2, 1896
contributed by Angela Meadows

Three Tragedies
JELLICO,Tenn., March 31. Three tragedies occurred here within 15 hours and a father and son were among the victims. In a drunken quarrel, James Raines was shot and mortally wounded by David Holland. Both were miners. While the father lay at home, his family expecting every moment to be his last, his son, Zeb Raines, and Frank Susey engaged in a row. Raines attacked Susey with a lump of coal, whereupon Susey drew a pistol and shot Raines three-times in the breast Raines fell to the ground a corpse. A man named Vickers was shot and is not expected to live

Source:  Broad Ax, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 3, 1897
contributed by Angela Meadows

His Sin Caused Suicide
Elihu Huddleston of near Jellico, Tenn., crazed  through fear of prosecution, hanged himself with a trace chain to a limb of a tree in the woods near his home. He got up about 3 o'clock In the morning to start to the city. When he failed to meet a friend in Jellico search was made by the neighbors, and his body was found swinging from a tree. He had made a noose of the chain and put it around his neck. Huddleston had married about two years ago. He became too familiar with a relative, it is claimed. This 'affair' crazed Huddleston, who in his ravings would say: "I have destroyed my friends; I have destroyed my folks, and I have destroyed myself".

Source:  Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana June 3, 1897
contributed by Angela Meadows

HUNTSVILLE, Tenn., June 3. Esquire Wm. Claxton, of Campbell county, was shot from ambush and killed by some unknown party yesterday afternoon at the foot of Braden mountain. Constable Pollmore, who was with Claxton, is reported to have taken to his heels. The affair, it is understood, grew out of a feud between Claxton and the Hughetts, of that neighborhood. Claxton shot Elsewick Hughett from ambush in the same neighborhood about two months ago. Claxton was indicted and under bond for the murder of Wm. Murphy by lynching, and was under bond for killing Hughett. The Claxtons,it is thought, will accuse Henry Hughett of the killing of Wm. Claxton and more trouble is expected.

Source: The Chattanooga Daily Times, Wednesday, 23 February 1898
contributed by Paul Lemasters
Double Tragedy Chief of Police Shumate and Witt Rutherford Both Killed in a Deadly Duel.

Jacksboro, Tenn., Feb. 22.--A terrible double tragedy occurred at LaFollette on last Saturday night, in which James SHUMATE, chief of police of that town, and Witt RUTHERFORD were both instantly killed. RUTHERFORD and another young man by the name of PAUL had been creating some disturbance in the town by shooting promiscuously, and about 9 o'clock at night SHUMATE undertook to arrest, but RUTHERFORD drew his pistol and shot the officer fatally. SHUMATE then shot RUTHERFORD four times, either of which would have been fatal. Both men died in a few minutes. SHUMATE was buried Sunday at LaFollette by the K. of P. lodge of this place.

Source: The Knoxville Daily Tribune, Tuesday, 22 February 1898.
contributed by Paul Lemasters
Shot Down Each Other On Street Chief of Police of LaFollette Killed By A Young Man Saturday Night. His Slayer Is Also Slain And The Two Men Die Together

This Is The First Real Sensation The Little Town Has Ever Seen. Same Minister Officiates At Both Funerals And At The Same Time. Coroner's Jury Held an Inquest
But the Verdict of Course Amounted to Nothing as the Men Had Killed Each Other. The Incident Very Much Regretted in the Little City.

LaFollette, Tenn., Feb. 21.-(Special)-The first real serious trouble the citizens of this little town have ever seen here, occurred Saturday night, when two citizens, one an officer adn the other a well known young man shot each other to death. The officer killed was Chief of Police J.E. SHUMATE and the young man was Whit RUTHERFORD. The story of the double killing runs about as follows: On Saturday night Chief of Police SHUMATE was attending [a] meeting of the O. U. A. M. in their rooms upstairs on the main street of the town. Shots were fired in the street below and the officer rushed down to see a man with a gun just making his exit toward the city limits. Officer SHUMATE gave chase and when the corporation line was reached the young man with the gun stopped and when the officer placed him under arrest he said that SHUMATE was no officer, whereupon SHUMATE lighted a match to prove that he was an officer. When the light shone on the officer RUTHERFORD raised his gun and fired four times, but only one shot took effect. The officer quickly drew his revolver and fired four shots, all taking effect in RUTHERFORD's body. The men fell together and were dead in a few minutes. The only eye-witness to the killing was a young man named James COUL. The coroner's jury returned a verdict that both men came to their deaths from pistol shots, but as they killed each other no indictments could be found. The funerals of the young men were held Sunday afternoon and at the same time. The same minister preached both funerals and they were buried near each other in the same graveyard. The affair is very much regretted by the citizens of the little city which bears the name of being one of the quietest towns in East Tennessee.

Source:  Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois; February 22, 1898
contributed by Angela Meadows

Both Were Killed.

Knoxville, Tenn., Feb. 21 James Shumate, chief of police of LaFollette, Tenn., attempted to arrest William Rutherford, who was drunk. The latter shot the officer and in the melee both were killed.

Source: Steubenville Herald Star, Steubenville, Ohio, December 15, 1898
contributed by Angela Meadows

Fought a Duel to the Death.
Albany, Ky., Dec. 15. On a farm Fincastle, Tenn., just across the Kentucky line, John Morgan and James Savage, farmers, fought with knives, and both are dead. They disputed regarding a fence line.

Source: The Evening Democrat , Warren, PA, January 9, 1899
contributed by Angela Meadows

Others Injured on a Branch of the Knoxville Division, Southern Railroad
KNOXVILLE, Jan. 9. Four dead, two injured, oue of these perhaps fatally,
and the loss of property of the Southern railway to the amount of about $25,000,
is the result of a wreck which occurred on the Knoxville and Ohio branch of
the Knoxville division of the Southern railway west of Elk Valley. The dead
Engineer J. D. Maxey.
Fireman Frank Reddy, colored.
Brakeman Ironza Hoover, colored
Flagman W.A. Dillon

Source:  Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln, Nebraska, June 11, 1901
contributed by Angela Meadows

Grocer of Huntsville, Tenn, objects to being a Prisoner.
HUNTSVILLE, Tenn.,June 10. John David was killed by C. B. Byrd at Pioneer,Tenn. David is said to have been conducting a blind tiger near Byrd's store and Byrd objected. David, it is alleged, confined Byrd in a house for a day or two and when David was about to enter the house Byrd shot him. David, it Is said, has killed four men.

Source:  Coshocton Daily Age, Coshocton, Ohio, 7/25/1901
contributed by Angela Meadows

Arrested on Murder Charge.

Jacksboro, Term., July 25.  Silas McNeely and Marion Moses, two well known young men, have been arrested and held for trial without bond for the murder of the two boys, Mynatt and Major Hatmaker. whose horribly mutilated bodies were found in a mill pond near here last Sunday. McNeely fled after the coroner's inquest but was captured. The excitement at the preliminary trial was intense, but violence was prevented by the officers. The men are confined in jail here

Source: Clinton Gazette July 27, 1901
contributed by Susie Bullock

Boys Bound To Court

Silas McNiely and Marion Moses Held For The Murder Of Mynatt and Weaver Hatmaker
Jacksboro, July 26- Silas McNiely and Marion Moses were bound to court today for the murder of Mynatt and Wagner Hatmaker by Esquires Harmen and Ridenour, of the Second district, where the trial occurred. The evidence was very strong and the magistrates decided that it was an unbailable case, yet  ? to the ages of the accused a bond was fixed at $5,000 each. This they were unable to give and were brought to this place and put in jail. The evidence shows that the boys killed the Hatmaker's Saturday evening on floating foot bridges in W.C. Kilbys mill dam on Indian Creek, and threw there bodies into the pond. At first the Boshear boy who was suspected, was not tried, as it appeared that he was innocent. McNeily is nineteen and Moses if fourteen years old. They were arrested yesterday by Deputy Sheriff Sam Hutson. A large crowd was present at the trial and there was much excitement, as all the parties are well connected. The boys were defended by Attorney James Llewellyn, and were prosecuted by A.J. Agee, W.R. Peters and J.W. Reid.

Source: Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, GA, Feb. 3, 1903
contributed by Angela Meadows


Serious Trouble May Result from Row Near Jellico.
Knoxville, February 2 (Special) Jellico - Jesse Pinkner and others were in a resort conducted by Fannie Collins today when row occurred. In which it is claimed Matt Hale struck Pinkner over the head with a pistol.  Pinker left the house and was fired upon by James Breeding, white. It Is charged that Breeding emptied both loads of a shotgun into Pinkner's breast, killing him instantly. Breeding escaped and has not been captured.  Considerable feeling exists, and trouble is feared if Breeding is brought back immediately. Negroes have raised $50 reward and Governor Beckham will be be asked to offer $200.

Source: Lima Times Democrat, Lima Ohio, June 24, 1903
contributed by Angela Meadows

CASS JONES For Assaulting Young Boy, Has Been Lynched

Elk Valley, Tenn., June 24.
Cass Jones,the negro accused of assaulting 12 year old Harry Bruce, yesterday, was
caught during the night, and immediately taken before his little victim, who identified him. Jones broke down, and confessed his crime. He was promptly strung up at day-light,
and his body riddled with bullets.

Source: Powells Valley Courier  LaFollette, Campbell County, Tennessee Thursday, April 9, 1903 Vol.1 No. 3 Pg.2
contributed by Misty Smith

Miscellaneous News Clippings

The eleven year old son of John Thomas was accidentally killed Saturday evening, by the explosion of a dynamite cap, at his home near the coke ovens. The remains were laid to rest as Duglas Cemetery Sunday. Our Sympathy goes to the bereaved family.

Attorney Price leaves this week for a two week's business trip to Knoxville and Johnson city.

A small child of deputy sheriff John Irven died Saturday and was buried at Douglas Chapel Sunday. The family have the sympathy of everyone.

Mr. R.M. Humley and two daughters, Miss Olie and Nora, spent part of the last week at home of the young ladies grandmother, Mrs. C.T. Cuncan, near Coal Creek.

Died, at the home of his father near College Hill, on Sunday morning, of typhoid fever, David Johnson. Mr. Johnson was a young beloved by all who knew him.

Rev. Hazen Oakes was in Knoxville the last of the week.

Source: Powells Valley Courier  LaFollette, Campbell County, Tennessee Thursday, Thursday, April 16, 1903 Vol. 1 No. 4 Pg.2
contributed by Misty Smith

Killing Near Clinton 

Joseph C. Strader, on of the most substantial business men of Clinton and Anderson County, member of the livery firm of Wallace & Strader, was found murdered by the public roadside six miles south of Clinton Tuesday afternoon about 3 o'clock by a passerby.  Life had fled, but the body was yet warm. A deep fracture at the base of the skull silently told the tale of an awful crime.

Railroad Foreman Hammond, of the Eubanks, Underwood & Co., railroad camps, is now lying in Anderson county jail charged with the deed.

Hammond confessed, but claims he killed Strader as a result of a quarrel in self defense. He his his victim with a piece of railing.

Source:  Cambridge Jeffersonian, Cambridge, Ohio, June 18, 1903
contributed by Angela Meadows

Marshal Secrest of Pleasnt City, Earns a Reward of $50 By Capturing a Man there Wanted in Jellico, Tenn. for Murder
Marshal "Jack" Secrest, of Pleasant City, arrested John Breeden, alias John Stanley, under indictment for the murder of a negro in Campbell county, Tenn., and wired the authorities of that county. S. A. Kearney and Chas. Gurley, of Jellico, Tenn., deputy sheriffs of Campbell county, arrived on the scene Tuesday and fully identified the suspect, when Mayor Garber, Marshal Secrest and said deputies brought him to Cambridge jail last night.  The reward was deposited with Postmaster Stranathan of Pleasant City.
An interview Wednesday resulted in the prisoner consenting to return without requisition papers, and the reward being turned over to Marshal Secrest, the officers took their departure with the prisoner.  Mrs. Breeden came up from Pleasant City and saw her husband before he left for the south.

Source:  Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, May 31, 1904
contributed by Angela Meadows

Three Killed by Explosion
Railroad Men Receive Fatal Injuries by Premature Blast;
Knoxville, May 30.- Four men were killed and two fatally injured today in a dynamite explosion which occured near Warwick, on the Knoxville, and Jellico branch of Louisville Nashville road. The dead- JAMES BIRCHELL AND SON JOHN JOHN HUNLEY HENRY MCALISTER All the dead are residents of Campbell county, Tennessee.   The injured men are Hal Hunley and George Ridenour. The latters' eyes were blown out and the bodies of both lacerated by stones. The accident was due to the carelessness of men at work In a rock cut.

Source:  Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, GA September 24, 1904
contributed by Angela Meadows


Jellico Powder Company Scene of Bad Accident.

Jellico, Tenn., September 23 A terrific explosion occurred about 8 o'clock this morning, at the Jellico Powder Company's works, about a mile from this place. Lee Hill was killed and Sam Harvey is thought to be fatally wounded. The accident occurred in the building known as the Corning depot, and the structure with Its contents was completely demolished. The clothing was burned entirely from Hill's body and his form was burned almost to a crisp. Harvey was also very severely burned. The cause of the disaster is unknown.

Source: Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, September 25, 1904
contributed by Angela Meadows


September 24 (Special.) The dead body, of James Hill, of Jelllco, Tenn., who was killed In a powder mill explosion at Jelllco Friday night, was In the baggage car of the east-bound train en route to Gaffney, S.C., for interment. The Coffin was unhurt, as was the body it contained. The remains were forwarded to Gaffney tonight.

Source: Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, 9/25/1904
contributed by Angela Meadows


List Of The Dead victims Who Have Been Identified

Ralph Mountcastle. Of Knoxville , Tenn
W.A.Galbraith. Of Knoxville .
Mrs.W.A.Galbraith. Of Knoxville
Monroe Ashmore, Aged 19. Of Knoxville.
John Black. White Pine, Tenn.
James King. Of Knoxville .
Two Children Of James King.Of Knoxville .
William Kane, Of Knoxville Engineer Of the westbound Train,
Richard Parrot Of Knoxville Engineer Of The Eastbound Train,
James Mills (Colored) Of New Market. Tenn.
Roscoe King Of Newmarket . Tenn.
E G.Earnest Of Johnson City , Tenn.
G.W.Brown Of Dandridge , Tenn.
R,B, Godwin Of Jefferson City . Tenn.
J. D.Bird Of Jefferson City , Tenn.
M.Jones.Son Of James Jones Of South Knoxville .
Mrs.R. B.West Of Grainger County . Tenn.
Mrs.J. B. Gass Of Dandridge. Tenn.
Miss Gass,Daughter Of J. B.Gass,
Eight Italian Immigrants, Names Unknown.
John T. Conner Of Knoxville Night Foreman At Lonsdale Round House
Mrs .John P. Conner Of Knoxville
Clayton M. Heiskell Of Cincinnati .
Mrs.Mary Phelps. Residence Unknown,
J. H.Stevens Of Dandridge , Tenn.
One Man Was Found With An Envelope In His Pocket Bearing The Name Of J. W. Daly, Greensbu'rg. Ind.
Miss Nannie Murray Of Newport . Tenn.
Mrs.,W. 0, Haddin Of Knoxville And A Daughter Of  Mrs.Gass.
Ww M. Brewer Of Knoxville .
Miss Ethel Shipp.
J. M.Adkins Of Jellico , Tenn.
John Molyneux. Glenmary , Tenn.
Rev. Isaac Emory. Knoxville , Tenn.
Rev. J. P. King. Newport . Tenn.
Dr.D.A, Fox.Nashville Tenn.
Mrs.C.A.Russell And Two Children, Aged 7 And 5. Knoxville Identified At Midnight .
J. J. Daniel Tampico. Tenn.
D. S. Fox, Birmingham , Ala.
Miss Haylow. Of Birmingham .
Mrs.Kinsell Of Knoxville .
Mrs. Mcewen Of Knoxville .
John Black. Of White Pine.Tenn.
Julia W.Haddox, Of Dandridge. Tenn.

Source:  Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, August 16, 1905
contributed by Angela Meadows

Looking for Elihu Smith E. H. Smith, of LaFollette, Tenn., was in the city this morning looking for his brother, Ellhu Smith, aged 19 years, who used to work around Forsyth. He left there last winter and came to Decatur and for awhile worked for the Wabash. He left last spring.saying he was going back home to Tennessee, but, he never showed up there. His brother looked over the prisoners at the county jail, but Ellhu was not among them, and he has not been arrested here for any offense

Source:  The Washington Post , Washington DC, April 19, 1907
contributed by Angela Meadows

Mother and Little Daughter Attacked by Masked Men.

Mrs. Frank.Belcher, Choked and Beaten by Her Assailants at Kingsport, Tenn.,
May Die from Her Injuries Little Girl in Convulsions Was Kicked Under the
Bed Posse Searching for Miscreants. Special to The Washington Post.

Bristol, Tenn., April I8. - In the presence of her husband and fourteen-year old
daughter, Mrs. Frank Belcher, of Kingsport, twenty miles from Bristol, was assaulted at an early hour this morning by two masked white men. They entered the room in which Belcher and his wife were sleeping, shortly after midnight, and with drawn pistols compelled the husband to get out of bed. He was bound, and placed in one corner of the
room and ordered to be still, on penalty of his life. Mrs. Belcher was then assaulted
by one of the men while the other attacked the fourteen-year-old girl. The child went into convulsions, and was kicked under the bed by her assailant, who afterward attacked Mrs. Belcher, who was choked and beaten.

Husband Knocked Unconscious., Her husband  was knocked over the head with a revolver when he made an attempt to rescue his wife and little daughter, and was rendered unconscious. The little girl was kicked several times by the men, and before they left they
warned Mr. and Mrs. Belcher that they would repeat the crime if she made any
attempt to scream or leave the house. They demanded on threat of death, that
they never reveal the outrage. The matter was reported to the authorities
at an early hour this morning, and a posse was rapidly formed, but the criminals have not yet been apprehended. The men are said to have worn tight fitting masks, but Mrs. Belcher says she could identify them. A double lynching is assured if the guilty men are captured.
Several posses to-night have taken up the search.

Assailants Strangers
The little town of Kingsport, which is on the line of the South and Western Railway, the new road that is being built through to South Carolina. The town recently has had an influx of population due to the railroad construction, and it is believed that the men who committed the assault are persons who came there in connection with the railroad
work, as neither Mr. Belcher nor his wife ever saw them before. Mrs. Belcher is in a critical condition, and physicians say she may die. Prints of the fingernails of her assailants are
on her throat, and she was beaten in the face and head and some of her hair was pulled from her head in the struggle. The little girl's condition is serious, but she will recover. It was an hour after the masked men had left before she could be restored to consciousness.
Mr. Belcher and family came to Kingsport 'recently from Campbell County, Tenn., and he is associated with the construction of the South and Western Railway


Source: Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, GA, December 27, 1907
contributed by Angela Meadows

Boy of Five and Girl of Two Burned to Death

Jacksboro, Tenn.,  December 26.- The home- of John Tillery, two miles from this place was destroyed by fire today and two children, a boy five and a girl of two years, were burned to death. They had been left alone in the house by the parents.

Source:  Mansfield News, December 11, 1911
contributed by Angela Meadows

From the Mine Explosion and  Majority of Bodies Likely to Be Found Today
Fifty-six Women Widowed and 184 Children Orphaned by the Disaster at Briceville - Workmen Still Attempting to Force the Cross Mountain Mine to Give up the Dead

Briceville, Tenn., Dec. 11 - With sixteen bodies recovered and identified rescue parties today renewed their hacking and digging in an attempt to force the big Cross Mountain mine here to give up its dead.  Having forced their way three miles into the mountain and bratticed most of the mine's cross entries, members of the rescue crew expect to stumble onto corpse strewn chambers at any hour now.

Discovery of the first body of this morning came at 10 o'clock, when a dead miner was found in a sitting posture in one of the interior chambers.  He was Andrew Johnson.  It is estimated the explosion rendered 56 women widows and made 184 children orphans.  That there are 100 or more dead men remaining in the mine there is no doubt. All hope of rescuing any of the scores who went to their toll Saturday morning to be embraced by death has been abandoned. The discovery late last night eight more bodies prompted crowds to gather at the death cave-in early this morning. Weeping wives, made widows by Saturday's dust blast in the Knoxville Iron company's mine, came to the shaft entrance in scores this morning, prepared to meet their dead.  In a warehouse but a short step from the mine entrance are great aurabers of coffins waiting for their occupants. Corpses in plenty for these coffins will be found in the mine early this afternoon, it is beiieved. Possibly the majority of the victims will be found today.

Of the eight corpses discovered last night three were sitting bolt upright in a mine car while the bodies of five others were lying on the ground.  Their deaths came by explosion of dust. Charles Kesterson, whose body was among the first discovered, was found at the telephone back in the mine by the rescuing crew. Evidently Kesterson was trying to phone news of the blast to the office of the mines when he was struck by falling debris. His skull was badly mashed and his body was cut.

Thousands Visited Scene.

At least 10.000 persons visited this hamlet and willing workers were many. George P. Chanler. president of the Tennessee Coal company, is in charge of the relief work. He divided the men into gangs of 50 and sent each shift into the working for two hours. Even when the air in the mine was at its best they could not work longer in there. The throng of visitors is largely responsible for the exhaustion of food supplies in Briceville. All stores are bare of eatables and many went hungry.  However, hunger will not be long an added horror to relatives of the Victims, as Knoxville" and other -cities are rushing food supplies.  

Straining on the ropes that keep the throng back from the mine opening are the relatives of victims, anxiously awaiting some word of life within the yawning mouth of the death trap.  The situation becomes more intense as each car of debris is brought to the surface, for, its driver  might bring some word, or with the debris, might be the body of a loved one.

The shrill whistle of the special train bringing coffins brought another horror to the already dazed inhabitants of the little town. The special brought 100 boxes and they were piled near the mouth of the mine.A terrible pall of silent sorrow exists about the mouth of the mine as thousands  congregate, some standing for hours and others moving momentarily from one point of vantage to another.

Officials Are Reticent.
No official or semi-official opinion has been given out as to the cause of the disaster. President T. I. Stephenson had nothing to say in answer to this inquiry.  It is generally believed however, that the disaster was due to a dust explosion. Mine officials also continue to decline to give out any positive information on the number of men who went to work in the mine, but it is thought that the number was between 100 and 200.

Source: Anderson County News, October 28, 1911
contributed by Susie Bullock

Kills His Cousin
Isaac Bunch Allowed Bond For Morgan County Murder.

Isaac Bunch was allowed bond at preliminary trial held at Oliver Springs Saturday for murder of his cousin Main Bunch in Morgan county Thursday afternoon.Following the killing Bunch sat on the fence and awaited the arrival of Sheriff Simpson of Morgan county, to whom he submitted without comment.There were no eye-witnesses.Bunch' plea is self defense, a gun was found beside the dead man.At the coroner's inquest two witnesses Fritz and Scarboro were examined, but their evidence didn't shed any light on the tragedy as to the cause.The men were cousin and seemed to be good friends.Isaac Bunch is married and is timber forman in Prudential coal company mines.Main Bunch was a teamster under order of timber foreman and was unmarried.At time of killing the teamster had hauled a load of brick for Isaac Bunch to his home and the shooting occurred in the yard there.A single shot was fired from a 38 -calibre pistol.The dead man when found has a pistol holster atrapped around him and a gun lying at his side.

Source: Anderson County News, December 23, 1911
contributed by Susie Bullock

Betrayed By His Aunt
Wm. Cross Wanted For Murder At Scarboro, Now In Jail.

C.S. Hicks returned last Saturday from Malvern, Ark.,having in charge Wm. Cross wanted in Anderson county murder of Thos. Aslinger at Scarboro about fifteen years ago.Cross, who is the son of the late, Prof. John E. Cross of Scarboro, claims the killing was justifiable, (can not read) while passing through the field found Aslinger gathering some crab grass hay which belonged to his mother.They had some words and Cross says he left the field and was followed by Aslinger to a strip of woods where he was forced to shoot as Aslinger was advancing with a drawn knife.The murder was done with a hog rifle.After the killing Cross fled to near by Morristown where he remained two years before going west. In course of time he married and his wife is now in Arkansas where they lived.A short time ago Cross aunt Mrs. Letsinger, who resides at Malvern, Ark., had him arrested on a chrge of stealing a sum of money from her. The proof was not sufficient to convict and the aunt fearing personal harm if her nephew was given his freedom told the officers that Cross was wanted in Anderson county for murdering a man named Aslinger fifteen years ago.The officers wired Sheriff Smith and the aunt's charge was confirmed.While Cross claims self-defense, it is said the state will produce evidence showing it was first degree murder.

Source: Anderson County News, March 16, 1912
contributed by Susie Bullock

Crime Of Long Ago
Wm. Cross Given Three Years For Murder Of Aslinger.
After Sixteen Years He Is Betrayed By His Aunt.

State Vs Wm. Cross, three years in penitentiary. ?? week of ??? interest in criminal records. In September 1896, Wm. Cross aged 16 years, son of Prof. John E. Cross of Scarboro, shot and instantly killed Thos. Aslinger, a farmer at Scarboro.   The men quarreled over quantity of crop grass hay while in the field and the act was committed with a hog rifle.Cross claimed Aslinger was advancing on him with a knife, although the prosecution refuted this with witnesses until the facts of the tragedy seemed to be a question of veracity.After the killing Cross fled to Morristown where he remained for a time, then went to west and lived with his aunt, Mrs. Letsinger at Malvern,Ark.In course of time he married a very estimable young woman of Malvern and one child was born to their home.Had he lived a sober life he might have carried his crime to unpunished to the grave,but demon drink shadowed his home and he grew from bad to worse, until his wife was forced to turn to the world to earn an honest living for herself and child.Last fall Cross was arrested for stealing $50 from his aunt, Mrs. Letsinger.The proff was not convicting and he was acquitted.His aunt became fearful of bodily harm and notifled the officers that he was wanted in Anderson County,Tenn., for killing a man in 1896.The Arkansas officiers wired Sheriff Smith who looked up the record and found the information true.He sent C.S. Hicks to Malvern for the prisoner about the middle of last December and the officer returned this man with out the formality of ? papers.

Source: Anderson County News, March 14, 1913
contributed by Susie Bullock

Circuit Court
Criminal and Law court convened Monday on second week, Judge Xen Hicks presiding.The week was given principally to the civil docket.The state case of Jas. Burton and Luther Beech for poisoning a young woman named Disney at Coal Creek, verdict being rendered for aecond degree murder, motion was made for jury trail. Other state cases disposed were as followed.Clifford Parker, misd'mr. guilty. Cases ignored: Sam Hatmaker, Juo. McMahan, Dave Hall, Calvin Silvey, U.S., L. Jno Copeland, larceny, Isaac Graham, felony Mary Sneed, misd'mr., W. Edmondson, Sam Whir abandonment. W.M. Thompson, u.s.l. $50 and 60 days. Sawyer Patterson $20 and costs, Walter Dougherty, $30 and costs.

Source: Anderson County News, May 24, 1913
contributed by Susie Bullock

Both Eyes Shot Out
Joe Wilson Shot At Briceville By Wife Sunday Joseph Wilson a young miner residing at Briceville was shot by his wife Sunday morning while seated in the door of their home.The ball entered the temple near the eye passing through the head dislodged both eyes from the socket.The wife claims the shooting was an accident: that she palyfully took the revolver from the mantel and pointed it at her husband in jesting spirit. The husband told another version of the affair claiming the shooting was intentional.They had not been dwelling together in harmony lately.The wife was arrested and allowed bond pending her husband's condition.

Source: Anderson County News, November 1, 1913
contributed by Susie Bullock

Jailed Without Bond
Daniel Doughtery Held For Murder of Howard White Daniel Dougherty charged with the murder of Howard White was given preliminery hearing before Esq.Rutherford Saturday and held to November term of criminal and law court without bond.The proff was circumstantal, as White was shot from ambush and there were no witnesses.However the indirect testimony was strong and damaging to the accused.Witnesses testified that Dougherty had threatened to kill White a few days before the tragedy occurred and that he expressed himself as having made up his mind to commit the act some time ago, but was prevented by intervention of certain events. Doughtery was represented by D.W. Byrge of Oakdale, while the state was represented by Burnett & Wallace and Sawyer &Underwood.

Source: Anderson County News, November 1, 1913
contributed by Susie Bullock

Sentence Affirmed
Bird Dougherty To Spend Three Years In Pen.
Bird Dougherty must serve three years in the state prison for murder of John Mackie a colored railroad laborer on New River some time since.The supreme court affirmed the case Saturday and Dougherty will be sent to the branch prison at Petros. (Can Not Read) ???? ??? arose over the ? ? to come out to work claiming he was sick.Dougherty claimed he shot the negro while in the act of striking him with a pick handle.Dougherty resides in the tenth district and was a former county sheriff of the county.

Source: Anderson County News, October 23, 1915
contributed by Susie Bullock

Tragedy At Caryville
A deadly pistol duel took place at Caryville last Saturday evening in which Deputy Sheriff Harvey Murray of Campbell county was shot twice and killed by Wilburn Leach, who in turn received a severe wound in the intestines.Both men it is said drew their pistols and fired at the same time.Murray was shot in the forehead and breast.Deputy Murray had arrested his slayer Sunday on charges of being drunk and placed him in Jacksboro jail.  Later in the afternoon friends secured his release and he returned to Caryville when the duel occurred.Both men were married.Murray is about forty and Leach is ? years of age.  Bad feeling existed between the men for years/Leach was taken to a Knoxville hospital for treatment, and chances are he may recover.

Source: Anderson County News, August 19, 1916
contributed by Susie Bullock

Tragedy In Tenth
Barton Shoots Fisher Dougherty His Cousin At Rosedale.
Barton Doughtery, 25 years, is in Clinton Clinton jail charged with shooting his cousin Fisher, aged 22, Tuesday night about 11 o'clock at Rosedale, in the Tenth district of Anderson county.The men were drinking and returning from a show at Oneida.As the train reached the Rosedale depot Barton accused Fisher of hiding his hat and the shooting followed.Fisher was shot three times with an automatic and dangerously wounded.  He was taken to a Knoxville hospital.This makes the third tragedy in the past weeks in this district caused from whisky.Both men are single, and have a large relationship in the district.

Source: Anderson County News, September 8, 1917
contributed by Susie Bullock

Shooting At Caryville
Lee Disney, 30 years old, of Caryville, was shot in the left hip and seriously wounded when he was fired upon from ambush Wednesday morning.He was brought to Knoxville in care of a physician.He is at the Lincoln Memorial hospital.Disney was employed as a carpenter by New Caryville Coal Company, and was on his way to work when the shooting occurred.Three shots were fired, according to Disney, the third bullet taking effect.Deputy sheriffs are making every effort to locate his assailants.Bloodhounds were taken to the scene and their trail has led to the arrest of one man on suspicion.Disney has been working for several days getting the mines in repair for opening when the strike of mine workers is settled.There were 150 men employed at the mines, but the workings have been inactive since the strike was called.

Source: Clinton Courier, October 18, 1919
contributed by Susie Bullock

Noah Bunch Surrenders
The Principal Of A New River Tragedy Bound To Court.
Noah Bunch who on Aug. 16 shot and Killed Harrison Bunch and seriously wound Chas Bunch, sons of Wm. Bunch, and who has been evading arrest since the crime, came here Monday and surrendered to Sheriff Cox.  He had been in Illinois it was stated.The accused gave $3,000 bond for his appearance at next term of criminal court.The cause of the tragedy was the outcome of a quarrel, as the parties to the tragedy had been good friends.

Source: The LaFollette Press, Thursday, 27 July 1921
contributed by Paul Lemasters
High Cliff Scene of Murder Four Held In Jacksboro Jail Pending Investigation
Of Death Of David Cooper.

The quiet little village of High Cliff twenty miles north of here, was the scene of another murder last Friday night. J.C. TIPTON and David COOPER were notified by passersby that someone was breaking into TIPTON'S store. They went to investigate, TIPTON going down to the store and COOPER stationing himself between the store and the river, the avenue by which escape would likely be attempted. It is reported that COOPER had no more than reached the place when two men ran into him. It is thought that he grappled with one or both with the result that he was shot and instantly killed by a pistol wound in the breast. That the shot was fired at close range is proved by the fact that COOPER's body was powder burned. Bloodhounds were taken to the scene of the crime on Saturday morning. They picked up the trail at once and followed it over the river bank and down stream to a point where they crossed the river. Tracks were plainly visible in the sand. The dogs were taken across the river where they picked up the trail anew and they went straight to the home of William TRAMMEL. There the officers arrested TRAMMEL and found the shoes he wore when he waded the river. They were still wet. The shoes were compared to the well defined tracks in the sand and both corresponded exactly. One shoe had a big hole in the sole which was clearly visible in the tracks in the sand. Later, Lee CHAMBERS was arrested and confessed to being with COOPER. He admitted trying to rob the store but denied any connection with the shooting, it is reported. On Sunday Alma TRAMMEL and Millie KING were arrested as accomplices. It is reported that the girls prompted the young men to rob the store to get something to eat. All four are in Jacksboro jail awaiting on two charges, attempted robbery and murder.

Source: The LaFollette Press, 24 August 1921
contributed by Paul Lemasters
Two Deputy Sheriffs Killed Near Jellico Last Monday

Deputies C.P. McDONALD and A.J. WORTHAM give up lives in performance of Duty while attempted to arrest four outlaws. One of the worst tragedies ever enacted in the County was staged near Jellico last Monday night about 6 o'clock when Deputy Sheriffs C.P. McDONALD and A.J. WORTHAM were killed when they attempted to arrest Fred JONES, Virgil RENO, Mary BENNETT and Phoebe LANE near the Jellico-LaFollette pike just about High Cliff. During the afternoon it was reported that these two men and two women had been harassing pedestrians and shooting at automobiles that passed that way. About 6 o'clock Deputies McDONALD and WORTHAM went to the location where the part was in hiding. It is reported that one of the men said to the officers, "Don't you dare come down here," and when the officers started won the hill toward the lair the men opened fire killing the two officers instantly. Many conflicting reports have been circulated as to the exact details but the one prevailing here is to the effect that JONES' pistol hung up and refused to fire and he pitched it into the river. When JONES threw his gun away, RENO dropped his gun on the ground and threw up his hands. JONES sprang and got RENO'S pistol, jumped behind a tree and shot McDONALD through the side and the next shot penetrated the heart of WORTHAM. When JONES had emptied RENO's pistol he threw it also into the river. It is reported that when the officers fell, Hubert KING, the taxi driver who took the officers to the scene, fell to the ground as if shot. When he arose he had a large rock in each hand and demanded that they throw up their hands. It is reported that the men and women were arrested by KING, Harvey HARP, Hudson MILLER and John MOWRY and taken into Jellico. When the report spread, indignation rose to a high pitch. Determined men came from every direction into Jellico and for several hours it looked as if nothing could forestall a lynching. A strong guard was placed around the city jail and every precaution was taken to safeguard the prisoners. Sheriff R.M . HARMON had been notified by phone and he summoned a number of deputies and went through the mountains to Jellico. The prisoners were spirited away and brought to Jacksboro jail arriving about daylight. Another incident adding tot he excitement of the day was the arrest of Charley GURLEY and Sophia Fuson KELLY at LaFollette. A call had been sent in form Jellico to the night officer here to be on the watch for them. They are now in Jacksboro jail with several charges against them, among them, white slavery, complicity in the murder of the officers, etc. The preliminary hearing of the accused will be held at Jacksboro Friday. There has been no indication of mob violence since the prisoners have been in Jacksboro jail and none anticipated now.

Source: Kingsport Times, Kingsport, Tenn, August 26, 1921
contributed by Angela Meadows


Chattanooga.  Rev. William Bell, a minister of the Church of God,is in jail here charged with bigamy, having been arrested at Jacksboro on complaint of his first wife, living at Soddy. It is charged that Bell has another wife living at Jacksboro. Bell claims that he has obtained a divorce from the Soddy woman, and that he is legally married to his second wife.

Source: Kingsport Times, Kingsport, Tenn; Aug. 26, 1921
contributed by Angela Meadows


Knoxville. One suspect has been arrested and jailed at Jacksboro today in connection with the murder of Glen B.Mayes of Knoxville, president of the Campbell County Coal Company, and a prominent Kentucky and Tennessee coal operator. His charred and headless body was found in the ruins of his cabin near Titus,Tenn.,where he had gone on business. His head - severed from the body - has not yet been found.  Indications are that he was beaten to death, timbers piled around his body and set on fire.

Kingsport Times, Kingsport, Tenn, August 26, 1921

Source:  Middlesboro Daily News, Middlesboro, KY, 12/20/1922
contributed by Angela Meadows

Strip Poker Game at Pinnacle Hotel Ends with Shots

Midkaff Of Middlesboro Accused Of Shooting Irwin of Lafollette  S. M. Lay Of Lafollette Also In Fray. Emerson Irwin of LaFollette was seriously wounded at 4 o'clock this morning at the Pinnacle Hotel in Cumberland Gap, when he was shot at the end of a strip .poker game. He is alleged to have been shot by E. H. Midkaff of Middlesboro.  Others connected with with the trouble are said to be Walker 'Brown and S. M. Lay, night chief of police of LaFollette. The party is said to have gambled all night and Midkiff lost all his money and clothes.  Midkaff left after the game but is said to have returned and ordered the others to return his money. He took a 38-special off Lay. When Irwin started to run Midkaff is said to have shot him. At the trial this afternoon before Squire Brooks, Midkaff denied having fired shots at Irwin. Midkaff was ound over to court. His bond will be set late this afternoon. Irwin was taken to a  hospital in Knoxville. His condition is very serious, reports say. Lay was also held for carrying concealed weapons. He said he was looking for transported liquor. Yesterday Lay was arrested in Middlesboro for disturbing the pence at the Hotel Cumberland.

Source: Lincoln Star, Lincoln, Nebraska; Feb. 28, 1923
contributed by Angela Meadows

Returned Man Claims Body of   Calf Interred as His Remains

(International News Service) KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Feb. 28. From his cell where is held on a charge of forgery, Glenn B. Mayes, Knoxville's "Enoch Arden," issued a statement today explaining it was the body of a calf which was buried eighteen months ago in a cemetery here after the police and members of his family believed he had been burned to death in a mountain cabin, according to police.  Mayes said he removed the head and legs of a calf and placed the torso in the cabin, set fire to the building and then fled until he could "get matters straightened out." He returned home this week to find his wife married to another man. The wife, whose name by her second marriage is Gregg said she intended to get a divorce from Mayes

Source: Middlesboro Daily News, Middlesboro, KY April 4, 1923
contributed by Angela Meadows


Everett Perkins, 15, Takes Revenge on Chief of Police Heatherly - Victim on Churches, Assailed from Rear

Reports Says Perkins Mother Carries Gun for Officers

JELLICO,Tenn., Apr. 4. Chief of police George W Heatherly was shot and perhaps fatally wounded at 2:45 clock yesterday afternoon by Everitt Perkins, 15 year old brother of Walter and George Perkins, who were slain March 2, in a battle with a prohibition posse, of which Chief Heatherly was a member. Chief Heatherly was shot three times, first in the right heel, then in the right breast and the third time in the right arm.  His boy assailant is believed to be at the home his parents near here, but no effort has been made to arrest him. The chief was going down Main street by the aid of his crutches. Fifty yards in front of him was Everett Perkins, the 15-year old brother of the slain Perkins brothers. The boy saw the chief and stepped into a restaurnt until Heatherly had passed, then followed when he had shortened the distance, which at first was about 50 feet, witnesses say, the boy drew a revolver and fired at Chief Heatherly, the ball hitting Heatherly in the right heel. In an instant Heatherly had swung round on his crutches and had drawn his own revolver. As he wheeled the Perkins boy fired again, the shot taking effect in Heatherly's right breast about on a level with his heart. Although weakened by the shot and by his old wounds, Heatherly was able to keep his feet under him, and began firing at the youth, who dodged behind a brick building. The next bullet from the boy's pistol hit Heatherly in the right arm. The next bullet from Heatherly's gun smashed a plate glass window near the Perkins boy, who beat a retreat along a cross street towards the mountains. It is generally understood in this vicinity that Mrs. Perkins, the mother of the two brothers who were killed and of the third boy who shot Chief Heatherly yesterday, had carried a pistol herself since the shooting March 2. She is said to have declared that she was on the lookout for the officer's and would shoot them if she saw them. Chief Heatherly had been warned of possible death If he returned to Jellico and Everett Perkins is said to have made threats against Heatherly but on account of his youth Chief Heatherly did not take the matter seriously. The first public appearance here of Chief Heatherly after his return from Knoxville was at the revival at the Baptist church, of which he is a member, conducted by Rev. F. F. Brown of Knoxville. The wounded chief has a wife and three children.

Source: Middlesboro Daily News, Middlesboro, KY, Aug 13, 1923
contributed by Angela Meadows


Woman Shot Down in Yard After Notifying Officers of Threats

JELLICO. Tenn., Aug. 13. - Mrs. John Huckaby, 25 years old, wife of miner, was shot twice in the back at 9 o'clock Friday night when in the yard of her mother, Mrs. Petree, in Carrollville, a mile from here, and killed almost instantly. A posse led by Chief of Police J. H. McGhee is searching in the nearby mountains for John Huckaby, 30 years old, accused in connection with the murder. Mrs. Huckaby and her husband had been separated for a few months after having been married for less than two years. Huckaby had been away for some time, but Friday evening he appeared unexpectedly, and according to Mrs. Huckaby, told her that he was going to kill her. The thoroughly frightened woman, accompanied by her mother, walked to Jellico and notified officers of the threat, it is said she asked protection. Her fears were allayed in part and she consented to return home. The two women were entering the yard when two shots were fired behind a clump of shrubbery, each shot striking Mrs. Huckaby in the back, death being practically instantaneous. In the confusion her slayer made his escape. When the news of the crime reached Chief McGhee he started in search of Huckaby, taking with him Policeman Davis and Slavey, and possemen. Up to a late hour Friday night nothing had been heard from the man hunters.

Source:  Middlesboro Daily News, Middlesboro, KY, August 11, 1923
contributed by Angela Meadows


Quarrel By Sons Over Dog Causes Newcomb Tragedy - Posse in Pursuit

Jellico, Tenn., Aug 11, Will Davis, 40 years old, one-legged miner and the father of seven children, was slain at Newcomb, four miles from here, at 6:30 o'clock this evening. Oscar Hicks, 35 years old, miner, sought in connection with the killing, surrendered at 10 o'clock tonight after a posse had pursued him and his 15 year old son into the recesses of Indian Mountain.  While the posse men were continuing the search, Hicks and his son came into Jellico and gave himself up and was taken to jail at Jacksboro.  He refused to make a statement in regard to the killing. The home of Davis and Hicks were on the same street, almost a 100 yards apart.  Hicks, standing in his doorway, called Davis to the door of the Davis home, and after a few words, shot him down, according to the officers, the victim dying almost instantly.  A 4 year old son who came to the door with Davis was hit by three shots, but is expected to recover.  The trouble which resulted in the killing had its origin in a quarrel yesterday afternoon over a dog between the sons of Davis and Hicks, the Hicks boy getting the worst of the argument.  When Hicks returned from work in the afternoon, he is said to have gotten a shotgun. Following the shooting, Hicks and his son fled to Iron Mountains, pursued soon afterward by a posse led by Chief of Police J.H. McGhee of Jellico, whose assistance had been sought by the Jellico police.  Almost 15 men were in the posse, which was reported to be hopeful of catching Hicks by surrounding the moutain and closing in.

Source:  Middlesboro Daily News, Middlesboro, KY, October 16, 1923
contributed by Angela Meadows


Knoxville, Oct. 16
John Wiley Cooper, prominent farmer of Jacksboro, Campbell county, is dead; and Will Clark, farmer, is in the Knox County jail on a murder charge as the result of an altercation between the two men yesterday morning. According to information from Campbell county authorities, Cooper and Clark were working together digging potatoes.  It is not known how the trouble started, but a quarrell developed and it is alleged that Clark struck Cooper on the head with a. mattock, mortally wounding him. Clark was arrested on a charge of felonious assault and later released under a $2,000 bond.  He started toward Knoxville when he learned that Cooper was being hurried to Knoxville in a dying condition.  Cooper died at the Knoxville General Hospital at 5 p.m., shortly after arriving there and while on the operating table.

Source:  Middlesboro Daily News, Middlesboro, KY, January 31, 1924
contributed by Angela Meadows


Succeeds George W. Heatherly, Twice Wounded Seriously - Officials Listed Jellico, Tenn., Jan 31.  At a meeting of the new city council last week, Joe Gaylor was elected city marshal and J.C. Rogers, assistant, only the two being balloted on. The salary of the marshal was fixed at $125 a month, and of the assistant at $110. Mr. Gaylor succeeds Chief George W. Heatherly, who was almost killed when in a fight with rum runners, and who as he was recuperating after a long stay in a Knoxville hospital was wounded, all but fatally, by Albert Perkins, brother of two rum runners slain during the fight in which Heatherly was wounded the first time, after being sentenced to spend five years in a state reformatory on account of his youth, made his escape from the Jacksboro jail recently and is still a fugitive.  The following is a roster of the officials of the city, named by the council:  A.B. Hargis, superintendent of waterworks; R.K. Tramell, recorder and treasurer; C.A. Templeton; city attorney, Dr. Thomas Jennings, health officer; Joe Gaylor, city marshal; J.C. Rogers, deputy marshal.

Source:  Middlesboro Daily News, Middlesboro, Kentucky; July 26, 1924
contributed by Angela Meadows

Two Stills Are Taken In LaFollette Raid

LA FOLLETTE, Tenn., July 26.
Prohibition Officer John M. Irwin, of LaFollette, assisted by Sheriff Eli Gaylor of Campbell county and Deputies J. F. Russell and John Wilson of Vasper, made a raid on the headwaters of Hickory Creek and destroyed 150 gallons of beer. Thc outfit was coverd by a house and from appearances this still had been in operation for 15 years. On the same day these officers went over to the head of Rock Creek and destroyed an outfit, except the still, which had been removed, and 300 gallons of beer. No arrests were made. At the first above mentioned place after the officers had destroyed the outfit and left for Rock Creek, there were more than 50 signal shots fired, warning nearby operators.

contributed by Misty Smith
A family quarrel, details of which have not been learned, is believed responsible
for the death of Tom Leach, 45 years old, of Campbell county. Tennessee, ten miles south of here, and probably fatal injury of one relative and the shooting of five other kinsmen. Two of the wounded, Mrs. Walter Maples,40, sister of Leach, who is not expected to survive, and Sherman Leach, 30, a brother, were taken to a Knoxville hospital. Pete Leach, 31, and Padge Leach, 25, cousins, and Miss Mary Leach, 22, also a cousin, were all were shot, but were not seriously injured. Another woman whose identity could not be learned was reported injured.

Source: Gastonia Daily Gazette, Gastonia, North Carolina, Dec. 12, 1927
contributed by Angela Meadows

Youth Who Gave Himself Up To Sheriff Is Taken Back To Lafollette.

John Shepherd, Tennessee youth wvho voluntarily gave himself up to Sheriff G. R. Rhyne last Thursday, was taken back to Lafollette, Tenn Sunday by a deputy sheriff and C. C. Reynolds, owner of the car the prisoner stole some months ago. The young man came to the sheriff and said that he was out of a job, hungry, and hurt by his conscience.  He told a story of how he had stolen the car in LaFollette and had been chased by bloodhounds over a good portion of that country.  He said he drove the car to Kingsport where he sold it, then came over to North Carolina. He wandered around several towns and cities before he came to Gastonia and it was here that he decided to give himself up and take what was coming to him. The police of Lafollette were informed and they sent the two men after the erring one.

Source:Reno Evening Gazette, Reno, Nevada: November 21, 1929
contributed by Angela Meadows

JACKSBORO, Tenn., Nov. 21.
W. H. Metzler, a coal miner, two daughters and a son were killed today when their automobile was struck at a railroad crossing by a Louisville and Nashville train, en route from Knoxvllle to Corbin, Ky.

Source:Anderson County News March 12 1932
contributed by Susie Bullock

Caryville Man Slain
Had Argument Over Partnership Electric Light Line
Caryville- An argument over a partnership light ended in the killing of Harley Marlow 25, Sheriff Davis of Campbell county said he was informed. Marlow was killed last Monday. Search was being made for Mack Shipwash 50. " I understand that Marlow's brother saw the shooting" said Sheriff Davis. Harley Marlow was shot in the back of the neck.

Source:Reno Anderson County News July 1933
contributed by Susie Bullock

Gun Blazes As Officers Surprise Three
Cleve Daugherty, 38, sheriff of Anderson county for the last five years, was shot and killed at Piney, a small community near the Knox county line about 8:30 Wednesday night as he and five deputies attempted to halt three men they belived to be transporting whiskey. A charge from 12 gauge shot-gun fired at close range struck Daugherty in the side and back of the neck. He was dead when deputies reached him. Richard Rose, 25 was arrested after he was felled by a blow on the head by Deputy Sheriff J. W. Butcher. He is held in jail here with bond.Together with Fred Williams who was captured early Thursday morning at his home in the Cooper Ridge section. Officers are seeking his 17 year old Jesse Williams in a warrant charging murder. Shortly after officers returned here with Daugherty body a large armed posse led ? Coroner W.R. Hicks returned to the scence and began searching the hills near Piney. Blood hounds were bought from Knoxville ?? in the search. Daugherty had recived a "tip" that 25 half gallon jars of whisky were to be delivered in the road at Piney Wednesday night. He took five deputies and went to the designated place, having the deputies form a circle on each side of the road .As three men came up with sack across their shoulder the sheriff jumped from hiding telling the men they were under arrest. He grabbed the one in the front and scuffled with the man a shot was fired just behind them. It killed Daugherty.
Deputies Butcher and ??? young Williams was the one fired the fatal shot, and said his father was with whom Daugherty was scuffling with.The three sacks, dropped by the men as the gun battle began, were brought to the jail here. The 15 jars of whiskey five in each .
Daugherty is survived by his widow, one daughter, Inez, three sons, Clarence, Jack and J.C., mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. ? Daugherty of Petros.Funeral services wil be Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at the First Baptist church, Rev. R. L. Smith and E.L Wilson conducted the services.Burial Sunset cemetery.

Source:Anderson County News: July 28, 1933
contributed by Susie Bullock

Last Rites For Slain Sheriff

Hundreds Unable To Enter Church For Funeral Cleve Daugherty.
The largest crowd which ever attended a funeral in Clinton gathered here Saturday morning to pay a last tribute to the memory of Sheriff Cleve Daugherty, slain by a rum runner when seeking to make an arrest in Piney Valley. Sheriffs from the following counties were present, Hamilton, McMinn, Loudon, Cumberland, Morgan, Knox and Campbell. Previous to funeral services, the body of the slain sheriff lay in the front room of the family home at at the county jail, where hundreds of friends passed by the bier to take a last look at the still face of the officer who gave his life in an effort to protect the law abiding citizens of the county from lawlessness.

It was nearly 30 minutes after the hour set for the services at the First Baptist Church that the procession began to move from the county jail to the church, three blocks distant. For nearly an hour before the time for the funeral, traffic officers kept the block in front of the church clear of heavy traffic.

Legionaries Precede Cortege
A company of American Legionaires preceded the funeral party to the church, which was filled to capacity an hour before the time set for the services. The hearse was followed by cars carrying members of the immediate family and friends, while hundreds walked the short distance to the church. The side walks were lined for two blocks as the procession preceded slowly along. Hundreds were unable to get inside the church, and stood around the doors and out in the street; yards and porches were filled by other hundreds who could catch from time to time a few words of the services.

Preceding the scripture reading, a quartet composed of Mrs. T.L. Wilson, Mrs. S.F. Miller, Paul Burkett and T.S. Seeber sang, "Some Day," It Won't Be Long", and later sang "The Old Rugged Cross" with Miss. Reba Gentry at the piano. Mrs. T.L.Wilson sang "When They Ring The Golden Bells".

The scripture lesson was read by Rev. E.L. Wilson,pastor of Brown's Chapel, who led in prayer, as the audience fanned in the church to relieve the exessive heat. Standing in front of the casket, which was banked high with floral rememberances, Rev. H.L. Smith, pastor of the church, spoke for 30 minutes, while the audience gave the closest of attention.

Thousand Pass Casket
Following the sermon, the casket lid was removed again and 1,000 or more persons passed by. Services at the cemtery were in charge of the Masonic Lodge, of which Sheriff Daugherty was a member. Active pallbearers were: George R. Rector, H. C. Cooper, K.A. Hollingworth, Joe Wilson, W.F. Hutchinson and Clifford Seeber. Honorary pallbearers: Congressman J. Will Taylor, Jess Rogers, Judge J.H. M Morrison, Judge H.B. Brown, R.A. Smith, J.S. Holt, Judge J.S. Wallace, J.H. Underwood, W.H. Disney, J.C. King, Estel Byrge, Dan Byrge, C.S. Hicks, Herman Robinson, Judge W.A. Brown and H.V. Alexander.

In paying a tribute to the memory of Sheriff Daugherty, H.L. Smith said in part:
In the slaying of Cleve Daughtery sin has played its role again.In his death we see some things that sin does even for those who are law-abiding and upright citizens. By this tragedy this county suffers, his friends suffer and his home in torn and broken. Four children are left orphans, suffering because liquor and sin took the law in its own hands. "The more I see of the evils of liquor, the suffering and and sorrow, the grief and disappointment that is the direct cause of this underworld tool of sin, I am made to see more clearly reasons why officers like Sheriff Daughtery was so bitterly opposed to the damnable sad life-taking stuff.

Called Upright Citizens
"Mr. Daugherty lived as he was taught from youth, an open life. The criminals and underworlds as well as the best citizens know where he took his stand. He was an upright citizen of the highest tribute that can be paid to any man is that he loved by his fellows. Truly this can be said of the deceased. "He kept the law himself and urged others to keep the law. He urged his deputies to keep the law. By exampled word he urged the citizens of Anderson county to live by the law. Mr. Daugherty was a school teacher in early life and there he realized full well that the laws were only for the disobedient and the destructive. "It was the destructive and disobedient he was seeking and those who do not care for character or law or human kind so long as they profit by an evil that destroys the very foundations of men, when a lawbreaker-a boy, who having been taught by his father, took the law into his own hands and shot in cold blood the sheriff of this county.Through an eternity this evil of this boy will rest on the shoulders of his father.The blood of the sheriff of Anderson county will not only be on the hands of the boy who slew him, but the father who taught him to be a law breaker will have no less a burden to bear.

Record Is Praised
"Sheriff Daugherty was a law enforcement officer whose record could be well coveted by thousands of law officers of the state. He was fearless in enforcing the law. I hardly suppose any sheriff of Anderson county ever tried to enforce the law with more vigor and earnestness than did Mr. Daughtery. He was no respector of persons in the matter of enforcing the law .He was honored more genernily(sp) than any only sheriff with whom i have come in contact.He arose from an humble home, where Christain character was instilled into him, to place prominence in his county. He will live in the records of Anderson county as an excellent enforcement officers murdered for the cause of righteousess and in protecting the best citizenship. I have always thought I would like to pass away at the post of duty like he did. "Mr. Daugherty made a profession of faith when a young man and served as Sunday school superintendent and was always ready to lead in public or private prayer. He was a member of the Petros Baptist church.

"Vengeance Is Mine"
"To his widow, four children, father and mother and two sisters, may we say that "Vengeance is mine. saith the Lord". God and the law will care of the crimnal. Justice will be rendered in due season. It seems that life was a journey upward and now he pitched his tent on higher ground. He did his work well and only a few have any criticism to offer. He was not a perfect,but he was good.

"Instead of mouring we may say in the words of the poet:"
" Thy day has come, not gone"
"Thy sun has risen, not set"
" Thy life is now beyond"
" The reach of death or change,
"Not ended, but begun.
"O noble soul, O gentle heart
Hail and farwell"

Source:Anderson County News: August 5, 1933
contributed by Susie Bullock

3 Times Slain Sheriff Left 8 Weeks Baby Says Second Wife

Editor The News
Sheriff Cleve Daugherty, who was shot and killed on the night of July 20 had been married three times instead of twice as reported. His first wife now dead left four children. I am the second wife. I have one child Cleo. I am 20 years old. The baby is eight weeks old. He has supported it since it has been in the world and fixed papers to this one the same as the other four. We separated last Sept. 10, were married 17 months. He married Beatrice Ridenour in May 1933.I am the daughter of assistant attorney General Dan. W. Byrge of Clinton.

Geneva Byrge

Source:  Lincoln Star, Lincoln, Nebraska, October 18, 1933
contributed by Angela Meadows

Young Man Convicted Of Burning Wife and 3 Children to Death
JACKSBORO, Tenn., Oct. 18 (AP)

Floyd Johnson, 27-year-old Lafollette filling station operator, was convicted by a Campbell county jury today on charges of burning his wife and three children to death the night of August 30. The jury recommended a sentence of 21 years in the state peniteniary. The charred bodies ol Mrs. Johnson, 29, and her children, Lois, 3: Paul. 5. and Louise, 7, were found huddled together after fire had destroyed stroyed the Johnson home.  Johnson said he escaped from the burning house through a window.

Source:  Hammond Times, Hammond, Indiana; September 20, 1935
contributed by Angela Meadows


LaFollette, Tenn. Sept, 20 (UP)
A series of dynamite explosions, said by residents to number six, shook this area today, killing one woman and injuring her three children. The blasts partially wrecked a business building. Mrs. Prudie Rutherford was killed instantly as she was hurled from an upper floor of the building. Her children were leaving the building and escaped with slight injuries, according to witnesses.

Source:Hammond Times, Hammond, Indiana, Sept 25, 1935
contributed by Angela Meadows

William Righetti, Americanized Italian, was charged with murder and malicious destruction of property after seven dynamite blasts wrecked a combination apartment and business building at LaFollette, Tenn., killing a widow and injuring her three children.  Righetti confessed, according to police, he dynamited the building he once owned but which he had lost through foreclosure, "Because they were robbing me of everything but my shirt and pants".

Source:  Vidette Messenger, Valparaiso, Indiana December 3, 1940
contributed by Angela Meadows

Kills Mother To Gain $16 Relief

BROWNSTOWN. Ind.. Dec. 3
(UP) State police detective Raymond Boll said today that Mera (Mora?) McCoy, 23, of LaFollette, Tenn. had confessed orally to him the slaying of her mother, Mrs. Nanny Adams last March because she thought she would inherit her mothers $16 welfare checks. The sheriff of Campbell county, Tenn., en-route here, was expected to arrive today to remove the girl to LaFollette to face murder charges.  Boll said the girl told him that she and a companion, Jack Walls, 27, of Campbell county, had murdered her mother by putting lye in her coffee.  She said at the time a doctor pronounced Mrs. Adams dead of pneumonia. The girl was arrested last Saturday in a roadside inn near Seymour when the proprietor reported to police that she had been telling the story of the killing while intoxicated in the establishment.  She was confined to the Seymour jail and then moved to the county jail here.  Boll said she reiterated her story to him when sober, claiming she wanted to "get it off her mind", and waived extradition to Tennessee. The girl had been visiting an aunt near Jonesville in this area under the name of Maggie Adams.  She said McCoy was the name of her father and the deceased first husband of her mother.  Mrs. Adams second husband is also dead. Boll said the girl's oral confession revealed that she and Walls planned the slaying in the hope that she, as the oldest child, would get the welfare checks. Meanwhile Boll said authorities were looking for Walls but believed he was in Tennessee.  He said the girl accused Walls of other murders in Tennessee by a system of getting his victims drunk, slugging them and placing their bodies on railroad tracks. A checkup with Tennessee authorities revealed that Walls had murdered Frank Romines in Campbell county in 1933.  Bolls said Walls was convicted of the crime and given a ten-year sentence in 1938, of which he served 18 months.  Another murder charged by the girl, Boll said, was that of Jack Hatmaker, also in Campbell county, Nov. 14 for a reported payoff of five gallons of whiskey.  Boll said a checkup showed that Hatmaker's body had been found on a railroad track.

Source: Mansfield News Journal, Mansfield, Ohio, April 27, 1943
contributed by Angela Meadows

Link Report on Three Negroes To Slaying of Waitress in Cincinnati Hotel

Cincinnati - Cincinnati police today were investigating a new clue in their search for the slayer of blonde Sophia Baird, a 20-year old waitress who was murdered early Sunday in the hallway outside her third floor hotel room. Robert Puckett, Middletown, reported to the Middletown police force, that he saw three negroes acting peculiarily when he passed the Biltmore hotel, where the girl was brutally slain.  Puckett disclosed that this was at about the time of the murder.

Detective Chief Clem Merz said that except for the fact that the suspect was a negro, his detectives had no clue to the slayer's identity. More than 48 hours have elapsed since the former Elk Valley, Tenn. girl's body was found stabbed and slashed while detectives have been attempting to establish whether any act, unintentional or otherwise on the slain girl's part might have led a Negro to believe that she had no qualms about racial barriers.

< Police questioned Miss Baird's roommate, Miss Mildred Sharpe and other friends of the girl but so far they have not uncovered anything to show that the girl had even the slightest association with her slayer. Meanwhile, police were attempting to ascertain when an attack upon a 26-year-old housewife could have been perpetrated by the same Negro. Mrs. May McKinney notified authorities that a man answering somewhat the description of Miss Baird's slayer had attacked her at her home. Mrs. McKinney said the Negro fled when she screamed.

Source: Bismarck Tribune, Bismarck, North Dakota, May 6, 1943
contributed by Angela Meadows

Eighteen coal miners, huddling behind a hastily erected canvas barrier nearly 2,000 feet underground, survived an explosion that rocked the Etna Coal and Coke company mine and suffocated ten of their companions. The miners, fighting against the deadly fumes of "black damp" for more than eight hours, stumbled and crawled from their barricaded cell Wednesday night as rescue parties freed them. Two other miners, who had joined he barricaded group, became panic stricken and dashed from their enclosure to death from carbon monoxide fumes 400 feet away. The explosion thundered through the East Tennessee soft coal mine Wednesday afternoon, rocking it from tipple to the deepest seam. The dead miners were identified as Cecil Foust, John Pelezzari, Dan Garrett, George Douglas, Lawrence Hale, Albert Kitts, Lewis White. Homer Martin, Oscar Ayers and Ernest Riggs. Two miners who were almost outside the mine tunnel when the blast occurred were burned critically. Three others in another section of the mine escaped injury. Earl Turner, one of the first entombed men to reach the outside, said he herded his companions into an enclosure and erected a cloth  canvas barricade to keep out the fumes. Jim Raines, 38, said the survivors "held out hope until 7 o'clock." "The air was getting bad," he said, "and the oxygen was just about gone, There was so much dust we couldn't see. Then the rescuers found us at 8:30.  Some of the boys were so weak, they were crawling on their hands and knees". Herman Gilbreath related how Albert Kitts and Oscar Ayres "decided to make a break for it" from the protected tunnel, only to collapse 400 feet away and die. A coal mine official said the disaster, the worst in Tennessee since 1926, probably resulted from ignition of gaseous fumes.  However, Mine Bookkeeper, R. B. Parrott said a test by inspectors Wednesday morning revealed
no traces of gas.

Source: Walla Walla Union Bulletin, Walla Walla, Washington, June 26, 1947
contributed by Angela Meadows

Yreka, Calif., (AP) - The vicious beating and abandonment of 2-year-old Mary Jane Meddlin - for 10 days known only as little "Miss X" at Siskiyou General hospital - culminated Wednesday in the arrest of her mother and an itinerant Tennessee lumbermill worker. Located in Grants Pass, Ore., and brought here on charges of assault with intent to commit murder, they were identified as Mrs. Lucille Meddlin. 22, of Selma, Ore., and Hugh Gilreath, 25. who came to Oregon last year from Jellico, Tenn. A statement by Gilreath to Oregon State Police Sgt. C. R. Borgman said the couple discussed "disposing" of Mary Jane when Mrs. Meddlin - separated from her husband -   entered a hospital in Grants Pass as "Mrs. Gilreath" to have her third child. "There were too many kids around." Sergeant Borgman quoted Gilreath. Mary Jane was found unconscious in a clump of bushes at Weed, Calif., early on June 16 - her eyes blackened, her body covered with bruises, and her left arm temporarily useless from a beating. The child's identity finally was solved when txvo neighbors of Mrs. Meddlin in Selma reported their suspicions to Oregon state police. Gilreath waived extradition to California and was brought here early Wednesday, while Deputy Sheriff Thorne D. West took custody of Mrs. Meddlin Wednesday afternoon for her return.

Source:Chronicle Telegram, Elyria, Ohio, April 7, 1950
contributed by Angela Meadows

Escaped Convict Tries To Kill Wife; Bystander Dies

JELLICO. Tenn. Murder or manslaughter charges will be filed today against an escaped convict who rammed a prison truck into a restaurant hoping to kill his wife but clipped two bystanders instead. One of the victims, Navy veteran P. L. Hill, 25, was carried through a plateglass window on the bumper of the truck and died four hours later.  Fifteen-year-old Billy Robertson. a one-legged school boy.was hit by the truck as he played a pinball machine inside the restaurant and suffered severe injuries. Mrs. Richard Rues, who was working behind a counter in the bus terminal was unscratched although she was the intended victim. Her husband's mad dash in the prison truck gave this town one of its wildest Saturday nights. One of the uninjured bystanders shot Rues in the hip and officers, fearing other violence against the convict, hustled him to Jacksboro, Tenn., 30 miles south, for safekeeping. Rues, 37, who was sent up for 10 years in 1946 for killing Willard Daugherty here may get off lighter than if he had succeeded in smashing his estranged wife with the truck. Sheriff Ross Kitts wasn't sure whether Rue would face murder or manslaughter charges as a result of Hill's death.

Source: Mansfield News Journal, Mansfield, Ohio, May 7, 1954
contributed by Angela Meadows

DAYTON (UP)  Thomas Jefferson Davis, 32, former deputy sheriff at Duff, Tenn is awaiting sentencing for a $2,500 armed robbery. Davis claimed he was innocent of the charge and guilty only of assault with intent to rob. He told a Common Pleas Court juiy that he handed the store cashier a note demanding rnoney, which he received.

Source: Unknown Paper, LaFollette, TN, November 7, 1955
contributed by Angela Meadows


Claims She Was Just "Playing" When Gun Fired

LAFOLLETTE, Nov. 7 - Mrs. Medy Mea Chamblee, 31, mother of five children who claims to have shot and killed her husband while "playing" with him and minutes after "hugging and kissing" him is being held in Campbell County Jail on a charge of first degree murder.

Despite the fact that Mrs. Chamblee, whose youngest child is only 17-months old and who is expecting her sixth child, told officers the shooting was an accident, they believe it might have been motivated by jealousy. LaFollette Police Chief Willie Chapman and (said) Mrs. Chamblee called him about a month ago and asked him about how she should "go about" making her husband support her and the children. She told him that she had learned that her husband was "living with another woman" in Ohio. After the call, Chief Chapman said, he investigated and found out Chamblee was sending money to his wife regularly.

The 37-year old husband lived about 15 minutes after the shooting shortly before noon despite the fact that he was shot in the back of the head at a range of only a foot.
The 12-gauge shotgun is being held by officers as evidence.

Chamblee had returned to his family here only two hours before his death after being laid off from his job in a factory in Toledo, Ohio. He and his wife had been separated at least two times during their marriage, officers said.

Mrs. Chamblee's sister, Margaret Hawkins, was in the three-room home at the time of the shooting and officers said she and Mrs. Chamblee gave this account:


Mr. Chamblee called his wife from and informed her that he had been laid off and would be home Monday. Mrs. Chamblee asked him to come home at once because she needed him."Yesterday morning the husband arrived home about 10:30 and after greeting his children and wife, asked her to prepare his breakfast. This she did and the husband, Mrs. Chamblee, her sister and the five children ate. After the meal the Hawkins woman and the children went out in the yard and the husband and wife moved into the front room. It was there that he kissed his wife and remarked that he was glad to be home.
Mrs. Chamblee then left the room, picked up the shotgun and stuck it through a hole in a curtain hanging in the doorway between the bedroom and living room and pulled the trigger. The just returned husband was standing 13 inches from the curtain, reading when the blast struck him".
Chief Chapman said Chamblee staggered several feet toward the .... (remainder of article missing)

Source: Hammond Times, Hammond, Indiana, 10/15/1957
contributed by Angela Meadows

Find Girl's Body At Cliffs Base

LAFOLLETTE, Tenn. (AP) The body of 3-year-old Minnie Haun was found Monday at the base of a cliff in the rugged Cumberland Mountains of East Tennessee about six miles from her home. The child, missing since last Tuesday, had been the object of a widespread search. She apparently survived several near-freezing nights before she died Friday or Saturday. Coroner Jimmy Jones of Campbell County said death was caused by exposure or starvation. Two men found the body several hours after other searchers stumbled across some of the clothing the child was wearing when she became lost from her mother and an older sister.

Source: Clinton Courier, Clinton, TN 11/21/1957
contributed by Susie Bullock

Petros Man Bound Over In Slaying

Vern (Dude) McCoy, 40, of Petros was bound to Morgan County grand jury last week on a murder charge, which grew out of the shooting of an Anderson County miner. McCoy is in the county jail at Wartburg after failing to post bond set by Magistrate Charles Human Jr. at his preliminary hearing Friday afternoon. He is charged in the fatal shooting of Elmer Lowe, 39. Morgan County Sheriff Claude Brasel said Lowe was hit twice with bulletts from a .32 snubnosed revolver. The victim was hit in the shoulder and again near the heart. Lowe, officers were told, interfered in a fight between Louis Lowe, 35, and McCoy after the latter had shot Louis with the revolver. The Lowes who live in the New River section of Anderson near Devonia, were taken to Oak Ridge Hospital. Elmer died three hours and 36 minutes after he was shot. Sheriff Brasel said McCoy told him he didn't intend to shoot Lowe.

Source: Clinton Courier, Clinton, TN 11/07/1957
contributed by Susie Bullock

Preliminary Hearing For Carden Set

Trial Justice Court Judge J. Leon Elikns reset to Nov. 12 a preliminary hearing for Fred G. Carden , 65-year-old Andersonville farmer and merchant in the pistol slaying of his stepson on Oct. 15. Hearing for Carden, who has been free under $5000 bond in the shooting of Robert Wade Sharp, but said he fired in self defense after the younger man threatened him with a butcher knife during an argument over a long distance telephone call. Carden's wife, Mrs. Effie Sharp Carden, filed suit for divorce the day after her son was killed. She also attached all of her husband property. Sheriff Glad Woodward said the pistol used in the slaying had not yet been recovered, He added, however that he had information that the gun had been found and he expected to have it in his possession soon.A report on the fingerprints on a knife with which Carden said Sharp sought to attack him indicated there were not sufficient prints for positive identification of the person handing it.

Source: Clinton Courier, Clinton, TN 11/21/1957
contributed by Susie Bullock

Carden's Bond Set After Wife Testifies

Fred G. Carden, 67-year-old Andersonville area merchant was bound to the grand jury Tuesday morning on a charge of murder after a hearing in Trial Justice Court in which his estranged wife was the principal witness. Bond was fixed at $7,500, which Carden posted. Mrs. Carden, who left her husband and filed suit for a divorce shortly after the Andersonville man shot her 32- year-old son, Robert Wade Sharp, on Oct. 15, told the court Tuesday her husband shot her son in the back. The shooting followed a series of arguments between the two men over Sharp's charging long distance telephone calls to Carden's telephone,it brought out at the time. On the stand Mrs. Carden said she and her son were in the sitting room of the home, while Mr. Carden had retired about 9 p.m. She said her husband got up about midnight and Sharp, remarked that he was going to make a call to his sister in Arizona, and he left the room to be gone about five minutes. Mrs. Carden said she got busy with something else, but when she looked up her husband had a pistol pointed at his step-son. She said she heard Sharp say" You wouldn't shoot a man, would you? She told the court she heard her husband reply that he would. She said Sharp then asked if it would be alright for him to turn around, and Carden said it would. The mother testified that Sharp turned and started for the door, and when he did , Carden began firing. She said he fired four times, hitting Sharp in the back of the head and twice in the back of his body and once in the front. Mrs. Carden said she asked Mr. Carden to help her, and she placed a pillow from her bed beneath her son head, begged Carden to call a doctor, the sheriff and an ambulance. She said he refused, telling he he wasn't supposed to. Mrs. Carden said she then called a neighbor and told him to come, that Carden had shot her son. She added that he never came.So then she called for the physician, the sheriff and an ambulance. She added that her son was dead when they arrived. Sheriff Glad Woodward told his investigation, while Deputies Shellie Jones and Sam Davis also testified. Jones said he was present when the doctor examined the body of Sharp, and added that Clyde Cox was present. When Sharp's body was rolled over a knife was found under him. Sheriff
Woodward testified an examiation by the FBI for fingerprints, was inconclusive as two partial prints were found but these were not distinguishable.

Source:  Oswego Pallendium Times, Oswego, New York, 6/9/1959
contributed by Angela Meadows  

Mine Boss Killed By Sniper's Shot

LAKE CITY, Tenn. (&) A sniper's bullet killed a coal mine owner Monday as he
worked his machinery on a federal flood control project here in defiance of threats of sabotage or death. Five persons were questioned at length in the slaying of Jess Fesler, 53. of Sunbright, Tenn., shot in the back as he stood beside his bulldozer on the project near the Lake City High School.  Anderson County Sheriff Glad Woodward questioned two of the men in Clinton, south of Lake City, and Campbell County Sheriff Rose Kitts held three men for questioning in Jacksboro. Lake City is located on the Anderson - Campbell county line about 30 miles northwest of Knoxville. It is in the .coal-field area extending through southeast Kentucky and northern Tennessee.  The area has seen numerous cases of violence since the United Mine Workers began a drive to bring all mines under union contract. Three persons have been killed in Kentucky.  Sheriff Woodward said, however. "We are positive this shooting is in no way concerned with union troubles."

Source:  Lancaster Eagle Gazette, Lancaster, Ohio, 6/9/1959
contributed by Angela Meadows  

Sniper Kills Former Coal Mine Owner

LAKE CITY,Tenn. (AP)A sniper's bullet killed a former coal miner owner Monday as he worked his machinery on a federal flood control project here in defiance of threats of sabotage or death. Five persons were questioned at length in the slaying of Jess Fesler, 53, of Sunbright,Tenn., shot in the back as he stood beside his bulldozer on the project  near the Lake City High School. Anderson County Sheriff Glad Woodward questioned two of the men in Clinton, South of Lake City. and Campbell County Sheriff Rose Kitts held three men for questioning in Jacksboro. Lake Cityi s located on the Anderson Campbell county line about 30 miles northwest of Knoxville. It is in the coalfield area extending through southeast Kentucky and northern Tennessee. The area has seen numerous cases of violence since the United Mine Workers began a drive to bring all mines under union contract. Three persons have been killed in Kentucky.  Sheriff Woodward said, however, "We are positive this shooting is in no way concerned with union troubles." Sued For 534,111 The UMW welfare fund sued Fesler in 1957 for $34,111 it claimed he owed for back contributions to the fund.  He filed a crossbill contending he had signed the union contract under duress. However,Woodward said he is probing mainly in other directions for possible motives. Among other things, the sheriff said. Fesler: 1. Was the complaining witness in an armed robbery case against Franklin D. Smith, which was to have been heard by the Campbell County grand jury next week. 2. Had been seen frequently with women other than his wife.

Source: The Kingsport Times, Kingsport, Tenn. July 4, 1960, page 2.
contributed by Angela Meadows

Man Gets Murder Charge in Slaying

LAFOLLETTE, Tenn. (AP) - James McFarland, 36, has been charged with murder in the death of a man shot during a knife and gun fight here Sunday, Sheriff Rose Kitts said. Johnnie Carroll, 40, a Grantsville farmer, was shot several times during what Kitts termed "a drunken brawl". Kitts said a fight erupted between McFarland, Johnnie Carroll, and Barney Carroll, 55, brother of the victim. McFarland pulled out a pistol and began firing after he had been felled with knife cuts, the sheriff said.

Source: Times Recorder, Zanesville, Ohio, June 30, 1965 contributed by Angela Meadows

Cincinnati (UPI)
A Tennessee prison escapee crossed paths with a Cincinnati policeman Tuesday for the second time in 10 days and the chance meeting brought an end to his freedom. Siles Campbell, 21, La Follette, Tenn., faced return to the Brushy Mountain State Prison at Petros, Tenn., after his arrest by patrolman William Smith. Just 10 days ago, Campbell was arrested by the same policeman for public drunkenness.  At that time, local authorities were unaware of his background.  So he was released after paying a $10 fine. They learned f his prison escape Sunday, when the warden at Petros phoned police here and said Campbell might show up. Police were unable to trace Campbell through the address he had given in his court appearance because it was false.  But fate took a hand and delivered him into the arms of the law at 2:40 a.m. Tuesday while Patrolman Smith was walking his beat. Campbell, a trusty at the prison, had walked away from a road project six weeks ago and come to Cincinnati to stay with friends.

Source: Lima News, Lima, Ohio, May 2, 1966
contributed by Angela Meadows

Hitchhiker Killed

TOLEDO (UPI)  Robert L. Baruff, 30, Lafollette, Tenn.; was killed Sunday when hit by a car while walking on the Deroit Toledo Exrpessway on the north side here. Bailey Carroll, 31, Detroit, told police he did not see the man, apparently a hitchhiker, walking into his path until too late to avoid him. No citation was issued.

Source: Courier Times, Levittown, Pennsylvania; Feb. 9, 1970
contributed by Angela Meadows


"The Communists killed the Yablonski's because that feller was about to talk, and the ommunists have a wav of shutting up the squealers. "We in the UMW didn't hate Yablonski, but we hated his way." So speaks Leslie Murrah, a retired coal miner now drawing a pension from the United Mine Workers local in the nearby community of Caryville. Murrah apparently voices the sentiments of the majority of residents in this Appalachian county that was hit hard when king coal began to decline and automation came to the mines. La Follette was thrust into the national spotlight recently with the FBI centering much of its investigation into the slaying of UMW official Joseph Yablonski, his wife and daughter in the area.

"The UMW didn't have a thing to do with the Yablonski killings", Murrah said.  "I never heard any such talk and our local meets every month. "An FBI man asked me, 'did you hate Joe? and I said, 'no, I didn't hate him. just his ways. Yablonski didn't like UMW pensioners, once tried to block our checks by picketing in Washington," Murrah said. The latest persons indicated by the grand jury in Cleveland on charges of conspiring to kill Yablonski is a La Follette native, Mrs Annette Gilly, wife of one of the three men indicted earlier, Paul Gilly. and daughter of Sillius Huddleston, 63, president of La Follette UMW local 3228. The FBI says that some of the plotting against Yablonski's life took place here - allegedly in Huddleston's home, a one story structure that sits on a hill at the end of a dead end street, surrounded by outbuildings, including abandoned chickenhouses.

One of the weapons allegedly used in killing Yablonski may have been stolen from a La Follette doctor, who bought the ..38 caliber Smith and Wesson pistol from Campbell County Sheriff Rose Kilts in 1952. The FBI refuses to comment on the gun; Kitts says there's a "good chance" it is the murder weapon, but won't elaborate. One of the other men indicted, James C. Phillips, is a native of Caryville. The FBI has set up field headquarters in a motel here to continue its investigation.

Huddleston, who has testified before the Cleveland grand jury, tells friends he has been trailed by as many as four FBI men at a time. Convicted of a $475 robbery in 1946, Huddleston served one year of a three year term in a state prison. Since then, he has maintained a clean record. His home is guarded by a large and reportedly vicious dog. His second wife is confined to a wheelchair nside.

Campbell County itself sits in the Cumberland Mountains, an outgrowth of the Appalachians. It borders Kentucky on the north. Full of mountains, picturesque lakes and long valleys, the county's population dwindled from 33,000 in 1950 to 27,000 in 1960 as coal mining decreased. UMW membership took even a greater dive, with 2,200 miners falling to the present level of about 500 as strip-mining and mechanization eliminated the need for miners. Murrah says the local at Caryville has 99 members, 97 of them retirees. In the recent UMW presidential election, incumbent Tony Boyle got 69 votes, Yablonski none. At the La Follette local, according to Guy Swindle, who also testified before the grand jury last week, Boyle got 61 votes and Yablonski only one This local has 75 members - almost all pensioners. most of the local members do not even know Yablonski, and if they did they were against him because he favored the elimination of "pensioner locals"and dropping the eligibility of retirees to vote in union elections. The pensioners' monthly checks rose from $115 to $150 under the Boyle administration - they didn't want to risk future gains by electing Yablonski.

"UMW had no motive in killing Yablonski. He had lost the election; we had won our fight and we expect a $25-a-month increase in our UMW pensions, which now come to $150 month," Murrah said.

Source: Valley Independent, Monessen, Penn.; January 31, 1970
contributed by Angela Meadows

Trace Yablonski Case Pistol to Tennessee
By STEPHEN MORROW CLEVELAND (UPI)One of the murder weapons used in the killing of Unied Mine Workers official Joseph A. "Jock" Yablonski and two of his family may once have been the property of a Tennessee sheriff. Sheriff Rose Kitts of Campbell County, Tenn., said he sold the weapon, a nickel-plated, pearlhandled Smith & Wesson revolver, to a Dr. Lee J. Seargent of Knoxville in 1952. The pistol was stolen from the doctor within the last year. "I'm not supposed to say anything, but there's a good chance the weapon is the same one," the sheriff said in Jacksboro, county seat ofCampbell County. Jacksboro is about five miles from La Follette, Tenn., home of Silius "Sol" Huddleston, father-in-law of Paul Gilly. Gilly is one of three men indicted Thursday in the killing of Yablonski, shot to death with his wife and their daughter in their Clarksville, Pa., home, Dec. 31.

The pistol was fished out of the Monongahela River by Navy scuba divers along with an Ml carbine. Both are undergoing tests by the FBI. According to reports from the scene, Yablonski was shot five times with 38 caliber revolver bullets. His wife was shot twice and his daughter twice, also with .38 caliber bullets. Huddleston and two othermen from the La Follette area are staying in Cleveland over the weekend, preparatory to resuming their secret testimony before the grand jury. Huddleston, who served a prison term for robbery between 1946 and 1949, according to Sheriff Kitts, is a former organizer for District 19 of the UMW, which includes Harlan County, Ky., and Tennessee. One of his two companions, registered with him in a triple room at a downtown hotel, is Guy Windle, 36, recording secretary of the local that includes La Follette. The other man jn the party, as yet unidentified, also is reported to be a UMW member from the La Follette area. The group continued to refuse to answer questions.


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